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#1 2024-05-30 16:37:48

Well-trained pony boy
Registered: 2020-09-15
Last visit: 2024-10-23
Posts: 134

The Nun and her slaves

part1- The Nun and her slaves

This story is about a nun name sister Helen who is the owner of a big convent and is also the nun there. This nun brainwashes boys between 18 to 35 years of age and makes them her slaves and tortures them. The nun says that these are orphan children who have gone on the path of crime and the wrong path and if now they want to purify their soul and connect with God, then they will have to endure torture and live as my slave.

All the slaves inside the convent are naked, a dog leaf is tied around their neck and some have chains by catching hold of the chain people and other nuns can take those slaves to other places to get them to do work. Slaves are not allowed to speak, if they speak then their tongue will be cut off by sister Helen Only women are allowed inside the convent and all the work inside the convent is done by slaves. However, if women have to visit the convent, they sit in a buggy which is pulled by a slave or they sit directly on the shoulder of the slave the means of transport for nuns and visitors are the slaves and the slave takes them by deceit. Mostly women travel sitting on the shoulders.All the visitors are given a wooden stick at the gate so that they can beat the slaves and the women think that they should hit the slave hard with the stick, they are helping the slave, this way the kids will be happy and all the nuns have whips in their hands.
Sister Helen was a striking figure, her presence both commanding and oddly enchanting. She stood tall and statuesque, with a beautiful, voluptuous body that captivated all who saw her. Her large, curvaceous figure, accentuated by her ample bosom and generous hips, gave her an air of both authority and femininity. Her long, flowing black habit only partially concealed her shapely form, hinting at the powerful physique beneath. Her face, framed by the white wimple, bore a stern yet alluring expression, with piercing blue eyes that seemed to see straight into one's soul.

The convent itself was a sprawling, gothic structure, its high stone walls and pointed arches giving it a foreboding yet majestic appearance. The grand entrance, with its heavy wooden doors, opened into a vast courtyard filled with meticulously maintained gardens and fountains. Each pathway was lined with statues of saints and angels, their serene faces in stark contrast to the harsh reality within the convent's walls.

Among the nuns, five stood out for their beauty and presence. Sister Margaret was known for her striking red hair, which she kept neatly tucked under her habit, and her pale, freckled skin that gave her an ethereal look. Her emerald green eyes were sharp and intelligent, often flashing with a cruel glint as she wielded her whip.

Sister Beatrice was the epitome of classic beauty, with long, dark hair and olive skin. Her deep brown eyes and full lips gave her a sensual appearance that belied her harsh demeanor. She was the most physically imposing of the nuns, with a muscular frame that she didn't hesitate to use when disciplining the slaves.

Sister Catherine, with her platinum blonde hair and ice-blue eyes, looked almost angelic. Her delicate features and slender frame made her seem fragile, but she was known for her ruthless efficiency and sadistic pleasure in enforcing Sister Helen's rules.

Sister Eleanor had an exotic beauty, with dark, almond-shaped eyes and long, flowing black hair. Her caramel skin and curvaceous body made her a favorite among the visitors, who often marveled at her grace and poise. However, her soft exterior hid a heart as cold as stone.

Sister Frances was the youngest and most petite of the nuns, with a doll-like appearance. Her short, curly brown hair and big, doe-like eyes made her seem innocent and approachable. But her sweet smile masked a vicious streak, and she was known for her creative methods of punishment.
Inside the convent, the atmosphere was a blend of sacred solemnity and oppressive dread. The chapel, with its high vaulted ceilings and stained glass windows, was a place of both worship and torment. The echoes of hymns and prayers mingled with the cries of the slaves, creating a haunting symphony that permeated the entire convent.

Slaves moved silently through the hallways, their eyes downcast, their bodies bearing the marks of their subjugation. The sight of naked, collared men pulling buggies or carrying women on their shoulders was a common one, a twisted parody of servitude and penance. The women visitors, draped in fine clothes and carrying wooden sticks, reveled in the power they wielded over the helpless men.

Sister Helen ruled over this dark domain with an iron fist, her beauty and charisma only enhancing her terrifying authority. Under her watchful eye, the convent remained a place of both spiritual refuge and unrelenting punishment, a testament to the perverse extremes of faith and power.
My name is Divya. Today I am 18 years old. I am an Indian girl. My weight is 65kg. My long black hair reaches up to my buttocks. Today I have come to visit the convent with my mother Tanvi. My mother is sister Helen's disciple and follows the words spoken by sister Helen. Today is my birthday, so mother has brought me to the convent for prayers.

As Divya and her mother, Tanvi, approached the main gate of the convent, they were greeted by a young boy, his eyes downcast in a show of submission. He knelt before them, his lips trembling as he leaned forward to kiss their feet in a gesture of reverence.

Divya was taken aback by the unexpected display of servitude, but before she could react, her mother's foot swung out, connecting with the boy's mouth in a swift, harsh kick. "How dare you!" Tanvi's voice rang out, filled with contempt. "Know your place, you insolent wretch!"

The boy recoiled, his hand flying to his injured mouth, a mixture of pain and gratitude flickering across his face. "Thank you for coming," he managed to utter, his words muffled by the gag in his mouth, before handing wooden sticks to Divya and her mother.

Confusion clouded Divya's mind as she accepted the stick, her eyes darting between her mother and the scene unfolding before her. "Mother, what is happening?" she whispered, her voice barely above a breath.

Tanvi's expression softened, a shadow of remorse crossing her features as she gently guided Divya forward. "My dear, this is the way of our convent," she explained, her tone laced with resignation. "These boys have chosen to atone for their sins by serving Sister Helen and her disciples. It is our duty to accept their penance."

As they walked further into the courtyard, Divya's eyes widened at the sight of two boys kneeling before them, their shoulders adorned with saddles and their mouths gagged with bits. They resembled horses, yet their eyes held a silent plea for understanding.

"Sit, my child," Tanvi instructed, gesturing towards one of the kneeling boys. "He will carry you to the chapel."

Divya hesitated, her mind reeling with disbelief and unease. "But... mother, this is..."

"It is the will of Sister Helen," Tanvi interrupted, her voice tinged with a hint of reverence. "Trust in her wisdom, and all will become clear."

With a heavy heart, Divya complied, lowering herself onto the makeshift saddle atop the boy's shoulder. As he rose to his feet, she felt a surge of discomfort mingled with guilt, unsure of how to reconcile the conflicting emotions churning within her. And as they journeyed deeper into the heart of the convent, Divya couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that she had stepped into a world where the lines between devotion and domination blurred into a twisted tapestry of faith and fear.Divya's heart weighed heavy with conflicting emotions as she settled onto the makeshift saddle atop the boy's shoulder. Despite her discomfort and unease, there was an odd sense of comfort in the way his sturdy frame supported her weight, his movements steady and sure.
As they journeyed deeper into the heart of the convent, Divya couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that she had entered a world where the boundaries between devotion and domination blurred into a twisted tapestry of faith and fear.

Her unease intensified when she witnessed her mother, Tanvi, harshly beating the pony boy carrying her. The crack of the whip echoed through the courtyard, mingling with the boy's cries of pain as he stumbled under the force of the blows.

Divya's heart ached at the sight, her instinct urging her to intervene, to stop the senseless violence. But when Tanvi turned her gaze towards her, expectant and commanding, Divya felt paralyzed by a mixture of fear and obligation.

"I don't know, mother," Divya whispered, her voice barely audible above the sound of the whip. "I do not want to make any human my slave."

Tanvi's eyes narrowed, disappointment flashing across her features. "What do you feel, then? What are you doing now?" she demanded, her voice tinged with frustration. "You are sitting on his shoulder and making him ride like a horse."

Divya's heart sank as she realized the truth in her mother's words. Despite her reluctance, she was complicit in the very system she abhorred. With a heavy heart, she reluctantly raised her hand and delivered a hesitant slap to her pony boy's back.

The boy flinched at the unexpected blow, his pace quickening as he obeyed the silent command. Divya watched him go, her stomach churning with guilt and sorrow.

But as they continued their journey, a strange sense of camaraderie began to blossom between them. Despite the disparity in their roles, there was an unspoken understanding between them, a shared recognition of the absurdity of their situation.

And as they traveled further into the heart of the convent, Divya found herself unable to suppress a soft laugh, the tension in her chest loosening ever so slightly. "Yes, mother," she conceded, her voice tinged with a hint of amusement. "Even I am enjoying it."

Divya's mind swirled with a mixture of emotions as she continued her journey through the convent. The strange comfort she found on the boy's shoulders warred with the moral conflict she felt deep inside. Memories of their past, a life of hardship and struggle, floated to the forefront of her mind.

Tanvi had always been a resilient woman. After her husband’s death, she had worked tirelessly to make ends meet. The family horse had been their sole means of transportation, a lifeline for Tanvi’s daily 3-kilometer walk to the office. When it died, the burden of their poverty became even more crushing. Tanvi's determination was unwavering, yet the strain was visible in every weary step she took each morning and evening.

Today, however, was different. Tanvi appeared almost rejuvenated, her movements fluid and confident as she rode her pony boy like a seasoned equestrian. The boy beneath her seemed to fly, his muscles straining, his speed a clear testament to the fear that drove him forward. Divya marveled at this sight, both disturbed and fascinated by the raw power and desperation fueling his every step.

"Mother, he’s moving so fast," Divya remarked, a mix of awe and concern in her voice. She watched as Tanvi deftly guided her pony boy, the rhythmic slap of the whip maintaining a brutal tempo.

Tanvi turned to look at her daughter, a gleam of satisfaction in her eyes. "It’s remarkable, isn’t it? These boys...they have found their purpose here. Sister Helen’s methods, harsh as they may seem, have given them direction," she said, her voice laced with a disturbing sense of pride.

Divya’s pony boy, in stark contrast, moved at a slower, more deliberate pace. The hesitancy in her slaps was evident, a reflection of her internal struggle. She didn’t want to inflict pain, yet she couldn’t deny the strange sense of power and control it brought.

"Faster," Divya said softly, more to herself than to the boy beneath her. She delivered another hesitant slap, her heart heavy with the action. The boy flinched and increased his pace, his breath coming in ragged gasps.
Tanvi noticed her daughter’s struggle and guided her own pony boy closer. "You see, Divya, it’s not just about the whip or the command. It’s about understanding the power you hold, the authority you wield. They need this discipline. It’s what keeps them from falling back into sin."Divya nodded, trying to absorb her mother’s words. Yet, a knot of unease remained in her stomach.

Divya's mind was a whirlpool of conflicting emotions as she struggled to reconcile her mother's teachings with her own sense of morality. As they rode through the convent, the surreal blend of devotion and domination left her feeling disoriented and uneasy.

As they neared a courtyard, Tanvi abruptly yanked the bridle of her pony boy with such force that he stopped dead in his tracks. Seeing this, Divya mimicked her mother and pulled her own pony boy's bridle, who, caught off guard, came to a stunned halt. The suddenness of the stop left Divya's heart racing.

Tanvi pointed towards a tall, stone pillar where a slave was tied, his body covered in bruises and fresh welts. "That, Divya, is the punishment pillar. If a slave misbehaves or fails in his duties, he is brought here. Anyone can whip him as a form of correction and purification."

They dismounted their pony boys and approached the pillar. Divya's heart pounded in her chest, a mix of fear and curiosity. As they got closer, the reality of the situation became more apparent. The slave's eyes were hollow, and his body trembled in anticipation of the pain he knew was coming.

