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#1 2024-09-05 23:24:01

Well-trained pony boy
Registered: 2020-09-15
Last visit: 2024-10-23
Posts: 134

The grand Cationo

Today, we have reached the year 2024, but "Grand Cationo" is a hill station that remains largely unexplored by humans. It rains almost daily there, and it takes approximately two days to reach the top of Grand Cationo. For tourists, this place is nothing short of a paradise. There are camps set up at intervals along the way where they can spend the night and enjoy food and drinks. It is believed that this place is filled with romance—the valleys, the breezes, the trees—all these elements fill you with a sense of romance, which is why couples love visiting here.

However, the biggest challenge is the journey to get there, as it involves traversing a mountainous path filled with swamps, mud, and rocks. Since it rains almost every day, the condition of the roads is even worse. Although tourists can walk the path, it would be extremely difficult. Horses and ponies were tried, but even they couldn't manage, so the locals came up with a new concept—human ponyboys. These are boys who are bought at a young age from various countries and trained to become ponyboys, so tourists can sit on their shoulders and make the journey.

Ponyboys are trained just like real horses with all equipment—they follow the bridle, respond to kicks, and obey the whip stick. Not only that, but ponyboys also take care of tourists at the camps, such as giving them body massages, preparing their meals, etc. And since water is not readily available everywhere, ponyboys are trained to clean the tourists' bodies by licking them, as well as clean any dirt from their boots or clothes in the same manner.

At the Grand Cationo station, where the two-day journey to the top begins, tourists are first asked to select their ponyboys. Then, tourists are taught how to ride a ponyboy—how to tug on the bridle to signal them to get on their knees, how to place one leg on their thighs and swing the other over their shoulders to sit on them, how to give them a kick to command them to stand up, and everything else involved. A couple usually selects three ponyboys—one for the male to ride, one for the female to ride, and one to carry their luggage. The ponyboy carrying the luggage has a longer bridle than the one carrying the female, so he follows behind her ponyboy.

Tourists can select any ponyboy they want, but the ponyboys have no choice; they must perform their role regardless of whether the person riding them is male or female, young or old, heavy or light, or if they are chosen to carry luggage.

The morning sun peeked through the thick canopy of trees as a gentle breeze rustled the leaves, carrying with it the scent of damp earth. The Grand Cationo station was bustling with activity, tourists arriving in droves, eager to begin their journey to the top. Among the crowd was a newly married couple, Aisha and Rohan, who had chosen this remote and mysterious destination for their honeymoon.

Aisha, a spirited and assertive woman, looked around with wide eyes, taking in the vibrant green landscape and the exotic beauty of the place. She was dressed in a fitted hiking outfit, her hair tied back in a sleek ponytail. Rohan, her gentle and thoughtful husband, stood beside her, holding their bags, his kind eyes reflecting his excitement and nervousness. He wore a simple yet functional attire, clearly more focused on ensuring Aisha’s comfort than his own.

As they approached the selection area, a local guide greeted them warmly. "Welcome to Grand Cationo! Are you ready to choose your ponyboys and begin your adventure?"

Aisha’s eyes gleamed with excitement. “I’ve read so much about this place. I can’t wait to start!” She turned to Rohan, her voice playful. “Let’s see which ponyboys can handle us.”

Rohan chuckled softly, his gaze affectionate. “I’m sure they’ll be up for the challenge,” he replied, though he was a little apprehensive about the whole concept.The guide led them to a large pen where the ponyboys were lined up, each one standing tall and disciplined, wearing simple harnesses and bridles. Their expressions were stoic, their eyes downcast as they awaited their selection.

Aisha walked along the line, inspecting them with a critical eye. She wanted someone strong and capable, someone who could handle her demands. Her eyes fell on a young man with a muscular build and sharp features. “This one,” she declared, pointing to him. “He looks strong enough to carry me.”

The guide nodded, signaling the chosen ponyboy to step forward. “His name is Arjun. He’s one of our best,” the guide informed them.

Aisha approached Arjun, her tone firm. “I expect you to keep pace, no matter the terrain. Understand?”

Arjun nodded silently, acknowledging her authority. “Yes, ma’am.”

Rohan, meanwhile, was more gentle in his approach. He selected a ponyboy who looked slightly older but had a kind face. “What’s your name?” Rohan asked softly.

“Raj, sir,” the ponyboy responded, his tone respectful.

Rohan smiled. “Raj, I’ll be relying on you for this journey. Let’s take it one step at a time.”

Raj nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Of course, sir. I’ll do my best.”

The couple also selected a third ponyboy, a slender young man named Veer, to carry their luggage. Veer was visibly nervous but determined to do his job well.

With their ponyboys chosen, the guide led Aisha and Rohan to a training area where they would learn how to ride. The area was a wide-open space with soft grass underfoot and a few logs scattered around for practice.

“Alright,” the guide began, “I’ll show you how to mount and ride your ponyboys. It’s important to be firm but gentle, especially on this terrain.”

Aisha, eager to assert her dominance, was the first to try. The guide handed her Arjun’s bridle and instructed her on how to command him.

“Pull on the bridle to signal him to get on his knees,” the guide explained.

Aisha did as instructed, tugging sharply on the bridle. Arjun obediently dropped to his knees, his head bowed.

“Now, place one leg on his thigh and swing the other over his shoulder,” the guide continued.

Aisha executed the move flawlessly, settling onto Arjun’s broad shoulders. She gripped the bridle tightly, her posture straight. “Stand up, Arjun,” she commanded, giving him a gentle kick to signal him to rise.

Arjun stood smoothly, his strong legs balancing Aisha’s weight effortlessly. She adjusted her position slightly, feeling the power in his muscles. “Not bad,” she remarked, a hint of satisfaction in her voice. “I think we’ll make a good team.”

Rohan watched, a bit more hesitant. When it was his turn, he approached Raj with a kind smile. “Ready?” he asked.

Raj nodded, his expression serious. Rohan carefully followed the same steps, but his movements were softer, more considerate of Raj’s comfort. Once he was seated on Raj’s shoulders, he gave a light nudge, and Raj stood up with ease.

“This isn’t so bad,” Rohan said, a hint of relief in his tone. “Are you okay down there, Raj?”

Raj glanced up at him with a brief smile. “I’m fine, sir. You’re a considerate rider.”

Aisha rolled her eyes playfully at Rohan’s gentleness. “Come on, Rohan, don’t baby him. He’s trained for this.And we paid a lot of money to rent the ponyboys.”

Rohan chuckled. “I know, I know. I just want us all to enjoy the journey.”The guide observed Aisha and Rohan as they settled into their positions on their ponyboys' shoulders. With a nod of approval, he continued his instructions. "Now that you’re seated, it’s crucial to make sure you’re comfortable, as the journey ahead is long and challenging. Once your ponyboys are standing, you'll need to adjust your position so that your buttocks rest securely on their shoulders. Also, place your feet on their palms—these will serve as your stirrups, providing stability as you ride."

Aisha, always eager to take control, shifted slightly on Arjun’s shoulders, making sure she was perfectly balanced. She looked down at him, her eyes commanding. "Arjun, hold your palms up properly so I can rest my feet," she ordered.

Arjun obediently lifted his hands, palms upturned to form a secure base for Aisha’s feet. Aisha placed her boots in his palms, feeling the firmness beneath her. She tested the stability by applying a little pressure. "Good, that’s much better," she said, satisfied with the arrangement. "I think we’re ready."

Rohan, meanwhile, was more thoughtful in his approach. He carefully adjusted his seat on Raj’s shoulders, ensuring that both he and Raj were comfortable. "Raj, if anything feels off, let me know," Rohan said, his tone gentle but sincere.

Raj nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, sir. I’ll make sure to keep you balanced."

Rohan then placed his feet on Raj’s palms, feeling the solid support beneath him.Aisha sat confidently atop Arjun's shoulders, her posture radiating authority. Her black boots rested securely in his upturned palms, her body perfectly balanced as if she had been born to this position of dominance. She leaned forward slightly, her fingers lightly brushing Arjun's cheek with a proprietary touch, as if to remind him who was in control. Her long black hair cascaded down her back, framing her face and accentuating her dark, piercing eyes that seemed to hold both power and allure. The contrast between her strong presence and the subservient position of Arjun below her made her appear almost regal—a queen surveying her kingdom from atop her throne.

Rohan, on the other hand, couldn’t help but feel a pang of empathy as he sat on Raj’s shoulders. He adjusted his position once more, careful not to cause any discomfort. The thought of what these ponyboys endured—being bought at a young age, trained to serve in such a physically demanding role, and treated as mere tools—troubled him deeply. He glanced at Raj's face, noticing the stoic expression that barely concealed the weariness beneath.

Seeing the furrowed lines of concern on Rohan's face, Aisha smirked, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “What’s wrong, Rohan? Feeling sorry for them? They’re trained for this. This is their purpose, their job. You need to toughen up a little, darling.”

Rohan didn’t respond immediately. He looked down at Raj again, his thoughts spinning. “I know they’re trained, Aisha,” he finally replied, his voice soft. “But that doesn’t mean they don’t feel pain or exhaustion. They’re human beings too, after all.”

Aisha rolled her eyes, clearly unimpressed with his empathy. “You’re too soft, Rohan. If you keep worrying like that, you’ll ruin your own experience. Just enjoy the ride. After all, we paid for this.”

