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#101 2021-10-11 10:09:08

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Re: Riding Goddesses

The mother wore a black sweater, blue jeans and black boots, the teacher kissed the mother's boots, she thanked him because her daughter is doing well in her studies, she took photos of the Goddess and her horse, so her own husband is encouraged to buy bridles, saddle and spurs.
The teacher keep kissing mom's boots.
- I'm very tired, she said.
Then she rode him on his shoulders.
Upon arrival, the Goddess saw the mother riding on the teacher's shoulders.
- This is my friend! Exclaimed the Goddess
The mother dismounted, the teacher lay back on the motorcycle seat, the Goddess tied the teacher to the motorcycle seat and covered him, then the Goddess rode the teacher's heart while the mother rode on his belly.
- Let's smoke, we have an ashtray.
- Where?
- Open your mouth, puppy.
The professor opened his mouth.
- Here, pointed the Goddess. Mom laughed.
Lady Riders lit cigarettes and smoked, they poured ash into the teacher's mouth and the cigarette butt, then they sucked on candy and put the wrappers into the teacher's mouth, the teacher swallowed it all.
- Do you use mouthwash?
- My mouth itches.
- Get down for a little while, please.
The Goddess rode onto the professor's pelvis, used the mouthwash, brought her face close to his face, and dumped the mouthwash into his mouth.
Then she lingered for several minutes as if she were rinsing her mouth off.
- Do you still have mouthwash? Mom asked.
- No, answered the Goddess.
- Open your mouth! Commanded the Goddess and he obeyed.
She brought her face close to his and poured her saliva into the professor's mouth.
- Ride! Mother rode on the teacher's belly.
The Goddess drove her motorcycle, dropped off her friend at her house, and continued to her house.



#102 2021-10-11 10:30:02

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Re: Riding Goddesses

She left her motorcycle in her garage.
She came back wearing a sexy nightgown and high-heeled pumps.
She grabbed the dog leash from the teacher who was crawling on all fours and she locked him in the bathroom.
He occupied the bathroom and scraped on the door with his paw.
She opened the door, grabbed the dog leash, crossed the yard, went inside through the secret door, and met her other dogs.
There was her boss, a student, a father, her husband and the teacher, a total of 5 dogs.
They kissed her feet and she walked all over them.
To each one of them, she took him to his stall, inside the stall the puppy kisses her feet.
When the teacher's turn came, she told him: you have less than 15 days to buy your reins, and your saddle.



#103 2021-10-11 17:10:07

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Re: Riding Goddesses

At the next classroom parents' meeting the teacher brought his bridle and saddle, as well as a horse costume https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njO33TS0Rkw (New Window)
The Lady President of the classroom committee led the fortnightly meeting riding on her kneeling husband, the other moms also riding the shoulders of kneeling men.
They stepped out into the courtyard, women riding men's shoulders on.
Goddess wore a riding helmet, white blouse, black jacket, beige riding breeches, black gloves and knee-high boots, spurs on her boots. She dismounted.
- I suggested the horses buy and bring their bridle and saddle and give the Lady Riders their spurs. Who brought what I suggested?
- Me! Many voices were heard.
- Very well.
The professor knelt before her and gave her his saddle.
- This is the saddle and it has the stirrups, I place the saddle on my horse and secure it with straps, see that the stirrups are hung for me to step on. I want to see Lady Riders saddle their horses.
The Goddess left her horse and supervised that Lady Riders set the saddles and secure the saddles on their horses. She stroked the horses' heads and cheeks, and opened their mouths to look at their teeth.
She went back to the professor, he handed her his bridled reins, she showed them.
- The reins are tied to the bridles which are placed on the heads of our horses, I drive my animal handling his bridles.
There was a whinny.
- The bridles have a bite, our horses bite them, we tie the bridles on the heads of our animals and we grab their reins. Look at the head of my animal, his bridle has ears and horsehair or manes.



#104 2021-10-11 17:46:35

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Re: Riding Goddesses

A horse refuses to open its mouth. The Goddess talks to the Lady Rider.
- Who is the horse?
-He is my husband, we are so-so's parents.
- Horse, kiss my boots. He obeyed her.
- Stop!
He obeyed her.
- I'm going to break-in to you, you're a nice horse. She said in front of him as she stroked his head, her face and put her finger in the animal's mouth as she spoke sweetly and smiled at him
He whinnied.
- My finger is in your mouth as if it were the mouthful your wife is going to put you.
She stepped on a stirrup of the horse and rode it saying "You are my horse and she will bridle you", the wife bridled her husband. The Goddess dismounted.
Beyond an old horse was kissing the feet of a Lady Rider.
- It is not time to kiss boots but it is time to bridle. Who is the horse?
- He's so-so's dad.
- Who are you?
-I'm his niece. I am of legal age.
-I know many nieces and babysitters ride on dads, they prefer to be ridden by them and not by their ... Where is his wife of him?
- She is taking care of my cousin.
- Why don't you take care of him and she comes here?
- Decision of my aunt and uncle.
- Bridle him.
Young woman commanded
- Open your mouth, he obeyed.
She bridled him and grabbed his reins.
- Come with me, you're going to help me. There are unruly horses and you are going to help the wives to bridle them.
In another place a beautiful mother had her feet kissed.
- It is not time to kiss boots but it is time to bridle. Who is the horse?
- He is my nephew. He is of legal age.
- I know many aunts ride on nephews, they prefer to be ridden by older women and not by minors when they reach legal age, being ridden later by younger women of legal age.

Last edited by caballito (2021-10-11 19:24:09)



#105 2021-10-11 19:29:00

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Re: Riding Goddesses

She taught how to drive the horse using reins and spurs and they began to ride.
The Young Lady Rider was dressed in a riding helmet, white blouse, red jacket, white riding breeches, black gloves and black knee-high boots. She caught up with her.
- These silly old men like to be bridled by me and not by their wives. I bridged several.
- They allow them to be bridled by a beautiful woman wearing riding attire, they feel they are horses before you, you transform them into your horses. What about your uncle? By whom does he prefer to be bridled? For you or his wife?
- He prefers to be bridled by me. When he bought the bridle he approached me while I was taking care of his son in his bedroom, he called me and I left his son's bedroom, I closed the door to avoid the witness. He kissed my boots, I stepped on his head, and he asked me to bridle and saddle him because he wasn't going to wait until the parents' meeting, I locked the door.
He was on all fours before me, I put a saddle with stirrups on his back, secured him with straps, he opened his mouth, put a bit in his mouth, secured the bridle with straps and grabbed the reins, I rode on his horizontal back stepping on the stirrups.
While I rode him, his wife arrived, talking:
- You're riding my husband instead of taking care of my son. Did you lock it up again?
- Yes.
-My husband prefers to play with you to play with his son.
- He likes to be ridden by me.
- Others also want to be ridden by you.
- I know.
- If I didn't love you and your mom, I would ask you to leave. But I want you to stay with me. For this I gave you many riding attire. What my husband has on his head, they are like horse ears.
-It's his bridle with his reins.
-You're riding a saddle with his stirrups. So elegant!
- You can ride it if you want.
- No, he's your horse.