Without hesitation, Tanvi raised her whip and brought it down hard on the slave’s back. The sharp crack of the whip echoed through the courtyard, followed by the slave's agonized cry. Divya recoiled, her hands instinctively flying to her mouth in shock.

Tanvi’s face was a mask of determination and satisfaction. "This is how we help them, Divya. By punishing their bodies, we cleanse their souls."

Divya noticed a board next to the pillar. It read: "Please hit this slave with the stick or with a whip. By doing so, you make God happy and purify his soul."

"Mother, I don't understand," Divya said, her voice trembling. "How can this be helping anyone?"

Tanvi turned to her daughter, her expression softening slightly. "Divya, these boys have sinned. They need to be cleansed. Sister Helen has shown us the way. By inflicting this pain, we help them atone for their sins. Their suffering is necessary for their redemption."

Despite her mother's words, Divya struggled to make sense of it all. The sight of the slave's suffering twisted her stomach into knots. Yet, there was a part of her that wanted to believe her mother's assurances, to find some semblance of righteousness in the brutality.

"Go on, Divya," Tanvi urged. "You must help him. It is your duty."

With a heavy heart, Divya hesitantly raised the whip. The weight of it felt foreign and uncomfortable in her hand. Her mind screamed at her to stop, but her mother's gaze bore into her, filled with expectation and authority.

"Do it, Divya," Tanvi commanded softly.

Divya closed her eyes, trying to summon the resolve. With a deep breath, she brought the whip down on the slave's back, though with far less force than her mother. The slave flinched, his body arching in pain, but he remained silent.

Tanvi nodded approvingly. "Good. Now, again."

Divya's hands shook, but she complied, striking the slave once more. Each lash was a battle within herself, a struggle between her innate compassion and the indoctrination her mother imposed. With each crack of the whip, she felt a part of herself break, the sound reverberating in her mind long after the echo faded.

"See, Divya? You are helping him," Tanvi said, her voice filled with a twisted pride.

As they continued, a strange numbness settled over Divya. She followed her mother's instructions, but her mind seemed detached from her actions. Each strike felt more mechanical, her emotions dulled by the overwhelming sense of disorientation.
When they finally stepped away from the pillar, Divya felt a wave of exhaustion wash over her. She glanced at the slave, his body slumped in defeat, and her heart ached with an inexplicable sorrow. Despite everything, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was profoundly wrong.

"Come, Divya," Tanvi said, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "You did well.Today God will be very happy with you, you will have to help these boys by cleaning their solders."

Divya's mind was still reeling from the earlier events as she and her mother stood in the courtyard, absorbing the sight of the punishment pillar. Her heart was heavy with confusion and guilt. Just as she began to gather her thoughts, she noticed a commotion at the far end of the courtyard.

Sister Helen was approaching, and the scene left Divya incredulous. The imposing nun rode atop a saddled boy, who obediently crawled on his hands and knees beneath her considerable weight. The human pony had a bit in his mouth and wore kneepads. He was completely naked except for a small pair of shorts. His body was mostly hidden by Sister Helen’s voluminous dress, but Divya could see how the arrangement worked as two other human ponies crawled beside Sister Helen's mount, their saddles vacant.

Sister Helen harshly pulled the bridle, stretching the slave's mouth and making him stop. She carried no whip, but Divya's eyes widened as she noticed the gleaming spurs fastened to the nun's boots.

"Hello, my darling Tanvi and Divya," Sister Helen greeted warmly, her tone incongruously kind given the circumstances. "I hope you had a safe trip here. Please, mount the empty slaves. I'm taking you for a complete tour inside the convent!"

Tanvi quickly sat on one of the vacant saddles, her movements practiced and confident. The boy beneath her adjusted his position, bending slightly to ensure her comfort. Divya hesitated, feeling a rush of conflicting emotions. She remembered her mother’s words and explanations, trying to reconcile the brutal reality with the supposed righteousness of their actions.

"Come, Divya," Tanvi urged gently, already settled on her pony boy. "Trust in Sister Helen's wisdom."

With a deep breath, Divya approached the remaining saddled boy. His eyes were downcast, and he remained motionless as she climbed onto his back. The saddle was surprisingly comfortable, and as she settled her weight, the boy adjusted his posture, bending his back to accommodate her. Divya placed her boots into the stirrups, feeling a strange mix of discomfort and curiosity.

"Very good," Sister Helen said, her blue eyes gleaming with approval. "Now, let us begin our tour."

With a slight nudge of her spurs, Sister Helen urged her pony boy forward. Tanvi followed suit, tapping her pony boy gently with her stick. Divya, still feeling unsure, hesitantly raised her hand and gave a soft slap to her own mount's back. The boy flinched slightly but began to move, his pace steady and controlled.

As they moved through the convent grounds, Sister Helen provided commentary on the various aspects of their domain. "This is where our slaves are trained," she explained, pointing to a large training yard filled with various implements of discipline. "They learn obedience and humility here, essential virtues for their spiritual purification."

Divya listened, her mind grappling with the surreal experience. The boy beneath her moved smoothly, his muscles working tirelessly to carry her weight. Despite the initial discomfort, she found a strange sense of ease in the rhythm of their journey.

"Sister Helen," Divya finally found her voice, her curiosity getting the better of her. "How did you come to believe that this... method is the right way?"

Sister Helen turned slightly, her piercing gaze meeting Divya's. "It is through divine revelation, my child," she replied solemnly. "God has shown me that only through suffering and servitude can these lost souls find redemption. We, as their guides, must help them cleanse their sins, no matter how harsh the means."
Divya nodded, though her doubts remained. The sight of the slaves' suffering and the brutality of their treatment still troubled her deeply. She glanced at her mother, who seemed entirely at ease with the situation, her earlier exhaustion replaced by a newfound vigor.

As they continued their tour, Sister Helen led them through various parts of the convent: the chapel, the gardens, and the dormitories where the slaves were kept. Each area was meticulously maintained, a stark contrast to the harshness of the slaves' existence.

As Divya, Tanvi, and Sister Helen rode across the cloister and entered a vast, lush garden, the scene was both surreal and unsettling. The garden was meticulously maintained, with vibrant flowers and neatly trimmed hedges, but the peaceful scenery was marred by the sight of slaves in various forms of subjugation.

Divya felt the strain in her human mount’s muscles as he struggled to carry her 130 lbs. Despite his evident exhaustion, he remained determined to please her. Divya couldn't help but notice how the boy beneath Sister Helen, who weighed at least 220 lbs, stumbled slightly under her considerable weight, yet his pace remained unbroken. Tanvi, at 180 lbs, observed her own mount’s labored breathing but found an odd satisfaction in his determination to keep up with Sister Helen's slave.
As Sister Helen, Tanvi, and Divya continued their tour of the convent, the atmosphere was a strange mix of serene beauty and disturbing reality. The gothic architecture of the convent loomed overhead, with intricate stone carvings and stained glass windows casting colorful patterns on the ground. The meticulously maintained gardens and fountains added to the surreal sense of peace that contrasted sharply with the suffering of the pony boys.

As Divya, her mother Tanvi, and Sister Helen rode through the convent, the atmosphere was a bizarre blend of serene beauty and unsettling oppression. The gothic architecture of the convent, with its towering stone walls and intricate carvings, loomed overhead, casting long shadows on the cobblestone paths. Sunlight filtered through the stained glass windows, painting the courtyard in vibrant hues that seemed almost too beautiful for such a dark place.

Tanvi rode with an air of casual elegance, her mature, voluptuous figure accentuated by her tight jeans and a fitted blouse. The fabric clung to her curves, highlighting the fullness of her hips and the ample swell of her breasts. Her sunglasses, perched stylishly on her nose, added a touch of modernity to her otherwise conservative attire. The boots she wore were sleek and black, their pointed toes and high heels giving her an aura of dominance as she tapped her pony boy's sides, urging him forward. Each step caused her body to shift slightly, her curves sinking into the soft, cushioned saddle.

Sister Helen, on the other hand, was a commanding presence in her traditional nun’s habit. Despite the modesty of her attire, the garment did little to conceal her full figure. The flowing black fabric swayed with her movements, and the tightness around her ample bosom and generous hips hinted at the powerful physique beneath. Her stern yet enchanting expression was framed by the white wimple, and her piercing blue eyes scanned the courtyard with a mix of authority and satisfaction. The spurs on her boots glinted menacingly in the sunlight, a silent reminder of her control over her mount. With each movement, her ample backside sunk deeper into the saddle cushions, emphasizing her dominance and the burden carried by the boy beneath her.

Divya, despite her initial discomfort, couldn't help but notice how the tightness of her own leggings accentuated her young, athletic figure. Her long, black hair cascaded down her back, contrasting sharply with the somber environment. The boy beneath her moved with a determined, albeit labored, pace, his muscles straining under her weight. She could feel the rhythm of his steps through the saddle, each movement causing her to shift slightly, the sensation both unsettling and strangely intimate.

As they continued their tour, Sister Helen spoke with a tone of reverence and authority. "This convent, my dear Divya, is not just a place of worship but a sanctuary for the lost souls seeking redemption. Our methods may seem harsh, but they are necessary for the salvation of these boys."

Tanvi nodded in agreement, her sunglasses reflecting the sunlight. "Sister Helen speaks the truth. These boys have found purpose here, and we, in turn, fulfill our duty to guide them."

Divya tried to focus on their words, but her attention kept drifting back to the boy beneath her. His breaths were labored, and she could feel the strain in his body as he struggled to maintain his pace. Despite her discomfort, there was a growing sense of power and control that she couldn't ignore.

The tour continued, with Sister Helen pointing out various landmarks within the convent. They passed by the chapel, its high vaulted ceilings and intricate stained glass windows casting a serene yet haunting glow. The sound of hymns and prayers echoed faintly, mingling with the occasional cries of the slaves, creating a dissonant symphony that filled the air.

As they reached a secluded garden area, Sister Helen brought her pony boy to a halt with a firm pull on the bridle. Tanvi and Divya followed suit, dismounting gracefully from their mounts. The garden was a place of beauty and tranquility, a stark contrast to the harsh realities within the convent’s walls. Flowers of various colors bloomed in carefully tended beds, and a small fountain bubbled peacefully in the center.

Divya tried to focus on the beauty around her, but her mind kept returning to the boy struggling beneath her. His muscles strained with each step, his breaths coming in ragged gasps as he fought to maintain his pace. She could feel the tension in his body, the silent plea for relief that he could never voice.

"Look at that fountain, Divya," Tanvi said, pointing to a magnificent structure in the center of the courtyard. The water sparkled in the sunlight, creating a mesmerizing display. "Isn't it beautiful?"

Divya nodded, trying to match her mother's enthusiasm. "Yes, Mother. It's stunning."

As they rode, the rhythmic movement of their pony boys became almost hypnotic. Divya could feel every step through the saddle, the sway of her mount's body as he carried her weight. Despite the discomfort of the situation, there was a strange sense of harmony in their movements. Each step caused her to shift slightly, her body moving in sync with the boy beneath her. She glanced at her mother and Sister Helen, noting how their bodies moved in the saddles as well.

Sister Helen's ample figure swayed with each step, her buttocks moving rhythmically in the saddle. The sheer weight of her body made the boy beneath her struggle visibly, his legs trembling with the effort to keep moving. Yet, he pressed on, driven by a mixture of fear and duty. Helen’s face remained composed, a serene smile playing on her lips as she enjoyed the ride, seemingly oblivious to the pain she was causing.

