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#1 2024-03-17 23:31:30

Registered: 2022-04-29
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 272

Amir the Rider

Amir, the Rider

We got to know Amir as an excellent slave rider. With a lot of sensitivity he is able to get enormous performance out of a two-legged riding horse. He knew his talent very well and was particularly proud of it. You can't even say that he was a particularly sadistic rider, no, he only ever had an eye on how he could awaken the power in a slave's body and use it sensibly for his purposes. It was always important to him that the slave continued to develop under his leadership, even going far beyond the limits of his capabilities. However, it has to be said clearly: he took advantage of every opportunity and had no inhibitions whatsoever!

Amir himself was a likeable person, but to his chagrin, he was rather short at 168 cm. Nevertheless, he was very compact and muscular, yes, one could also say: he was a handsome, good-looking young man with friendly facial features. He practiced many different sports in his free time, but sport riding, namely on two-legged horses, was his favorite pastime above all else.

Whenever possible, he always preferred a certain type of man, whom he chose as a riding slave. The stallion was allowed to be a little older, perhaps even around 50 years old or a little over, so he was often more than twice as old as his young rider. Above all, his stallion had to be tall and strong, it had to be at least 190 cm. It was also important to him that he had broad shoulders, preferably with a certain degree of overweight. This was certainly welcome for Amir, as it represented an additional challenge for a sporty rider like him. In addition, the slave had to appear fairly robust so that Amir could use his full range of equestrian skills without inhibition. He liked a riding slave like that better than riding a young, sporty, well-trained stallion, like his sister preferred, for example. But Amir had more fun with such slaves, who sometimes tended to be a bit lazy due to their age and excessive body weight. Riding such a specimen was a very welcome challenge for him.

When he sat in the saddle, the two-legged horses always had to bend their upper bodies a little forward when they moved, because Amir liked to sit with his legs apart on their upper back, which is also where the saddle was strapped. When he sat purely on his shoulders (but occasionally he also just sat on his shoulders!) he didn't get the equestrian feeling of actually sitting on “a horse”. This was of course much more strenuous for the slave, but he simply had to get used to it over time; he had no other choice. Both stirrups hung on the side, which he could quickly adjust to the correct length from the saddle. His stallions had a bridle made of hard leather in their mouths, which was tensioned behind their heads. The reins were attached to the ends. This is how his riding slave reacted to the slightest pressure when it came to giving him a different direction.

Amir knew himself very well and knew that he could sometimes be quite rough with his horse. That's why all his ridden bipeds wore a wide belt around their lower stomach with eyelets embedded in it. Here the rider always fastened his slave's wrists when bridling, in such a way that he could let them swing slightly while running quickly. But even when he tugged desperately at the girth during a sharp ride, he was unable to offer any serious resistance to his energetic rider. It was also important to Amir that the stallion could not put his hands in front of his testicles to protect him when Amir wanted to use the whip very hard. The side flanks were always free and uncovered, including the belt, because of course he always rode all of his riding slaves with spurs. Of course that was part of it for him.

Amir didn't find excessive body hair particularly attractive. He also wanted to be able to clearly see the red, glowing traces of his riding crop on the slave's skin, he thought it was very pretty. However, he did not want to seriously damage this skin, for example through excessive bleeding, because he might have made a wound in his eagerness had beaten. He also enjoyed the beautiful sound when the leather whip hits the sweaty skin after a clean, perfect blow. A hairy part of the slave muffled the pleasant noise somewhat. That didn't have to be the case! He usually had his body hair removed by the grooms. However, the head had to be completely shaved, almost clean. The sweat formation on this area of skin was an important sign for him of how much he was demanding the slave while riding. If thick beads of sweat formed, but the liquid only crept down the neck in a narrow trickle, then the slave was under good tension, but not yet at his limit.

Amir was thrilled by all of this! He had also found an ideal slave who had all of these positive qualities. His name was Burkan, he wasn't particularly smart, but he was a real bull of a guy, just over 190cm tall and probably weighing around 120kg. Despite everything, what was striking was his very athletic legs, with strong thighs and tight calves. That was an ideal prerequisite for a good riding slave like the young, dynamic rider liked. He was the ideal riding horse for Amir and he enjoyed riding him a lot. His age wasn't exactly known, he might have been close to his 50s, maybe a little younger. Whenever this Skaven stallion was available: Burkan was always the first choice for the likeable young man.

