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#1 2024-12-15 01:10:20

Registered: 2024-11-29
Last visit: 2024-12-15
Posts: 2

The thief

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"Thats what you get from stealing," the burly man growled, his voice a bass rumble that seemed to shake the very air. His eyes, as cold as the steel of the knife in his hand, bore into the trembling figure in front of him.

The thief, a man who once knew the warmth of a mother's embrace and the pride of standing tall in his homeland, now found himself on his knees, a saddle of leather and rope strapped to his back. His arms were bound tightly behind him, the rough hemp biting into his skin. He was a man transformed, from a figure of dignity to a beast of burden. His broad shoulders, once proud and unyielding, now bent under the saddle frame.

The prison auction had been a grim affair, the air thick with the stench of fear and desperation. The burly man, his muscles bulging beneath a sweat-stained tunic, had bought the refugee with a casual flick of his wrist. The sound of the gavel echoed through the dusty, crowded space, finalizing the transaction that would bind the refugee to a life of servitude. His new master's eyes had glinted with amusement at the irony of his purchase: a man who had come unwanted and endangered freedom now reduced to carrying his masters weight.

Frank, the muscular farmer, had a cruel streak that was as broad as the river that had brought the refugee to his shores. He had no use for pity or compassion in this lawless land. His sadistic plans for the black refugee were already taking shape in his twisted mind. He would not just use him for labor; he would break him, strip away every shred of pride and hope until the man was nothing but a riding slave, subservient to his every whim. The thought gyve him a big errection in his tight trousers, one that his new slave could see and fear.

Frank plans to use his new slave to commute into town for supplies. Also the land of is farm is quite hilly and hard for horses - so his new ride has to get along to be his mount for checking the perimeter of his farm as soon as he is strong enough.

Before he can start to enjoy his new purchase, Frank had to ensure the refugee understood his role. He approached the bound man with a set of reins, the leather cold and unforgiving in his meaty fist. The refugee's eyes widened in horror as he realized what was about to happen.

"You see these?" Frank sneered, holding the reins up for the refugee to inspect. "You're gonna learn to keep that mouth of yours shut unless you're told to speak." He brought the reins to the man's mouth and without ceremony, pushed them between his teeth, forcing his jaws apart. The taste of leather was bitter, the smell of sweat and dirt from countless other mouths that had suffered the same fate.

With a cruel twist, Frank fastened the reins tightly, cutting into the corners of the refugee's mouth. The man's eyes watered, and he struggled not to gag as the leather bit into his cheeks. The crowd of onlookers jeered, finding amusement in his plight. The sound of their laughter was like a thousand knives in his ears, each one twisting in deeper.

Frank's massive hand landed heavily on the refugee's shoulder, and with surprising grace, he jumped  into the saddle. The leather creaked under his weight, but the refugee held firm, his legs shaking from the effort of bearing the burden. He could feel the heat of the man's body, the smell of his sweat mingling with the leather. It was a reminder of his new, degrading existence.

Frank commanded still kneeling refugee to get up while he leaned forward, his hands gripping the reins like reins of a horse, and dug his spurs  into the slave's flanks.

The refugee, teeth gritted around the reins, managed to stand, his body trembling with pain and exertion. The leather bit into his flesh with every move he made, and each step was a battle against his own body's screaming protests. He could feel the burn of his muscles stretching under the unfamiliar weight, the ache of his knees from the days spent in the dirt, and the sharp sting of the spurs digging into his sides. Yet, he rose, driven by a mix of fear and defiance.

Frank leaned back in the saddle, feeling the power of his new acquisition beneath him. He took the reins in his hand and with a twisted smile, gave a gentle tug. The refugee took a tentative step forward, and then another, the weight of his new master rocking him slightly with each movement. His heavy thighs squeezing the life out of the refugee's ribs to keep him moving.

The journey to town was a grueling one. The sun beat down mercilessly, and the dust kicked up by their passage coated both man and slave in a fine layer of grime. The refugee's eyes remained fixed on the horizon, his mind racing with thoughts of escape, of freedom. But every time he stumbled, every time he slowed, the whip would bite into his flesh, reminding him to keep the demanded pace.

As they approached the town's entrance, they reached franks old horse which he, tied to a post. The animal looked on with a mix of curiosity and what the refugee imagined was a hint of pity. The horse was a creature of strength and freedom, a stark contrast to the man now forced to bear the brunt of the farmer's weight. The muscular man leaned back in the saddle, his grip on the reins loosening slightly as they approached. He threw his leg over the saddle's side and dismounted with the grace of a man who'd ridden his entire life. The refugee, his legs wobbly and bruised, stumbled slightly under the sudden release of weight.