Before Rohan could respond, the guide’s voice cut through the tension. “Alright, now that you’re both comfortable, it’s time to learn how to control your ponyboys using the bridle. Remember, they will respond to your commands without hesitation. If you pull right, they will turn right. Pull left, and they will go left. If you give them a gentle kick, they’ll start moving forward. It’s important to be clear with your instructions.”

Aisha gripped the bridle in her hand, her expression sharpening with determination. “Arjun, go left,” she commanded, giving the bridle a firm tug to the left. Arjun immediately responded, turning in the direction she had indicated. Aisha smiled, a glint of satisfaction in her eyes. “See? It’s not that hard.”

Rohan, still feeling a bit conflicted, carefully grasped Raj’s bridle. “Raj, let’s try going to the right,” he said, his voice kind but steady. He pulled the bridle gently to the right, and Raj followed the command with practiced ease. Rohan nodded, feeling a bit more comfortable with the control. “Good, Raj. Thank you.”The guide, having observed the couple's progress, approached with a new set of instructions. He handed each of them a small, dangerous-looking whip, the leather cracked and worn from use. “The path ahead is very muddy and filled with water,” he explained. “Sometimes the ponyboys need a little motivation to keep moving. Don’t hesitate to use the whip if necessary.”

Aisha’s eyes sparkled with a mix of excitement and mischief. She took the whip from the guide’s hand, examining it with a satisfied grin. “Got it,” she said, her voice laced with confidence. She leaned forward slightly, her long black hair cascading down in a dark wave. She then lovingly traced the whip over Arjun’s chest, her touch both firm and delicate.

As she did so, she whispered into Arjun’s ear, her tone low and seductive. “Can you see what I have here?” Her voice was a blend of authority and allure, making it clear that she was in complete control. Arjun shivered slightly at her touch but kept his posture steady.

The guide watched the interaction with a chuckle, clearly amused by Aisha’s dramatic flair. His laughter was hearty and genuine. Aisha, catching the guide’s amusement, joined in with a light, carefree laugh. Her laughter was melodic, reflecting her enjoyment of the moment.

Rohan, observing the scene with a mixture of curiosity and concern, glanced at the whip in his own hand. He wasn’t as enthusiastic about using it, but he understood the necessity. He turned to Raj, who looked up at him with a steady gaze. “Raj, just know that I’ll use this only if absolutely necessary. I don’t want to cause you any distress.”

Raj nodded, a hint of gratitude in his eyes. “Thank you, sir. I appreciate that.”The guide, after ensuring the couple was ready, addressed them with a practical piece of advice. “Alright, now that you’re both equipped and comfortable with your ponyboys, let’s put your skills to the test. Complete 10 laps in this training area to get accustomed to controlling your ponyboys. Start at a walking pace and gradually increase to a faster trot or even a full ride. Be aware, though, that as you speed up, you may start bouncing. It’s important to use the ponyboys' hands to ensure a soft landing. Hard landings can cause pain and discomfort to them.”

Aisha’s eyes lit up with determination. “Sounds like a plan. Arjun, let’s show them how it’s done,” she said, giving Arjun a confident pat on the shoulder. She adjusted her position, making sure her grip on the bridle was secure and her feet were comfortably placed on his palms.

Rohan, more cautious, turned to Raj with a reassuring smile. “Let’s take it slow at first, Raj. I’ll follow your lead.”

The guide gave a nod of approval and stepped back to observe. “Remember to gradually increase your speed. Communication with your ponyboys is key. They’re used to this, but it’s your responsibility to make sure they’re comfortable and not in pain.”

Aisha gave Arjun a gentle nudge with her foot. “Let’s start moving,” she commanded. Arjun began walking, his pace steady and smooth. Aisha adjusted her posture, feeling the rhythm of the movement. As Arjun picked up speed to a trot, Aisha felt the bounce begin. She instinctively used the whip to encourage Arjun to maintain a steady pace, but her focus was on keeping her balance and ensuring her buttocks remained comfortably positioned.

Rohan, watching Aisha with a mix of admiration and concern, gave Raj a gentle kick to start walking. Raj complied, his stride measured and deliberate. As Rohan increased the pace, he made sure to use Raj’s hands to stabilize himself. He lightly gripped Raj’s shoulders, ensuring that the bouncing was minimized and the ride remained as smooth as possible.

Aisha’s confidence grew as she managed the bounce effectively. “Arjun, let’s speed up a bit more,” she said, her voice authoritative but clear. Arjun responded, increasing his pace to a full trot. The bouncing became more pronounced, but Aisha carefully adjusted her weight, using the whip only to maintain momentum, not to cause discomfort.

Rohan, meanwhile, took a more cautious approach. He gently encouraged Raj to trot faster, keeping a close eye on his comfort. Whenever Rohan felt the bouncing becoming too intense, he carefully shifted his weight and used Raj’s hands to ensure a softer landing. “Good job, Raj. Just a bit more, we’re almost halfway through.”

The training laps continued, with Aisha and Rohan focusing on their respective ponyboys. Aisha’s natural authority and confidence helped her manage Arjun’s speed and the bouncing with ease. She was quick to use the whip to keep Arjun moving at the right pace, ensuring that her control was effective.

Rohan, though more cautious, managed to keep Raj comfortable and steady. He adjusted his grip and balance as needed, making sure that Raj’s experience was as pleasant as possible. Rohan’s care paid off, as Raj remained steady and responsive throughout the laps.

As the couple neared the completion of their 10 laps, the guide approached them with an approving nod. “Well done, both of you. You’ve managed to get a good feel for riding and controlling your ponyboys. Remember, this will help you greatly on the actual journey.”In the final lap of their training, Aisha decided to make a dramatic impression. She took a firm grip on Arjun's bridle, her voice rising as she shouted, "Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi!" with increasing intensity. Arjun responded with a burst of energy, galloping wildly around the training area. The sound of his hooves echoed through the space, and Aisha’s flowing black hair and curvaceous form bounced rhythmically with the powerful stride. The spectacle was both commanding and captivating, showcasing her dominance and the ponyboy’s impressive speed.

As they completed the lap at full speed, Aisha's triumphant expression made her look every bit the queen of the moment. She reined Arjun in with a sharp pull of the bridle, bringing him to a sudden stop near the guide. The guide, clearly impressed, clapped his hands enthusiastically. “Excellent, Aisha! You’re a natural. Your control and command over your ponyboy are truly impressive.”

Rohan, having finished his laps with a steady pace, approached as well. The guide turned to him with a nod. “Both of you did very well today. You can now head to the hotel to rest and prepare for the journey tomorrow. I’ll handle the arrangements for your stay.”

As the guide busied himself with booking their accommodations, Aisha dismounted from Arjun, who was panting heavily from the exertion. She walked over to him, her hand gently caressing his neck in a soothing gesture. The softness of her touch contrasted sharply with the intense energy of their final lap. Aisha’s other hand rested on her waist, exuding a sense of control and authority even in her moment of relaxation.

Rohan approached Raj, who was also catching his breath. “You did great too, Raj,” Rohan said, offering a warm smile. “Thanks for bearing with me.”

Raj nodded, visibly relieved and appreciative. “Thank you, sir. I hope the journey tomorrow goes well.”

With the final preparations made and the guide’s assurances of a comfortable stay, Aisha and Rohan made their way to the hotel. The night ahead promised rest and readiness for the adventurous journey to the top of Grand Cationo.In their cozy hotel room, Aisha and Rohan sat on the edge of their bed, the soft light from the bedside lamp casting a warm glow around them. The room was comfortably furnished, providing a perfect retreat after a day of rigorous training. The excitement for the journey ahead was palpable, and their conversation was filled with anticipation.

Aisha leaned in closer to Rohan, her eyes twinkling with enthusiasm. “I can’t believe tomorrow is finally here. We’ve worked so hard to get ready for this. I just know it’s going to be an incredible adventure.”

Rohan smiled, his gaze fixed on her with affection. “I’m really looking forward to it too. It’s going to be amazing to explore Grand Cationo together.”

Aisha, caught up in the moment, closed the distance between them and gently pressed her lips to Rohan’s. The kiss was tender and filled with the promise of the experiences yet to come. As they pulled away, their eyes met with a shared sense of excitement and connection.

“Tonight’s our chance to relax and enjoy each other’s company before the journey,” Aisha said, her voice soft and inviting. She reached for Rohan’s hand, intertwining their fingers as they continued to talk about their plans.

The room was filled with the sound of their laughter and the gentle rustle of the luggage that Aisha had packed meticulously for their trip. The large suitcase, overflowing with various essentials, stood in the corner of the room. Aisha’s organizational skills were evident in the way she had packed, ensuring they had everything they might need.

Rohan glanced at the suitcase and then back at Aisha, his tone a mix of concern and humor. “We’ve packed so much. I’m starting to wonder if we’ll be able to fit everything onto the ponyboys. It seems like quite a lot.”

Aisha’s lips curled into a playful smile as she responded confidently. “Who cares? I have a whip, darling.” Her eyes sparkled with mischief, indicating that she was more than ready to handle any challenges that came their way.

Rohan chuckled, shaking his head with a smile. “Well, if anyone can manage it, it’s definitely you.”

The evening continued with the couple enjoying each other’s presence, their conversations blending with moments of quiet intimacy. As they relaxed together, their anticipation for the next day’s journey grew, adding a sense of adventure to their romantic evening.
As the evening progressed, Rohan’s earlier concern about the ponyboys resurfaced. He looked over at Aisha with a thoughtful expression. “I don’t know, Aisha. I keep thinking about the ponyboys. They carry our burden and, honestly, I feel bad for them. Sometimes it seems like we’re mistreating them.”