Tanvi, too, seemed at ease atop her pony boy. Her figure, though less imposing than Sister Helen's, still presented a significant burden. She occasionally tapped the boy's back with her stick, a gentle reminder to keep pace. Her eyes sparkled with delight as she took in the sights, her body moving gracefully in the saddle. Divya could see the subtle flex of her mother's muscles, the way her hips shifted to maintain balance, the smooth curve of her buttocks as they moved with the boy's steps.

"Divya, isn't this a wonderful experience?" Tanvi asked, turning to her daughter. "The peace, the beauty...it's like nothing else."

Divya forced a smile. "Yes, Mother. It's very...unique."

Sister Helen directed her pony boy with the bridle, giving it a sharp tug whenever she wanted to change direction. The boy responded immediately, his body twisting painfully to comply. Divya watched, a knot forming in her stomach, as Helen's spurs dug into the boy's sides, urging him to go faster. His breaths became more labored, but he increased his pace, his face a mask of determination and suffering.

"These boys are well-trained," Sister Helen remarked, her voice calm and authoritative. "They know their place and their purpose. It’s important to maintain discipline and ensure they understand the consequences of disobedience."

Tanvi nodded in agreement, delivering a sharper slap to her own pony boy's back. "Indeed, Sister Helen. They must learn that their suffering is necessary for their salvation."

Divya's mind was in turmoil. She tried to reconcile her mother’s words with the reality of the boy beneath her. Despite the cruel nature of their treatment, there was an undeniable sense of power and control that came with the experience. Yet, she couldn't ignore the pain and exhaustion in her mount’s every movement.

As they continued, Divya noticed how the boys' bodies reacted to their commands. The slight twitch of muscles under their skin, the way they adjusted their posture to better distribute the weight, the grim determination in their eyes. Despite the heavy burdens they bore, they moved with a surprising grace, their training evident in every step.

The courtyard led them into a series of winding paths through the gardens. The scent of flowers filled the air, creating an almost intoxicating atmosphere. Birds sang in the trees, and the gentle rustling of leaves added to the sense of tranquility.

"See how beautiful these gardens are, Divya?" Tanvi said, her voice soft with reverence. "This is the work of the slaves. Their labor creates such beauty for us to enjoy."

Divya nodded, her mind still grappling with the conflicting emotions. She felt a pang of empathy for the boys, their silent suffering a stark contrast to the serene beauty around them.

"Keep going," Tanvi commanded, tapping her pony boy's back more forcefully. The boy quickened his pace, his muscles straining visibly under her weight.

Sister Helen glanced back at Divya, her eyes piercing. "Divya, don't be afraid to use the bridle and the stick. These boys need to be pushed to understand their place."

With a heavy heart, Divya raised her hand and delivered another hesitant slap to her pony boy's back. He flinched but kept moving, his body a testament to his resilience.

As they rode on, Divya couldn't help but notice the contrast between the riders and their mounts. Sister Helen and Tanvi, both commanding and composed, sat tall and confident, their bodies moving elegantly with each step. The boys beneath them, though clearly in pain, maintained a steady pace, their training and fear driving them forward.

Divya's mind churned with the surreal experience. She could feel every muscle in her mount's body working tirelessly to carry her, the subtle shifts in his posture to maintain balance, the rhythmic rise and fall of his back with each step. It was a strange, almost intimate connection, one that left her feeling both powerful and deeply uncomfortable.
As they approached a steep track leading to a small hill, Sister Helen maintained a brisk pace, repeatedly digging her spurs into her slave’s thighs to encourage him to push harder. Her slave's grunts of pain were evident, but he pressed on, his focus unwavering.

“Keep up, Tanvi,” Sister Helen called over her shoulder, her voice authoritative.

Tanvi tightened the reins, using the bridle to steer her pony boy alongside Sister Helen’s. “Don’t fall behind,” she ordered, her tone a mixture of command and excitement.

Divya hesitated, watching her mother and Sister Helen with growing unease. But as her mother’s words echoed in her mind, she gave her pony boy a gentle nudge. “Let’s go,” she said softly, trying to mask her discomfort.

As they descended the hill, the boys’ muscles strained visibly, their breaths coming in ragged gasps. Sister Helen maintained her pace, her spurs digging deeper. “Faster, boy!” she commanded, her tone leaving no room for disobedience.

Tanvi, unable to use spurs, relied on the bridles, pulling them sharply to keep her slave moving at the same speed. “You can do better than this,” she said, her voice carrying an edge of impatience.

Divya, caught in the surreal blend of discomfort and newfound power, found herself enjoying the sensation of control. The steady rhythm of her mount’s movements beneath her, his muscles working tirelessly, gave her a sense of exhilaration she had never experienced before. She felt a strange thrill at being served so completely.

Once beyond the hill, the group found themselves surrounded by scenes of deep submission. Divya was open-mouthed as she took in the sight. Here, a young nun rode a two-legged slave on his shoulders, his head hidden under her dress. He walked in a circle around a large vegetable garden where several boys were working, their bodies glistening with sweat under the harsh sun. The nun cracked a whip against those she deemed were not working hard enough.

“See how discipline keeps them in line,” Sister Helen remarked, her voice tinged with satisfaction.

Tanvi nodded, her eyes gleaming with an unfamiliar sadism. “Yes, Sister Helen. It’s... remarkable,” she replied, her tone almost reverent.

On the other side, two elderly and overweight nuns rode two four-legged slaves in parallel, their conversation uninterrupted as they leisurely chatted. The slaves beneath them struggled to maintain the steady pace, their bodies visibly shaking with exertion.

Divya couldn’t tear her eyes away from another scene: three boys were pulling ploughs through a large field. Each plough was occupied by a young nun, who whipped her slave mercilessly. The sound of the whip cracking against bare flesh echoed through the air, mingling with the grunts of the boys and the soft laughter of the nuns.

“Move faster, you worthless wretch!” one of the young nuns yelled, her whip slicing through the air and landing with a sharp crack on her slave’s back. The boy stumbled but quickly recovered, his body straining as he pulled the plough with renewed effort.

“Look at them,” Sister Helen said, her voice filled with pride. “They are fulfilling their purpose, serving us and atoning for their sins. This is the way of our convent.”
Divya’s heart raced as she watched, a mixture of horror and fascination churning within her. The muscles working beneath her made her feel powerful, almost regal, and she couldn’t deny the odd pleasure it brought her. Yet, a part of her still rebelled against the cruelty she witnessed.

Tanvi, now completely immersed in the experience, wished she could spur her slave like Sister Helen. “You’re doing well,” she said to her mount, her voice surprisingly gentle. “But keep up the pace.”

Divya, struggling with her conflicting emotions, couldn’t help but feel a strange connection with the boy beneath her. Despite the absurdity of their situation, there was an unspoken understanding between them, a shared recognition of the bizarre world they inhabited.
Sister Helen led Divya and Tanvi to a dimly lit room adorned with religious iconography and somber hues. The atmosphere was heavy with incense, adding a sense of solemnity to the conversation about to unfold. Sister Helen’s commanding presence filled the space as she addressed them, her piercing blue eyes reflecting both empathy and authority.

“Tanvi, Divya,” Sister Helen began, her voice gentle yet firm, “I know the burdens you both carry. Losing your horse has left you with broken backs, and the death of your husband, Tanvi, has placed an immense strain on your family. Divya, you have lost your father. I see the pain in your hearts.”

Divya lowered her gaze, the memory of their hardships still fresh. Tanvi nodded, her eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and determination.

Sister Helen continued, “That is why I am making you an offer today. You can adopt a slave, use him as your pony boy, and have him serve as your dedicated slave. Divya, your mother struggles so much every day. Don’t you want to see her happy?”

Divya glanced at her mother, who looked back with hopeful eyes. The weight of their past struggles pressed down on her, and she felt torn between her compassion and the opportunity to alleviate their burdens.

“Sister Helen,” Divya began hesitantly, “I don’t know if I can do this. It feels wrong to treat someone like a slave, even if it means helping my mother.”

Sister Helen placed a comforting hand on Divya’s shoulder. “I understand your hesitation, Divya. But let me explain why this is necessary. These boys have sinned, and through their suffering, they find redemption. By adopting a slave, you are not only easing your own burdens but also helping them atone for their past misdeeds.”

Divya looked into Sister Helen’s eyes, searching for the truth in her words. “But how can inflicting pain on them be good for anyone? How does this help their souls?”

Sister Helen’s expression softened. “It is a test of faith, Divya. Just as we must endure trials to grow stronger, these boys must endure suffering to cleanse their souls. Your role in this is to guide them, to ensure they stay on the path of redemption. It may seem harsh, but it is a necessary discipline. Trust in God’s plan.”

Tanvi, seeing the struggle in her daughter’s eyes, spoke up. “Divya, Sister Helen is right. We have faced so much hardship, and this is a chance for us to find some relief. I believe this is what your father would have wanted for us. To find a way to ease our burdens.”

Divya took a deep breath, her mind racing. She could see the determination in her mother’s eyes, the hope that this offer brought. Slowly, she nodded. “Okay, Sister Helen. I will trust in your wisdom. I will adopt a slave, but only if it truly helps them find redemption.”

Sister Helen smiled, a glimmer of satisfaction in her eyes. “You have made a wise choice, Divya. Now, let us select your slave.”

They moved to an adjoining room where several boys were lined up, each wearing the marks of their servitude. Sister Helen gestured to one of the boys, a sturdy young man with a resolute expression despite his evident exhaustion.

“This one will serve you well,” Sister Helen said, nodding towards the boy. “He is strong and obedient. His name is Mark.”

Tanvi stepped forward, inspecting the boy with a critical eye. “He seems capable. What do you think, Divya?”

Divya, still grappling with her emotions, looked at Mark. He met her gaze with a mixture of fear and hope, as if understanding the gravity of the situation. She nodded slowly. “Yes, I think he will do.”

Sister Helen nodded approvingly. “Very well. Mark is now your pony boy and slave. Remember, his suffering is part of his path to redemption. Use him well.”

As the days went by, Divya rode Mark, her mind replaying the events of that incredible morning. Initially, the height scared her, but the shoulder saddle was comfortable, and the feel of Mark’s head between her thighs provided a secure grip. Gradually, she gained confidence and began to enjoy the ride. The sensation of being carried was wonderful, and soon, she decided to push Mark further to establish her dominance.

“Don’t ever be afraid to hurt him. The harder you hit him, the better for both his salvation and God’s happiness… not to mention your own satisfaction!” Sister Helen had told her with a bright smile. “And be cruel right from the beginning, even when it appears most unnecessary. He must live in constant fear of you, and always see you as the instrument God chose for his merciless expiation. Keep him in this status, and you’ll be enjoying the perfect slave.”

With these words in mind, Divya resolved to test her control. “All right, slave. I’ve been riding you slowly so far just because I wanted to, but I can be your worst nightmare if I want. Let’s start having some fun.” She dug her boots into Mark’s flesh with all her strength, forgetting about the razor-sharp spurs Sister Helen had ordered him to fasten to her boots.

Mark immediately broke into a full gallop, and Divya found herself on the brink of being unsaddled. She managed to remain on the saddle by grabbing Mark’s hair with her hand. Regaining her balance, she turned her sudden adrenaline rush from the escaped danger into excitement towards the ride. “You want to play hard, huh?” she said, and repeatedly spurred Mark again. Sister Helen would be proud of her.

Soon, Divya began to feel Mark’s muscles tiring beneath her. It was a beautiful feeling of control and power. She let the slave slow down for a little while, then used the bridles to lead him towards a tree, out of the beaten track. “Down!” she ordered harshly.

