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#1 2024-06-30 12:56:38

Registered: 2022-04-29
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 272

Jule and the farmhand

Jule and the farmhand

This morning, Jule had been given the task by her parents for the first time to accompany their farmhand Ivan, a strong Belarusian of about 40 years, into town. There were still a few delivery bills to pay and new goods that had been ordered some time ago to be brought along... a task that the somewhat dull-witted boy could not manage without help. Both parents were busy elsewhere on the farm. Jule, their pretty daughter, who was now almost grown up, could accompany the farmhand and, if it became too difficult for Ivan, help with the cart and push things.

The farmhand was now standing between the rough drawbar of the single-axle vehicle with a wide chest strap. He also used his hands to help pull the large-wheeled wooden cart. The ox that was actually intended for this purpose had to be slaughtered some time ago due to age. Then they tried using their cow as a draft animal, with moderate success, but it was now so old that they were better off with the daily milk ration. It would not be good to burden them with pulling a cart. So Ivan had to pull the cart instead of the ox when they went into town to run errands. This worked quite well right from the start, even though he was strong "like an ox" but of course only had two legs. However, he was willing and did what he was told.

Jule, the farmer's only child, was not particularly keen on putting in too much effort. This type of strenuous work was not her thing. She avoided it whenever possible, sometimes to the annoyance of her parents, preferring to let others do the hard work. In this case, her servant, who had immediately stood between the drawbars without grumbling or growling and had been pulling the still empty cart for some time now, apparently effortlessly.

It was about 5 miles to town, so a pretty brisk walk, at least Jule thought. Therefore, after just 100 meters, she had decided that it would be better to sit on the back of the open single-axle vehicle rather than wear out her feet. It was certainly no problem for Ivan whether she sat on the back of the vehicle or not, at least she was convinced of it. They continued at the same pace, so her opinion was absolutely right. The strong guy just leaned forward a little and that was all, so it was hardly worth mentioning. But the journey was now much more pleasant for Jule and the farmhand didn't mind.

So the vehicle rumbled along, Jule sat on the loading area and Ivan was between the drawbar. After a short time, the young lady would have liked to put something under her bottom as a little cushion, but there was nothing suitable. She had tried using some straw, but that didn't really help. So, when he took a short break, she went to the front of the vehicle and made it clear to him that her bottom was starting to hurt a little. He just smiled in his dull way, then looked down at the ground, but then made her the - rather surprising - offer that she could sit on his shoulders. That would be no problem and certainly much more comfortable than sitting on the hard wood the whole time.

Jule was a little surprised, but without a doubt this was a very tempting alternative for the rest of the journey. She was definitely more comfortable sitting on Ivan's broad shoulders, and above all softer, than on the hard, rumbling wooden cart. Of course she would never have asked for it herself, she hadn't even thought about it when she made her comment, but now this strong guy had kindly offered it to her. It would be pretty stupid of her not to accept it. So Jule smiled at him nicely, curtsied - as a little joke - and thanked him politely. Ivan immediately stood up again, got into his harness, grabbed the drawbar with both hands and bent his knees a little. Now there was not much more talking, Jule put one foot on the bar and when the servant stood up again and was standing fairly straight, she only needed to give it a little momentum and she was sitting with her bottom on Ivan's shoulders. That really was a huge difference, from one moment to the next she felt like she was on a soft sofa. Jule held on to his forehead with folded hands and they continued walking briskly... and her seat was extremely soft and comfortable.



#2 2024-06-30 13:40:16

Bonus member
Male (In his sixties), South America
Registered: 2006-11-25
Last visit: 2024-10-14
Posts: 1925

Re: Jule and the farmhand

Excellent! Thank you very much Max.

Young Jule is now riding on his shoulders, while the burly Ivan is serving as her mount.

I wouldn't be surprised if Ivan had previously been someone else's mount, maybe he was Jule's mom's mount (it's just my imagination, but the owner of this story is Max).