Aisha, who had been enjoying a light dinner, paused and turned to Rohan. She reached out and grabbed his hand, her tone a mix of reassurance and amusement. “Come on, Rohan. I saw how you were pampering Raj earlier. Are you seriously having second thoughts now? We paid $4,000 for a ponyboy. They’re trained for this job, and it’s what they’re meant to do.”

She gave a small, teasing laugh, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “Besides, if you really think about it, they’re not exactly mistreated. They’re well-fed, well-trained, and they’re doing what they’re trained to do. It’s like hiring a personal chauffeur. You wouldn’t feel guilty for that, would you?”

Rohan’s expression softened a bit, though his concern was still evident. “I guess you’re right. It’s just that I can’t help but feel a bit conflicted.”

Aisha gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. “Look, Rohan, it’s natural to have these feelings, but remember, they’re professionals. They’re doing this because they’re trained and it’s their role. You were kind to Raj, and that’s what matters.”

With the tension eased, they finished their dinner, enjoying the quiet and the intimacy of the moment. The conversation shifted back to lighter topics, their laughter and chatter filling the room.

As the night wore on, they prepared for bed. The cozy hotel room felt like a haven, and they settled under the covers, their earlier discussions fading into the comfortable silence of sleep. The anticipation of the journey ahead mixed with the warmth of their shared moments, creating a peaceful end to their day.The morning sun barely broke through the dense clouds hanging low over Grand Cationo as the rain had just begun to drizzle. The air was crisp, filled with the earthy scent of wet soil and pine needles, creating a serene yet mysterious atmosphere. It was the perfect setting for the journey to begin—a journey that Aisha and Rohan had eagerly anticipated.

Aisha stood in front of the mirror in their hotel room, adjusting her outfit with the precision of someone who knew exactly what effect she wanted to create. Her black leggings hugged her legs like a second skin, emphasizing her toned figure, while the blouse she wore clung to her curves in all the right places. The blouse was just the right blend of form-fitting and loose, giving her the freedom to move while still exuding an undeniable allure. Her long black hair fell in thick waves down her back, nearly brushing her hips, creating a striking contrast against the dark fabric of her outfit. The sunglasses she had chosen for the day reflected the dim light from the window, hiding her eyes but adding an air of mystery to her already commanding presence.

She turned to Rohan, who was packing the last of their essentials into a smaller, more manageable bag. “How do I look?” she asked, her voice a mix of playfulness and confidence.

Rohan glanced up, and his breath caught in his throat for a moment. Aisha looked every bit the goddess she had imagined herself to be. The way she stood, tall and proud, with her head held high and an expression of absolute certainty, made her seem like she was born for this adventure. He smiled, a genuine, loving smile that reached his eyes. “You look incredible, Aisha. Like a queen ready to conquer the world.”

Aisha grinned, pleased with the compliment. “And you, my king, are ready to ride into battle by my side?”

Rohan chuckled, shaking his head. “I don’t know about battle, but I’m definitely ready to ride with you.” He zipped up the bag and slung it over his shoulder, moving to stand beside her. In contrast to Aisha’s striking appearance, Rohan had opted for a more understated look—comfortable cargo pants, a moisture-wicking shirt, and sturdy hiking boots. His outfit was practical, but the softness in his eyes as he looked at Aisha spoke volumes about his admiration for her.Aisha and Rohan made their way down to the lobby, excitement evident in their every step. The early morning light filtered through the large windows, casting a soft glow over the scene. The trio of ponyboys—Arjun, Raj, and Veer—were already prepared and standing by, their harnesses gleaming in the dim light.

Veer, carrying their luggage, stood with a mixture of nervousness and determination. His bridle was longer than the others, allowing him to trail behind Aisha's chosen ponyboy. Arjun and Raj were stationed with their respective bridles, ready to bear the weight of their riders.

Aisha approached Arjun with a confident stride, her outfit perfectly in place. She gave Arjun a playful pat on the shoulder, her smile wide and mischievous. “Ready to make me look fabulous on this journey, Arjun? I hope you’ve been practicing your best poses.”

Arjun's stoic expression remained unchanged, but a hint of embarrassment flickered in his eyes. Rohan, watching from the side, stifled a chuckle. He could tell that Aisha’s bold and carefree nature was both a source of amusement and mild discomfort for the ponyboys.

Rohan, with a more reserved but friendly demeanor, approached Raj. “How are you feeling today, Raj?” he asked, his voice warm and reassuring.

Raj looked up with a steady gaze. “I’m ready, sir. Thank you for asking.”

The guide, observing the interactions, gave a nod of approval. “It’s time to get mounted. Aisha, you’ll start with Arjun, and Rohan, you’ll get on Raj. Remember to apply the training you’ve received.”

Aisha and Rohan nodded, their faces reflecting the seriousness of their commitment to the journey ahead. Aisha’s laughter, however, broke the tension as she joked about how she hoped Arjun wouldn’t get tired of carrying her royal presence. Her remarks, though playful, made the ponyboys shift uncomfortably, their stoic facades showing signs of subtle distress.

Rohan, seeing the effect of Aisha’s jokes, offered a supportive smile to Raj. “Don’t worry, Raj. We’ll take it easy and make sure you’re as comfortable as possible.”

With their ponyboys in place, Aisha and Rohan began the mounting process. Aisha, ever the bold one, took Arjun’s bridle and gave a sharp tug, signaling him to kneel. She smoothly placed one leg on his thigh and swung the other over his shoulder, settling onto his broad back with practiced ease. As she adjusted her position, she gave Arjun an encouraging pat. “All set, Arjun. Let’s show them how it’s done.”

Rohan followed suit, approaching Raj with a gentler touch. He signaled Raj to kneel, carefully mounting and making sure that he was seated comfortably. He placed his feet on Raj’s palms, ensuring he was balanced. “Ready when you are, Raj,” he said, his tone soothing.

With both riders mounted, the guide came over to ensure everything was in order. He hooked Veer’s bridle to the back of Aisha’s ponyboy, creating a clear line of connection. Veer, now attached to Arjun, would follow in their wake, his burden of luggage ensuring that he stayed close.

Aisha’s eyes sparkled with a mix of excitement and mischief. She looked down at Veer, who was positioned behind Arjun. “Veer, I hope you’re ready to keep up. We’ve got a long way to go, and I’m sure you’ll manage just fine.”

Veer’s eyes met Aisha’s with a mix of apprehension and determination. He nodded, trying to keep his focus on the task ahead.Aisha turned around with a sharp, commanding motion and grasped the bridle of Veer, which was hooked to Arjun’s harness. She tugged it forcefully, pulling Veer closer. His face came perilously close to Aisha’s posterior, causing him to momentarily stumble.

Aisha’s voice cut through the morning air with authority. “Veer, keep up the pace. I expect you to stay close. If you fall behind, I’ll have to use the whip to motivate you, whether you like it or not.” Her tone was both stern and playful, making it clear she was in control of the situation.

Veer’s voice came out steady but resigned. “Yes, ma’am.”

With a firm nod from both Aisha and Rohan, they signaled their ponyboys to move forward. Aisha kicked Arjun’s sides gently but decisively, urging him into a brisk trot. Rohan followed suit, applying a similar pressure to Raj. The procession began, the rhythmic sound of hoofbeats echoing in the spacious lobby as they set out on their journey.As Aisha and Rohan rode side by side, their connection was palpable. They chatted amiably, their hands occasionally touching as they navigated the path. The surrounding nature unfolded in a picturesque landscape, and Aisha's presence on the shoulder saddle of Arjun was striking. Her plump figure sat comfortably and majestically, every movement accentuating her role as the leader of their small expedition. Veer followed closely behind, dutifully bearing the load of their luggage and maintaining the expected position of a pack horse.

The first two hours of the journey passed with little incident. The terrain remained flat, allowing them to maintain a steady, fast walk. The rhythmic clop of hooves provided a comforting backdrop to their conversation.

At one point, Aisha decided it was time for a break. She gave Veer's reins a sharp yank, drawing him closer to Arjun. This maneuver allowed her to reach a bottle of water secured at the top of Veer’s front backpack. As she unscrewed the cap and took a refreshing sip, she handed the bottle to Rohan.

“Here you go, Rohan. Stay hydrated!” Aisha said, her voice light and playful.

Rohan took the bottle with a smile. “Thanks, Aisha. I needed that. It’s quite the workout already!”

Once Rohan had finished, Aisha took the bottle back, replaced it in its spot, and removed a glove. She extended her bare hand towards Veer, who instinctively lowered his head and placed a gentle kiss on it. Aisha responded with a soft, approving caress on his face.

“You’re doing well, Veer,” she said, her tone warm and appreciative. “I do love seeing such obedience.”

Veer looked up, his expression a mix of gratitude and devotion. “Thank you, ma’am.”

With a determined look, Aisha then applied her spurs with a firm but controlled pressure against Arjun’s bare abdomen. The immediate reaction from Arjun was a swift acceleration, and the trot quickly turned into a fast pace.

“Alright, let’s pick it up!” Aisha called out, her excitement evident as the landscape blurred by.

Rohan followed suit, nudging Raj with a gentle kick to match their increased speed. “Let’s go, Raj! Keep up with Arjun and Veer!”As they continued their fast pace, the landscape began to change, with rolling hills giving way to a lush, verdant valley. The distant sound of rushing water grew louder, and soon a majestic waterfall came into view. The cascading water sparkled in the sunlight, creating a breathtaking scene that seemed to demand a pause.