#106 2021-10-11 20:56:03

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Re: Riding Goddesses

At the next parent meeting, the Goddess puts the saddle on the teacher and rides his shoulders on. The other Lady Riders do the same with their horses.
- Riding them on we put the bridles on them, but first we must talk because I want the daddies to talk too.
Said the Goddess and continued.
- I am a mother, I represent all parents, and he is the teacher. So the parent rides the teacher, puts the bridle with reins on him, as I am doing now, he bites the bit and I drive him with reins and spurs. Which is the message?
- The teacher is your horse.
- This is true, but it is not the message I want to give you.
- The teacher is your horse and he obeys your commands to better teach our children.
- Just my commands?
- Our commandos.
-If he he obeys our commands. Is he just my horse or is he our horse?
-He is our horse.
- Exactly! This is why our participation in parent meetings is important. Lady Riders, bridle your horses.
After the horses were bridled, Lady Riders rode for half an hour.

Last edited by caballito (2021-10-11 22:08:27)



#107 2021-10-11 22:07:38

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Re: Riding Goddesses

At the next classroom parent meeting
- What did we learn 15 days ago?
-The teacher is your horse and he obeys our commands commanded by you.
She was interrupted by a horse who did not want to be ridden by his wife.
-Who does not wish to be ridden by his wife, from the next meeting his wife must come with another horse. As long as the husband does not get a horse for her wife, he will continue to be ridden by her. The rebel can comes with a Lady Rider or come without Lady Rider.
New Lady Riders and horses must be of legal age. Honey, come here.
Her husband approached her, she rode him, then the teacher carried him to her husband forming a tower of 3.
- The teacher is my horse who obeys my commands and our commands, at the moment my husband represents all the parents who are under me, you are also my horses and you are also the saddle on which I place my butt.
Just as the professor obeys your proposals or my commands, you must obey me when the professor formulates his proposals and I accept and communicate them to you.



#108 2021-10-11 23:34:30

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Re: Riding Goddesses

At the next parent meeting Lady President rides the teacher on.
- Did you solve your differences at home? Wife rides husband or wife rides another horse and husband is ridden by another Lady Rider?
-President, this is my horse's wife, The Young Lady Rider said as she rode the student's father.
-Great pleasure, I am the student's mother, to participate I am riding my subordinate from the office. The involvement of both parents is important.
- Thanks.
- My son's godfather is being ridden by my wife and the godmother is riding me on.
-My wife is riding her ex on my female cousin is riding me on.
-My wife is riding her cousin on and my niece is riding me on.
-My wife is riding her friend on and my female neighbor is riding me on.
-My wife is riding her uncle on and my sister-in-law, my wife's sister, is riding me on.
- My wife is riding a neighbor on and my aunt is riding me on.
-My wife is riding her lawyer and a nurse is riding me on.
- My wife is riding a soccer player and my female psychologist is riding me.
-My wife is riding her friend and a motorcycle policewoman is riding me.
- My wife is riding my brother and my nutritionist is riding me.
- Are all the moms riding?
- Yes.



#109 2021-10-11 23:35:51

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Re: Riding Goddesses

- Just as we send commands to the teacher, the teacher sends reports and suggestions to us, the parents, because communication is two-way, both parties are transmitters and both parties are receivers. Darling, do your part.
The Goddess's husband approached and carried the teacher on his shoulders while the teacher was ridden by the Goddess, forming a tower of 3.
- The parent is my horse who obeys my commands (teacher's proposals), at the moment my husband represents all the parents who are under me, you are also my horses and the teacher is also the saddle on which I place my butt.
Just as the professor obeys your proposals or my commands, you must obey me when the professor formulates his proposals from him and I accept and communicate them to you.



#110 2021-10-12 01:58:02

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Re: Riding Goddesses

The performance of the students in the classroom of the son of the Goddess improved considerably, surpassing the other classrooms and schools.
Communication between teacher and parents is effective thanks to the Goddess.
At the same time, the Goddess improved the couples' relationships of the parents by getting all wives to saddle and bridle their husbands.
For this the Goddess broke-in to each one of the rebels in the next meeting of classroom parents.
Previously she chatted with Young Lady Rider and Young Lady Rider's horse wife, the wife has hers of her own horses.
The 10 rebellious parents stood before the others, the Goddess appeared, Young Lady Rider, Young Lady Rider's horse wife, the wife who rides her nephew on and the mother who rode the teacher along with the Goddess .
- Break-in is the art of accustoming the horse to the bridle, the saddle and being ridden.
Each of them bridled, saddled and rode 2 horses 3 times, then called the wives, who bridled, saddled and rode their husbands.
Everyone applauded.
She said: You are the horses of your wives and, in addition, you can be ridden by the godmother of your son or daughter, by the mother of your godson or goddaughter, by your neighbor, by your aunt, by your female cousin, by your niece, by your sister-in-law, by your sister, by your ex, etc., but your owner and your main Rider is your wife.