Without even looking at him, Divya dismounted and took a thin branch from the tree. She wanted a whip to beat him into submission. Then, for the first time, she looked at his face. The sight overwhelmed her with guilt and sadness: Mark was almost young enough to be her younger brother. His abdomen was marked and bleeding from the spurs, his body shaking from the fatigue of carrying her, and worst of all, he had an expression of pure terror. This was so unfair and wrong. What kind of monster had they turned her into?

“Are you all right, darling? Is that boy giving you any trouble?” A young, pretty nun addressed Divya from the beaten track.

“I’m all right, thanks,” Divya replied after a few seconds of hesitation. She just wanted to be alone and assess her new feelings. “I stopped by to make a whip out of this tiny branch.”

“Nice idea. These sinners never get beaten up enough,” the nun replied. “Can I ask you for some help?”

“Of course. What can I do for you, Sister?” Divya asked, despite her conflicted emotions. The nun, aboard a large carriage loaded with goods from the convent, barely had a spot to sit.

“I’ll show you.” She whipped the pony boys, who desperately started pulling the heavy load, showing Divya that one of them was visibly limping. The nun harshly pulled the bridles and made them stop again, seemingly unconcerned with their fatigue. “He fell down and got injured, the idiot! Of course, I’m forcing him to keep going… but I’m moving too slow. Would you mind helping me try another solution?”

Divya had to swallow her sad feelings and walked towards the nun, leading Mark by the reins. Sister Elizabeth – this was the young nun’s name – managed the whole thing in a few minutes: Mark was harnessed as a replacement for the injured slave, while the latter got fastened to the rear. He would follow the cart or be dragged through the beaten track.

Mark still had the shoulder saddle on. “Ok, we’re done and ready. I’m afraid I don’t have enough space here for both of us to sit, so I should ask you to mount your slave as he pulls the carriage,” the nun said.
Mark knelt down, and Divya sat astride him. He remained still, waiting for orders. Divya looked at Sister Elizabeth, ready on the carriage, and unwillingly said, “Up, slave!” Mark promptly obeyed.

Their trip began. Sister Elizabeth repeatedly slashed the slaves’ bare backs with a long whip until the heavy carriage started moving and they reached a brisk trot. She kept regularly whipping them to maintain the challenging pace she wished. Divya sat passively on Mark’s shoulders, adding her weight to his unbelievable effort and feeling him whimper every time one of those savage slashes hit his bare back. Did the nun want to kill these guys?

This was too much for Divya. She broke down and cried, silently at first, then sobbing louder and louder, until Sister Elizabeth heard her and stopped the carriage. They were terribly late for the town market, so the nun swiftly climbed on the other slave’s shoulders, and the ride continued that way, with the two women riding aside on the slaves’ shoulders and talking.

“Why are you upset, darling?” Sister Elizabeth asked.

“I feel just terrible,” Divya said. “I was enjoying my ride at first, but when I looked at his scared face… I asked myself what I was doing… and that’s the exact moment when you called me from the beaten track.”

“Oh, poor girl. I know it can be hard at the beginning. But sometimes the ways of God are a bit mysterious. You just need to have faith! Yes, he can be scared, but that’s part of his redemption process… and you might feel sorry and guilty, but you’re just an instrument of God and you must continue on!”

When Sister Elizabeth’s carriage reached its destination, the two slaves were simply finished. Divya spent some time with the nun to help her with the fruit stand and catch up with the lost time. This way, Mark could rest a little, but his muscles were so exhausted that when Divya finally mounted his shoulders again, he simply couldn’t stand up. Divya hesitated for a moment, then looked at the nun and knew what to do. A couple of harsh hits with the spurs into his abdomen summoned hidden energies, and the slave lifted her up. Further spurring was necessary for her to ride him all the way home.

The journey back was a grueling test of endurance. Divya felt every bounce and jolt as Mark struggled to keep pace. Her body moved rhythmically with the pony boy's uneven steps, and the sensation was both unsettling and exhilarating. Mark's breaths came in ragged gasps, his muscles trembling beneath her weight. Despite her earlier resolve, each step filled her with a mixture of power and discomfort.

“Faster!” she commanded, her voice trying to sound authoritative. The boy stumbled but picked up the pace, driven by her spurs and the fear of further punishment.

As they neared the convent, Divya’s conflicting emotions peaked. She looked down at Mark, his back slick with sweat, the marks of the whip visible even in the fading light. She felt a surge of pity, but she also remembered Sister Helen's words about the necessity of cruelty for his salvation.

Finally, they reached the convent gates. Divya dismounted, her legs shaky from the ride. She patted Mark’s head, a rare gesture of kindness, then turned away quickly, not wanting to dwell on the guilt that threatened to overwhelm her. She had a role to play, a divine purpose to fulfill, even if it tore at her soul.

As Divya and Tanvi exited the convent, they were greeted by the sight of a two-wheel carriage, pulled by a young boy named Mark. Tanvi's smile remained carefree as she settled onto the carriage, gesturing for Divya to join her. Divya hesitated, her mind still reeling from the events of the day, but she complied, taking a seat beside her mother.

After a few moments of silence, Divya's thoughts began to crystallize, and she couldn't help but voice her astonishment. "Mother," she began tentatively, "how can you treat him like this? He's just a boy."

Tanvi's smile didn't falter as she casually reached for the whip resting beside her. "He's not just a boy, Divya," she replied matter-of-factly. "He's an orphan, destined for a life of sin. It's our duty to guide him onto the right path, even if it means using... unconventional methods."

Divya's brow furrowed in confusion, but before she could protest further, Tanvi handed her the reins. "Here, give it a try," she encouraged, her voice laced with a hint of excitement.

Divya hesitated, her fingers closing around the reins with uncertainty. She glanced at Mark, who stood patiently beside them, awaiting their command. With a deep breath, she gave a gentle tug, guiding him forward. To her surprise, Mark responded with a surprising level of sensitivity, his movements fluid and controlled.

Encouraged by her success, Tanvi handed Divya the whip. "Now, give him a little motivation," she suggested with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

Divya hesitated, the weight of the whip heavy in her hand. But as she glanced at her mother's expectant expression, a sense of determination settled over her. With a hesitant flick of her wrist, she delivered a light tap to Mark's back.

The boy flinched at the unexpected touch, but he obediently quickened his pace, his muscles straining with effort. Divya couldn't suppress a small smile of satisfaction, the rush of power exhilarating and unsettling all at once.

As they journeyed home, Divya found herself alternating between moments of guilt and enjoyment. She tried to temper her use of the whip, mindful of the boy's well-being, but the thrill of control was intoxicating.

"You're doing well, Divya," Tanvi praised, her voice warm with approval. "You have a natural talent for this."

Divya nodded, a mix of pride and discomfort swirling in her chest. "I just... I don't understand how this is right," she admitted, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Tanvi's smile softened, her gaze filled with maternal affection. "It's not always easy to understand, my dear," she conceded. "But trust in Sister Helen's teachings. She knows what is best for us and for them."

Despite her lingering doubts, Divya couldn't deny the strange sense of satisfaction that came with their newfound dynamic. As they neared home, she resolved to embrace this new chapter in their lives, however unsettling it may be.Tanvi and Divya's life took a drastic turn after Mark became a part of their household. He became their means of transportation, their household servant, and even their personal masseuse. But more than that, he became a symbol of power and control for them, a tool to assert their dominance and fulfill their desires.

Every morning, Tanvi and Divya would summon Mark to their side, his eyes downcast in submission as he awaited their commands. They would climb onto his shoulders for a leisurely ride around the estate, enjoying the feeling of superiority as he obediently carried them wherever they wished to go.

But it wasn't just his role as a pony boy that defined Mark's existence. Tanvi and Divya would often make him pull their carriage, the weight of their bodies bearing down on him as he strained against the harness. Despite his efforts, they would occasionally whip him for not moving fast enough, the sting of the lash a constant reminder of his inferiority.

Back at the house, Mark's duties extended to household chores. He would cook their meals, his hands trembling with fear as he prepared their food. Tanvi and Divya would watch with amusement, occasionally berating him for the slightest mistake, their words sharp and cutting like a whip.

But perhaps the most degrading aspect of Mark's servitude was his role as their personal masseuse. Tanvi and Divya would lounge on the couch, ordering him to kneel at their feet and massage their tired muscles. His hands would glide over their skin, his touch gentle yet submissive. And when they grew bored, they would use him as a footstool, his back bearing the weight of their feet as they relaxed in comfort.

But despite his compliance, Tanvi and Divya would never show Mark any mercy. They would beat him with a stick whenever they pleased, the sound of his cries echoing through the house. They would slap him for no reason, their hands leaving red marks on his skin as a testament to their power. And sometimes, they would even spit in his mouth, the ultimate degradation as they forced him to clean their soles with his tongue.

And through it all, Tanvi and Divya would hurl insults and abuse at Mark, their voices filled with contempt and cruelty. They would mock him for his weakness, belittle him for his servitude, and remind him of his place at the bottom of their hierarchy.

But despite the pain and humiliation, Mark would endure, his spirit broken but his will unbroken. For he knew that as long as he remained in their service, he would never escape the cruel grasp of Tanvi and Divya.As time passed, Tanvi and Divya's cruel treatment of Mark only intensified, their desire for domination knowing no bounds. They began to implement new forms of degradation, convinced that each act of humiliation brought them closer to spiritual enlightenment.

One evening, as Tanvi and Divya lounged on the couch, a wicked idea took root in their minds. They called for Mark, his presence a silent reminder of their power over him. With a cruel smirk, Tanvi gestured for him to kneel before them, his eyes downcast in submission.

"Mark," Tanvi began, her voice dripping with malice, "from now on, you will serve us in a new way. You will lick our asses clean and smell our farts."

Mark's eyes widened in shock and horror, but before he could protest, Divya delivered a harsh slap across his face, the sound echoing through the room. "You will obey without question," she spat, her tone laced with contempt.

With trembling hands, Mark reluctantly complied, his heart heavy with shame and humiliation. Tanvi and Divya took turns lowering their garments, exposing their naked buttocks to his gaze. With a mixture of disgust and resignation, Mark leaned forward, his tongue tentatively darting out to taste their skin.

The sensation was repulsive, the taste bitter and foul. But Tanvi and Divya showed no mercy, their laughter ringing in his ears as he struggled to fulfill their twisted demands. And when they released a loud fart, they forced his head closer, forcing him to inhale the noxious gas with each breath.

"This is your purpose, Mark," Tanvi declared, her voice triumphant. "To serve us in every way, no matter how degrading. Only through obedience and suffering can you hope to cleanse your soul and find redemption."

And so, Mark's existence became a never-ending cycle of degradation and torment. Each day brought new humiliations, new punishments, and new reminders of his worthlessness in the eyes of his cruel mistresses. But despite the pain and suffering, he clung to the hope that one day, he would find a way to escape their clutches and reclaim his dignity.As Mark reluctantly obeyed Tanvi and Divya's commands, his heart sank with each degrading task they forced upon him. The sensation of licking their asses clean and inhaling their foul-smelling farts was a constant reminder of his subservience and degradation.

Tanvi's buttocks were firm and angular, with a sharp curve that made them appear almost sculpted. Her skin was smooth, with a slight sheen that reflected the dim light of the room. As Mark pressed his tongue against her flesh, he was met with a bitter taste that made his stomach churn. The texture was rough against his tongue, each lick a painful reminder of his servitude.