Aisha, her excitement barely contained, called out to Rohan. “Let’s stop here! This place is absolutely stunning.”

Rohan nodded, guiding Raj to slow down and come to a stop near the waterfall. Aisha signaled Arjun and Veer to halt as well. Arjun, responding to Aisha’s cues, gradually brought his trot to a gentle walk before coming to a stop. Veer followed suit, coming to a careful halt behind Arjun.
Aisha adjusted her weight on Arjun’s back, her plump figure shifting slightly to ensure comfort. She turned to Rohan, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. “Isn’t this just the most romantic spot? I love the way the water sparkles, don’t you?”

Rohan smiled, feeling the same sense of awe. He gently pulled Raj’s bridle to bring the pony closer to Aisha. Their eyes met, and in a moment of shared affection, they leaned in for a kiss. The kiss was soft and tender, their connection momentarily more intimate amidst the backdrop of nature's beauty.

Veer, standing behind them, couldn’t help but witness the tender exchange. Despite his role as a ponyboy, he appreciated the serene and romantic atmosphere, a stark contrast to the exertions of their journey.

After a few moments, Aisha broke the kiss with a smile. “That was lovely, but we have to keep moving. Our first camp is still a bit further, and we can’t afford to be late.”

Rohan nodded in agreement, his expression still glowing with the aftereffects of their kiss. “You’re right. Let’s get going.”

She gave Arjun a gentle nudge to signal the start. “Alright, let’s continue. We have an adventure awaiting us!”

Rohan followed suit, guiding Raj forward. “Come on, Raj. Let’s keep up with Arjun and Veer.”As the breathtaking waterfall receded into the distance, Aisha and Rohan resumed their journey with renewed vigor. Aisha’s excitement was palpable as she prepared to increase their pace once more.

She gave Arjun a firm nudge with her spurs, pressing them into his bare abdomen. The sudden jolt prompted Arjun to accelerate, his trot quickly transforming into a fast, rhythmic pace. The sensation of the increased speed sent a rush of exhilaration through Aisha.

Her beautiful boots were firmly planted atop Arjun’s hands, which served as her human stirrups, a customary arrangement in their journey. With each stride, Aisha could feel the smooth, controlled motion of Arjun beneath her. She reveled in the feeling of absolute dominance, her body moving in harmony with the powerful animal beneath her. The sensation of being carried, along with her possessions, highlighted her superior position.

Rohan, riding behind Aisha, noticed something unusual. The bouncing motion of Aisha’s body was more pronounced than usual. Instead of using her feet to soften the impact of the trot, she seemed to be bouncing quite hard against Arjun’s shoulders. This made the ride visibly uncomfortable, not just for Arjun but likely for Rohan as well.

“Hey Aisha,” Rohan called out, his voice tinged with concern. “I’ve noticed you’re bouncing pretty hard up there. Maybe you should try to adjust your position a bit.”

Aisha, momentarily surprised, turned her head slightly. “What’s the matter, Rohan?”

“You’re not really using your feet to absorb the shock. It’s making the ride a bit rougher,” Rohan explained. “Maybe you should ease up a little?”

Aisha chuckled softly, but there was a hint of impatience in her voice. “Oh, I see what you mean. I’m just enjoying the ride and the feeling of dominance. But if it’s bothering you too, I suppose I could make an adjustment.”

Rohan, trying to be supportive, added, “It’s not just about me. I’m concerned for Arjun too. Maybe you could be a bit gentler?”

Aisha considered this for a moment, her playful demeanor softening. “Alright, I’ll make it a bit smoother. But don’t think I’m going to lose the thrill of being in control.”

With that, Aisha adjusted her position slightly, shifting her weight to lessen the impact on Arjun. She also started using her feet more effectively to balance the bounce. The ride became noticeably smoother, and Arjun seemed to move with more ease.

“Thanks for pointing that out,” Aisha said, her tone warmer. “Let’s keep going.”

Rohan smiled appreciatively. “Much better. Let’s get to the camp, then. We’ve got a bit more ground to cover.”



#2 2024-09-06 11:12:25

Male (50), FRANCE
Registered: 2013-07-27
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 43

Re: The grand Cationo

Thank you very much for your very promising story. I can't wait to see what happens next. The ponies are certainly going to suffer a lot. Aisha seems totally merciless to the suffering and well-being of the ponies. On the contrary, their suffering and fatigue give her sadistic pleasure. What are the weights and sizes of the riders, please? Thank you very much!



#3 2024-09-11 23:27:00

Well-trained pony boy
Registered: 2020-09-15
Last visit: 2024-10-23
Posts: 134

Re: The grand Cationo

Aisha and Rohan continued their journey, the beautiful landscape of Grand Cationo unfolding before them. The sun filtered through the dense canopy of trees, casting a dappled light across the path. The air was fresh, carrying with it the scent of rain-soaked earth and wildflowers. As they rode, the couple engaged in light-hearted conversation, their banter blending with the soothing rhythm of the ponyboys’ footsteps.

“Look at this place,” Aisha said, her eyes wide with wonder. “It’s like something out of a dream. We’ve barely scratched the surface, and I already feel like we’re in paradise.”

Rohan smiled, his gaze drifting to the lush green valleys below. “It really is incredible. I didn’t think any place could feel this untouched, especially in 2024.”

Aisha leaned slightly forward, giving Arjun a gentle pat on his shoulder. “And we’ve got these hardworking ponyboys to thank for getting us here.”

Rohan chuckled softly. “Yeah, though I still feel a little strange about it. I mean, riding them like this—”

“Don’t start with that ‘babying them’ stuff again,” Aisha interrupted playfully. “They’re trained for this. It’s their job, and they’re good at it. Besides, we’re paying a premium for this experience. We should enjoy it.”

Rohan nodded, though the concern in his eyes lingered. “I just want to make sure we’re treating them fairly, you know? I don’t want to make the journey harder for them than it needs to be.”

Aisha rolled her eyes with a smile. “You’re too soft sometimes, Rohan. It’s sweet, but you need to toughen up. These guys are stronger than you think.”

To emphasize her point, Aisha nudged Arjun lightly with her heels, signaling him to pick up the pace. Arjun responded immediately, quickening his steps as the path began to climb again. The movement caused Aisha to bounce slightly in her seat, but she didn’t mind. In fact, she enjoyed the sensation of control, her posture firm and confident.

“See? He’s handling it just fine,” Aisha said with a grin. “You’ve got to trust them more.”

Rohan, riding a bit more cautiously atop Raj, couldn’t help but laugh. “I trust them, Aisha. I just think there’s a balance between enjoying the ride and pushing them too hard.”

They fell into a comfortable rhythm after that, the scenery providing ample distraction. The towering trees, with their thick trunks and sprawling branches, created a natural tunnel that framed the winding path ahead. Occasionally, small clearings revealed sweeping views of the surrounding mountains, the mist rising from the valleys below, making the entire place feel like it was suspended in time.

As they passed a particularly stunning overlook, Aisha slowed Arjun to a stop. “Wow, look at that!” she exclaimed, gesturing to the view. The sun was just beginning to set, casting a golden hue over the landscape. The clouds below them glowed with soft pinks and oranges, creating a breathtaking contrast with the deep green of the mountains.

Rohan guided Raj to stop next to her, and they both took in the view, the silence between them filled with the sound of distant waterfalls and the gentle rustling of leaves.

“This is why I wanted to come here,” Aisha said softly, her voice filled with awe. “It’s like the whole world has disappeared, and it’s just us.”

Rohan turned to her, his expression tender. “I’m glad we came too. This place really is magical.”

They sat like that for a while, their ponyboys standing patiently beneath them, their breath even and calm. Aisha reached out, her fingers brushing against Rohan’s arm. “You know, this trip has been so romantic already. I can’t imagine what else is in store for us.”

Rohan leaned in closer, his hand finding hers. “As long as we’re together, it’ll be perfect.”

For a moment, they simply sat there, lost in each other’s presence, the grandeur of Grand Cationo stretching out before them. Then, Aisha’s playful side reemerged.

“Alright, lovebirds,” she said, her tone teasing as she tugged on Arjun’s bridle. “We’ve got more ground to cover before we get to the camp. Let’s not get too soft.”

Rohan laughed, shaking his head. “There you go again, not letting me baby the ponyboys.”

Aisha winked at him. “Someone’s got to keep you in line.hi hi boy movie u motherfucker hi”

With a shared laugh, they nudged their ponyboys forward, the sound of their playful banter filling the air once more as they continued their journey through the magical hills of Grand Cationo. The sun began to set, casting long shadows on the ground, and the excitement of the next part of their adventure hung in the air, thick with the promise of more romantic moments to come.

As the sun began to dip lower in the sky, casting a golden hue over the dense greenery, Aisha and Rohan finally spotted their first camp. The rushing sound of a nearby river accompanied by the chirping of birds created an enchanting atmosphere, making the journey worthwhile.

"Look, Rohan!" Aisha pointed ahead. "There it is—the camp by the river. This is going to be perfect."

Rohan smiled, admiring the view as well. "It’s beautiful. Let’s take a break and enjoy this."

As they neared the camp, Aisha gave Arjun’s bridle a gentle tug, signaling him to stop. Simultaneously, Rohan pulled lightly on Raj’s bridle. The ponyboys obediently came to a halt, kneeling so their riders could dismount. Aisha swung her leg gracefully over Arjun's shoulders and hopped off, her boots landing softly on the grass. Rohan followed suit, dismounting Raj with the same care and thanking him quietly.

