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#1 2024-09-20 05:56:50

Registered: 2024-09-17
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 47

Failure of carriers?

Have any  men or women  riders  experienced  a carrier  that wasn't up to  the task?   Recently I asked a former  boyfriend to lift me on his shoulders and he failed to even stand up with me sitting on him.  He nearly collapse  while trying and  toppled me off after a few seconds of me  sitting  there.  Yes he is  rather  scrawny  but I'm  only 133 lbs.  and he did agree even if reluctantly.                                                        this happened  several times when I was   younger when  playing chicken fight games at  the beach when  a  heavy girl  chose  a  boy who couldn't lift her on his shoulders. But  this ex boyfriend is a full  grown man and I think he should have been able to take an average woman's weight on  him.  Has this happened to other  riders?



#2 2024-09-20 07:40:35

Bonus member
Male (47), Germany
Registered: 2021-07-16
Last visit: 2024-10-25
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Re: Failure of carriers?

Happened to me in the past. Not often, but at some occasions. Needless to say I wasn't surprised given my weight of about 110Kg. That's a lot and standing up with a rider on top is the most difficult part. When it happened, I suggested to sit down on my mount already standing, ie me standing on a desk or something and then climbing on the shoulders of my mount. Riding was possible all the times then. And yeah, I agree with you that a man should be able to lift an average women up.



#3 2024-09-20 12:00:16

Male (56), austria
Registered: 2012-09-10
Last visit: 2024-09-25
Posts: 137

Re: Failure of carriers?

Yes, i can imagine how frustrating it could be.
Well, i believe a "pro" carrier must be up to the task, but many "regular" guy out there are just too weak to carry a girl.
For me personally, my weight limit is somewhat around 240 lbs, i know that, because it was tested.
But even it was pretty hard, i was very enthusiastic, and tried my best, so i could carry fro 14-15 minutes.
133 lbs should be lightweight for a real carrier.



#4 2024-09-20 15:54:37

Carrier boy
Male (19), India
Registered: 2020-07-02
Last visit: 2024-10-24
Posts: 328

Re: Failure of carriers?

It has never happened to me as I have never been in a situation where the rider is much heavier than me. Being a carrier I have given shoulder rides to people equal to my weight and that was not even challenging.
Although it is common that carrying a heavier person could end up failing but this thing is different in my case as I am always up to challenges in a shoulder rides as I am a carrier from the depth of my heart and I know I can handle much more than I have actually carried although I am not a muscular guy but I really enjoy more and more weight on my shoulders so interest can also be a factor here other than just strength according to my belief. I don't know my limit till now but I am sure that I can handle around 200 lbs on me (I am 150 lbs myself) because I really wish to carry someone with that much weight and want to see how long I survive under them.



#5 2024-09-20 16:02:30

Registered: 2024-09-17
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 47

Re: Failure of carriers?

hvyrider:                                                                                                                              I was seriously  angry at his failure and the awkwardly I landed  when I fell off of him .                 I even slapped him twice out of anger and frustration.  I felt like his failure was an insult  and it brought back memories of when I was at the beach without my boyfriend  and  the other couples there with me  wanted to do chicken fights in the lake.  The other coerced  a boy who didn't have a girl with him to  be my  partner . But that boy was also  weak and a  nerd and  he  never  got up  beyond his knees  and fell down almost as soon as I sat on him. I probably weighed only 110 lbs or so at the time but I was still sitting on top when he fell and everyone laughed at us. I was embarrassed  when  some of the others  joked that I should lose  weight.  I really wanted to hit the boy who failed  me  and I  blamed him for being a weakling, but I still felt like like I was  fat .



#6 2024-09-20 16:12:54

Registered: 2024-09-17
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 47

Re: Failure of carriers?

stalot:                                                                                                                                   The guy who failed me wasn't  a  Carrier and just a guy I  used to date and I did talk  him into trying. I never sat on his shoulders  during the  short time  we were dating , so I  probably shouldn't have been so angry with him. It was just the shock of being toppled off and hitting the floor as I did. I should have known  better because when  we play-wrestled once, he couldn't get me off when I pinned him down.



#7 2024-09-20 16:42:22

Carrier boy
Male (19), India
Registered: 2020-07-02
Last visit: 2024-10-24
Posts: 328

Re: Failure of carriers?

MissBaron wrote:

hvyrider:                                                                                                                              I was seriously  angry at his failure and the awkwardly I landed  when I fell off of him .                 I even slapped him twice out of anger and frustration.  I felt like his failure was an insult  and it brought back memories of when I was at the beach without my boyfriend  and  the other couples there with me  wanted to do chicken fights in the lake.  The other coerced  a boy who didn't have a girl with him to  be my  partner . But that boy was also  weak and a  nerd and  he  never  got up  beyond his knees  and fell down almost as soon as I sat on him. I probably weighed only 110 lbs or so at the time but I was still sitting on top when he fell and everyone laughed at us. I was embarrassed  when  some of the others  joked that I should lose  weight.  I really wanted to hit the boy who failed  me  and I  blamed him for being a weakling, but I still felt like like I was  fat .