End part 1

Last edited by Max (2024-03-18 10:24:57)



#2 2024-03-18 12:48:13

Registered: 2022-04-29
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 272

Re: Amir the Rider

Amir, the rider, part 2

With a broad smile of anticipation, Amir often announced to Burkan a day in advance that a ride together in the great outdoors was planned. He usually grinned somewhat stupidly, but bowed briefly in mock gratitude and joy. But then just a few seconds later you could see the cold sweat of fear on his broad forehead. His sleep the following night would probably be rather restless and nightmares would accompany him, because his young rider had just told him in kind words that he had planned a longer ride to the nearby monastery tomorrow. It was a very demanding path with a lot of inclines, so it was a real grind for every riding slave, at least if he had to carry a rider like Amir in the saddle.

The next morning Amir entered the slave stable with a spring in his step, his mood was excellent, he was looking forward to the ride and was also looking forward to Burkan. He had put on his knee-high, dark brown riding boots, which also contained his riding crop. Matching short, black linen trousers. Furthermore, he was only wearing a white T-shirt because the weather promised to be good all day. So it was ideal to ride up to the monastery. He had to think about the riding boots for a moment in the morning, but a look in the mirror showed him that the riding boots and shorts were a perfect combination. Everything looked good and he liked it.

The young rider always made it a point to ensure that his slaves prepared themselves for the upcoming ride before he appeared, so that he only had to tighten a few straps before getting on. Burkan had already put on his bridle and bridle, the saddle was in the right place, and he even had the belt to fasten his wrists stretched around his stomach. Now he was standing in front of his box, looking down at the ground as Amir slowly walked towards him. He now stepped next to his riding slave, looked at him from all sides, “Great!” was his satisfied, barely audible comment. Then he tightened the saddle girths with a strong jerk and fastened the tension straps of the bridle. Now it was the turn of the wrists and the stirrups were quickly adjusted to the correct length. So we could get started straight away, his current stallion Burkan was perfectly prepared for the ride, so his rider could get into the saddle.

Amir could be sure that Burkan had immediately recognized how he was being ridden today and what aids were available to his rider to drive him. With every riding slave, even when a mare was to be ridden, the first thing that was always noticed was the rider's feet! Were spurs attached to the heels? What type of spore was this? Were they cleaned clean or were there still hidden traces of blood? Every slave had immediately grasped all of this before his master's ride out. He certainly hadn't missed Amir's bobbing riding crop in his boots, nor the shiny silver spurs on his boots. It would be anything but a leisurely walk, this was clear from the first few seconds.

Burkan now bent his upper body forward so his rider could sit up. He put his left boot into the stirrup, with the reins firmly in his hands, with a strong swing Amir climbed up to the side and then slowly slid into the saddle. As an experienced rider, he immediately had the right seat and now gripped the reins a little tighter. It was just wonderful to be in the saddle again! Then there was a light use of spores: “Hop, let’s go! The great outdoors is waiting impatiently for us, it’s time to get started!” and the strong stallion willingly trotted off. Everything had worked out wonderfully, Amir was satisfied.

At first he let his stallion trot slowly, made a few small changes in pace and steered the slave bull with the reins, sometimes to the left and sometimes to the right. He should first get used to his rider and react quickly to the commands given. The whip was still in his right boot, only the spurs gave Burkan some light kicks when the pace was a little too slow. The rider had adjusted the length of the stirrups so that the spurs hit the flanks just below the lower costal arch. There was a particularly painful area here, which in Burkan's case was "padded" with a considerable layer of fat. It wasn't very far from the slave stable to the planned route, then it went uphill, then you would see how his riding slave behaved. A few minutes later the time had come.

Now things slowly became more difficult for the stallion. Not much happened at first, his breathing became a little louder, the sweat slowly increased, but he continued to exert himself. But then, as Amir had suspected, he became a little slower over time, then faster again, but eventually his running speed noticeably slowed down.