(one of the meanings of a mount in my language is: animal on which he/she rides)

little horse / caballito

Last edited by caballito (2024-07-01 04:16:36)



#3 2024-06-30 14:33:54

Registered: 2022-04-29
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 272

Re: Jule and the farmhand

We know from Ivan that he is "not the brightest candle on the cake". He is very simple in his whole being. He is also very shy and had to gather all his courage to make this offer to Jule. For him, of course, it was an opportunity that had never come his way before: to carry a young, pretty woman on his shoulders as a rider!

He had dreamed of it for a long, long time! I think that the moment he felt Jule on his shoulders, he could hardly believe his luck!

But we will see what else the story has in store for us...




#4 2024-07-01 10:09:00

Bonus member
Male (45), Italy
Registered: 2013-08-03
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 260

Re: Jule and the farmhand

Excellent story, thank you so much Max, every time I get excited every time I see you post new stories, and each of your characters are very different, and I really like Ivan because he likes to be ridden, I can't wait to see how this story develops! Is Ivan also handsome? whats his hair color? height and weight? muscular? his skin color?

I hope Jule is not the only one to ride such a good horse, he should be fully utilized.

You have said Ivan is strong, but how much time could he carry Jule? Will she unmount once she get to the destination or she will continue riding him to do her errands?

What does Ivan wear?



#5 2024-07-01 12:46:42

Registered: 2022-04-29
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 272

Re: Jule and the farmhand

Ivan is not what you could call "a good-looking man", but he has bright eyes when he likes something. That makes him likable. He is certainly over 190cm tall, muscular with broad shoulders. He is bald like almost all servants and slaves at that time. His skin is tanned by the sun, so rather dark.

Some of your questions will surely be answered as the story progresses... I'll post part 2 in the next few hours



#6 2024-07-01 12:53:30

Registered: 2022-04-29
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 272

Re: Jule and the farmhand

Part 2

That was a different story, no comparison to what she had "to endure" before. High-spirited and in a good mood, she let her feet dangle next to his body, humming a little song to herself every now and then. With a quick swing, she lifted her feet from her position as a rider and took off her light sandals, then threw them backwards into the carriage. She didn't need the shoes for now. This strong guy would undoubtedly carry her to town, even if she wasn't even halfway there. In any case, she had no intention of getting off him again before she reached her destination.

Now her bare feet kept dangling through Ivan's field of vision. He kept moving his head and probably followed her movements. He seemed to like that, because he kept humming something along to her little songs. Then Jule conducted with her bare feet, setting the rhythm. She noticed how spellbound, even downright fascinated, the servant kept staring at her feet. He was probably trying to make it seem like it was just "accidental" and often touched her toes with his hands. Since this happened quite often, Jule was now pretty sure that it was no longer a coincidence: he really liked these touches. This meant he could see her feet up close and could also touch them from time to time. This didn't bother Jule if he enjoyed it. In the last few minutes she had felt more like a queen who was being carried by her servants. It was a good fit, almost perfect, if this stupid guy also had a soft spot for her bare feet.

Jule now put her feet on the shaft, within easy sight of her new foot lover, and didn't pull away when he ran his hands over them, always wiggling her toes a little, which he seemed to particularly like. Even when he took a short break, leaned forward a little and brushed his lips along the side of her skin. It was supposed to be a somewhat unsuccessful kiss, then she turned her foot a little so that he could get closer when he tried again. She liked how submissive Ivan was towards her. Rewarding him like that for his riding service was probably a pretty simple thing... so why not!

It didn't take long before Jule discovered that she could motivate him to try harder when pulling the cart with her bare feet and playful movements of her toes. He was suddenly able to run faster, even when he felt it was time for a little break. Then he slowed down a little, his breathing became louder. She only had to show her little toe play in front of his eyes, then she gave him a few kicks in the sides and flanks: "Hop, hop, hop!" All of that was enough to motivate him again.