While Aisha stretched her legs and breathed in the crisp air, the ponyboys immediately set to work, preparing the camp for their evening. Veer began unpacking their bags, laying out a tent, while Raj and Arjun gathered firewood and started setting up a cooking area. The camp was situated near the river, the water glistening under the fading light of the sun.
As Aisha and Rohan continued to enjoy the serene setting by the river, they found themselves enveloped in a warm, romantic conversation. The gentle rustle of the leaves and the soothing sound of the flowing water seemed to enhance the intimacy of their moment.

“I’ve been thinking,” Rohan began, his voice low and tender, “about how lucky we are to have these moments together. It’s not just the adventure, but the simple pleasure of being with you.”

Aisha looked up at him, her eyes reflecting the soft light of the late afternoon. “I feel the same way. There’s something magical about being here, away from everything, just focusing on us.”

Their conversation continued in a soft, loving tone, their words punctuated by smiles and gentle touches. The moment was interrupted when Veer approached, holding two steaming cups of coffee.

“Here you go,” Veer said, presenting the cups with a respectful bow. “For you, mistress and master.”

Aisha took a cup with a grateful smile. “Thank you, Veer. That’s very kind of you.”

As Veer prepared to retreat, Aisha had a sudden thought. “Veer, could you please massage my shoulders? The ride has left me a bit tense.”

Veer nodded, moving behind Aisha with practiced ease. His hands began to work on her shoulders, applying a steady, soothing pressure. Aisha sighed in contentment, her body relaxing under the gentle massage. Rohan, watching the scene, felt a deep sense of connection and affection.

Feeling the shift in the atmosphere, Rohan leaned closer to Aisha. Their lips met in a tender kiss, soft and lingering. The kiss was a gentle expression of their love, heightened by the tranquility of their surroundings.

As Aisha’s hair fell forward, partially obscuring her face, she turned to Veer. “Hold my hair back for a moment, Veer. And just stand there.”

Veer moved to comply, carefully gathering Aisha’s long, dark hair and holding it back from her face. His presence was almost invisible, but his role was crucial in maintaining the romantic ambiance of the moment.

With her hair secured, Aisha leaned into Rohan’s embrace, their closeness accentuated by the peaceful environment. They sat together, savoring the simple pleasure of each other’s company and the serenity of their riverside retreat. The sounds of the flowing water and the gentle pressure of Veer’s hands combined to create a perfect moment of tranquility and connection
Aisha, feeling the exhilaration of the journey and the beauty of the surroundings, turned to Rohan with a smile that was both grateful and filled with warmth. “I can’t believe how amazing this has been so far. This place, this view—it's even more magical than I imagined.”

Rohan wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close as they gazed at the river. “I’m glad you’re enjoying it, Aisha. I knew this would be something special for us.”

She leaned into him, her voice softening. “It’s not just the view, though. Riding the ponyboys, feeling their strength beneath us, and being able to relax like this while they take care of everything—it’s been more comfortable than I expected. I never thought shoulder riding would be this smooth. It’s like I’m gliding above the ground, totally at ease.”

Rohan chuckled softly. “I told you it would be an adventure. And the romance doesn’t hurt either, does it?”

Aisha’s eyes sparkled. “Not at all. The whole experience—the breeze, the forest, the way we’re traveling—everything feels so… intimate. I feel connected to you in a whole new way. And the shoulder-riding? It just makes it all the more unique.”

As the sky darkened and the stars began to twinkle overhead, the ponyboys finished setting up the tent and building a small fire by the riverside. The crackling flames illuminated the camp, casting long shadows across the trees and water. Arjun and Raj started cooking, while Veer made sure the tent was secure and their belongings were organized.

Aisha and Rohan sat by the fire, side by side, the warmth of the flames wrapping around them like a blanket. Aisha turned to Rohan, her gaze soft. “I’m so glad we came here. This has been the perfect honeymoon, and it’s only the first day. I feel like we’ve already created memories that will last a lifetime.”

Rohan kissed her forehead gently. “Me too, Aisha. It’s been everything I hoped for—and more. I can’t wait to see what the rest of the trip has in store for us.”

As the evening progressed, they continued to bask in the romantic atmosphere, watching the firelight dance across the water. The sounds of the river and the forest around them created a serene soundtrack to their perfect moment, and they knew that the adventure had only just begun.

As the fire crackled and the evening deepened into night, Aisha and Rohan remained nestled together, their thoughts drifting toward the adventure that lay ahead. The warmth of the fire and the sounds of nature lulled them into a peaceful calm, and the day’s journey slowly caught up with them.

Eventually, Rohan stretched and looked over at Aisha, a playful smile tugging at his lips. “We should probably get ready for bed. It’s been a long day.”

Aisha nodded, feeling the same sense of contentment. “You’re right. Let’s put on our night suits and settle in.”

She stood and walked over to Veer, who had been diligently organizing their supplies. With a gentle motion, she grabbed his leash and gave him a soft tug, signaling for him to follow her. Veer stood, obedient and attentive, and followed Aisha as she led him to the tent.

“Veer, help me with my night suit,” Aisha said softly, her tone kind but firm. She handed him the folded fabric, and with swift precision, Veer began to help her change. Aisha pulled off her riding gear, her movements graceful and unhurried as she stood before the ponyboys, completely at ease. With Veer’s assistance, she slipped into her night suit—a soft, flowing garment that contrasted the ruggedness of their surroundings.

Meanwhile, Rohan had called Raj over to assist him as well. In the same calm and relaxed manner, he changed in front of the group, donning his own night suit. It was clear from their demeanor that Aisha and Rohan were accustomed to the ponyboys’ presence, viewing them as extensions of their experience rather than mere servants.

Once they were both dressed, Aisha smiled at Veer and gently patted his head in appreciation. “Thank you, Veer,” she said warmly, before turning to rejoin Rohan by the fire.

Dinner had been prepared while they changed, and the aroma of freshly cooked food filled the air. Raj and Arjun served the meal, making sure everything was perfect. Aisha and Rohan sat down to eat, the soft flicker of the fire providing a cozy ambiance as they enjoyed their dinner by the riverside.

“This has been perfect,” Aisha said between bites, her eyes meeting Rohan’s. “Every detail. I couldn’t have imagined a more special way to start our honeymoon.”

Rohan reached across the table and took her hand. “It’s only going to get better from here,” he promised, his voice low and filled with affection.

Once dinner was finished and the plates had been cleared, Aisha and Rohan stood up, ready to retire to their tent. The ponyboys quietly tidied the campsite as the couple walked hand in hand toward their tent, the night air cool against their skin.

Inside the tent, the atmosphere was intimate and quiet. The soft glow of a lantern cast a warm light over the interior, and the sound of the nearby river was a soothing backdrop to their private world. Aisha turned to Rohan, her expression tender.

“This is just the beginning, isn’t it?” she asked, her voice soft and full of emotion.

Rohan stepped closer, his arms wrapping around her waist. “It is,” he whispered, his lips brushing against hers.

With that, they shared a kiss, sealing the moment in the glow of the lantern light, the first night of their honeymoon stretching ahead of them as a beautiful, private celebration of their love. Outside, the ponyboys remained quietly vigilant, knowing that their role was to ensure the couple’s comfort and peace, while Aisha and Rohan fully embraced the magic of their evening.
At 3 AM, the tranquil night was interrupted by the soft rustle of the tent's fabric. Aisha and Rohan, having been woken from their sleep by a gentle, rhythmic drumming of raindrops on the tent, decided to step outside and embrace the serene drizzle. The air was cool, and the scent of rain on the forest floor was refreshing.

Hand in hand, they walked over to where their ponyboys, Arjun and Raj, were sleeping soundly under a tree. The faint glow of the moonlight filtered through the trees, casting a gentle light on their resting forms.

Aisha gently shook Arjun’s shoulder. “Wake up, boys,” she whispered, her voice playful despite the hour. Rohan did the same with Raj, who stretched and blinked sleepily at the disturbance.

“Wanna ride?” Aisha asked with a mischievous grin.

Without waiting for a response, she swung herself onto Arjun’s back, settling comfortably. Rohan followed suit, mounting Raj with a sense of adventure. They sat atop their ponyboys, feeling the soft, damp fur beneath them, and Aisha suddenly remembered something.

“Oops, without bridles, how are we going to guide them?” she mused aloud.

Rohan chuckled and reached forward, gently grabbing Arjun and Raj’s ears. “Through this,” he said with a grin. He gave a gentle kick and added, “Hi hi hi boys!”

Aisha laughed, her eyes sparkling with amusement. “Oh, sometimes just talking works too.”

They both burst into laughter, the sound echoing softly through the forest. The rain continued to fall lightly, adding a magical ambiance to the night. The ponyboys, sensing their riders' cheerful mood, started walking forward, their steps steady and sure.

Aisha and Rohan guided Arjun and Raj toward the river, the water shimmering under the muted moonlight. The light drizzle created a delicate mist that danced on the surface of the river, enhancing the night’s enchantment. As they reached the riverbank, they stopped and let the ponyboys graze peacefully, their tails swishing contentedly.

Sitting atop Arjun and Raj, Aisha and Rohan gazed at the river, its gentle flow reflecting the light rain. The surroundings were peaceful, the only sounds being the quiet rustle of the leaves and the soft splashing of the river.
Aisha adjusted her position on Arjun’s shoulder, her eyes scanning the serene riverbank. “Arjun, move a bit to the left; I need to get closer to my husband,” she requested.