“What’s wrong with you all of a sudden? You were so happy in the stable that we were going out riding, especially in this great weather! Why are you suddenly becoming so slow? It probably can't be that little bit of an incline! Are you tired of carrying me now? We keep going at this pace, go faster! I don't feel like riding a snail here, keep going!" A short, slightly stronger kick with the spurs supported his command.

Of course, Amir knew what he was causing with his clear words in the panting riding slave: it was pure desperation! He noticed with satisfaction that his slave was making an effort, that he was really trying. Nevertheless, by now it should be clear to him that he could not expect any understanding or leniency. Here he was just a riding horse that had to function. Amir also had fun teasing him a bit and playing the naive, ignorant rider who is always surprised that his slave doesn't carry his nice, friendly rider with “endless joy”.

End of part 2



#3 2024-03-19 18:56:32

Registered: 2016-05-18
Last visit: 2024-09-19
Posts: 34

Re: Amir the Rider

Wonderful, Max! Great to read. I look forward to further description of how Amir rides.

Thank you for your “Intermezzo!”

Best greetings from viennapony  (who knows quite well how painful it is to be a horse under Amir wink ... )



#4 2024-03-22 11:34:51

Registered: 2022-04-29
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 272

Re: Amir the Rider

part 3

The slave was sweating profusely by now, but the short kicks with the spurs had probably always woken him up and brought him up to speed. Clearly visible to Burkan, Amir slowly pulled the riding crop out of his boot, let it circle in the air and then hung it with the loop on the pommel of the saddle. He had to smile when he saw the slight head movements. Now his panting horse could think carefully about whether he really wanted to give in to his next little attack of weakness or whether it might be better to stick to a trotting walk. At least his slave now knew exactly how fast the riding crop was in his rider's hand. But first Amir wanted to have some fun with him.

“But maybe I just don’t ride you well if it’s already too strenuous for you! If you are already tired and listless after such a short time! Do you think I don't ride you well enough, dear Burkan? Maybe I'm just being too lenient with you. You see, now you're slowing down again, even though I just told you not to! The path isn't really difficult to walk, it's more of a walk! So don't act like that! Besides, the area is really beautiful here, you should like that too. Here is still the free, untouched nature in which we move here! So go on, don’t be so lame!”

Burkan had to try harder and harder! Even without a rider on his back, it would have been difficult for him to move at this pace on such a strenuous route. But as a slave to Amir, that merciless rider, it was hell. But he felt it himself, tried to resist it with his will, but simply couldn't do anything: he was getting slower and slower! This couldn't remain without consequences for him for very long.

“What’s going on now? My weight can't be the cause of your renewed weakness! I haven't suddenly become heavier in the last few minutes! I think you just don't feel like carrying your rider anymore or maybe you just want to annoy me! Besides, it wouldn't be nice of you if you actually complained about my weight! So your rider can't be the reason for your dawdling! Hop, keep running fast! I think you're just thinking too much. Focus on what’s important! My few kilos don't play a big role! Come on, run faster again!”

But of course Amir also had his weight, even if he was a good-looking young man! It might have been a good 60 kilos, maybe he had actually gained a lot of weight recently, that could certainly be the case. But that's exactly when riding was the right sport for him because it wasn't too strenuous and he always kept moving. Above all, it was now time to work more with the spurs, but also with the whip. His riding slave was now becoming more and more sluggish, his steps unsteady. Of course he didn't want to let his lazy stallion get away with this. So he gave the first, then further blows to the sweating fur. Amir also repeatedly and briefly pressed his spurs into his flanks. He alternated his help as a little surprise. This trick also had a positive effect. The stallion had become significantly faster again, although the path to the monastery became steeper. Burkan panted like a walrus, sweated like a pig, but didn't give in, bravely fighting his way forward.