Jule already felt like a real rider, Iwan was becoming more and more her "horse". Maybe he even felt like that already. She would have loved to give him a riding whip, just to see what she could get out of this powerhouse. Her small, gentle "kicks" had already motivated Iwan, but what if she had given him these kicks with riding boots, with spurs on his heels, maybe with really mean ones that would really prick them?

It was now clear to Jule: she could control this dumb guy quite easily. If she did it a bit cleverly, he would obey her every word. She wanted to ride him properly later, because he was strong enough to carry her. She immediately thought of her old pony saddle, which was still hanging on the wall in the stable, it should actually fit him pretty well. She also had a bridle with a real bite, stirrups of course, and Jule would also be able to find riding boots in her size.

Then the moment finally came: she had a two-legged riding horse called "Ivan"; she didn't even need to break him in, she was already doing that! It was certainly an unusual name for a horse, but that didn't matter. Ivan would let her do anything to him anyway, and his reward, which he would certainly accept gratefully and humbly: a long kiss on her beautiful little feet. That would be enough for him, would be favor enough for him.



#7 2024-07-03 14:33:48

Registered: 2022-04-29
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 272

Re: Jule and the farmhand

Part 3

But these were her plans for now, her ideas about what she wanted to use Ivan for. One thing was certain: she wouldn't even ask him if he was okay with it. She had decided that it would be enough for him. With her enchanting smile, Jule would quickly convince him. She was already looking forward to saddling him soon and preparing him for his rider. The young lady was sure that he would have no resistance, nothing at all, to offer her. He would probably even be happy if Jule made him her horse and then rode him quite energetically. Slowly, her thoughts penetrated deeper and deeper into his soul, she already knew pretty well how he ticked and how she could protect him for her purposes. That was a really exciting thing.

So Jule just rode on, lost in her thoughts. She felt extremely good. In between, there was some motivation for Ivan, a few light kicks, and slowly the city came closer. She had now taken another look at the long list of goods. There was quite a lot of stuff. Her parents had actually thought about something when they had asked their daughter to help the strong farmhand pull the cart, especially when the path became difficult. But Jule was more concerned about whether it would be better to sit directly on the single-axle tractor on the way back or to put her butt on Ivan's shoulders again. She was also convinced that it would be much better, and above all much more pleasant for her, to motivate him properly rather than to push herself against this old wooden cart. Apart from that, she had no desire to do that at all, because what was the strong farmhand for?

On the first, slightly easier part of the way back, she could sit on his shoulders and play little games for him with her bare feet. He would certainly like that and it would also distract his thoughts from pulling the heavy cart. But the single-axle tractor would definitely be pretty fully loaded. Maybe after a while, Jule would sit on the cart and drive Ivan from there with a whip. She had to expect that he would get a little weak on the way and perhaps not be really keen to put in the effort. Good driving whips, probably not even very expensive ones, would certainly be available in the shop, although they were actually intended more for oxen. So they were especially suitable for her servant, this two-legged ox between the drawbar.

Once in town, Ivan had to spend some time loading the cart while Jule paid for all the goods. Then she looked around for a suitable whip. She found a good one and had it added to the bill. The seller asked how he should pack it: “No way! Just put it on the box there, and Ivan will carry everything to the cart.” She wanted him to see the new whip first. Then he would surely start to wonder what Jule had bought it for. If her servant got a little scared of it, she was fine with it, it couldn't do him any harm. Besides, it was only intended for the second part of their little journey, when Ivan got a little tired and listless. The servant hesitated a little as he reached for the last box, just as Jule had expected. He knew ox drivers very well, knew that there were no more oxen on the farm and it was certainly not intended for the only cow. But then he grabbed it boldly and carried the rest to the wagon.

Now everything was stowed away, the single-axle vehicle was loaded quite high and Ivan stood between the drawbar again, putting on the chest strap. He hoped that Jule would ride him again on the way back, just like she had done. So he immediately knelt down as she left the shop and took a few steps towards him. He hadn't said anything, but smiled invitingly at her, and he was lucky: like on the way there, she sat on his shoulders again, sliding back and forth a few times until she was sitting comfortably: "Come on, let's go!" Then Ivan got up, after a quick kick in the flanks. He put in another strong effort, and the heavy car moved immediately.