Divya's buttocks, in contrast, were softer and more rounded, with a gentle slope that seemed to invite him closer. Her skin was warm and inviting, with a faint floral scent that clashed with the repulsive task at hand. As Mark tentatively explored her flesh with his tongue, he was met with a slightly sweeter taste, though no less repulsive in nature.

Both Tanvi and Divya showed no mercy as they laughed and jeered at his discomfort, reveling in his humiliation. They took turns releasing loud farts, forcing his head closer to their buttocks and making him inhale the noxious gas with each breath.As Mark continued to endure Tanvi and Divya's cruel demands, he couldn't help but notice the stark contrast in their attitudes towards his servitude. Tanvi, with her firm and angular buttocks, seemed to take particular pleasure in pushing him to his limits. Her demands for ass licking were relentless, and her disdain for anything less than perfection was evident in every interaction.

Tanvi's mature body posed a challenge for Mark as he struggled to satisfy her insatiable appetite for domination. Her skin, though smooth, carried the weight of experience and authority, adding to the pressure he felt with each lick. Her buttocks, while sculpted and enticing, seemed to demand nothing short of absolute obedience, leaving Mark feeling powerless and defeated.

Divya, on the other hand, while still cruel in her own right, was not as demanding or ruthless as Tanvi. Her softer, more rounded buttocks provided a slight reprieve for Mark, though the humiliation of his situation remained ever-present. Her laughter and jeers were less cutting, her punishments less severe, but her loyalty to her sister ensured that she participated fully in their twisted games.

Throughout their torment of Mark, Tanvi and Divya always kept a stick in hand, a constant reminder of the consequences of disobedience. With each failed attempt to meet their impossible standards, Mark felt the sting of the stick against his skin, a painful reminder of his place in their cruel hierarchy.

Meanwhile, sister Helen, unaware of the true extent of Mark's suffering, remained blissfully ignorant of the horrors he endured at the hands of Tanvi and Divya. To her, Tanvi's assertiveness represented a form of discipline and guidance, a path towards spiritual enlightenment. She showered Tanvi with praise and adoration, convinced that her actions were leading Mark towards redemption and salvation.
As Divya's absence provided Tanvi with an opportunity to indulge her darkest desires, she seized every moment to assert her dominance over Mark in the most intimate manner possible. With a cruel glint in her eyes, she would summon him to her chambers, a sinister grin playing on her lips as she brandished the stick in her hand.

"Mark," she would command, her voice dripping with malice, "you will pleasure me as I see fit. Your desires mean nothing to me; your only purpose is to serve my needs."

With trembling hands and a heart heavy with dread, Mark would comply, knowing that resistance was futile in the face of Tanvi's cruel dominance. As she ordered him into various positions, her demands grew more depraved with each passing moment.

"Deeper," she would hiss, her nails digging into his flesh as she forced him to thrust harder and faster. "Fulfill my desires, slave, or suffer the consequences."

And so, Mark would obey, his body moving in rhythm with Tanvi's twisted whims, each thrust a painful reminder of his degradation. With each passing moment, the stick in Tanvi's hand served as a cruel reminder of the power she held over him, its presence a constant threat of punishment should he fail to meet her expectations.

But even amidst the agony, there was a twisted sense of pleasure for Tanvi, a sick satisfaction derived from exerting her dominance over her helpless slave. With each moan of pleasure that escaped her lips, she reveled in the knowledge that she held absolute control over Mark's body and soul.

And so, as the darkness of night enveloped them, Tanvi's chambers became a battleground of pain and pleasure, where the boundaries between dominance and submission blurred into a twisted dance of cruelty and desire. And in the midst of it all, Mark remained trapped, his body a vessel for Tanvi's depravity, his spirit broken but his will to survive burning ever brighter.
After their twisted encounter of dominance and submission, Tanvi's demands did not end with the completion of their cruel ritual. With a wicked glint in her eyes, she ordered Mark to his knees once again, her voice cold and commanding.

"Clean me," she commanded, her tone leaving no room for negotiation. "You will lick and cleanse my most intimate parts, slave."

With a heavy heart and a sense of revulsion churning in his stomach, Mark reluctantly obeyed, knowing that defiance would only lead to further punishment. As he leaned forward, his senses assaulted by the pungent scent of their recent encounter, he hesitated for a moment, steeling himself for what was to come.

Tanvi's vagina, once a symbol of intimacy and pleasure, had now become a source of torment and degradation. Its folds were swollen and slick with moisture, the remnants of their twisted coupling clinging to its delicate petals. But there was no tenderness in Tanvi's command, no hint of pleasure in the act of cleansing. For her, it was simply another means of exerting her dominance over her helpless slave.

As Mark tentatively pressed his tongue against her flesh, he was met with a bitter taste that made his stomach churn. The texture was rough against his tongue, each lick a painful reminder of his servitude. But Tanvi showed no mercy, her fingers tangling in his hair as she forced his head closer, demanding greater obedience with each passing moment.
As Mark obediently carried out Tanvi's degrading commands, his mind struggled to reconcile the torment he endured with her twisted justifications. With each lick of Divya's and Tanvi's flesh, he felt his spirit wither further, his sense of self slipping away in the face of their cruel dominance.

Tanvi's voice cut through the air like a whip, her words dripping with false benevolence as she spun her twisted narrative of purification and redemption. "You see, Mark," she sneered, her tone laced with derision, "by serving us in this way, you are purifying your soul. Each act of degradation brings you closer to enlightenment, closer to redemption."

But even as Tanvi spoke of purification and redemption, her actions told a different story. With each command, each cruel demand, she reveled in his suffering, delighting in his degradation with a sadistic glee that chilled him to the core.

As Mark knelt before them, his senses overwhelmed by the bitter taste of their flesh and the foul stench of their gas, he struggled to cling to the last vestiges of his humanity. But in the darkness of Tanvi and Divya's twisted realm, there was no room for compassion or mercy, only pain and submission.

And so, Mark continued his torment, his spirit battered and broken, his will to resist slowly fading into nothingness. As he bowed before his cruel mistresses, their laughter ringing in his ears.

End of part one

Last edited by Well-trained pony boy (2024-05-30 22:17:41)



#2 2024-05-30 17:14:50

Well-trained pony boy
Registered: 2020-09-15
Last visit: 2024-10-23
Posts: 134

Re: The Nun and her slaves

Teligram - @tapp123987



#3 2024-05-30 22:54:56

Registered: 2022-04-29
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 272

Re: The Nun and her slaves

Who always knew, or at least suspected, that things happen behind thick monastery walls that we could never imagine! This story chronicles such events. These will certainly continue to happen, but they will remain confidential and remain secrets in initiated circles.

Reports of this will continue to be rare. We are excited to see what else we can find out about this monastery!



#4 2024-05-31 11:42:50

Bonus member
Male (In his sixties), South America
Registered: 2006-11-25
Last visit: 2024-10-14
Posts: 1925

Re: The Nun and her slaves

The events narrated occur first in the monastery, then outside the monastery when the young lady goes out with the young nun to shop in the town and then return.

Finally, mother and daughter take the animal to her farm away from the others. In one part of the story it seemed to me that the mother was making love to her slave. Let's wait for the continuation.



#5 2024-05-31 13:21:24

Well-trained pony boy
Registered: 2020-09-15
Last visit: 2024-10-23
Posts: 134

Re: The Nun and her slaves

Part-2 back to convert

In the early morning, the sun barely risen, the convent's backyard was the scene of a grueling training session. Sister Helen, clad in tight black leggings that hugged her muscular legs, stood with a wooden stick in hand. Her form-fitting top accentuated her robust frame, a stark contrast to the skinny, trembling 18-year-old boy in front of her. He was the new "ponyboy," destined to carry nuns and visitors around the convent grounds.

Sister Helen approached him with a fierce determination, her leggings emphasizing the strength in her thighs and the sharp lines of her body. "Get on your knees," she commanded, her voice as unforgiving as the wooden stick she held. The boy, his heart racing, obeyed instantly.

With swift, practiced movements, she fitted a bridle onto his head, the leather straps digging into his skin. She mounted his shoulders, her weight a sudden and overwhelming burden that made his legs buckle slightly. "Stand up," she ordered, her voice filled with impatience. The boy struggled to his feet, every muscle straining under her substantial weight. He could feel her large buttocks pressing against the back of his head and neck, her bouncing breasts occasionally brushing against his ears as she shifted her position.

"You're going to learn to carry us properly," she sneered. "No rider is going to tell you to turn right or left with words. They'll guide you through the bridle. Understand?" She yanked the bridle hard to the right, nearly pulling him off balance. "Turn right! Faster, you useless piece of shit!" she shouted, the stick coming down hard on his back.

The boy stumbled, his legs shaking from the effort of carrying her. The pain from the spurs she dug into his sides made him yelp, but fear kept him moving. "Move faster!" she barked, slapping him hard across the face with her free hand. "Respond fast, you motherfucker!"

Every step was agony, her weight a constant strain on his shoulders. He could feel every movement of her body, the pressure of her large buttocks and the bouncing of her heavy breasts adding to his torment. "You think this is hard?" she jeered, striking him again with the stick. "This is nothing compared to what you'll face if you don't get it right."

She pulled the bridle to the left, forcing his head to turn sharply. "Turn left! Now!" she screamed, her voice echoing across the yard. The boy complied, his body barely holding up under the strain. "Faster, faster!" she yelled, hitting him repeatedly with the stick. "You will learn to carry us with pride, or you will be broken!"

The wooden stick came down again and again, each blow a reminder of her dominance. "No hesitation!" she screamed, her face a mask of rage. "Respond fast, you motherfucker!" She dug her spurs in deep, urging him forward with a sadistic glee.

The boy's breaths were labored, his muscles burning from the effort. The feel of her large buttocks pressing against him and the constant slaps from her bouncing breasts added to his humiliation. But he continued to obey, driven by the fear of what would happen if he didn't.

Sister Helen's harsh language and relentless blows were a constant barrage against his spirit. "You are here to serve," she hissed, her voice low and menacing. "You will obey every command without question. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sister Helen," he gasped, his voice filled with pain and desperation.

"Good," she said coldly. "Because if you don't, I'll beat you until you can't stand." She guided him to the left with another brutal yank of the bridle. "Turn left! Faster, you useless creature!"

By the end of the session, the boy was on the verge of collapse, his body battered and bruised, but his spirit still clinging to a thread of hope. Sister Helen dismounted, her face a mask of contempt. "You will get better," she said, her tone ice cold. "Or you will suffer until you do."

With those final words, she walked away, leaving him to recover in the backyard, a silent testament to the brutal training that had only just begun.After Sister Helen's grueling training session with the pony boy, she made her way to the washroom, her muscles still throbbing from exertion. As she entered, the sight of the five slaves kneeling before her, their eyes downcast in submission, elicited a sense of satisfaction in her commanding presence.

Without a word, Sister Helen approached the first slave, her demeanor harsh and uncompromising. Gripping his hair firmly, she issued her command with authority, "What are you waiting for? Take my clothes off." The slave obeyed without hesitation, trembling under her gaze as he removed her tight black leggings and form-fitting top, exposing her naked form to the cool air of the washroom.

Seating herself on the toilet commode, Sister Helen exuded an air of dominance as she relieved herself, her urine and feces cascading into the bowl below. Beneath her, the stool slave remained ever obedient, his tongue tracing gentle circles over her feet in a display of servitude.