Every time he used his spurs, he always let out a sharp scream in shock, which caused Markus to smile cheerfully: “Hahaha! You shouldn't squeal like a piggy, but you should finally make an effort and swing your tired hooves, let's go, keep going! Your effort isn't in vain, the faster you move your ass, the sooner we'll be at the top, hahaha! I feel like I'm riding a lame duck instead of a stallion! Come on, move, don't fall asleep!” Now, as a little surprise, he repeatedly slapped the crop on his sweaty skin. This was certainly quite painful for him, but undoubtedly also necessary to keep him moving well on this difficult path. Everything here was exactly to his liking. The day was still long and the fun was far from over.

Now Amir opened the strap for the bridle with a hand behind the sweat-soaked back of his head. This immediately comes out of the frightened slave's mouth! He was so surprised that he didn't make a sound at first, then his rider spoke up: “What's wrong with you? Is it so tiring? You’re completely out of breath!”

"Please sir...please...please, I just can't take it anymore, I'm at the end of my strength please, can't you maybe..."

“I notice that you have to make a bit of effort, the path is really uncomfortable to walk, I can tell that very clearly from the saddle! But I can't change anything about the path, it is the way it is! But you've done pretty well so far, I'm happy with you! You shouldn't be so discouraged and pull yourself together instead of moaning... it can't be that bad!'

“Please, can’t you please get off, at least briefly, I…”

“Get off? Do you think I should run? Should I still walk alongside you and lead my poor horse by the reins? You can't really be serious! Then what did I take you with me for? After all, we're going on a horseback ride and not a hike! The horse is responsible for running and not the rider! I finally put on my riding boots this morning and they are not suitable for running. The name alone says that! I might even break a blister, and then what? You probably don't want to seriously expect that from me, especially in this heat and such a strenuous journey! I've already got enough to do driving my tired horse up here so you don't fall asleep while I'm running. Now should I go on foot myself? Just for thinking about it, I should give you 20 strong lashes with the whip on your fur! Then what do I actually have you for? I'm not even thinking about getting out of the saddle, that's all that's missing!"

End of part 3



#5 2024-03-23 05:22:10

Bonus member
Male (In his sixties), South America
Registered: 2006-11-25
Last visit: 2024-10-14
Posts: 1925

Re: Amir the Rider

All your stories are good
Congratulations Max!



#6 2024-03-24 19:08:52

Registered: 2022-04-29
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 272

Re: Amir the Rider

Part 4

Then more minutes of silence passed, only the loud panting of the desperate riding slave could be heard. Markus finished smoking a cigarette in peace, but had slowed down a bit. After all, the slave shouldn't actually collapse, because Amir really didn't feel like running. Nevertheless, it was still a strenuous task for his exhausted horse to carry his rider, he was of course aware of that.

“Maybe I could come a little closer to you, after all, I'm not a monster!” Then he took a short break, literally feeling how the slave was gaining new hope that his rider would show compassion and actually get off him . Then Amir continued talking: “We could take a short break if you really want to. Maybe I would even be okay with that, and so that I don't get so bored, you could give me a nice blowjob during this time! I would find that quite funny, as a way to pass the time, so to speak! I want to offer you a break just to be fair! You asked for it, it was just a thought for you! But we can also ride further, I really don’t mind that, it’s nice too, just from the landscape!”

Amir noticed with a smile how the slave literally jumped under his ass at his calm and matter-of-fact words. It was almost more violent than if he had whipped him hard. He had obviously hit the bull's eye, because his tired stallion slipped into a deep, yet hopeless state of hopelessness! Nevertheless, Amir was very happy with his friendly “offer” to Burkan. When he felt this violent reaction, he wanted to roar with laughter. Then he added one more thing: “But you can think about it at your leisure, take your time, we're in no rush! But you shouldn't fall asleep while running! Hop, keep going, not so slow!” Then he spurred him twice. It went back to a brisk trotting walk.

Amir could literally feel what was going on in the desperate slave brain between his thighs, how it was working inside him! But the boy still didn't come to any conclusions, didn't give an answer, even though he was sweating like a pig as he trotted. "Please! I ask you! I just simply can not anymore! My strength is...” “I fully understand that! That's why I made you a well-intentioned suggestion. So we could solve your problem in a very simple way! But you still don't give me an answer! I still don't know what you think about this idea, whether you like the idea of taking a break or not! Do you need a little more time to think about it? Just don’t think about it for too long or I might…”

Please! …Sir..please…I...”