#111 2021-10-12 03:24:46

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Re: Riding Goddesses

The Goddess and her family visited Young Lady Rider's house, they were well received, Goddess asked her husband to take the children for a walk and he agreed.
Once the children were gone, Young Lady Rider's boots were kissed by her horse.
- She is my relative, said the wife.
- Your husband is addicted to your niece.
- She is addictive. The husband affirmed.
- Me too, but my worshipers are far from my house, they are not in my house.
- Your husband?
-He is moderate and has self-control.
-Your apartment is small and your son can see: his father is the horse of his female cousin. It's not good for him to see this.
- Does your husband play with your son?
- No.
- Do you have other children?
- No.
- My house is big, spacious, there is a bedroom for you and we have a secret connection to the next house, which is also ours, where we have a barn with stalls so you can keep your horses whenever you want, even your uncle.
- I'm going to get my luggage ready.
-Don't cry, you will never stop being his horse. I am 25 years old and I keep riding my dad.
The Goddess's husband arrived with the children.
-Now the lady comes with her luggage and you keep it in the car.
- There are 5 suitcases!
- Take everything, your footwear too, everything.
- Okay.
The Goddess's husband carried all the luggage, the ladies verified that nothing was missing.
- Daughter, take your motorcycle.
- Yes?
- Sure, it's yours.
- Are you taking me on your motorcycle?
- Of course!
They went down to the parking lot, the Goddess took the helmet out of the truck, they got away from her in the truck and on the motorcycle. They arrived at the house of the Goddess.
- At night you go down in a nightgown and high heels.
They met in the living room, went to the patio and went into the barn through the secret door.
The teacher was tied in a stall, he kissed the ladies' feet, the Goddess took him out and took him to the bathroom, he followed her crawling on all fours, she put him in the bathroom and locked the door. He scraped on the door with her paw, she pulled him out of the bathroom and into the barn.
She gave the teacher's leash to Young Lady Rider who tied the leash to the hoop in the barn while he kissed her feet.
-Let's go to sleep, each one in her bedroom.



#112 2021-10-16 12:13:20

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Re: Riding Goddesses

- Why did you do it?
- I did what?
- Get me out of my house and stay in yours.
- You have potential and your place is not that house. What do you miss about that house? Your horse?.
- But ...
- Are you content / satisfied with a horse being able to own a herd.
- Do you own a herd?
- What did you see these days?
- Guys being horses in your barn.
- Are they just a horse, a few horses or are they a herd?
- They are a herd.
- Who is their owner?
- You. What does your husband mean to you?
- He is my partner and father of my children.
- But, you ride him like your horse.
- Only when he is in the role of horse, he is not always my horse, ponyplay is role play

Last edited by caballito (2021-10-16 18:55:31)



#113 2021-10-16 23:37:59

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Re: Riding Goddesses

- Roleplay?
- Role play is a game in which participants assume the roles of characters and collaboratively create stories, everything flows spontaneously without a script. Our character role, yours and mine, is a Rider and the teacher's character role is a horse.
- Horse?, my uncle also assumes the role of character.
- Just for you while you assume the role of his Rider.
- It's true.
- I spoke with your aunt and uncle and they accepted my proposal: you come to my house to live with us and they will assume your expenses, I know you are preparing to continue university studies, you can also use my horses.
- Can I visit my uncle, aunt and cousin?
-You can, and they can visit you, your uncle can stay in the stall he wants.



#114 2021-10-17 04:06:00

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Re: Riding Goddesses

On a parents' meeting day, while the Goddess, her husband, and the teacher were meeting with the other parents, the young Goddess was studying when somebody knocked on the door of the house.
She communicated by intercom with camera recognizing her uncle.
- Hello uncle, you must be at the parents' meeting.
- I know, it starts in half an hour but before I wanted to see you.
- Sorry man, your paternal obligation comes first.
- But ...
- If you don't fulfill your paternal obligation, I won't let you see me.
- Wait, I am your horse and horses are ridden by their owners.
- For their owners and for the people to whom the owners lend their horses.
- That's true.
- I decide you are ridden by my aunt now. Did you understand?
- Yes ma'am.
- Go to the parents meeting and be a good boy!
- Yes ma'am.
He obeyed her and went to the parents' meeting.



#115 2021-10-17 11:41:49

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Re: Riding Goddesses

After the parents' meeting, the Goddess came home, after several minutes the young Goddess heard a knock on her door.
- Pass inside.
The Goddess passed by wearing riding attire (helmet, elegant blouse, jacket, riding breeches, gloves and boots), she was riding the young Goddess's uncle who was duly bridled, saddled and driven with reins by the Goddess.
- Your horse is well broken in and trained by you, you can and should be more strict with him.
- Thanks.
- Congratulations, your aunt told me everything because he told her everything.
- What happened?
-This gentleman, I mean, this horse, had his moment of rebellion and despite I ordered all the parents to go directly to the parents' meeting, he deviated from the path and came here instead of going to his meeting.
- Was he on time?
-He did, because you were strict and domineering with him, commanding him to go to his meeting, and he obeyed you like the good docile horse that he is. You behaved according to the circumstances and made him understand who is on the saddle, who obeys and who is the boss.



#116 2021-10-22 13:11:33

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Re: Riding Goddesses

(A parenthesis)
I am impressed by the American rapper Megan Thee Stallion, an impressive 5 ´10 "(1.78 m.) And 137 pounds (62 kg.) Woman.
She is a Goddess who has the right to ride us.
At https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-dBqCtQu6U (New Window) she has a guy and an equine before her and she rode the horse (from 1:25 to 1.39).
I would have loved to see her riding shoulders on.



#117 2021-10-24 15:23:24

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Re: Riding Goddesses

- What is the difference between education for minors and education for adults?
- Teachers and parents participate in the education of minors to help students learn. On the other hand, in the education of adults, teachers and students participate so that students learn, almost disappearing the participation of parents in the education of adults.
- Is that why mothers of families ride teachers and lady teachers ride fathers of families?
- It is true, I am a mother that is why the teacher is my human horse, at parents' meetings he waits for me in the parking lot, kisses my boots and is ridden by me, I ride him inside the entire school.
- You are a teacher of minors and a teacher of adults, isn't it heavy?
- No, because I work for hours, a few hours in the morning at school and a few hours at night at the university, and they pay me well.
- At the university do you ride your students of legal age, at school?
- At school I ride parents who are also of legal age, and the principal.
- Isn't the school principal your boss?
Lots of laughter.



#118 2021-10-24 16:20:15

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Re: Riding Goddesses

-Many times a boss is ridden by his subordinate lady. A captain being ridden by a female recruit, a manager or a principal being ridden by a secretary, a school principal being ridden by a female teacher, etc.
- Managers select pretty secretaries.
- To be dominated by their secretaries, there are pretty women in all professions and activities.
- How are activities at school?
- Very well, students in our classroom are in first place and we have organized 2 excursions, one for students and another for parents and relatives of legal age, you are invited to the last activity.
- Thanks.
- In the student excursion we participated, all the students were, the teacher and 7 parents of the family, the guide went ahead, then the students flanked by 6 parents, 3 on each side looking after them and the teacher closed the walk while I I was riding him, no one looked back.
They walked a medium distance, up and down hills, crossed stream while I comfortably rode my steed.
In the recreation center the students played and enjoyed themselves, there were even horses and ponies, I really enjoyed riding horses.
When we returned we did it in the same way as on the way out, guide, students and parents walking forward and teacher walking behind being ridden by me.