#8 2024-07-05 15:42:52

Bonus member
Male (45), Italy
Registered: 2013-08-03
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 260

Re: Jule and the farmhand

Hi Max, thank you again for such a well written sophisticated and extremely intriguing story, it is so exciting and arousing, what does Jule feel when she sat? is that a meaty muscular shoulder? does it feel better than sitting on a normal or skinny horse? Does she some time squeezes tight her thighs in order to be more firm up there?

I know Jule will add saddle for Ivan, could you please write another story in future for barebacked shoulder ride only? that is most sexy for me!



#9 2024-07-05 21:32:15

Registered: 2022-04-29
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 272

Re: Jule and the farmhand

Everyone has their own preferences when it comes to riding two-legged creatures. For example, I don't like it at all when horse masks, hoof boots and the like are worn, others obviously like it. I'm more of a fan of riding slaves. They remain human, but are ridden by other humans. They wear a saddle, stirrups and also bridles with reins. Whips and spurs are also welcome with my "two-legged creatures". They can also be used for other "horse things". I want to stick with that.

Only those who write stories primarily for themselves can "survive" in this forum or lose the desire to write completely. The response to the lines I write is rather poor... but I don't want to complain, that's just the way it is.




#10 2024-07-06 10:15:58

Registered: 2022-04-29
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 272

Re: Jule and the farmhand

Part 4

Now Jule let her thoughts wander further. She was convinced that her parents did not use this strange farmhand as much as was actually possible with such a strong man. Or perhaps they simply lacked the imagination to imagine it. When their fields needed to be ploughed, for example, they always borrowed an ox from the neighbor, and of course paid for it. The question was: did that really have to be done? Jule was convinced that this was not necessary, but a complete waste of money. They did not need to borrow an ox for such heavy work. They could just as easily have Ivan harnessed to the plough and let him pull the furrows.

Her parents were not the only ones who borrowed an ox for field work. There were several other, smaller farms that did not have their own ox and borrowed one from the neighborhood on a daily basis. Then an idea occurred to her, and she had to smile: perhaps Ivan could even be hired out as a "two-legged ox" for such work later on, for example on other smaller farms. Of course, this would only be possible for a fee, and it would also be a bit cheaper than with a four-legged ox. It was still quite far-fetched at the time, but not unthinkable.

Why had no one come up with this simple idea before? The beefy guy could easily replace a draft animal in any case. A good whip would of course be needed. She would certainly even enjoy helping her parents with the ploughing with Ivan. If they thought about it further, there would certainly be other jobs he could be used for.

Of course, the parents could also ride Ivan if they wanted to. Her mother in particular had often ridden her ox in the past when she had to walk a little further. Now she could ride Ivan, even if he probably wouldn't be particularly enthusiastic about it, but that didn't matter. Maybe even his father would be interested in riding Ivan.

Of course, none of this would be possible without treating Ivan strictly, the whip would have to help, that was clear, because he would certainly not enjoy all of these new tasks. But there was no reason not to try all of this, it was not necessary to ask him beforehand. He simply had to do what Jule asked of him. Ivan had practically forced himself on her to be her slave. Now his wish had come true, now he was her slave and would of course be treated as such.

The more she thought about it, the more convinced Jule became that she could get more out of Ivan. In any case, she would suggest trying it with him. She herself wanted to take over, certainly to her parents' delight, and test this two-legged ox in front of the plough with the new driving whip. Jule smiled to herself: she would really like that. Of course she would also ride this stallion, that was an added bonus, until the sweat ran down his skin.