“...I could quickly withdraw my generous offer! Then a break looks extremely bad for you! You shouldn't forget that! So, now you know everything, decide! There is nothing more to say! So let's keep it short: I'll just count to 3 now! I then withdraw my suggestion from the table. Maybe that will speed up your thinking a little... 1 …. 2…. and the last number is...!”

"Yes! …. Yes, please …. Yes! I'll do anything! I just simply can not anymore! Please get off…”

“Are you looking forward to taking my male organ in your mouth? Of course I want you to enjoy doing it too! You know, only what you enjoy doing will turn out really well! I definitely don't want to force you to do anything, you always have a free choice! Of course, you can also choose to simply say “NO!”

End of part 4



#7 2024-03-24 19:13:20

Registered: 2022-04-29
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 272

Re: Amir the Rider

I'll stop the story here. I couldn't arouse any interest with it. It's not tragic, I just don't feel like writing anymore... that's all.



#8 2024-03-25 10:01:54

Bonus member
Male (45), Italy
Registered: 2013-08-03
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 260

Re: Amir the Rider

Hi Max, thank you for your story, so your horse and Viennapony's horse are not the same, only thing here that I wish to improve is the horse, with your description he is just an giant bear, you didnt describe if he is muscular, his hair color, eye color, his shoulder/neck shapes etc, these are very very important factors for the riders to know, maybe you can provide some more details?

@Max, @ Viennapony, we are very interested to know how did Amir come to be so good at his job, there must be some very very interesting history there, with some nice horses involved? Maybe some better looking handsome horses too?



#9 2024-03-26 07:31:55

Bonus member
Male (47), Germany
Registered: 2021-07-16
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 996

Re: Amir the Rider

Hi Storywriters,

I'm mostly reading, not writing here (and with good stories I do that on a daily basis), but this time I'd like to say that I too want to know how the story unfolds. So please go on with it.



#10 2024-03-26 09:00:51

Registered: 2022-04-29
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 272

Re: Amir the Rider

If three more “new” readers get in touch, I’ll continue writing!



#11 2024-03-28 03:30:03

Bonus member
Male (In his sixties), South America
Registered: 2006-11-25
Last visit: 2024-10-14
Posts: 1925

Re: Amir the Rider

Greetings Max

I understand you, because writing a chapter takes effort and time, more than 4 hours each.

I thank you for your stories, they serve as inspiration for me to move forward, and I know I am not alone.

Be patient, prioritize your tasks at study and/or at work, and do what you like.




#12 2024-04-09 17:20:58

Registered: 2022-04-29
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 272

Re: Amir the Rider

I almost have to say "unfortunately", but I just can't get this story out of my head! I thought I had finished it for some time, but I just didn't feel like writing any more. But it seems that I will only find a mental conclusion once I have actually written the end of the story.

So, even if hardly anyone is interested in it, I'll continue writing until the end is actually found and the story is completed.



#13 2024-04-09 22:47:58

Registered: 2022-04-29
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 272

Re: Amir the Rider

Part 5

"No! I mean yes of course! … Yes! Please! ...Yes, I'm really looking forward to taking your male organ in my mouth and...please, I can't...! …and to pamper your male organ, I’m really looking forward to it!”

"Is that so? That would of course be nice, dear Burkan! You can prove this to me very quickly and very easily by asking me for it with nice words, asking for it on your knees of course. That would be very nice of you and it would make it much easier for me to form an opinion as to whether you haven't lied to me just because you might be a little tired from our trip into nature. So, if that's what you say, then we have a real win-win situation: you get the break you want and your rider has some fun too! That's how it has to be, then everyone benefits from it! OK! Brrrr! Stop!”

Burkan stopped, panting. His rider suddenly seemed even heavier than he actually was. Now he sat very relaxed in the saddle, all his muscles were relaxed.

“Well then, crouch down, dear Burkan, I want to get down straight away. My butt is starting to hurt from sitting for so long. It might be a bit tiring for you if I ride you any longer! I’m sure you’re really excited about it, you’re curious and you want to know exactly what it’s like between my legs!”