#119 2021-10-24 18:04:20

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Re: Riding Goddesses

(I once told you about a friend who expressed his desire to be ridden on his shoulders from the spa pool to the house by my female cousin, one of the few Goddesses I knew personally, at that time she was 18 years old and he it was 22 years.
The distance between the two points is approximately 10.5 kilometers or 6.5 miles.
Being 5 km. per hour the average speed of a man walking, he would walk that distance in 2 hours, but being ridden he would walk 3 or 4 hours being ridden by my cousin lady.
He could be replaced by another of my cousin wife's human horses (eg, me) but my friend expressed a desire to be ridden from the spa pool to the house, relentlessly and without replacements.
That shows he was an admirer of her, her fan, her fanatic, willing to be her horse to be ridden by her.
Another expression of my friend was: She knows how to ride.
She once asked me: How's John Doe? How is my pet Doe? *** laughs *** Everything has changed, all men are my pets)



#120 2021-11-06 12:13:33

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Re: Riding Goddesses

- On the parents' cross country excursion?
- Let's be honest, there are husbands who do not want to be ridden by their wives but they wish to be ridden by other women, this is the case of your uncle who is your horse. There are also men who want to be ridden by the wives of others.
- Apparently there are more human horses than riders who ride human horses, is that right?
- I feel this too.
- You also participate in the cross country excursions of parents, you ride your uncle and others when your uncle loses his strength.
- True, there are several human horses that we ride throughout the journey, even their wives are witnesses.
- Do not forget my husband is a witness when I ride other human horses.
- He is used to.
- He met me riding other human horses.
- Human horses are our pack animals.
- Of course, when they carry our backpacks, bags and packages, they are also means of transportation, such as a bicycle, a motorcycle or a car or an equine horse, we drive them when we ride them.



#121 2021-11-06 19:01:36

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Re: Riding Goddesses

The cross-country excursion for parents was very crowded, being a fellowship party were parents, relatives and guests, all participants were of legal age, it was the director of the school to know the reasons for the success of the teacher's students .

Before the ride a wife told her husband: I don't care if you want or you don't want to be ridden by me because I can ride any of them (pointing to the other men), any of them want to be my horse to be ridden by me; instead, I doubt you will be ridden because these ladies have many horses at their disposal.

The director of the school was surprised to see the other men bridled and saddled, the women wearing riding attire, the teacher approached being ridden by the Goddess, she took the bite out of his mouth.

-Good morning Mr. Director of the school, thank you very much for visiting him, said the teacher.
- Good morning teacher, I came to know the secret of the success of your students, answered the director of the school.
-She, the Goddess who rides me, is the author of the success of my students, she directs the parents to be guides of her children, they are her pets, replied the teacher.
-The Goddess who rides you is impressive, in the presence of her I lose my breath and my knees tremble, at this moment the director falls on his knees before the Goddess.
The headmaster of the college looks up from him and looks at the Goddess looking down at him, Superior to him in a commanding position.
- Can I? Asked the director.
- Yes, answered the Goddess.
The school principal kissed the Goddess's boots.



#122 2021-11-06 19:49:34

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Re: Riding Goddesses

Ladies, ride your horses now! The Goddess commanded.

Wives on top of husbands, sisters-in-law on top of brothers-in law, aunts on top of nephews, nieces on top of uncles, daughters on top of fathers, daughters-in-law on top of fathers-in-law , ..., mothers-in-law on top of sons-in-law, female sugarbabies on top of sugardaddies. sugarmoms on top of male sugarbabies, lady bosses on top of male subordinates., lady subordinates (secretaries) on top of male bosses, etc.

- You can get up, the Goddess commanded the school principal.
- Yes ma'am, answered the school principal and obeyed her.
- To be a successful school principal you will have to be my horse like this school teacher who is ridden by me.
- I wish it with all my soul.
- Would you sell me your soul?
- Yes ma'am.
The Goddess laughed.

- I'm going to give you a gift from the teacher and the parents of the classroom, Open your mouth!
The school director obeyed the Goddess, a mother of the family, she put the bit in his mouth and tied it to his head, then she put a saddle on him, the teacher knelt while the Goddess continued riding him, she tied the saddle to the school principal.
She spurred on the teacher who got up immediately.
- The spurs are useful for my horses to obey me and you will feel them too. Said the Goddess to the Headmaster of the school.

The Goddess changed her horse, now she rides to the principal of the school.



#123 2021-11-07 11:28:49

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Re: Riding Goddesses

-You are riding the most powerful man in school, one of the mothers said while she was riding her husband.
-Now she is the most powerful in the school, said another mother who was riding her nephew.
-Ladies, we are the most powerful, said the Young Goddess who was riding her uncle.
- Not always having the highest position is synonymous with being the most powerful, a lady secretary can be more powerful than a male boss, a lady nurse or a lady nurse technician or a lady obstetrician or a lady doctor can be more powerful than a male boss doctor.
- Similarly, a lady teacher, a mother or a lady university student can be more powerful than a school principal, a faculty dean or a university rector.
-At home the husband believes he is the most powerful but the wife has the reins.



#124 2021-11-07 11:52:34

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Re: Riding Goddesses

The Goddess dismounted, several human horses offered themselves to be ridden by her.
"I'm going to walk," said the Goddess when she took the bite out of the school principal's mouth.
She walked grabbing the reins of the school principal.
- I took the bite out of your mouth so you can speak, said the Goddess.
- Yes ma'am, I want the students in the school to have the same performance as the students in the classroom where your son studies.
- You were able to talk to the teacher.
- I spoke with him and I realized he is not the author of the success of his students but you are, you established a hierarchical structure in the classroom and you imposed duties on the teacher and the parents, who obey you like meek horses while you ride them .
- Small groups of human horses and riders are trained, in elementary education a group of teachers and parents would be trained, with one or two human horses and one or two riders per classroom, lady teachers and mamitas will be riders while male teachers and dads will be horses.
- I'd love to be your horse.
- Not only my horse, you will be the horse of lady teachers and mothers.



#125 2021-11-07 12:22:02

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Re: Riding Goddesses

- The situation of middle education and high education is different, because there is not one teacher per classroom because there are several teachers per classroom, one per subject: language, mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics, etc.
- As you said, lady teachers and moms ride on male teachers and dads. In addition, in the upper years students of legal age study, they are the seniors.
  - Yes, we would have to do a differentiated training with them. The professor is not being ridden, ride him!
The school principal was frozen in shock, riding another man having been ridden by a beautiful Goddess?
-The teacher is my horse and being the owner of it, I can lend it to be ridden by someone else, or do you prefer him to ride you?
With great difficulty, the school principal tried to ride the teacher, but the clumsy man fell several times. The Goddess and the other Lady Riders laughed loudly.