She had already noticed differences to the other young riders in her riding course a few years ago: for Jule, the horse was not a "friend" that you hugged, some even kissed their four-legged friends. Like the other course participants, she liked sitting in the saddle, she liked being carried and being able to feel how much the horse had to exert herself. That's why she preferred to take part in the courses in the late afternoon when the horse was already a bit tired. The students had whips, but were instructed to only show them to the four-legged friend when it was acting up. But Jule didn't always leave it at that, she was also happy that the animal was obedient again when she hit it on the bottom, even if she was then reprimanded by the riding instructor.

She had only ridden "two-legged horses" as a child, of course it was her parents, usually her father. She had also given it kicks, just like a rider, playfully of course, and the prompt reaction was also playful. Her father always behaved as if he had been given the spurs by his rider, who was laughing happily. At some point, of course, the riding course ended, and she hadn't sat on her father's shoulders either. So, after such a long time, she was all the more excited to ride Ivan, a strong two-legged stallion, just like she had done before.

She didn't have to be particularly considerate with the boy, after all, he was only a servant and she was convinced that he was pretty much in love with her. So there was something special about taking advantage of this. Just showing the whip and then leaving it unused was by no means necessary. She would burn the leather cord into his fur often enough, and hard!

But first she would make it clear to him that he could enjoy her feet, even take pleasure in them, but that didn't mean that he could expect leniency. But Ivan had seen the driver's whip, even loaded it onto the single-axle tractor. It was immediately obvious that this whip could only be for him, even for a guy like him who wasn't the brightest in the head.




#11 2024-07-06 17:06:08

Bonus member
Male (45), Italy
Registered: 2013-08-03
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 260

Re: Jule and the farmhand

Hi Max, I did not ask you to change your story at all, please continue as planned, its a really good stoy, very sexy, we want to know what happens next and how Ivan will react being used to plough, we just hope it still involves shoulder riding



#12 2024-07-06 17:11:26

Bonus member
Male (45), Italy
Registered: 2013-08-03
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 260

Re: Jule and the farmhand

what i wanted to say is we hope you would write more stories in the future, maybe barebacked pony ride could be one option, as skin contact is very sexy big_smile



#13 2024-07-09 16:14:36

Registered: 2022-04-29
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 272

Re: Jule and the farmhand

You can surely imagine a picture of a strong slave pulling a plough. He is firmly and safely harnessed to the front, bending over to pull the thing through the ground. Next to him walks a young lady, lightly dressed, because it is beautiful, sunny weather. In her hand she has a whip to motivate the two-legged ox when he doesn't try hard enough. She really enjoys doing that.

Over time, she gets bored of just walking alongside. Her slave is strong and he also enjoys it when she rides him. Then she simply sits on his shoulders with her bare bottom and lets her feet dangle. This is more strenuous for him, but also erotic. She only needs to bend over a little from her elevated sitting position to see what is going on between his legs: his male organ is standing straight up!

So she doesn't need to worry about whether her sitting position is too strenuous for him. She gives him kicks in the flanks every now and then, telling him to try harder if he gets a little slower or unfocused. She also has the whip to encourage him. She just makes sure not to irritate him further by touching her feet too much. He needs all his strength for this strenuous work, so it wouldn't make sense to waste his energy elsewhere.

Once a week she gives him "free rein", then he can indulge his dreams, more is not good for a proper slave who is harnessed to a plow.

Little interlude, hope you like it!




#14 2024-07-10 10:31:10

Male (72), France
Registered: 2008-08-24
Last visit: 2024-10-24
Posts: 587

Re: Jule and the farmhand

Great interlude, Max ! Reminds us that there are only two ways to keep slaves in slavery : Fear or Love ! Fear of a slavist law, fear of the cruel whip   .... Or Love of a Goddess, her body Her feet ... And a cruel abstinence to keep the slave tightly chained in  his wiodest fantasies




#15 2024-08-28 16:55:39

Bonus member
Male (45), Italy
Registered: 2013-08-03
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 260

Re: Jule and the farmhand

Max, you are so quite these days, we are all bored out of our skulls, please please give us more stories! more wom or mom big_smile



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