But Arjun, accustomed to responding to the bridle, didn’t move. Aisha decided to take matters into her own hands. She gently grabbed Arjun’s left ear and gave it a slight tug while simultaneously giving him a soft kick. “Hi hi Arjun!” she encouraged.

Arjun let out a soft sound of acknowledgment and, with a bit of a sudden jerk, shifted to the left, bringing Aisha right next to Raj. The unexpected movement made both Aisha and Rohan burst into laughter, their joyous echoes mingling with the sounds of the rain.

Aisha leaned over and petted Raj affectionately. “Good boy,” she murmured with a smile.

Rohan took advantage of their close proximity and leaned in to kiss Aisha. The kiss was tender and filled with the warmth of the moment. When they finally pulled away, Aisha looked into Rohan’s eyes and said softly, “Tonight is the best night of my life. You’ve been amazing in every way.”

Rohan’s eyes sparkled with happiness. “Thank you, Aisha. Hearing that means the world to me.”

With their hearts full and their spirits high, Aisha and Rohan signaled to the ponyboys. “Let’s head back to the tent,” Rohan suggested.

Aisha nodded in agreement, and together they guided Arjun and Raj back towards their camp. The journey was peaceful, the rain now a gentle mist that added to the night's ambiance. As they arrived at the tent, the comforting glow of the lanterns inside beckoned them.

They entered the tent, removed their wet clothing, and settled into their cozy sleeping bags. Exhausted but content, they fell asleep quickly, wrapped in each other’s arms, the sounds of the rain providing a soothing lullaby to end their perfect night.

The next morning, around 11 AM, the sun peeked through the clouds, casting a soft, golden light over the camp. Aisha and Rohan were preparing for the next part of their journey, energized after a peaceful night under the stars. Aisha stepped out of the tent, her white mesh night suit glistening in the daylight. The thin fabric did little to hide her curvy figure, and the black panties underneath were clearly visible. Her chest, free from the restraint of a bra, moved with each step, a casual yet confident stride that matched her mood.

Rohan followed, dressed simply in a t-shirt and underwear, his figure lean but fit. Though lighter than Aisha, he moved with an easy grace. The morning felt calm, the air crisp, and the adventure ahead beckoning them forward.

The ponyboys—Arjun, Raj, and Veer—stood ready, their bodies strong and poised for the journey. The gear had been secured, with Veer carrying most of the luggage, his broad shoulders and steady gait making him the perfect pack ponyboy. Spurs glinted on the heels of Aisha and Rohan’s boots, adding a playful but commanding edge to their attire.

Aisha smiled as she approached Arjun, admiring the way he stood tall and ready for her. “Well, I think it’s time to ride again,” she said, her voice filled with anticipation.

Rohan nodded, adjusting the spurs on his boots. “Definitely. We’ve got a whole day of adventure ahead.”
The morning sun warmed the camp as Aisha and Rohan prepared for the next stage of their journey. With their gear packed and spirits high, they approached their ponyboys. Aisha, her figure accentuated by her white mesh night suit, moved with a confident grace. Rohan, in contrast, wore a simple t-shirt and underwear, his lean figure fitting comfortably with the adventure ahead.

Arjun, Raj, and Veer stood ready, their bodies taut and poised for the day's journey. Veer, with his strong build, carried the majority of the luggage. The spurs on Aisha and Rohan’s boots glinted as they prepared to mount.

Aisha approached Arjun with a playful smirk. “Time to get back to it, Arjun,” she said, pulling the bridle to signal him to kneel. Arjun complied, dropping to his knees with a smooth, practiced motion. Aisha swung her leg over his shoulders, settling comfortably on his back. She gave him a gentle nudge with her feet, signaling him to rise. Arjun stood with ease, supporting Aisha's weight effortlessly.

Rohan followed, gently pulling Raj’s bridle to encourage him to kneel. Rohan mounted with care, placing his feet on Raj’s palms and giving him a reassuring pat. “All set, Raj?” he asked softly. Raj stood up steadily, carrying Rohan with a calm grace.

Veer’s bridle was attached to Aisha’s saddle, ensuring he stayed close. Aisha held a whip in one hand, ready to use it if needed. As they began their journey, Veer trailed closely behind, his view dominated by Aisha’s buttocks and the occasional glimpse of her hair as she moved.
As the journey continued, Aisha and Rohan found themselves increasingly immersed in the beauty of Grand Cationo. The views were nothing short of spectacular, with misty valleys, towering cliffs, and the ever-present sound of distant waterfalls. The air was cool and crisp, invigorating them with every breath.

Aisha leaned forward on Arjun's broad shoulders, her excitement evident in her voice. “Look at that, Rohan! The mountains almost seem to touch the sky. Isn't it just magical?” She adjusted her grip on the bridle, her posture tall and confident as they galloped along the path.

Rohan, keeping a steady pace on Raj, nodded, but his focus remained on Aisha. “Yeah, it really is beautiful. But I have to say, I’m more impressed by how well you’re handling everything. You look like you’ve been riding ponyboys for years.”

Aisha laughed, the sound light and teasing. “Well, what can I say? I’m a natural. But, Rohan,” she added, her tone growing more serious, “you’re being way too soft with Raj. You’ve got to show them who’s in charge. Don’t baby them—they’re trained for this.”

Rohan glanced down at Raj, noticing how smoothly he was moving beneath him. He had been careful to keep his commands gentle, not wanting to overexert Raj. “I don’t know, Aisha. I think it’s important to make sure they’re comfortable too.”

Aisha rolled her eyes playfully. “Oh, come on! You’re not here to make friends with the ponyboys. You’re their owner, at least for this trip. You have to be firm. Give them a good kick when you need to, and make sure they know you’re the one in control. Trust me, it’ll make the ride more fun for both of us.”

Rohan hesitated for a moment, then smiled. “Alright, alright. I’ll be firmer.” He gave Raj a slight nudge with his heels, and to his surprise, Raj immediately picked up the pace, responding eagerly to the command.

“There you go!” Aisha exclaimed. “See? They’re just waiting for direction. Now let’s have some fun.” She tightened her grip on the bridle and gave Arjun a swift kick, sending him into a gallop. The sudden burst of speed made her laugh with delight as the scenery flew past them.

Rohan, not wanting to be left behind, followed suit. He gave Raj another nudge, this time harder, and Raj broke into a faster pace. The feeling of the wind rushing past them, the rhythmic bouncing of the ride, and the sight of Aisha’s joyous expression made it all feel like an exhilarating game.

The sound of their laughter echoed through the hills as they raced along the path. The bouncing became more pronounced as they rode faster, and Rohan found himself enjoying the thrill of the gallop. Aisha’s confidence, her control over Arjun, and the playful way she teased Rohan filled the moment with a sense of carefree fun.

Meanwhile, Veer struggled to keep up, the weight of the luggage slowing him down, but no one seemed to notice or care. His eyes were focused solely on the path ahead, his breath coming in short gasps as he followed Arjun’s every step. Aisha glanced back occasionally, but only to ensure Veer hadn’t fallen too far behind. She was more interested in the fun she was having than the difficulty Veer was experiencing.

“Come on, Veer!” Aisha called back with a grin. “You’re doing great. Just a little faster!” She knew he didn’t have much of a choice, but the thrill of the ride made her less concerned with his comfort.

Rohan, noticing Veer’s struggle, leaned closer to Aisha. “Maybe we should slow down for Veer. He’s got all our stuff, after all.”

Aisha waved a hand dismissively. “Oh, he’ll be fine. They’re trained for this, remember? Just enjoy the ride. We’re here to have fun, not worry about the ponyboys.”

Rohan shrugged and smiled. “Alright, I guess you’re right.” He gave Raj another firm nudge, sending him into a faster gallop. The adrenaline of the ride, the breathtaking views, and Aisha’s playful encouragement made it hard to focus on anything else.

As they galloped through the winding paths, bouncing with each stride, Rohan and Aisha exchanged playful banter. The connection between them grew stronger, the shared excitement making the experience feel almost like a dance. The romantic atmosphere of Grand Cationo—the mist, the rolling hills, the gentle sway of the trees—only heightened the sense of intimacy between them.

At one point, Aisha leaned over, her face flushed with exhilaration. “I told you this place was full of romance! We’re practically floating through paradise.”

Rohan reached out, catching her hand for a brief moment before returning it to the reins. “You were right. This is incredible. And I have to admit, you make one hell of a leader.”

Aisha grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “I know. And remember, we’re in control here. The ponyboys are just part of the experience. Now, let’s see if you can keep up with me.”

With that, she kicked Arjun into an even faster gallop, her laughter ringing out as she sped ahead. Rohan, determined to match her, followed, pushing Raj to his limits. The two of them raced through the hills, their joy evident in every bounce and turn, while Veer, struggling to keep pace, trailed behind with the luggage, quietly enduring the hardships of the journey.

The terrain was challenging, and after covering about 400 meters, the path led them to a river. The rushing water was a daunting obstacle, and Aisha’s expression hardened as she prepared for the crossing. She pulled on Arjun’s bridle, signaling him to slow down as they approached the water’s edge.

Rohan, riding behind Aisha, spoke encouragingly to Raj. “Good boy, Raj. We’ll get through this together,” he said softly, giving him a gentle nudge with the whip.