#126 2021-11-07 12:46:47

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Re: Riding Goddesses

-I present to you my husband, he is one of my horses, you think your horse is a ship, every ship has sides.
Prow is forward, where the bit and the reins of my horse are.
Stern is back, where my horse's tail is.
Port is left side.
Starboard is the right side.
The airplane and the horse, equine and human, are also ships used to transport people.
- I don't understand, replied the school principal.
- To the ship, the plane and the horse a passenger climbs on the left side.
- Why?
-Because in the cavalry corps a warrior carries the sword to the right side, and the warrior must ride on the left side of her / his horse avoiding hurting herself / himself and the animal. Then the custom continued on ships and on airplanes.



#127 2021-11-07 13:21:58

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Re: Riding Goddesses

- You must place yourself on the left side of my human horse, my horse must have its face on your left, you must lift your left foot and step on its left stirrup and then jump, you will feel my horse moving trying to regain its balance by having additional weight on its left side, in your case it is a great additional weight, you should try not to fall.
Once my horse is stopped, you should put your right foot in his right stirrup and settle on the saddle, grab his reins and drive him.
- I'll try, replied the school principal.
The school principal with difficulty stepped on the left stirrup, but in the attempt tore his pants, he tried to jump but fell with a crash again.
- What a useless man! Horse, on your knees! The teacher and the school principal obeyed her. She took the bite out of the professor's mouth. Teacher and school principal kissed and licked her boots.
- On your knees again! The Goddess commanded. They both obeyed her.
- Head of the school, stand up! The Goddess commanded. He obeyed her.
- I made it easy for you. Ride my horse, now!
The school principal tried to ride the horse of the Goddess, but she could not, she pushed down the head of her horse and in that way the school principal was able to ride.
- Get up! The horse teacher obeyed her by having the fearful school principal on his shoulders.
The Goddess put the bit back into the professor's mouth.



#128 2021-11-07 15:31:19

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Re: Riding Goddesses

The Goddess approached from the left side of her husband, I mean her animal, she grabbed his reins, she stroked the mane of his beast and spoke to him sweetly, then she stroked his face and verified the bit and the reins are well tied.
Then, she slowly lifted her left foot and stepped firmly with her left boot on the left stirrup of her horse, she leaned on her animal and jumped vigorously.
She kept riding her animal while he regained his balance, she passed her right leg over to the other side of her horse and with her right boot she stepped on her horse's right stirrup, stepping on both stirrups using both boots.
She gripped the reins firmly, controlling her animal.



#129 2021-11-07 18:47:12

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Re: Riding Goddesses

- I trained my human horse, if you want my horse to obey you, say:
Walk or Giddy up: Walk now.
Whoa: Slow down or stop now. You can also pull both reins
Gee o (kiss-kiss): Increase speed.
  - I understand
- You can also use the reins to turn left or right
The Goddess began to advance riding her human horse, the director of the school followed her
-In each classroom there is a responsible teacher, if it is a Lady teacher she will team up with a father from the classroom and if it is a male teacher he will team up with a mother from the classroom.
- In my days as a teacher I was ridden by moms and by Lady teachers, I never rode this is my first time doing it
- We will interview the teachers and implement a strategy. Dismount!
The school principal obeyed the Goddess and she rode him again



#130 2021-11-07 21:38:38

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Re: Riding Goddesses

They crossed ditches, streams, edges of fields of crops with fruit trees, cereals, legumes, etc.
They reached a large space with grass and trees providing their shade, they organized into groups for lunch.
They fraternized after lunch, talked about the improvements of the students, the consequence of the improvements of the parents and families.
The school principal expressed his admiration for the improvement in student performance and his desire to implement the methodology throughout the school.
- We can ride all the male teachers and dads, the moms said.
- We can be ridden by all the lady teachers and mothers, said the daddies.
- We can do a great job, concluded the Goddess.



#131 2021-11-07 22:43:49

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Re: Riding Goddesses

- You told me you were ridden by lady teachers and moms, share your experience with all of us. Commanded the Goddess to the school principal.
- 35 years ago I started teaching.
- I was not born yet, I am 25 years old, interrupted the Goddess.
- The school director continued: I started teaching in a rural area, the 68-passenger bus left us on the road and from there we had to walk about 1 hour to 1 hour and a half.
We traveled on Sunday afternoons and returned on Friday afternoons, on the bus we traveled teachers, nurses, obstetricians, doctors, engineers, officials and residents of the area.
The first day of my trip I was surprised by all the women wearing riding attire, jeans with boots or riding breeches with boots or jodpurs with boots https://www.watermanscountrysupplies.co.uk/blog/bra … odhpurs-2020/ (New Window)
When we got to the bus stop, men waited for us, some of them brought equine mules and equine horses.
I saw some male passengers paying for the rent of the horses, which they will ride to town.
On the other hand, the female passengers did not worry about paying to ride and all said we are not going to pay for their horses, the most graceful said: pay me to be ridden by me. Villagers and passengers approaching them to pay the price to the beautiful riders.
The equine horses left us behind, we were walking women riding men, as there were too many men, the women changed horses.



#132 2021-11-07 23:36:22

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Re: Riding Goddesses

It was night and we used flashlights to walk smoothly.
A lady pointed her flashlight at me, temporarily blinding me.
- Come here and stand in front of my horse.
I obeyed her and she rode me.
- It's the first time I see you, who are you.
- I'm a teacher ...
- Ah! One of the new teachers, I am the mother of one of the students and my name is ... nice to meet you, riding you.
- The pleasure is mine, being ridden by you ((neighing)), my name is ...
- I always ride, always, I ride my relatives, my teachers, my partners, doctors, now my children's teachers. I'm going to change horses.
I continued riding without a rider riding me, another lady pointed her flashlight at me, automatically I put myself in front of her horse and she rode me.
- I heard you're a teacher.
- Yes ma'am.
- Teachers are my horses, my name is ...
- Mine is...
She dismounted from me, I continued walking without a rider.
At that a third lady pointed her flashlight at me and I was ridden by her.
- I am a nurse, teachers are our horses every time we visit distant places from our health post.
- I am delighted and eager to be your horse.
- Do you have a place to sleep?
- No.
- In the town there are no hotels, I will speak with the policewoman who is riding nearby.
They both talked and agreed that I would sleep at the police station.
When I got to the police station, the policewoman put me in a cell.
- You can sleep here, I'll get you out first thing tomorrow.