Once she had finished, Sister Helen rose from the commode, her body glistening with exertion. "Toilet paper," she commanded, her voice cold and commanding. Without hesitation, the designated slave moved forward, his tongue poised and ready to serve, diligently licking her ass clean.

Meanwhile, another slave knelt beside her, a basin of warm water and soap in hand. With practiced skill, he bathed her body, his hands moving deftly over her skin as he washed away the sweat and grime of her training session.

As the bathing ritual concluded, a third slave stood by with a rag, ready to cleanse her body with meticulous care. With gentle strokes, he ensured that every inch of her skin was purified, his touch reverent in its tenderness.

Beside them, the fourth slave knelt obediently, his back serving as a makeshift stool for Sister Helen to sit on while she attended to her grooming. With steady hands, she brushed her teeth and applied her makeup, her every movement a testament to her dominance and control.

Finally, once she was clean and groomed to her satisfaction, the fifth slave approached with fresh clothing, ready to dress her in garments befitting her station. With practiced efficiency, he clothed her in a new ensemble, his hands trembling with reverence at the privilege of serving his mistress.

Throughout the entire process, Sister Helen remained aloof and detached, her demeanor unwavering in its harshness. To her, the slaves were mere instruments to be used for her pleasure and convenience, their existence solely for the purpose of serving her every whim and desire. And as they carried out their tasks with unwavering obedience, she reveled in the power and control that she wielded over them, secure in the knowledge that they would obey her every command without question or hesitation.

The following evening, the air around the convent was thick with an oppressive stillness, broken only by the distant echoes of cries and the swish of whips. Sister Helen stood in the courtyard, a cruel smile playing on her lips as she observed the latest visitor, Hulica, a 38-year-old woman who had come to the convent seeking the unique blend of power and piety that it offered.

Hulica was a striking figure herself, clad in a black T-shirt that struggled to contain her ample bosom and blue tight jeans that accentuated her generous hips and thick thighs. Her long, dark hair cascaded down her back, and her eyes sparkled with anticipation as she looked around.

Sister Helen approached her, the hem of her habit sweeping the ground. “Welcome, Hulica. I trust your journey was pleasant?”

Hulica nodded, her eyes gleaming with excitement. “Yes, Sister Helen. I’m eager to experience everything I’ve heard about.”

Sister Helen’s smile widened. “Excellent. Follow me. We have something special prepared for you.”

She led Hulica to the training garden, where a naked, trembling slave knelt on all fours, a saddle strapped to his back. His eyes were downcast, his body already bearing the marks of previous punishments. Sister Savita, a stern-looking nun with a sharp gaze, stood nearby, ready to assist.

“This is your pony boy for the evening,” Sister Helen said, her voice dripping with satisfaction. “His name is irrelevant. His purpose is to serve you, to bear your weight, and to obey without question.”

Hulica’s breath quickened. “I’ve never done this before. Will you show me?”

“Of course,” Sister Helen replied smoothly. She turned to the slave and snapped her fingers. “Kneel properly. Show some respect to your rider.”

The slave adjusted his position, his back arching slightly to better accommodate the saddle. Hulica stepped forward hesitantly, then took a deep breath and swung her leg over the slave’s back, dropping heavily into the saddle. The boy grunted under her weight, his muscles straining to support her.

“Oh, this is wonderful,” Hulica exclaimed, shifting her large buttocks to get comfortable. She giggled as the saddle creaked beneath her. “I can feel him trembling!”

Sister Savita stepped forward, placing a guiding hand on Hulica’s arm. “Sit firmly, dear. Your weight is part of his lesson. Don’t be afraid to let him feel it.”

Hulica adjusted herself, her substantial weight pressing down even harder on the slave’s back. She felt a thrill of power as she settled in, her heavy breasts bouncing slightly with her movements. “Like this?” she asked, her voice tinged with both excitement and curiosity.

“Perfect,” Sister Helen said, her eyes glittering with approval. “Now, let’s begin.”

Sister Savita handed Hulica the reins, showing her how to hold them. “To make him move, give a firm command and use the reins to guide him. Don’t hesitate to use the stick and spurs if he’s too slow.”

The slave struggled to comply, his body shaking with the effort. Hulica’s laughter echoed through the garden as she slapped his back with the stick, urging him on. “move, you useless creature!”

Sister Helen watched with satisfaction, her expression one of approval. “You’re doing well, Hulica. Remember, his purpose is to serve and suffer for your pleasure. Do not hold back.”

Hulica’s face lit up with a mixture of joy and cruelty. “I won’t, Sister Helen.” She tugged the reins sharply to the right, forcing the slave to turn. “Turn right! Don’t make me repeat myself!”

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The boy’s breaths came in ragged gasps, each step an ordeal under Hulica’s considerable weight. She felt a thrill of power with every command, every slap of the stick against his skin. “Move faster! You’re so slow!”

She shifted her position again, her large buttocks pressing even more firmly into the saddle. The slave whimpered but continued to obey, his body a testament to the brutal training he had endured.As Hulica settled herself more comfortably on the slave's back, her substantial weight pressed heavily into the saddle, each movement emphasizing her dominant position. The slave beneath her quivered, his muscles straining visibly with the effort to keep her aloft.

"Move, pony," Hulica commanded, her voice dripping with authority. She tightened her grip on the reins, her body adjusting to the rhythm of his crawling. Each time he hesitated, she brought the stick down sharply on his back, the sound echoing through the garden. "Faster, you useless creature!"

Her large buttocks shifted with each step the slave took, her jeans stretching tightly over her curves. The movement caused the saddle to creak under the pressure, a constant reminder of her control. Hulica's ample bosom bounced slightly with the motion, her black T-shirt straining to contain them. She felt a thrill of power coursing through her, the sensation of being both carried and revered by the trembling slave beneath her.

Sister Helen and Sister Savita watched with approving eyes as Hulica urged the slave onward. "You're doing splendidly, Hulica," Sister Helen called out. "Feel free to use the spurs if he slows down."

Hulica glanced down, noticing the sharp spurs attached to her boots. A wicked smile spread across her face as she dug them into the slave's sides, eliciting a pained yelp from him. "Move faster, pony," she hissed, her voice filled with sadistic delight.

The slave's breaths came in ragged gasps, his body shaking with the effort to obey. Every step was a new ordeal, the weight of Hulica pressing down harder with each command. His skin bore the red marks from the stick and the deeper indentations from the spurs, a testament to the brutality of his training.

The slave complied, his movements more labored under the strain of her weight. Hulica could feel the tremors in his muscles, the sheer effort it took for him to carry her. She shifted her position again, her large buttocks pressing even more firmly into the saddle, adding to his torment.

The sight of the slave, a broken figure crawling under Hulica's considerable weight, drew the attention of other nuns and visitors. They watched with a mixture of curiosity and approval, some even clapping in encouragement. Hulica basked in the attention, her smile widening as she continued to command the slave.

"Turn left," she ordered, tugging the reins sharply. The slave obeyed, his body shaking with the effort. "Good, now faster. Don't make me use the spurs again."

Hulica settled into the saddle, her large buttocks spreading out comfortably over the slave's back. Her movements caused the saddle to creak rhythmically, a sound that seemed to underscore the scene. As she took hold of the reins with a firmer grip, her heavy breasts jiggled with each step the slave took.

“Go! Move faster!” she commanded, her voice ringing with authority.

The slave’s body shuddered under her weight, his breaths coming in desperate gasps. With each step, Hulica's substantial weight pressed harder into the saddle, making him strain visibly. Her ample hips swayed with his movements, her curves accentuated by the tight jeans she wore. She felt an intoxicating blend of power and exhilaration coursing through her veins.

“Don't dawdle!” she snapped, punctuating her words with a sharp slap of the stick against the slave’s already bruised skin. The sound echoed through the garden, a stark contrast to the oppressive stillness of the evening.

As the slave quickened his pace, Hulica’s breasts bounced more vigorously with each jolt. She laughed, a cruel, delighted sound, and leaned back slightly, feeling the leather of the saddle press into her flesh. “That’s it, faster! Show me you can take it!”

Her voice was relentless, the stick in her hand a constant reminder of her dominance. She tugged the reins harshly to the left, and the slave whimpered, saliva dripping from the corners of his mouth as he struggled to comply. “Turn left! Now!” she shouted, her voice a mixture of command and satisfaction.

Each tug of the reins caused the metal bit in the slave’s mouth to dig painfully into his flesh, eliciting muffled cries of agony. Hulica’s smile widened, her eyes gleaming with the thrill of control. “You’re nothing but a beast of burden,” she taunted, her voice dripping with contempt.

As they crossed the garden, the rhythmic slap of the stick and the jingle of the spurs on her boots created a cruel symphony. The slave’s back was a canvas of red welts and bruises, each mark a testament to Hulica’s merciless handling. She felt a surge of satisfaction every time the stick connected with his flesh, the sound reverberating through the garden.

“Keep going! Don’t stop!” she urged, her voice rising with excitement. Her large buttocks moved rhythmically with the slave’s tortured gait, her body a picture of indulgent comfort atop his suffering frame. Each movement emphasized her dominance, her position in stark contrast to his utter subjugation.

She leaned forward slightly, her breasts bouncing with the movement, and whispered in a low, taunting voice, “You belong to me now. Every step you take, every breath you draw, is for my pleasure. Remember that.”
Hulica settled deeper into the saddle, her dominance becoming more evident with each passing moment. The slave's breaths came in desperate, ragged gasps, his body trembling under her substantial weight. She took a firm grip on the reins, her large buttocks moving rhythmically with his tortured gait. Each step emphasized her control, her power.

“Keep moving, pony!” she shouted, her voice echoing through the courtyard. She swung the stick down with a sharp crack against his back, the sound resonating in the oppressive stillness. The slave whimpered but obeyed, his muscles straining visibly with the effort.

Sister Helen and Sister Savita watched with approving eyes, their expressions reflecting satisfaction and a hint of amusement. “Excellent, Hulica. Make him feel every ounce of your weight,” Sister Helen called out.

Hulica's ample bosom bounced more vigorously with each jolt, her black T-shirt struggling to contain them. She laughed, the sound cruel and delighted. “I want ten laps around the garden!” she commanded. “Faster, pony! Don’t make me repeat myself!”

The slave's body shook with the effort, his breaths turning into pained sobs. Each step was a new ordeal, his skin bearing the red welts and bruises from Hulica's stick and spurs. She felt an intoxicating blend of power and exhilaration, her heavy breasts jiggling with each bounce.

As the slave quickened his pace, Hulica leaned back slightly, feeling the saddle creak under her weight. She dug her spurs sharply into his thighs, eliciting a pained cry. “I don't care if this horse dies under me today,” she shouted to Sister Savita, her voice dripping with cruelty. “But he will not slow down!”

Savita laughed, her eyes gleaming with approval. “God will be very pleased with you, Hulica. You’re helping him achieve his purpose.”

With a final, powerful jab of her spurs, the slave's pace turned into a desperate run. Hulica held the reins tightly, her body swaying with his tortured movements. The garden echoed with the sound of the stick striking his back and the rhythmic jingle of her spurs.

“Move faster!” she yelled, her voice a relentless command. The slave's muscles strained, his back arching painfully under her weight. Each lap around the garden became a testament to his endurance and her merciless control. Hulica's laughter filled the air, her large buttocks pressing down even harder with each jolt.

After completing ten rounds, Hulica finally tugged sharply on the reins, bringing the exhausted slave to a halt. His body shook with the effort, sweat dripping from every pore. She leaned back, her heavy breasts heaving with excitement, and reached for a water bottle.