Your beach failure reminded me the one happened in front of me when I visited beach with my group. We also planned to play the chicken fight game but we were all friends no couples so there was no fixed pair we all just did random combinations with the boy's carrying the girls. Firstly we played two rounds and in other the rounds there was a pretty light girl on me so we gave a tough competition to other pairs and in the third round me and my friend decided something fun by changing the pairs and making the heaviest girl in the group who was like 75 kg (or 165 lbs) riding on shoulders of our skinniest friend who was like 55 kg (124 lbs). For the first 2 rounds she rode the guy who was strongest in our group so he just said that he is now out of energy and will carry someone lighter for this round and I was also decided with my rider which left only two of them to make a pair. His face clearly gave the expression that how's he gonna do that but we all behaved like there's nothing strange although the girl didn't know it was out plan but she understood it through our behaviour and was really concerned to see what's gonna happen. The guy just went below her and carried her for like half a second with jiggly back before dropping her into water. We all laughed seeing that specially the girl who knew that this round is never going to happen.



#8 2024-09-20 17:55:42

Registered: 2024-09-17
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 47

Re: Failure of carriers?

I was never heavy  but I was always  felt a little bad for  the bigger  girls who got teased about being  fat and especially at the beach at those times when we all liked  playing things like chicken-fights. It wasn't until that incident  when I sat on that  nerd's shoulders that anyone even suggested I was  to heavy and I understood at least a little bit of how those bigger girls felt.  My boyfriend was  stronger than some of the other guys and never  had  trouble  when I sat on his shoulders, so I never experienced that kind of teasing.                   I did push  and shame my  boyfriend  into  giving one of the heavy girls a shoulder  ride.   He was a jock  and it was easy to push  him by  suggesting that he was weak. I secretly told  the biggest girl in our group  to  make it hard for him for the fun of it and it was  really fun to watch. He was  hardly up on his knees when she sat on his shoulders  her butt was  wider than his shoulders and she  put all of her weight on him  as I  asked her to. I kept teasing and insulting him about being weak until he got up on his feet with  the  big girl sitting up there holding onto his hair.   He  only managed to  walk a few yards because of her weight and  being bare foot on the sand and then as we planned , I tripped him so he fell under her. She was ready for the fall but he wasn't so she landed on her feet  before  sitting down on his back. When he fell, his arms broke his fall  but  her weight on his back when she sat down on him pushed him face first into the sand.  I told her to keep sitting on him for a few minutes while I teased  him about being pinned down by a girl.  But he  really couldn't get up and  she was  enjoying  him trying to  push up  and trying to get her off of him.Everyone  was laughing  except  for my  boyfriend.



#9 2024-09-20 21:33:31

Male (26), Kent, UK
Registered: 2023-01-29
Last visit: 2024-09-20
Posts: 18

Re: Failure of carriers?

I once met up with a girl who was about 280lbs. I managed to get her up on my shoulders fairly easily from a sitting position rather than going straight up from the floor. Once she was up there I could carry her for a good long while.

Back when I had a girlfriend though, she claimed to be around 280lbs as well so I thought I'd lift her easily. She looked way bigger than the first girl, but she was a couple of inches shorter so I guessed she just carried things differently. Well, after many attempts I don't think I ever actually managed to get her up there! I kept trying, but she was definitely way heavier than the first girl. I never questioned her on her weight but she'd obviously underestimated herself. With the first girl I could even carry her in my arms for a while. With my ex, she barely moved when I tried lifting her like that. To back it up even more, a little while later I managed to lift two friends, one on each shoulder, who combined were about 310lbs pretty easily.

I've experienced a few failures to lift me as well, but then I'm 400lbs so most of those failures are pretty expected. One day someone might manage it though 😂

Male, UK
Strong carrier, or super heavy rider!



#10 2024-09-21 17:04:09

Registered: 2024-09-17
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 47

Re: Failure of carriers?

LewLifts:                                                                                                             Yes I can certainly imagine that even a very strong man would have a problem  standing up if a 400 lb. man was sitting on his shoulders.             A friend of mine (a woman) weighs  only about 260 lbs.  She coerced one of her  boyfriends into letting her attempt to sit on his shoulders.  At first  he tried from a  standing position  with his head between her thighs from behind   and his legs slightly squatting. He  hardly got  her feet an inch off the ground when she sat down on him  and after 3 attempts   he gave up that position .  She insisted  on trying  with him sitting on a  chair and with her already sitting on his shoulders.               Using his hand to push up on the arms of the chair he managed to only get half way up before he had to sit back down again.                        She refused  to  let him  give up and  he attempted several more times before he was exhausted and nearly doubled over forward with my friend now sitting more on his back until she finally gave up on having him try.  He wasn't exactly a little  guy. I guess about  190 lbs. or so  and  rather athletic .



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