Aisha, on the other hand, was less gentle. She raised her whip, her tone stern as she addressed Arjun. “If I get even a little wet, you’ll be punished,” she warned. She gave Arjun a firm kick and a sharp crack of the whip, making it clear she expected no delay.

Arjun stepped into the river with a careful, measured pace. The water splashed around his legs, but he continued forward with determination. Aisha kept a close eye on him, her grip on the whip tight and ready.

Veer, trailing closely, had no choice but to follow the path determined by Aisha’s commands. As he followed behind, his view remained largely restricted to Aisha’s backside. The cold water and the occasional rough jostle made the journey more taxing, but he maintained his pace, driven by the fear of Aisha’s potential punishment.

Rohan glanced over at Aisha, his concern evident. “Maybe ease up a bit, Aisha. We don’t want to push them too hard.”

Aisha’s gaze remained fixed ahead, her demeanor unyielding. “Rohan, they’re trained for this. There’s no need to baby them. We paid a lot for this service, and they need to perform.”

Rohan sighed but kept his focus on Raj, continuing to encourage him with a kind tone. “You’re doing great, Raj. Just a bit further.”

The journey through the river was challenging, but the ponyboys, despite the varying levels of treatment, persevered. The crossing marked a significant milestone, and as they emerged on the other side, the landscape began to open up, promising new sights and experiences ahead.

As they emerged from the river and onto the open trail, Aisha and Rohan settled into a slower pace, enjoying the stunning landscape around them. Tall, rugged mountains framed the horizon, their peaks dusted with snow that glistened under the soft sunlight. Lush green trees lined the path, their leaves rustling gently in the breeze. Birds flew overhead, their songs adding a peaceful melody to the quiet ambiance of the forest.

Aisha reached out and clasped Rohan’s hand, their fingers entwining as they rode side by side. They shared a soft smile, the romance of the moment not lost on either of them. The scenery was breathtaking, a perfect backdrop for their journey, and the stillness of the world around them only deepened the connection they felt.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Rohan said softly, his gaze sweeping over the landscape before settling back on Aisha.

“Absolutely,” Aisha agreed, her eyes bright as she took it all in. “Moments like these make the whole journey worth it.”

They continued to ride slowly, allowing themselves to get lost in the serenity of the mountains. The ponyboys beneath them—Arjun, Raj, and Veer—moved steadily, carrying the weight of their riders with quiet endurance. Aisha's 72 kg frame and Rohan's lighter 65 kg build tested their strength, but they pressed on without faltering, determined to fulfill their role.

For Aisha and Rohan, the ride was leisurely, every movement fluid and easy as the ponyboys did the heavy lifting. The rhythmic rise and fall of the ground beneath them gave them a sense of peace, their focus entirely on the beauty around them and the closeness they shared.

Arjun, carrying Aisha, strained slightly under her weight, but his steps remained firm. His muscles ached, the load of her body combined with the gear adding extra pressure with each step. Still, he kept a steady pace, driven by the whip at Aisha’s side and her sharp commands earlier. The feeling of her body shifting on his back as she held hands with Rohan was a reminder of his position—mere transportation for her comfort.

Veer, attached to Aisha’s saddle by the leash, had it worse. The weight of the gear strapped to his back made the journey even more challenging, but he pressed forward, head down, focusing on maintaining his balance and keeping in line.

Rohan, while softer in his treatment of Raj, was still aware of the effort it took to carry him. “Good boy,” Rohan said occasionally, patting Raj’s head as he moved with deliberate steps.

The scenery continued to unfold in front of them like a painting, each turn in the trail revealing new vistas of majestic mountains and ancient trees. The forest canopy allowed golden beams of sunlight to filter through, casting dappled shadows on the ground, creating a magical atmosphere.

As they rode deeper into the wilderness, Aisha tightened her grip on Rohan’s hand. “We’re lucky, you know,” she said softly, her voice filled with gratitude. “To be able to experience this together.”

Rohan nodded, squeezing her hand gently. “Yeah, we are.”

For the next stretch of their journey, they rode in comfortable silence, enjoying the beauty of nature and the romance of their adventure. For Aisha and Rohan, it was a moment of pure bliss. For the ponyboys, it was just another test of endurance.

As Rohan and Aisha rode leisurely along the river, still lost in the romantic serenity of the scenery, they noticed a figure up ahead, seated on a ponyboy near the riverbank. The solo traveler was a tall, stout woman, with a boy-cut hairstyle and a sturdy build, her gaze fixed on the water as she gave her ponyboy a much-needed rest. Her backpack sat lightly on her shoulders—she had no extra luggage ponyboy to carry her belongings.

Aisha’s attention immediately shifted from the beautiful landscape to the ponyboy beneath the woman. He was shockingly small, even tiny compared to the average ponyboy, and he looked strikingly young, almost like a boy just on the edge of adulthood. Yet despite his small size and youth, he was remarkably handsome, with striking brown eyes and long curly hair that gave him an angelic appearance. Aisha felt a rush of curiosity and excitement as they approached. She could easily imagine how women must adore him, captivated by his boyish charm and those deep, expressive eyes. He was surely in high demand, even if he lacked the typical strength of a larger ponyboy.

Rohan, sensing Aisha's change in focus, glanced at her before looking over at the pair by the river. He raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the unusual sight. "Looks like she’s giving him a break. Can’t say I blame her. He looks like he could use one."

Aisha, however, was less concerned with the boy’s exhaustion and more fascinated by how he was able to carry such a heavy rider. The woman, tall and broad-shouldered, must have been a significant burden on the small, delicate ponyboy. Her body weight pressing down on his frail frame seemed almost cruel, and yet it was a sight that intrigued Aisha deeply.

"How is he managing that?" she murmured under her breath, her mind racing with the possibilities. She couldn’t help but think about how much fun it would be to ride him herself, to see him struggle beneath her weight, his face straining with effort as he tried to stay on his feet. There was something about the contrast between his delicate beauty and his role as a ponyboy that thrilled her. She imagined herself sitting on his back, commanding him with sharp kicks and a swift hand on the whip, watching him stumble but never daring to fall.

As they drew closer, the woman noticed them and gave a casual wave. Aisha and Rohan nodded in return, their eyes still fixed on the ponyboy.

“Hi there,” the woman called out, her voice deep and rich. “Taking a break by the river. It’s a good spot to rest the ponyboys before the next stretch.” She patted the small ponyboy’s head, her hand large and firm, but there was no mistaking the weariness in his eyes as he remained motionless beneath her.

Aisha barely acknowledged her words. Her attention was entirely on the boy, the way his slender frame seemed so fragile under the woman’s bulk. “He’s…small,” she said, her tone almost reverent. “How does he manage?”

The woman, whose name was Ursula, chuckled, as if used to such questions. “He’s tougher than he looks. Been riding him for a while now. Stubborn little thing, but he gets the job done.”

Aisha’s heart raced as she imagined herself in Ursula’s place. “I bet he’s in high demand,” she said, her voice taking on a hint of desire. “With looks like that, I can see why.”

Ursula grinned, sensing Aisha’s interest. “Oh, you have no idea. I was lucky to get him for this trip. Everyone wanted him.”

Aisha’s mind whirled with possibilities. She desperately wanted to feel that tiny, beautiful boy under her own weight, to test his endurance, to see how long he could last before breaking. She loved the idea of the contrast—her curvy, strong body against his lithe, delicate form. The thought of him struggling beneath her, every step an effort, made her pulse quicken.

“It doesn’t really matter, does it?” Aisha mused, her eyes still locked on the ponyboy. “Whether they’re big or small. The heaviest women often choose the smallest ones. If there’s no choice, we just take the first one that’s available.”
Rohan glanced at her, noticing the excitement in her voice but choosing not to comment. He knew Aisha had a unique way of looking at these things, and while it wasn’t his approach, he understood her fascination.

Ursula shrugged. “Yeah, that’s the way it goes. You ride who’s there. Sometimes it’s a big guy, sometimes it’s a small one like him.” She smiled at the ponyboy beneath her. “He’ll carry me as long as I need him to, though.”

Ursula dismounted gracefully from her small ponyboy, her heavy frame easing off him with surprising care. She petted his head affectionately, and the boy's tired eyes blinked up at her, grateful for the moment of reprieve. As she straightened up, Ursula approached Arjun, running a hand over his head with admiration.

"Your ponyboy is really good," she said, her voice full of approval. "Strong, steady. You made a great choice."

Aisha, who was already lost in thought, barely acknowledged the compliment. With a firm kick of her boots, she pushed the bridle down, signaling Arjun to lower himself. He obediently got down on his knees, his muscular arms tensed as he held himself steady to let Aisha dismount with ease.

Once on the ground, Aisha looked over at Ursula, an idea already forming in her mind. "Why don't we travel together until the next camp?" she suggested, a glint of excitement in her eyes. "You can ride Arjun for a while, and I'll ride your ponyboy. We can switch it up. I’m curious to see how he manages."

Ursula hesitated for a moment, glancing at her small, exhausted ponyboy, then at Arjun, whose strong build and composed posture made him a more than appealing trade. With a grin, she nodded. "Deal. It'll be a nice change of pace."
Ursula chuckled, giving Aisha a knowing look as she mounted Arjun’s broad shoulders with ease. "You’ll have to be a bit more demanding," she advised. "He’s not like Arjun—strong and steady. You’ll need to use kicks and the whip for motivation if you want him to keep up."

Aisha’s lips curled into a grin as she moved toward Ursula’s ponyboy, her eyes gleaming with excitement. “I can handle that,” she replied with a confident flick of her wrist, adjusting the reins. She glanced down at the small, exhausted boy beneath her and added with a playful edge to her voice, "In fact, I actually enjoy doing that."