#133 2021-11-08 00:18:03

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Re: Riding Goddesses

Early on Monday the policewoman woke me up, she was wearing her riding outfit.
- I'm going to take you to choose your room where you will sleep, but I will not walk because I will ride you.
She rode me and drove me to a house where she dismounted at the door, the owner showed me the available rooms with bathroom and I chose one.
When I left the house, she rode me and drove me to school and then to the police station, she dismounted and I went to school.
They all saw that the policewoman rode me, but they were not shocked or told me anything, then I found out she rode everyone in town.



#134 2021-11-09 11:34:38

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Re: Riding Goddesses

I thought. What madness is happening here! Beautiful women ride men when entering town, in town and, I guess, when leaving town (and I was not wrong, because walking towards the road to get on the bus women ride men).
Before going inside the school I saw a woman riding to the door of the school, she called me.
- Here! Are you the new teacher?
- Yes ma'am.
- I am riding a parent from this school, only current teachers, current students, current administrative workers and current maintenance and cleaning workers are allowed to go inside the school.
Come here and get ready to be ridden!
I obeyed her and she rode me. We went into the school.
- I'm the director of the school, my rider told me.
Here you are the teacher of your students and the horse of the female staff: me, lady teachers, lady administrative staff, for example the secretaries, lady porter, lady cleaner, etc., you are also horse of family mothers, and you are horse of current and former lady students adults; I repeat, only adults. Understood?
- Yes ma'am.
- We both know fathers and older relatives carry children and cats and parrots https://www.allaboutparrots.com/why-are-parrots-ass … ith-pirates/, (New Window) I repeat, they carry, they are not ridden by them, carriers do not lose their human nature.
- Instead, I am ridden by you and I am your horse, your animal.
- While parrots are carried by their carriers, I ride you. Do you notice the difference?
- Yes ma'am, cats don't act, they get carried away, in grammar they are passive agents. On the contrary, you decide and act, you do not get carried away because you control the situation by being on the saddle, in grammar you are an active agent.
She patted my head and said, We're going to get along really well.



#135 2021-11-11 11:28:33

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Re: Riding Goddesses

The Goddess added:
That's true, there is too much difference between:
- be carried / carry, and
- ride / be ridden.

We all know the Young Goddess, her aunt and her uncle, when her aunt is on top of her uncle, she is carried by her charger, and he carries his load.
Instead, when the Young Goddess is on top of her uncle, she rides her horse, and he is ridden by her.

Who is on top is either a burden or a rider.
Who is below is either a porter or a horse.



#136 2021-11-11 11:29:41

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Re: Riding Goddesses

The school principal continued:
Based on my experience being below, I confirm the relationship between cargo and charger is common, anyone can carry an envelope, a package, objects, small animals as pirates did when they had parrots on their shoulders.

Instead, the relationship between rider and horse is special, it is intimate, it is mystical, they are a team who go to a common goal; whether equine or human, horses are ridden by their riders.



#137 2021-11-12 03:36:47

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Re: Riding Goddesses

The school principal kept talking:
- The difference between the equine horse and the human horse is: equine horses never choose their riders, instead we choose our riders, except owned human horses because their owners can lend their human horses to other riders.
- How do human horses choose their riders?
- Each human horse is different from the others, in my case my ideal rider is a woman with a good shape, it does not matter if she is small or regular overweight, generous breasts, wide hips, well-formed buttocks, spectacular thighs, and beautiful.
- The riders must be single?
It does not matter if lady riders are single or married or widowed or divorced; mothers or not.
- Can married women ride human horses who are not their husbands?
- Of course!
- Wouldn't it be adultery?
- Not at all! The lady rider / human horse relationship is not sexual.
- You described your ideal rider, a woman of good shape, breasts, hips and buttocks. She is the woman who attracts you, isn't she?
- It's true.
- Sexual attraction, isn't it?
- This attraction is subliminated and carnal desire disappears.
-Can a married woman ride her husband and other men?
- Yes, if she wants it.
- Could divorces occur?
- No, if the husband is mature.



#138 2021-11-12 05:31:07

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Re: Riding Goddesses

The Goddess added:
- Look at my case, I am a married woman and, in addition to my husband, in front of him I ride the school principal, the teacher and several parents, even in front of their wives.
Since these husbands are my horses, I lend them to be ridden by their wives and other relatives.
These husbands are not happy being ridden by their wives and relatives, but they obey my commands because they are my horses and, if they are good boys, they could be ridden by me.
- Do you also ride wives and other relatives of your human horses?
- Mares are magnificent animals to ride.



#139 2021-11-12 06:02:53

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Re: Riding Goddesses

The school principal kept talking.
-In that wonderful town where I was a teacher, the lady school principal rode male teachers, fathers and other men like her horses. Even current and former students of legal age.
I also fondly remember the moms, policewomen, lady nurses, lady teachers and other women who rode me.
The beautiful moms dominated me and animalized me by turning me into their horses, I kissed their feet and was ridden by them in front of their husbands and relatives
- When you talk about relatives, who are you referring to?
- Couple (husband, wife or unmarried partner) and other relatives of the couple, ascendants, descendants and collateral line.

The Goddess noted:
- The relatives of my horses are their partners, parents, parents-in-law, uncles, aunts, siblings, siblings-in-law, cousins, children, nephews, nieces.
I ride people of legal age, my human horses, their parents, in-laws, uncles, brothers, brothers-in-law, male cousins, sons, nephews.

The school principal added:
- In my case, I am ridden by people of legal age, my lady riders, their mothers, mothers-in-law, aunts, sisters, sisters-in-law, female cousins, daughters, nieces.



#140 2021-11-12 06:17:49

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Re: Riding Goddesses

A clever mother asked the school principal:
- If your lady rider commands you: I lend my horses and I lent you for this man, he will sit on you and you will carry him, would you obey her?
"Yes, my lady rider can lend her horse to whomever she wishes."
- You are an obedient horse.
- Yes I am. But I carry men and men are carried by me. Instead, I am ridden by women and women ride me. This should be very clear.



#141 2021-11-12 12:46:11

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Re: Riding Goddesses

- Good boy, I say good horse. Said the Goddess.
- Thanks ma'am.
- Over time you will learn, currently you carry your wife and are ridden by your niece but in the future you will be ridden by the two ladies. Said the Goddess addressing the Young Goddess's uncle.
- Let's ride, ride your horses to the barn! The Goddess encouraged.