As Hulica tugged sharply on the reins, the exhausted slave stumbled to a halt, his body trembling with fatigue. His breaths came in ragged gasps, his skin glistening with sweat, and his head hung low, saliva dripping from the corners of his mouth. Hulica adjusted her position in the saddle, her large buttocks pressing even more firmly into the slave's aching back. The saddle creaked under her weight, a constant reminder of her dominance.

Reaching for a water bottle, Hulica unscrewed the cap with deliberate slowness, savoring the moment. She raised the bottle to her lips, taking a long, satisfying gulp of water. As she drank, she glanced at Sister Savita, who stood nearby with a look of approval.

"He's doing quite well, don't you think?" Hulica said, her voice casual as she swirled the water in her mouth before swallowing. She took another sip, her eyes never leaving Savita's.

Savita nodded, her gaze shifting to the trembling slave beneath Hulica. "Indeed. He's proving to be a worthy beast of burden. Your handling of him is impressive."

Hulica smiled, setting the water bottle aside for a moment. She took her foot out of the stirrup, stretching her leg lazily while keeping her other foot firmly planted. The slave beneath her shuddered, the movement causing his back to arch painfully under her weight.

The air around them was thick with tension, the oppressive stillness broken only by the slave's labored breathing and the occasional murmur of the nuns watching from a distance. Hulica took another long drink from the bottle, her ample breasts rising and falling with each breath.

"Stay still," she commanded, her voice dripping with authority. She brought the stick down sharply on the slave's buttocks, the crack of the blow echoing through the courtyard. "Don't move. I'm drinking water."

The slave whimpered, his body quaking under the force of the strike. He strained to remain as still as possible, his muscles trembling with the effort. Sweat dripped from his brow, mingling with the saliva that continued to dribble from his mouth.

Hulica took another sip of water, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction. She relished the power she held over the slave, the thrill of control coursing through her veins. "It's important for him to learn discipline," she remarked to Savita, her tone conversational. "Don't you agree?"

"Absolutely," Savita replied, her lips curling into a slight smile. "Discipline is key. And you're teaching him well."

Hulica finished her water, setting the empty bottle aside. She placed her foot back into the stirrup, adjusting her position once more. "Good boy," she cooed mockingly, patting the slave's head with a condescending pat. "Now, let's see if you can handle a bit more."

With a swift, fluid motion, Hulica tugged on the reins and struck the slave's buttocks with the stick again. "Move!" she commanded, her voice ringing with authority. "Let's see the convent."

With a swift, fluid motion, Hulica tugged on the reins and struck the slave's buttocks with the stick again. "Move!" she commanded, her voice ringing with authority. "Let's see the convent."

The slave beneath her shuddered, his muscles twitching in exhaustion, but he obeyed. Hulica guided him at a slower pace this time, mindful of conserving his energy. She leaned back in the saddle, her large buttocks spreading comfortably over the slave's aching back. The saddle creaked rhythmically with each step he took, a constant reminder of her dominance.

As they moved through the garden, Hulica kept a firm grip on the reins, her ample breasts bouncing slightly with the motion. She felt a thrill of power with every jolt, every shudder of the slave beneath her. His breaths came in ragged gasps, his body trembling under her substantial weight.

"That's it, nice and slow," Hulica murmured, her voice laced with satisfaction. "We've got a bit of a journey ahead of us."

They made their way towards the ass licking room, a building situated about 400 meters from the garden, nestled within the convent's sprawling grounds. The path was lined with curious onlookers, nuns and visitors alike, who watched with a mixture of curiosity and approval as Hulica rode her trembling pony boy.

The slave's body ached with every step, his muscles strained from the effort of carrying Hulica. Yet, he continued, driven by fear and the need to obey. Hulica's dominance over him was palpable, her commands absolute.

"Don't slow down," she warned, her voice low and commanding. She tightened her grip on the reins, her ample hips swaying with his movements. "We need to get to the ass licking room."

As they approached the building, the oppressive stillness of the evening seemed to intensify. The slave's breathing grew more labored, each step a monumental effort. Hulica could feel the tremors in his muscles, the strain of carrying her evident in every movement.

Finally, they reached the entrance of the ass licking room. Hulica dismounted gracefully, her large buttocks shifting as she stood. She glanced down at the slave, his body shaking with exhaustion, his skin glistening with sweat.

"Stay here," she commanded, her voice cold and authoritative.

Hulica stepped into the ass licking room, a space designed for a very specific purpose. The air was thick with the scent of sweat and the sound of soft murmurs. Inside, several slaves knelt in various positions, their eyes downcast, their tongues ready to serve.. 
**Content Warning:** The following story contains elements of explicit non-consensual activities, humiliation, and degradation. If these themes are not something you're comfortable with, please stop reading.


**Inside the Ass Licking Room**

Hulica stepped into the ass licking room, her eyes quickly adjusting to the dim lighting. The air was thick with the scent of sweat and anticipation, mingled with the quiet murmurs of the nuns and the soft, submissive sounds from the slaves. The room was lined with slaves in various states of undress, their eyes downcast and their tongues eagerly awaiting their next command.

Sister Noora, a tall, imposing figure with a stern expression, approached Hulica with a welcoming nod. Her eyes glinted with approval as she took in Hulica’s formidable presence. “Welcome, Hulica. You are here to help these slaves purify their souls through their service. God will be pleased with your efforts.”

Hulica smiled, a cruel curve of her lips. “Thank you, Sister Noora. I am eager to see how they perform.”

Sister Noora gestured for three slaves to approach. They crawled towards Hulica with reverence, their eyes averted as they reached her feet. “Assist Hulica in preparing for the purification,” Noora commanded, her voice firm.

The three slaves immediately set to work. One carefully removed Hulica’s black T-shirt, revealing her heavy breasts that bounced slightly with each breath. Another unbuttoned her tight jeans, peeling them down her thick thighs with practiced hands. The third slave knelt to remove her boots and socks, kissing her feet as he did so.

Hulica stood tall and imposing, her voluptuous body now completely bare. Her thick black buttocks gleamed with sweat, each curve and dimple accentuated in the dim light. Her ample hips and thighs were equally sweat-slicked, a testament to the physical exertion and heat of the evening.

The slaves looked up at her with a mixture of awe and fear. Hulica's eyes narrowed as she took the stick from Sister Noora, a wicked smile playing on her lips. “Let’s begin,” she said, her voice dripping with anticipation.

With a swift, harsh motion, Hulica struck the first slave on the back with the stick. “Lick my ass clean!” she commanded. The slave winced but immediately moved to comply, his tongue tentatively reaching out to taste the salty sweat on her skin.

Hulica let out a satisfied sigh, enjoying the sensation. She then slapped the second slave sharply across the face. “You, attend to my armpits,” she ordered, raising her arms to reveal the glistening patches of sweat. The slave, trembling, began to lick her armpits, his tongue tracing the salty trails of perspiration.

The third slave was commanded to her front, where he began to lick the sweat from her neck and chest. Hulica’s ample breasts jiggled slightly with each touch of the slave's tongue, her eyes closed in pleasure as she relished the sensation of power.

“Don’t stop!” she barked, striking each slave again with the stick to emphasize her point. “You will lick until I am satisfied, do you understand?”

The slaves nodded fervently, their tongues working harder to please her. Hulica's thick black ass glistened with both sweat and the slaves' saliva as they licked fervently. She reached back, spreading her buttocks wide to give the first slave full access to the intimate areas between.

“Lick inside,” she ordered harshly, her voice a low growl. “Make sure it’s spotless.”

The slave obeyed, his tongue delving into the crevice of her ass, licking deeply and thoroughly. Hulica’s breath hitched slightly at the sensation, a smirk playing on her lips.

Meanwhile, the slave at her armpits lifted her arms higher, his tongue moving diligently over every inch of her damp skin. He licked the sweat from her armpits, the musky taste filling his mouth as he worked tirelessly.

The third slave continued to lick her neck and chest, his tongue trailing down to her ample cleavage, tasting the saltiness of her sweat. Hulica’s heavy breasts bounced slightly with each movement, her dominance evident in every line of her body.

Hulica’s laughter rang through the room, a sound filled with cruel delight. She slapped the slave licking her ass with her hand, a sharp crack that echoed in the oppressive stillness. “Faster!” she commanded, her voice harsh and unforgiving. “Make sure it’s clean!”

The slave redoubled his efforts, his tongue moving faster, desperate to comply with her demands. Hulica shifted her weight slightly, her large buttocks pressing even more firmly into his face.

As the slaves worked tirelessly to please her, Hulica felt a surge of satisfaction. She was in complete control, her dominance over them absolute. Her voice rang out, authoritative and cruel. “You belong to me now,” she taunted, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction. “Every breath you take, every movement you make, is for my pleasure.”

The slaves continued their tasks with fervor, their tongues working tirelessly over her body. Hulica’s ample curves glistened with sweat and saliva, her skin a testament to their subjugation. She relished the power she held over them, the intoxicating blend of dominance and pleasure coursing through her veins.

“Good,” she murmured, her voice a low purr. “Very good. Now, continue until I tell you to stop.”

The ass licking room was filled with the sounds of submission: the soft lapping of tongues, the occasional crack of the stick, and Hulica’s commanding voice. The slaves knew their place, their purpose clear. They existed to serve, to suffer, and to please. And Hulica, with her cruel smile and unyielding dominance, was more than happy to oblige.

After an hour of relentless ass licking, body massage, and breast worship, Hulica finally felt satiated. The slaves, exhausted and drenched in sweat, had served her well. She stretched languidly, her voluptuous body gleaming with a mixture of sweat and saliva.

"Prepare the bath," she commanded, her voice still holding that edge of authority.

The slaves scrambled to their feet, hastening to fill a large tub with hot water. They added fragrant oils and bath salts, creating a soothing and luxurious bath for their mistress. Hulica stepped into the steaming water, sighing with satisfaction as the heat enveloped her aching muscles.

As she soaked, two of the slaves continued to tend to her, massaging her feet and legs, while another poured water gently over her head, washing away the sweat and grime from the evening's exertions. Hulica relaxed completely, her eyes half-closed as she enjoyed the pampering.

After a long, indulgent soak, Hulica finally decided it was time to get dressed. She rose from the bath, water cascading off her curves. "Dress me," she ordered, her voice softer but still commanding.

The slaves moved quickly, drying her body with plush towels. One slave carefully slid a new pair of tight jeans over her thick thighs and generous hips, while another helped her into a fresh black T-shirt that clung to her ample bosom. They laced up her boots and ensured she was perfectly presentable.

Hulica looked at herself in the mirror, satisfied with her appearance. She turned to the slaves, a cruel smile playing on her lips. "You did well," she said, almost grudgingly. "Now, kneel."

The slaves knelt immediately, their heads bowed in submission. Hulica stepped over them and made her way outside, where her pony boy awaited, still trembling from the earlier ordeal. She swung her leg over his back, settling heavily into the saddle once more.

"Take me to Sister Helen's room," she commanded, tugging sharply on the reins. The pony boy grunted under her weight but obeyed, beginning the slow crawl across the convent grounds.

As they moved, Hulica enjoyed the cool evening breeze against her skin. The sights and sounds of the convent grounds were almost peaceful, a stark contrast to the brutality she had just inflicted. She let the wind ruffle her hair, her eyes half-closed in contentment.

They soon arrived at Sister Helen's quarters. Hulica dismounted gracefully, her weight shifting from the pony boy to her own feet. She gave the reins a final, authoritative tug, ensuring he stayed in place, and knocked on the door.