Amir actually sat very well on his stallion and it wouldn't have bothered him to ride Burkan longer. It wasn't the first time he had sat on such a moderately athletic stallion and he already knew it well. The shoulders of this fat bull were really broad and quite meaty. The saddle was still secured securely and non-slip with tension straps, but every rider still had some spring in with every step. This was probably due to the layer of fat on the back, it was pleasantly soft. That was an advantage of this higher weight class: they offered every rider an extremely comfortable seat in the saddle, even without wanting to. Even if the routes were a little longer, a rider still sat well and could even be extremely comfortable. These overweight slaves were easy to ride, you just had to be able to handle them properly.

Amir had now slowly dismounted and led the stallion by the reins to a roughly made bench, such as one sometimes found in forests. Forest workers had probably prepared them for their work breaks. He took a seat here, his exhausted slave on his knees in front of him. Burkan then immediately presented his request and once again assured how happy he was and recited his request. Markus hadn't even listened to him, just nodded benevolently, then even friendly. Then he slowly undid his belt and slipped his trousers over his riding boots. His male organ had already stretched a little, as if he was looking forward to Burkan.

Amir saw that the fat man was probably hoping that his wrists would now also be freed from the shackles. But his rider didn't want to take any unnecessary risks, because of course he didn't know exactly how his new cocksucker would behave. This made things safer for him, because one thing was clear: Burkan was a muscleman and far superior to him in terms of physical strength. That's why he was the riding horse and not the other way around. All he needed to blow was his mouth, and it was now free and he could get into action without any problems.

Everything was now accessible between Markus' legs, but the slave still hesitated: "You probably want me to free your arms, right? No! First of all, let's do it this way, I prefer that! You may begin!” That was a clear announcement that did not fail to have an effect! The slave was disappointed, but immediately leaned forward a little further, opened his mouth and then took the slightly stretched male organ between his lips without hesitation. Then he started sucking on it. Amir immediately felt pleasant feelings! The male organ hardened pretty quickly and began to stretch lustfully.

So it worked quite well right from the start. It was certainly the first time for Burkan that he had performed such a service when his rider had to persuade him with gentle pressure. You could still somehow feel that this was a certain amount of overcoming. He probably hadn't had that much fun yet, as Amir immediately noticed with a mischievous smile on his face. But that didn't really matter to him. At least his slave was smart enough to realize that there was no point in behaving unruly. Things would have been even worse then.



#14 2024-04-10 22:42:35

Registered: 2020-05-06
Last visit: 2024-10-06
Posts: 3779

Re: Amir the Rider

That's a great story. I too often rode my friend on my shoulders, back, and then helped him relieve sexual tension by giving him a blowjob.



#15 2024-04-11 07:36:26

Bonus member
Male (47), Germany
Registered: 2021-07-16
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 996

Re: Amir the Rider

Thanks for continuing Max. Great Story! Keep going smile



#16 2024-04-11 13:37:31

Registered: 2022-04-29
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 272

Re: Amir the Rider

Part 6

Amir consciously wanted to distract himself a bit, because this small, pleasant performance was supposed to take some time. So he lit a cigarette, smoked with pleasure and smiled and looked at his bare, sweaty scalp. He watched with joy as the muscles in his neck moved up and down again and again. Then he put his right leg over his shoulder, made himself comfortable and bent it a little more. So Amir automatically pushed his head even closer into his leg scissors. Now he also put the other leg on his shoulder and ran his spurs lightly on the fleshy lower back. It could only be a good thing if Burkan was reminded once again that Amir was a rider.

“Compliment slave: you're not doing a bad job for now, I wouldn't have thought how well it would work for you! I could even get used to it! Keep it up, it'll be fine!” Markus looked down at himself, watching how his riding slave's head and neck kept moving up and down. He felt his firm lips sliding up and down the stiff male organ. At irregular intervals, Burkan lingered for a brief moment at the tip of the male organ and let his tongue slide gently over the glans. The whole thing was very erotic and Amir was slowly getting excited! Even though he wasn't gay, it didn't bother him at all that a man was so nice to him. “Keep it up!” He left the boots where he had put them. So it became very clear to Burkan that he was a “prisoner” between these legs and could not escape. At irregular intervals, with a short jerk, he pulled the slave a little closer to him. The male organ sometimes slipped far into his mouth, almost to the back of his throat.