Women rode men, they went to the barn located 3 kilometers away being followed by dismounted men.
- This is our secret garden, the owners of this property are promoters of human riding and we will stay here Saturday and Sunday, as we agreed.
- Of course!

The Goddess rode the school principal, the Young Goddess rode her uncle, the Young Goddess's aunt walked beside her husband who was being ridden by the Young Goddess.
With them a mother rode her nephew, being accompanied by her husband who was being ridden by the mother's sister (his sister-in-law).
A father walks with his brother, the father is ridden by the wife of his brother (his sister-in-law).
A dad is ridden by his friend or his female lover.
A mother rides her friend or her male lover.

All the families were cautious, because there were 3 or more men per woman, so a woman comfortably rides a man while the other men followed her, hoping to be the next to be ridden.
This is the case of the mother riding her husband being followed by her brother-in-law, nephew, friend, lover and sugar baby.
A father is ridden by her niece, she is followed by her partner (boyfriend or husband), and other relatives (her father, her brother).
There are also dads being ridden by their lovers and by their sugar babies, being followed by other men.
*** All participants are of legal age, never forget this ***

Last edited by caballito (2021-11-13 13:48:05)



#142 2021-11-13 17:31:16

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Re: Riding Goddesses

The barn was under the administration of another Goddess, the Owner Goddess, tall woman, red hair like fire hair, spectacular shape, the professor admired her and compared her with the other Goddess, the Family Mother Goddess.
Both Goddesses are tall, beautiful faces, dark skin (brown skin has wonderful hues or tones), long dark hair, long legs, rounded buttocks, wonderfully broad hips and thighs, beautiful arms and legs, kissable hands and feet.
While the Family Mother Goddess is a 25 year old hourglass body shape, the Owner Goddess is a 35 year old triangle body shape
https://www.shutterstock.com/es/image-vector/female … ion-267822866 (New Window)
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https://www.dreamstime.com/female-body-shape-types- … mage187667895 (New Window)

Last edited by caballito (2021-11-13 20:57:08)



#143 2021-11-13 20:44:09

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Re: Riding Goddesses

The Young Goddess's aunt thought: Goddesses are wide hips, generous breasts, and brown or dark skin and hair, they rule the world, just like the Young Goddess who rides my husband.

Everyone was showing attention to the Owner Goddess, ladies riding men and some women, men who were not being ridden were on their knees, women who were not riding were standing. The Owner Goddess began to speak:
- I see many women riding, other women are standing without riding a horse, I also see few men being ridden and many men kneeling before women.
I warn you, we are going to have tough days, starting today Saturday at 3:00 p.m. and culminating on Sunday at 3:00 p.m., being only 24 hours.
Those who feel they do not have the strength to complete the training, can withdraw now or when they feel weak, they can also return to training when they regain their strength, we are in a free country.
- What are the requirements to participate, either as a human horse or a rider who rides human horses? A mom asked.
- Being of legal age, we know emancipated youth have similar rights as adults, but to be emancipated they must be over 16 years old, over 14 years old in California, and must have a court order, in addition to other requirements.
Participant must agree to participate, for this you will sign a contact.
Human horses must be in good health, for that they will sign an affidavit and we will control their vital signs, blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation, blood glucose level, if the human horse is not in good health, they will be able to participate. as a rider or as a spectator.
- Only human horses participate?
- Human horses, human mares, male riders, lady riders, you are all welcome.



#144 2021-11-14 00:38:12

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Re: Riding Goddesses

- Riders, please dismount, your horses will be checked at the vet.
- Vet?
- Of course!, veterinary because they are animals, and animals are cared for in the veterinary.
The riders dismounted and their horses were underwent medical examinations at the vet, separating them into 2 groups: a group of healthy animals and a group of unhealthy animals.
The Goddess Owner came out to explain the situation.
- The health and life of animals is important, unhealthy animal will not receive hard training.
These horses are not in good health and are not in good physical condition, they have high blood pressure, high glucose levels, rapid heartbeat or tachycardia, low oxygen saturation, the worst thing is there are overweight and obese horses.
As I said, my priority is the animals and they must be in good health and physical condition; For example, a fat horse or a horse with heart problems will not perform well because it will soon tire and its rider will be dissatisfied.
These discarded animals will move into the ranks of humans, either as rider or as spectators.
Almost all of those discarded passed to the ranks of the spectators.
A wife yelled at her husband:
- You're chubby, now I'll ride other men.



#145 2021-11-14 01:33:47

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Re: Riding Goddesses

One of those who failed the exam was the Young Goddess's uncle. He on his knees said to her as he kissed her boots:
- I will be content to see you riding other horses who are not me, I am envying them from this moment.
- Are you jealous?
- Yes, I mean, I feel healthy envy towards them.
- You are my favorite horse, you are my pet.
The Family Mother Goddess and the Owner Goddess listened to the conversation.
- There is something hidden here, said the Owner Goddess. I have seen uncles kissing boots of his nieces, but his devotion is intense.
- Husband and wife told me the Young Goddess is a niece.
- Is she a niece of whom?
- The wife told me that she is the Young Goddess's aunt.
- Is she the aunt or godmother?
- I hadn't noticed this.
- Is she of legal age?
-They, the Young Goddess, her aunt and her uncle said yes.
- Coming of age or emancipation?
- I dont know.
- Miss, please, could you show me your ID?
The Young Goddess showed her identification to the Owner Goddess.
- You have adult rights and responsibilities, you can even sign contracts and leases, you can stay here.
The Family Mother Goddess asked the Owner Goddess if the Young Goddess is of legal age or if she is emancipated, the Owner Goddess embraced the Family Mother Goddess and said:
-Don't worry, we won't have legal problems, she obtained her emancipation and since this year she is of legal age. When you met her she was of legal age.



#146 2021-11-14 04:48:28

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Re: Riding Goddesses

The Family Mother Goddess invited the Young Goddess to ride with her relatives.
The Family Mother Goddess rode the school principal, the Young Goddess rode the husband of the Family Mother Goddess, the Young Goddess's aunt rode the teacher, and the Young Goddess' uncle walked together with a young admirer of the Young Goddess .
- The riders are chatting while the horses walk, uncle rides the admirer of your niece, commanded the Goddess Mother of the Family.
The Young Goddess's uncle obeys the Family Mother Goddess.
-I do not like to be deceived, I met the uncle kissing the boots of his young niece.
- It's true, answered the uncle.
- Then I learned about your niece babysit one of your children, the son you have with your current wife.
- This is true, from the beginning we have signed a contract, I pay for her services and her social security, everything is legal.
- The emancipated can sign contracts.
- It is true, her emancipation was authorized by the court and for this emancipation we signed a contract.
-He dismounts and continues walking.
He obeyed her.
- The aunt will answer me some questions. The Young Goddess is your niece or your goddaughter?
- She is the daughter of my dearest sister, I am also her godmother.
- Why are they sisters? Daughters of common parents, or of affection?
The aunt replied with a smile.
- Something is wrong? The Young Goddess asked.
- Nothing is wrong, I just ask you to be honest with me.



