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Any other carriers partake in this? It's the perfect submissive activity to follow along with giving rides, after all. When you're crouched down behind your rider getting ready to put your head between their legs, it's the perfect moment to stop for a moment, admire their behind, and give it a kiss, before continuing on.
Anyone done this before? Or just the worship in general outside of a shoulder riding context? And if not, is it something you'd be interested in?
You Describe A Very Respectful And Somewhat Shy Way To Worship Your Riders' Butts
But Maybe Is It Just An Invite To Plain Facesitting ? When Your Rider Allows You A Five Minutes Break During Your Ride For Instance ?
ArchivingTrade1221 wrote:
Any other carriers partake in this? It's the perfect submissive activity to follow along with giving rides, after all. When you're crouched down behind your rider getting ready to put your head between their legs, it's the perfect moment to stop for a moment, admire their behind, and give it a kiss, before continuing on.
Anyone done this before? Or just the worship in general outside of a shoulder riding context? And if not, is it something you'd be interested in?
In some exclusive stables it really happened that carriers had to kiss and worship the butts of their riders.
Upper class girls and ladies insisted on this rituals.
It is not shocking at all, IMHO ! It helps everyone tp know his real place, and show his acceptation. That being said, one may kisss the asses and boots of the upper class while working all day long at the stables, but study at nights to try and join a university, get a degree, and thus later join the upper class... The true equality is not an equality of status but of opportunities ... Grab them and get started!
I think it is almost a very old tradition in upper class riding stables that the young stableboys learn intense respect- especially to the female riders.
I myself of course got very often kissed my boots as well as my butts.
And I think this is a perfect expression of respect to me as a girl or young woman.
The stableboy feels his place and it is up to him to go forward.
And for the riding ladies and girls it is an excellent confirmation of their higher status.
Anyway and nevertheless upper class ladies and girls have to defend their position with athletic performance in tournament competitions and they did not get their successes for free.
So, if a rider wants to have kissed his or her boots and even his or her butts , I think it is absolutely okay.
Hi Arianeriding. Please drop me an email on
You're speaking "words of wisdom" dear Ariane, which, unfortunately, are seldom heard among the younger generations. Indeed, simple respect for the ruling class tends to vanish, to say nothing of the "intense respect"that You rightfully mentioned in Your message.
But ...Wo is responsible for this loss of values ? The subordinates, the underlings ? Yes of course but not only : If there is a lack of respect from the inferior classes, it is also because the upper class have given up their primary duty to maintain upper class order in this our world. It is because there are not enough people like Arianeriding in our western world.
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