Frank tied the reins of his trusty old mare to the refugees saddle.

"You're going to get us to the top of the hill," he said, his voice a low growl. "And if you don't, I'll show you what happens to lazy animals." Frank grunts to his new slave.

"Down now" Commande Frank.
The refugee nodded, his eyes on the ground, knowing that any sign of defiance would only bring more pain. He took a deep breath and knelt down, feeling the leather saddle press into his neck as Frank mounts. The metal spikes on the stirrups dug into his shins, reminding him of the punishment that awaited any misstep. The heavy burden of his new role settled onto his shoulders once again, a constant reminder of his subjugation.

With two swift strokes of the whip, Frank bellowed, "Get up, you beast!" The pain of the whip cracked across his back like a thunderclap, and the refugee's body responded instinctively. He pushed against the ground, muscles straining, and rose to his feet, the saddle digging into his shoulders.

"Trot!" Frank ordered, and the refugee, driven by fear and pain, broke into a fast trot, his bound arms jolting against his back with every stride. The journey to the farm was a blur of agony, the leather reins cutting into his mouth as he fought to maintain the pace.

The sun blazed overhead, turning the dirt road into a river of molten earth beneath his bare feet. His breath came in ragged gasps, and sweat streamed down his back, mixing with the dirt to form a grimy waterfall. Each step sent a shockwave of pain through his legs, but he pushed on, driven by the relentless crack of the whip and the promise of more pain if he failed.

As the trail began to slope upwards, the refugee felt his strength waning. His legs burned with the effort of climbing, muscles that had once been honed by the land now screaming in protest. The saddle dug deeper into his shoulders, the leather sticking to his skin and rubbing away layers of flesh with every step he took. His eyes darted to the horizon, searching for any sign of relief, but the land stretched on, unforgiving and endless.

Frank, noticing the slave's slowed pace, gave a grunt of approval. He knew that the final ascent to the farm was the steepest part of the journey. The hills were not kind to horses, and he took a cruel pleasure in knowing that the man beneath him would find it even more challenging. He leaned forward in the saddle, whispering in the refugee's ear, "Keep going, boy. The real work starts now."

As the trail grew steeper, the shadows cast by the surrounding trees disappeared, leaving them exposed to the merciless sun. The refugee felt the heat like a brand on his skin, the sweat running into his eyes and blurring his vision. Each step was a battle, his legs feeling as though they were made of lead, but he pushed on, driven by a fierce determination not to falter. The hill seemed to stretch on forever, each footfall echoing in his ears like a taunt, a reminder that his fate was not his own.

Finally, after what felt like hours, the refugee could take no more. He stumbled, his legs buckling beneath him. The saddle, now a wet, sticky mess of leather and sweat, slipped slightly, and the reins bit into his mouth as he gasped for air.

The refugee's eyes searched desperately for any escape, any respite from the agony that had become his existence. His gaze fell on the distant horizon, where the sun hung low, a fiery sphere of pain and despair. The thought of continuing on was unbearable, but the thought of the whip's bite even more so. He took a deep, shuddering breath and forced his legs to move once more, pushing against the earth with the last of his strength.

Another crack of the whip rang out, and the muffled scream that followed was one of pure agony. The refugee's legs trembled, threatening to give out completely. He could feel the muscles in his back and shoulders spasming under the weight of the saddle and the cruel grip of the reins. His eyes filled with tears that streamed down his cheeks, mixing with the sweat and dust to leave a salty trail. The taste of leather filled his mouth, a constant reminder of his degradation.

But the whip didn't fall again. Instead, he heard Frank's deep, guttural laugh, a sound that sent a chill down his spine. The burly man leaned forward, his body pressing down on the saddle, his breath hot against the refugee's ear. "You're mine now," he whispered.

The weight in the saddle shifted, and the refugee felt something wet and warm splatter against his forehead. He realized with dawning horror that his master had just climaxed, his pleasure taken from the power he held over him. The salty, sticky substance ran down his face and into his eyes, mixing with his tears and the grime of the journey. He didn't dare move, afraid of what would happen if he did.

For a few minutes, Frank sat in the saddle, feeling the slaves chest heaving, his body shaking with the aftermath of his depraved pleasure. The refugee could feel the man's weight shift slightly with each ragged breath, the saddle pressing harder into his shoulders.  He kept his eyes on the ground, not daring to look up at the monster who had so completely claimed him.

After Frank had his fun he decided that is was time to move on. With a sudden, brutal movement, he dug his spurs into the refugee's flanks and cracked the whip across his back. The pain was searing, a bolt of lightning that shot through the man's body, and he stumbled before finding his feet again. "Up," Frank bellowed, the word a thunderous command that left no room for disobedience. "Now, we climb!"