Sister Helen opened it with a welcoming smile. "Hulica, I trust you enjoyed yourself?"

"Immensely," Hulica replied, stepping inside. "Your slaves are well-trained. I appreciate the opportunity to help cleanse their souls."

Sister Helen nodded, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "Thank you for your assistance. It’s important work, ensuring their complete submission and obedience. You’ve done a great service today."

Hulica smiled, a mixture of cruelty and satisfaction in her expression. "I will come again. There's nothing quite like the feeling of absolute power and control. I enjoy helping these boys find their place."

Sister Helen placed a hand on Hulica's shoulder, her eyes sincere. "You’re always welcome here, Hulica. Your methods are... effective. Together, we can continue to mold these boys into true instruments of God's will."

Hulica nodded, her eyes alight with anticipation. "I look forward to it, Sister Helen. Thank you for the opportunity. I promise to return soon."

Hulica stood there, her body still tingling from the evening’s indulgences, as Sister Helen clapped her hands sharply. Almost immediately, a skinny boy appeared, his eyes wide with fear and anticipation. He was harnessed to a small two-wheeler carriage, his frail frame trembling as he took his place in front of Hulica and Sister Helen.

“This slave will take you to the gate,” Sister Helen said, her voice soft but authoritative. Hulica’s eyes gleamed with a mixture of amusement and anticipation as she stepped towards the carriage.

“Good,” she replied, running a hand over the slave’s head. “I’m eager to see how well he performs.”

Hulica climbed into the carriage, settling herself comfortably on the wooden seat. She picked up the reins, a cruel smile spreading across her face as she flicked them sharply. The slave staggered forward, the carriage jerking into motion. At first, he struggled to pull the weight, but the threat of Hulica’s impatience drove him to find his footing.

The carriage quickly picked up speed, bouncing along the uneven path. Hulica’s laughter rang out, mingling with the sounds of the night. She enjoyed the sensation of the wind whipping through her hair and the carriage jolting beneath her, each bounce a reminder of her power and dominance.

Faster, faster,” she urged, her voice cutting through the air. The slave gritted his teeth, his muscles straining as he pushed himself to obey. The carriage careened down the path, the wheels clattering loudly against the stones. Hulica reveled in the ride, her face alight with satisfaction and a sense of vindication.

As they approached the gate, Hulica pulled sharply on the reins, bringing the carriage to a halt. The slave collapsed to his knees, gasping for breath, but Hulica paid him no mind. She dismounted gracefully, her boots hitting the ground with a firm thud.

A waiting slave rushed forward, holding Hulica’s riding stick. He bowed low, pressing his lips to her feet in a gesture of deep reverence.

“Thank you for coming, Mistress Hulica,” he murmured, his voice trembling with awe. “We are honored by your presence.”

Hulica looked down at him, a satisfied smile playing on her lips. She placed a hand on his head, pushing him slightly to the side as she retrieved her stick. The weight of it felt reassuring in her hand, a symbol of the power and control she wielded.

“You’ve done well tonight,” she said, her voice low and commanding. “I will return soon. Be prepared.”

The slave nodded fervently, his forehead still pressed to the ground. “Yes, Mistress. We will be ready.”

With a final glance back at the exhausted slave who had pulled her carriage, Hulica turned and walked through the gate, her head held high. The night air was cool against her skin, but it did nothing to dampen the warmth of satisfaction that filled her.

She felt a deep sense of fulfillment, knowing she had contributed to the work of God, molding the boys into obedient instruments. Hulica's mind was already racing with plans for her next visit, each more tantalizing than the last. The promise of future dominance and control was intoxicating, and she relished every moment of it.

As she stepped into the darkness beyond the gate, her heart thrummed with anticipation. She was returning with a renewed sense of purpose and a cruel satisfaction that would fuel her until her next visit to the convent.
Under the gentle morning sun, Sarah and Chloe rode along the pristine beach, their human ponies moving gracefully beneath them. The rhythmic sound of the waves crashing against the shore and the soft creaking of their leather saddles provided a soothing backdrop to their conversation. Sarah smiled as she glanced over at her companion.

"You know, Chloe, despite our unexpected circumstances, I can't help but feel grateful for the comfort our ponies provide us."

Chloe nodded in agreement, her eyes glinting with satisfaction. "Absolutely. It's incredible how they make this life at the convent so much more comfortable. Just look at us, sitting in these premium saddles with our feet resting in the stirrups, protected from the sun by the canopies built for us by the girls themselves. We can go wherever we want without breaking a sweat."

Sarah chuckled softly, adjusting her position slightly, causing the saddle to creak under her weight. "You're right. It's almost as if we've created our own little paradise here, thanks to God and Sister Helen. I barely miss being able to use toilet paper or soap, thanks to their soft and obedient tongues."

The ponies beneath them, straining under the weight, breathed heavily with each step. The sound of their labored breathing mixed with the creak of the saddles and the rhythmic jingle of the spurs. Every so often, Sarah or Chloe would give a light tap with their spurs, prompting a gasp of pain from the ponies and a quickening of their pace.

“Move faster, pony,” Chloe commanded, her voice soft but authoritative. She gently flicked the stick she held, a subtle reminder of her dominance.

The pony beneath her obeyed, his breaths coming in ragged gasps as he tried to match the increased pace. Chloe’s ample buttocks bounced slightly with each step, her dress hugging her curves and highlighting her powerful presence.

Sarah glanced over, a satisfied smile playing on her lips. “They do make everything easier, don’t they? And so obedient. One tap with the spur, and they’re immediately at attention.”

Chloe nodded, her expression one of approval. “Exactly. It’s like they’re an extension of us now, trained to anticipate our every need.”

The ponies continued their laborious trek across the beach, their bodies glistening with sweat. Each step they took was an ordeal, the weight of their riders pressing down on them, the constant threat of the stick and spurs driving them forward. The sun climbed higher in the sky, casting a warm glow over the beach. Sarah and Chloe chatted comfortably, the natural rhythm of their ponies’ movements lulling them into a state of relaxation.

At one point, Sarah leaned back slightly, her dress stretching over her generous hips. She adjusted her position, causing the saddle to creak and the pony beneath her to groan softly. “Such a lovely morning, isn’t it?”

Chloe laughed lightly, a melodic sound that contrasted with the harsh reality of their situation. “It is. And it’s even better knowing we have such devoted service at our disposal.”

Sarah’s eyes twinkled mischievously. “Shall we give them a little more motivation?” Without waiting for a response, she dug her spurs into the sides of her pony, eliciting a sharp cry of pain and a burst of speed.

Chloe followed suit, her own pony responding with a similar cry and quickening his pace. “Indeed. Let’s see how far they can take us today.”

The ponies struggled to keep up, their heavy breaths and labored steps a testament to their exertion. The sound of spurs jingling and sticks flicking against skin mingled with the crashing of the waves, creating a symphony of dominance and submission.

As they rode, Sarah and Chloe’s conversation drifted back to the comforts their ponies provided. They spoke of the evenings when the ponies would use their tongues to clean their mistresses, of the soft, soothing touch that made even the most basic necessities feel like luxurious pampering.

“I never thought I’d be so comfortable without toilet paper or soap,” Sarah mused, her voice tinged with amusement. “But their tongues are so soft, so thorough. It’s almost preferable.”

Chloe nodded in agreement, her eyes sparkling with shared understanding. “Indeed. They’ve been trained well. Every lick, every touch is perfect. It’s like having a personal attendant, always ready to serve.”

The ponies continued their arduous journey, their bodies bearing the marks of their mistresses’ training. Each step they took was a testament to their endurance, their willingness to endure pain and hardship for the sake of their riders.

Finally, after a grueling ride along the beach, Sarah and Chloe decided to take a break. They brought their ponies to a halt, the exhausted men collapsing to their knees, their bodies trembling with fatigue.

Sarah reached for a bottle of water, taking a long, satisfying drink. She sighed contentedly, feeling the cool liquid soothe her throat. “That was refreshing,” she said, glancing at her pony with a smirk.

Chloe followed suit, drinking deeply from her own bottle. She looked down at her pony, his eyes pleading for a drop of water. But her heart was unmoved. “You did well, pony,” she said, her voice soft but devoid of compassion. “But you’ll have to earn your reward.”

Sarah nodded in agreement, her own pony’s silent plea met with cold indifference. “Yes, we can’t spoil them too much. They need to understand their place.”

As they continued to drink, the ponies remained kneeling, their bodies wracked with exhaustion and thirst. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore provided a soothing backdrop to the scene, a stark contrast to the harsh reality of their servitude.

Sarah and Chloe chatted comfortably, their conversation a testament to their shared understanding of power and dominance. They spoke of future plans, of new ways to train their ponies, their voices filled with excitement and anticipation.

The ponies, meanwhile, could do nothing but kneel and listen, their bodies a testament to the brutal training they had endured. Every breath they took was a reminder of their place, their purpose: to serve and suffer for the pleasure of their mistresses.

Last edited by Well-trained pony boy (2024-06-02 14:48:33)



#6 2024-06-01 12:55:14

Male (72), France
Registered: 2008-08-24
Last visit: 2024-10-24
Posts: 587

Re: The Nun and her slaves

Thanks a lot, well-trained ponyboy for this excellent sequel to a german story from  szweppo66, which was published years ago in a great Story forum named "Schreiberlinge".

Your story is not at all a plaggia nor a copycat of sweppo66 ! On the contrary, it provides us with waht was missing in szweppo : The psychological dimension of  such a slavery and dominance, how it is suffered or enjoyed  depending on where you are in this wonderful and cruel bdsm game.

Like caballito, I understand that the slave is also used for sexual intercourse ...?!  from personal experience, I believe this could jeopardize the very essence of slavery, as it infringes one of its very basic laws, which says : "The level of submission of a slave is DIRECTLY proportional to the level of sperma contained in his testicles ..."

Your heroïnes should refrain from such inappropriate behaviours  smile   smile   smile

Thanks again !I'm sure you still have a continuation in mind ...Don't you ?




#7 2024-06-01 19:54:14

Registered: 2022-04-29
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 272

Re: The Nun and her slaves

Hello... another former member! I was pretty active on the "forum named "Schreiberlinge" back then, wrote a few stories, but had a different name. But then - almost as announced - it was no longer accessible. I tried it again and again at irregular intervals, but it disappeared. It's a shame, it really wasn't bad.
But... that's life!



#8 2024-06-02 13:16:30

Well-trained pony boy
Registered: 2020-09-15
Last visit: 2024-10-23
Posts: 134

Re: The Nun and her slaves

Demanding and brutal rider in Mumbai contact on telegram

Teligram - @tapp123987



#9 2024-06-03 15:08:26

Male (72), France
Registered: 2008-08-24
Last visit: 2024-10-24
Posts: 587

Re: The Nun and her slaves


Oh yes ! It was a very good story-forum ! Probably the best I ever attended to ! It provided stories in shoulder rides, pony slavery, and all other forms of slavery including the "worst" ones. I also keep checking it from time to time, but it's useless, it's dead ! C'est la vie !
But it could somehow be kind of revived, if you published, in this forum for instance, the stories you wrote back then ? Good stories are like good wines : They keep improving with age  smile


Max wrote:

Hello... another former member! I was pretty active on the "forum named "Schreiberlinge" back then, wrote a few stories, but had a different name. But then - almost as announced - it was no longer accessible. I tried it again and again at irregular intervals, but it disappeared. It's a shame, it really wasn't bad.
But... that's life!



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