#147 2021-11-14 05:33:48

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Re: Riding Goddesses

The alarm went off and they all went to the large patio. The Owner Goddess introduced the horses who passed the veterinary examination.
- These are the privileged ones, those who did not pass the exam must go to the cardiologist, the endocrinologist, the nutritionist and the gym to be able to be horses.
These privileged horses know they will be ridden by the desired and dreamed riders, and they will also be ridden by unwanted people and undreamed riders, they will even be ridden by those who are their nightmares.
I already taught them they will be ridden by any rider, even men.
I know most horses want to be ridden by 1. hourglass shaped women, 2. triangle or pear shaped women (wider hips), 3. inverted triangle shaped women (larger breasts), 4. Rectangle-shaped women or 5. Round or apple-shaped women. In addition there are human horses who hate being ridden by men.
These horses can be ridden by those who wish to ride them, they will be tied in their stalls. Have a good riding!



#148 2021-11-14 07:31:17

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Re: Riding Goddesses

In that privileged group were the teacher, the husband of the Family Mother Goddess and other parents. The school principal and the uncle of the Young Goddess were not chosen.
- We are not going to queue having our own horses, said the Family Mother Goddess to the Young Goddess.
The Family Mother Goddess rode the school principal and the Young Goddess rode her uncle.
- He is your horse, how long have you been riding him?
- I've been riding him for a long time, maybe months or maybe years.
- I know he has a 20-year-old son.
-I know, he's my horse too.
- Your aunt ...
- I love my aunt and godmother. Your horse is tired.
The Family Mother Goddess dismounted and accompanying the Young Goddess, she was walking while she grabbed the reins of the school principal. The Young Goddess tried to dismount.
- No, don't do it for me, you can stay riding your horse.
- My horse's wife is a close friend of my mother, for this reason she is my godmother and my aunt. My horse became widowed, he raised and educated his son, first alone and then with my godmother. I have seen photos of him and his first wife who passed away, both of them walking together and he carrying his son. You are very beautiful.
- Thank you, you are too.

Last edited by caballito (2021-11-15 03:04:56)



#149 2021-11-15 04:55:53

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Male (In his sixties), South America
Registered: 2006-11-25
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Posts: 2245

Re: Riding Goddesses

- I get nervous and impatient as I ride my horse and see you walking by my side, please allow me to get off my horse and walk by your side.
- Am I tempting?
- You are, but I get sick while I'm riding and you're walking.
- I thought you were tempted to ride me like you ride your godmother ((laughs)). You can dismount and walk if you wish.
The Young Goddess dismounted and walked together with the Family Mother Goddess.
- Hello girls, how nice to take the discarded horses out for a walk. She greeted the Owner Goddess as she rode the godmother of the Young Goddess, being followed by the teacher and the husband of the Family Mother Goddess, the Owner Goddess was holding the reins of the mare and the 2 horses.
- Girls, ride your horses!
The Young Goddess rode the husband of the Family Mother Goddess and the Family Mother Goddess rode the teacher.
The Goddess Owner rode the Young Goddess's godmother's husband and removed the morsel from her mouth.
The horse wife of the Young Goddess rode to the headmaster or principal of the school.
- Your wife is riding the school principal while your wife's goddaughter is riding the husband of the Family Mother Goddess. What do you feel?
-I am jealous, the husband of the Family Mother Goddess must be ridden by his wife and not by my rider.
- Your rider rides the horse or mare she wishes. Young Goddess, are you jealous when you see me riding your horse?
- No not at all.

Last edited by caballito (2021-11-19 02:54:11)



#150 2021-11-20 18:23:39

Bonus member
Male (In his sixties), South America
Registered: 2006-11-25
Last visit: 2025-02-13
Posts: 2245

Re: Riding Goddesses

Difficult task was imposed on the principal of the school: to find out which teachers love ponyplay, he did not have the courage to even ask.

The Family Mother Goddess came out to help him, the school director called a general meeting of teachers with parents, she identified male teachers and parents who stared at her, also those who looked at her sideways, to confirm her suspicions she chatted with them who shunned her gaze looking at her boots.
She noticed male teachers submissive to mothers and female teachers; also of submissive fathers before mothers and female teachers.
On the other hand she identified dominant female teachers and mothers controlling male teachers and fathers.
Video cameras were strategically placed, and the Family Mother Goddess identified potential human horses and riders.

Once the potential human horses and potential lady riders had been identified, the Family Mother Goddess told the school principal: There are always more human horses than riders who ride human horses, 3 or 4 human horses per rider, and this is not the exception.
In each classroom there are 3 horses per lady rider, being the rider mom or lady teacher, first I will talk to the riders.

She first met 33 ladies, one per classroom, either mom or lady teacher.
- Do you know who I am?
-Yes, you are the mother who rides like her horses to the school principal, the classroom teacher and the parents of her son's classmates.
- Are they like my horses or are they my horses?
- On second thought, they are your horses.
- How are you and I alike?
- Besides being mothers, we have men as animals; I say, men are our animals. Many asked me: Ma'am, can I be your dog?
- I gave each of you an envelope with a sheet of paper inside, please read it.
- I recognize them, they are parents of my students, answered lady teachers. I recognize them, they are my son / daughter's teacher and parents of my son / daughter's classmates, answered several moms. I recognize them, they are parents of my son / daughter's classmates, other moms answered.
- Those who only have dads on their list is because the teacher is a lady teacher or because the male teacher does not meet the conditions to be a horse, is overweight or obese, has high blood pressure or suffers from diabetes.
- Those who are included in the lists are our horses?
The Family Mother Goddess smiled and nodded.
- Among the moms in the classroom there are more lady riders who ride human horses.
- I know, but you are the best; I will tell you that the selection was very difficult for me, and I could have made mistakes or injustices when I chose the best.
- What do we do with the horses who are on the lists?
- Ride them.

Last edited by caballito (2021-11-20 23:15:28)



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