The refugee's heart hammered in his chest as he found the strength to push himself uphill. Each step sent shockwaves of pain through his legs, and the weight of the saddle seemed to double with every inch gained. His breath came in ragged gasps, and his eyes were fixed on the ground before him, willing it to be flat and easy. But the hill was relentless, its incline unyielding and unforgiving.

Sweat and blood dripped from his body, forming a macabre pattern on the dusty trail. The leather of the saddle was stained crimson from his wounds, and the reins in his mouth grew slick with his saliva and tears. The taste of fear and despair mingled with the leather, filling his mouth, choking him with every breath. His bare feet sank into the soft earth, leaving a trail of crimson prints behind them.

Frank's weight grew heavier with each passing moment, his cruel laughter echoing through the air as he bounced in the saddle. Each bounce sent a fresh wave of agony through the refugee's body, his shoulders threatening to give way under the relentless pressure. He could feel the muscles in his back screaming, the leather cutting into his flesh with every movement. Yet, he continued to climb, driven by the burning need to survive, to not give in to the pain.

They rounded another tight corner, and the path grew steeper still. The refugee's bare feet slipped in the loose earth, sending a shower of rocks and dust cascading down the hill. Frank leaned back in the saddle, his arms tightening around the reins, his thighs clamping down like a vice on the refugee's ribs. The man's breath was hot and sour on his neck, his weight a constant reminder of his new role in this twisted game of power.

"This is my favorite part of the trail," Frank murmured, his voice thick with excitement. The refugee could feel the man's anticipation, his body tense and eager for the challenge ahead. "The view from the top is just... breathtaking." The sarcasm in his voice was palpable, a twisted knife twisting in the slave's already broken spirit.

The refugee took one step, and then another, his legs feeling heavier with each passing moment. His breaths grew shallower, his heart a wild beast in his chest, desperate to escape the pain that engulfed him. The steep slope of the hill seemed to mock him, stretching on like an endless nightmare from which there was no waking.

With a snarl of frustration, Frank leaned forward in the saddle, his eyes narrowed in anger at his slave's faltering pace. "Faster, beast!" he roared, his voice echoing off the surrounding rocks. He brought the whip down once more, the sound of leather meeting flesh a sickening symphony of pain. The refugee stumbled, the saddle slipping precariously on his shoulders. The reins dug deeper into his mouth, the taste of leather and fear overwhelming him.

Despite the relentless torture, the man managed to keep moving, his body a testament to the human spirit's capacity for endurance. His legs quivered with exhaustion, but he pushed on, driven by the burning need to avoid the whip's sting. Each step was a silent battle cry, a declaration that he would not be broken, not yet. Yet, with every jolt of pain, with every labored breath, he knew he was being worn down, piece by piece.

The steepest part of the hill stretched before them like a wall of despair. Frank's grip on the reins tightened, his body leaning forward as if willing the refugee to find the strength to conquer the incline. The whip hovered in the air, a silent threat that hung over the man like the sword of Damocles. His eyes never left the ground, his mind focused solely on placing one foot in front of the other, climbing the hill that seemed to have no end.

But the whip's impact had lost its fearful edge. The pain was so constant, so overwhelming, that the refugee had grown numb to it. His body was a map of bruises and welts, each one a story of agony and survival. The whip cracked again, but the man beneath it barely flinched, his eyes glazed over with the fatigue of a thousand lashes.

Sensing the change, Frank's eyes narrowed, his grip on the reins tightening. If fear was no longer an effective motivator, perhaps pain would be. He dug his spurs deeper into the refugee's flanks, feeling the man's flesh yield to the sharp metal. The refugee stumbled, a scream muffled by the leather in his mouth, but he did not fall. Instead, he pushed himself forward with a newfound fervor, as if driven by the very fire that burned in his veins.

The hill grew steeper still, the earth crumbling beneath his feet. His eyes remained fixed on the horizon, where the farm's distant silhouette beckoned like a mirage. It was a vision of hell on earth, but it was also the end of this torturous climb. Each step brought him closer to the promise of rest, of a brief reprieve from the agony that had become his existence.

Finally, Frank sensed the exhaustion in his slave's labored breathing and pulled sharply on the reins. The refugee's legs buckled with relief as he came to a stumbling halt. The saddle slid back slightly, and the reins bit into his mouth with one final cruel jerk. He gasped for air, his chest heaving as he took in the sweet taste of freedom, if only for a moment.

But it was too much for the slave - he could not keep his balance for this sudden stop and felt down onto his knees and face. Frank streched his legs and stood astride over the slaves shaking body.