Ursula mounted Arjun and settled comfortably, the sturdy ponyboy easily adjusting to her weight. Arjun's muscles flexed under the pressure, but he maintained a steady, confident stance, his breathing controlled. Meanwhile, Aisha eagerly mounted the delicate ponyboy, her body settling onto his fragile shoulders with a deliberate heaviness. She shifted her weight slightly toward his neck, letting her fingers play with his long, curly hair as she adjusted her position.

The boy’s body stiffened under the strain, his legs shaking slightly as he tried to hold her up. Aisha let out a satisfied sigh, pressing her boots into his sides just hard enough to remind him who was in control. "Ufff, I’m loving it," she murmured, almost to herself, as she felt his small frame adjust beneath her. She leaned forward slightly, brushing her fingers through his curls as if savoring every moment of his struggle.

Behind them, Veer followed closely, his strong shoulders burdened with the luggage as he carried the weight effortlessly. His eyes, however, were fixed on Ursula’s buttocks as they swayed above Arjun's back. He kept his distance, watching her every movement, his breathing quickening as he admired her from behind.

Aisha, fully engrossed in her ride, glanced back at Veer momentarily, noting his attention but deciding not to comment. Instead, she tugged on the reins of her small ponyboy, giving him a sharp kick to keep pace. His body lurched forward, and Aisha felt the strain ripple through his fragile frame, making her grin with satisfaction. She relished every bounce, every stumble, knowing she was pushing him to his limits.

Ursula, comfortable on Arjun’s back, glanced over at Aisha and smirked. “He’s holding up better than I thought,” she commented, amused by how quickly Aisha had taken control of the delicate ponyboy.

Aisha chuckled, giving the boy another swift kick. “He’ll keep up,” she said confidently, her tone filled with excitement. “I’m just getting started.”
As Rohan settled onto Raj’s strong shoulders, he gave a gentle kick, guiding the bridle with a steady hand. “Follow them, my boy,” he commanded softly, his voice carrying a blend of authority and affection. Raj responded immediately, his powerful legs moving with grace as he kept pace with the others.

Rohan’s gaze shifted to Aisha, who was riding the small ponyboy with a sense of regal satisfaction. To him, Aisha appeared like a queen atop her delicate steed. Her fuller figure, including her generous buttocks and thick thighs, contrasted sharply with the small, strained ponyboy beneath her. Her long black hair flowed behind her, adding to her commanding presence.

“You look like a queen, darling,” Rohan called out with admiration, his tone warm and approving.

Aisha turned her head towards him, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. She blew him a playful flying kiss and replied, “Make Raj run a little faster and come next to me, my king.” Her laughter rang out, light and genuine, and Ursula, sensing the playful mood, joined in with a hearty chuckle.

Rohan chuckled too, adjusting his grip on Raj’s reins as he gently encouraged the ponyboy to pick up the pace. “Alright, let’s make this interesting,” he said with a grin, applying just enough pressure to coax Raj into a faster trot.

Raj responded eagerly, his strong legs moving with increased speed. The rhythm of his trot matched the pace of Arjun and the small ponyboy, creating a harmonious procession as the group made their way down the path.

Aisha, feeling the increased pace beneath her, let out a contented sigh, her fingers still brushing through the ponyboy’s curly hair. The sensation of his struggles beneath her weight was exhilarating, and she reveled in the control she wielded.
As Raj picked up speed, Rohan noticed something peculiar. Aisha was not sitting squarely on the ponyboy’s shoulders but slightly further forward, closer to his neck. This adjustment caused the ponyboy’s head to bend down under her weight, which Rohan could see from his vantage point.

“Do you want to adjust your position?” Rohan asked, a hint of concern in his voice as he watched the ponyboy struggle with the added strain.

Aisha turned her head slightly, her mischievous smile widening. “No, no, I’m intentionally sitting this way,” she said with a playful glint in her eyes. “I want to feel his curly hair between my thighs. It’s really hot.”

Her response took Rohan by surprise, but he couldn’t help but chuckle at her boldness. Ursula, riding comfortably on Arjun, burst into laughter at the exchange. “Well, that’s certainly one way to enjoy the ride,” she said between giggles, shaking her head in amusement.

As the laughter subsided, Ursula leaned forward, her expression turning thoughtful. “You know, speaking of unique experiences,” she began, her tone playful, “I had a rather memorable night with my little ponyboy. Last night, I decided to try something a bit different.”

Aisha’s curiosity was piqued, and Rohan’s interest was also evident as he glanced over. Ursula continued, her voice carrying a hint of nostalgia. “I tried face-sitting on him. I found it incredibly intense—his tongue was quite well-trained. He knows how to please, and it made for a very… hot experience.”

Aisha’s eyes widened with interest. “Really? That sounds fascinating. How did he handle it?”

Ursula’s grin widened. “He handled it remarkably well. Despite his size, he was incredibly skilled and responsive. It was a unique way to experience both his endurance and his capabilities.”

Rohan chuckled softly. “Sounds like you had quite an adventurous night.”

Ursula nodded, her eyes sparkling with amusement. “Absolutely. It was quite the contrast from the usual rides. There’s something very thrilling about exploring new ways to enjoy these experiences.”

Aisha laughed, clearly entertained. “I’ll have to keep that in mind for future reference.”

With the conversation turning back to the journey ahead, the group continued along the path, their laughter and lively exchange adding a touch of camaraderie to their adventurous day.
As the group continued their journey, Rohan noticed the little ponyboy beneath Aisha was starting to falter. His legs were shaking, his breath coming in ragged gasps. Concern flickered across Rohan’s face, and he gently tugged on Raj’s reins, slowing his own ponyboy.

“Let’s give the ponyboys a bit of rest,” Rohan suggested, his voice calm and compassionate. He glanced over at Aisha, who was sitting comfortably atop the small ponyboy, and then at Ursula, riding steadily on Arjun.

Aisha waved him off with a light chuckle. “There’s no need for that,” she said, a note of impatience creeping into her tone. “The camp is just 4 kilometers away.” She shifted in her seat, nudging the ponyboy with a sharp kick to his side. “Come on,” she said sternly, her voice firm, “don’t make me hit you hard.”

Ursula, hearing the exchange, grinned in agreement. “She’s right. We’re almost there. He can manage for a little longer,” she said, giving Arjun a casual tap with her boot to encourage him forward. "They're strong enough to handle it."

Rohan sighed softly, his gentle nature always at odds with Aisha's and Ursula’s more demanding approach. “Alright, if you’re sure,” he said quietly, but his gaze lingered on the little ponyboy, who stumbled slightly under Aisha’s weight.

Aisha, however, was thoroughly enjoying the ride. Despite the ponyboy’s clear exhaustion, she reveled in the control she had over him. With each bounce, she felt the strain of his effort beneath her, and it thrilled her in a way she didn’t quite understand. She pressed her boots into his sides again, urging him on with a satisfied smirk.

“Keep moving,” she commanded, her tone leaving no room for hesitation. She knew he was tired, but the knowledge only made her more determined to push him. The camp was close, and she wasn’t about to let him falter now.

Rohan, meanwhile, kept Raj at a slower pace, his touch gentle and encouraging. “You’re doing well,” he whispered to his ponyboy, giving him a soft pat on the shoulder. “Just a bit further, then we’ll rest.”

As they finally approached the camp, the tension in the air began to ease. The sight of the tents in the distance gave the ponyboys a renewed sense of purpose, and even the small boy beneath Aisha seemed to find a last reserve of strength.

When they arrived, Aisha was the first to dismount, sliding off the ponyboy’s back with a contented sigh. Her face was flushed with satisfaction, and a wide grin spread across her lips. “That was amazing,” she said, her voice filled with excitement. She patted the ponyboy’s head, though there was little kindness in her gesture. “He did well enough.”

Ursula followed, gracefully dismounting from Arjun and giving him an approving nod. “It was a good ride,” she agreed.

Rohan dismounted last, his movements slow and considerate as he gave Raj a much-deserved rest. He walked over to Aisha, a smile tugging at his lips despite his earlier concerns. “You enjoyed yourself, didn’t you?”

Aisha laughed, her mood light and playful. “Of course I did,” she said, her eyes sparkling. “The little guy did better than I expected. Maybe I’ll take him for another ride tomorrow.”

Rohan chuckled softly, shaking his head. “You’re demanding,” he said affectionately.

Aisha smiled back at him. “And you’re too soft,” she teased, before turning her attention back to the ponyboys, already thinking about what adventures tomorrow might bring.

Last edited by Well-trained pony boy (2024-09-15 12:45:15)



#4 2024-09-12 09:03:58

Male (50), FRANCE
Registered: 2013-07-27
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 43

Re: The grand Cationo

Excellent, thank you very much!



#5 2024-09-13 17:17:42

Male (72), France
Registered: 2008-08-24
Last visit: 2024-10-24
Posts: 587

Re: The grand Cationo

THKS Well trained ponyboy !

Obviously, riding human ponies is a lot more pleasurable than donkey or pony riding, especially during breaks or at night when you're on a several days trek in some wonderful place ! Face-sitting is a nice side-pleasure, but there are a lot more, which our two heroes will probably discover ... Why sit on the hard ground during lunches or dinners ? Their bellies are so soft to sit on, while leaning on their raised thighs , and having your feet pampered by their servile tongues !

Great story ! Please give us more of it !




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