“I'm glad how much you like my male organ, you can clearly tell! You're really excited about me! After such a strenuous ride, this is really just the thing for me to balance out. It's a relief to see you in action with so much effort! I think your rider honestly deserves it. I like that! Go for it, I like it! Just don't have any false inhibitions... and deep into the smacking mouth, all the way in, hahaha! That feels good, even very good! Always blow nice and evenly... you're doing it right!” That's exactly how Amir had imagined this “little break”, everything went according to plan.

“I notice how I’m slowly getting hornier! That's a very good sign, a nice feeling, you'll definitely be happy about it too! If I go further, I will of course give you a sign so that you are also informed. So don't worry about missing out! Then please slow down a little, keep my male organ in your mouth, and then finally stay calm and just wait to see what happens... the rest comes automatically. Then neither of us need to do anything special. I’ll then squirt all of my stuff straight into your mouth as a reward for your hard work!”

Now Amir took a short break, aware that Burkan first had to “digest” his last, almost casually spoken words. He hadn't even thought much about it, just talked and told him what was going on. He wasn't particularly interested in how all this affected his slave, who was after all more than twice his age! But he was completely defenseless; his lord and master, although still a young boy, alone determined which rules this game would follow.

In any case, it wouldn't take much longer. First of all, Markus wanted to go further to amuse himself; he liked it. He therefore picked up the whip and stroked it over her bent back. What would happen if there were actually problems in the final was therefore clear.

“In a case like this, this is always the easiest thing for everyone involved: just let it go as it comes, hahaha. Nothing spills, you just have to swallow everything, so it's really easy! It's even supposed to be dangerous to intervene! We just let nature take its course, which is always good! It's best if you don't even think about what I just said. Do it exactly like that and everyone will be happy! A short, strong sip and everything is gone very quickly and nothing can go wrong. This is also first-class protein, hahaha, produced by me personally just for you, hahaha! I'll be ready soon, you've already been informed...!”



#17 2024-04-11 19:17:06

Registered: 2022-04-29
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 272

Re: Amir the Rider

Part 7

The planned humiliation was perfect with his “sperm donation”! You could literally see how this meat toilet had continued to collapse. He understood all the details, but was completely frustrated because he had to endure all of this from this young boy. He didn't have the slightest chance of being able to do anything about it. Amir didn't want any misunderstandings to arise right from the start, so he was a friend of clear words! Once again he felt that this time there was no further jolt going through the bent slave's body, but rather he collapsed almost powerlessly. Burkan probably hadn't expected such a clear announcement, but he couldn't do anything about it, that was clear to him seconds later!

At least he was somewhat comforted by the fact that the whip probably wasn't cracked! For this reason alone, it was better for him to do exactly what his rider had just instructed. But it was really bad what this young boy did to him so easily!

Now the old slave even felt how the male organ was slowly but steadily getting closer to climax. Amir hadn't said anything yet, but it couldn't take much longer. So the spurts of semen were preparing and would inevitably find their direct way into his mouth pretty soon. Burkan knew what he had to do with it, whether he liked it or not: “Swallow it down!” was the clear instruction.

Amir had lit another cigarette, but threw it to the side because now it was time for him! “Slow down!” is all he said. He even had the feeling that he was on the verge of a volcanic eruption, the last few minutes had made him so excited. It was just wonderful to let yourself go and, above all, to have command over everything. Maybe he could delay the finale a little longer, but it definitely wouldn't be for long. “Even slower!” Burkan understood, slowly continued, ever further, with his lips and his tongue.

Then it was finally time! Nothing and no one could stop the course of events. Amir reached behind Burkan's sweaty neck and pulled him even closer with a strong tug, at the same time pushing his male organ even deeper into his mouth. Then everything was quiet... 5, maybe 6, powerful spurts of semen left his body. It was a wonderful climax, it just couldn't be more beautiful.

Amir lingered in Burkan's mouth for some time, then he withdrew his male organ, looked the exhausted slave directly in the eyes and... Burkan swallowed everything. "Well-behaved! You did a great job!” Then he took his riding boots off his shoulder and gave the slave a push so that he lost his balance, went to the side and ended up lying on the ground at the end of his strength. “You’re lucky today! Actually you should lick everything clean with your tongue, but I don't want to be like that!" Then Amir lit another cigarette with a big grin: That was really good, really good! His male organ sucker was still lying motionless on the ground.

After another cigarette, Amir got up, stood behind Burkan and gave him a strong kick in the ass: “Hop up, get up! I don't want to spend the night here! It's going back! Up with you!”

The riding slave couldn't believe his ears! He had been working like a wild man the whole time, and there was no question of taking a break or recovering. Now he was even more exhausted than before, and now he had to go back! His rider couldn't seriously want that. As if in a hurry, he lifted his head a little and then the riding slave had the bridle in his mouth again. Amir had little interest in listening to any more complaints, he knew what was coming anyway, and none of that interested him! He had had fun and now wanted to ride back again. His slave just had to adjust to it, after all he was his horse and had to submit. Either everything worked, or the rider became a fury... until it worked.

Amir tugged on the reins until his stallion was actually on its feet again, the horror was evident on his face, but he was still standing somewhat upright. The young rider didn't hesitate for long: put his left leg in the stirrup, gain momentum and he let himself fall into the saddle. He immediately took the reins pretty tight, waited a few seconds, then immediately gave him strong spurs: “Let's go, into a trotting walk!” Immediately the spurs again, then Burkan staggered off with his rider ... what else could he have should do?




#18 2024-04-12 08:32:41

Bonus member
Male (47), Germany
Registered: 2021-07-16
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 996

Re: Amir the Rider

Great Story!



#19 2024-04-12 09:59:25

Bonus member
Male (45), Italy
Registered: 2013-08-03
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 260

Re: Amir the Rider

wow such a fantastic story, very very erotic! poor Burkan, but some protein is good for him, he needs that! how long was the trip in total? how many KM and how much time did it take them?



#20 2024-04-12 19:37:55

Male (72), France
Registered: 2008-08-24
Last visit: 2024-10-24
Posts: 587

Re: Amir the Rider

A very good story indeed, which reminds us that a human pony is very seldom ONLY a pony !

Sexual services of any kind are usually requested, especially during breaks ! And then it also poses a key question : What if a male rider demands such services from a straight pony ? Statistically since at least 75% of the ponies <in this forum for instance> are straight,  what would they do during breaks with AMIR as a rider ???
My personal opinion is that all TRUE PONIES would submitt and do all what is ordered exactly as ordered ! Because, as Max says, the rider is  "The lord and master, who alone determines the rules of the game" ...

Well, that's why I so much prefer female riders. But like many pony-addicted guys, I think pony, I dream pony, I want to be a pony ... So if I agree to be ridden by a male rider, which actually happened ........... I'll do like Burkan ! 

THKS Max for this great and stimulating story !




#21 2024-04-13 09:29:20

Bonus member
Male (45), Italy
Registered: 2013-08-03
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 260

Re: Amir the Rider

Wow nice point! I've ridden quite a few guys, include a few straight ones who weren't really ponies, I think I wouldn't have such requests from straight ones even if he is a slave pony, but the thought of the straight pony submits to such degree is very very intriguing!

equidum wrote:

A very good story indeed, which reminds us that a human pony is very seldom ONLY a pony !

Sexual services of any kind are usually requested, especially during breaks ! And then it also poses a key question : What if a male rider demands such services from a straight pony ? Statistically since at least 75% of the ponies <in this forum for instance> are straight,  what would they do during breaks with AMIR as a rider ???
My personal opinion is that all TRUE PONIES would submitt and do all what is ordered exactly as ordered ! Because, as Max says, the rider is  "The lord and master, who alone determines the rules of the game" ...

Well, that's why I so much prefer female riders. But like many pony-addicted guys, I think pony, I dream pony, I want to be a pony ... So if I agree to be ridden by a male rider, which actually happened ........... I'll do like Burkan ! 

THKS Max for this great and stimulating story !




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