The burly man looked down at his new property with a twisted sense of pride. The refugee's body was a canvas of pain, each welt and bruise a testament to his own power. He felt his manhood swell with every whip mark he had left on the black man's back. He knew the fear and despair that the slave felt, and it only fueled his desire for more.

The climax washed over him like a wave of triumph, his body shuddering with the intensity of his climax. He leaned back in the saddle, watching the refugee's shoulders heave with each pained breath. The sight of the man's muscles straining under his weight was more erotic than any woman he had ever taken. He felt his seed spurt forth, hot and sticky, coating the refugee's back with his claim.

As the last drops fell from him, Frank leaned over, his hand reaching down to stroke the sweat-soaked skin of his new acquisition. The man flinched at the touch, but did not dare move. The whip still lay coiled in the dirt beside him, a silent reminder of the consequences of defiance.

The burly farmer's eyes wandered to the hill's peak, thinking to ride his old horse for the final part of the way. The animal had seen many a harsh day, but none like this. The thought of switching to his trusty steed, of feeling the familiar gait and the ease of riding, was tempting. It would give the refugee a brief respite from his torment, perhaps even a flicker of hope. But hope was a dangerous thing, something to be crushed beneath the heavy boot of reality.

With a cruel twist of his lips, Frank leaned over the saddle, his voice low and menacing as he spoke to the trembling man beneath him. "You're doing well, beast. But I think you're forgetting your place. You're the one who's lucky here, getting to carry me up this hill instead of my horse. She's too good for this kind of work." He gave the refugee a hard pat, his hand landing on a fresh wound, causing the refugee to whimper in pain.

After almost an hour of rest, the refugee's breathing had settled into something close to normal. The agony that had wracked his body had dulled to a constant throb, the kind of pain that you learn to live with, like a second heartbeat that never stops. Frank looked down at him, his expression a mix of boredom and contempt. The slave's eyes remained fixed on the ground, his chest rising and falling in shallow breaths.

"Time to move," the burly man said, his voice as hard as the whip he held in his hand. He didn't need to add the threat; the mere sound of the leather slapping against the palm of his hand was enough to make the refugee's heart skip a beat. With a grunt, Frank swung the whip through the air, the tip slicing through the stillness with a sound that was almost musical in its cruelty.

The slave rose unsteadily to his feet, his body trembling with a mix of fear and exhaustion. He knew what was coming, had felt the sting of the whip more times than he could count. But still, he hoped against hope that this would be the moment when his tormentor would finally show mercy, when he would be released from the living hell that was his new life.

With a grunt, Frank swung his leg over the saddle and settled his weight onto the refugee's back once more. The leather was sticky with sweat, clinging to the man's bruised and bloodied skin. The reins were wet with the refugee's saliva and tears, a grim testament to the miles they had traveled together in this twisted dance of domination.

Once more, the whip cracked through the air, and the refugee's legs found the strength to move. His bare feet dug into the earth, pushing them both upward with a determination that was almost inhuman. The now mild ascending trail winds up to the farm.

"You've done well, beast," Frank said, his voice holding a hint of satisfaction. "But we still have a way to go. I want you to gallop the final kilometer." He gave the refugee's side a hard slap, the sound echoing off the surrounding hills. "Do you understand me?"

The refugee, looked up through tear-filled eyes. The leather saddle on his back felt like a hot brand, the reins in his mouth a constant reminder of his bondage. He cried some words of disagree his movement stiff and painful.

"What did I say?" Frank's voice was a thunderclap, his fury palpable. "You're not allowed to talk unless I tell you to. You're a beast, not a person. You understand?"

With a tremble of fear, the refugee nodded, his eyes never leaving the ground. Frank leaned sideways, his hand disappearing into the saddle bag of his old horse. When it reemerged, it held a small pouch of chili powder he purchased before.

"You're going to gallop," Frank repeated, a sadistic glint in his eye. He reached over and tapped the pouch against the refugee's shoulder and wounded back. "And if you don't, I'll make sure this gets in your eyes. Now go!"

With a roar of fear and desperation, the refugee took off, his legs moving faster than they ever had before. The saddle chafed against his raw flesh, each step sending a fresh wave of agony through his body. But the pain of the chili powder was greater than the pain he already bore, so he pushed himself harder.

The world around him was a blur as he raced up the hill, his eyes streaming with sweat and tears. The wind stung his bare chest and back, adding to the torment of his wounds. He could feel the ground shaking beneath him, the tremors of his own pain echoing through the earth. His breathing was labored, sounding like a steam engine on the edge of collapse, each gasp for air a battle against the leather reins that held him in place.

As the farm came into view, the refugee's legs wobbled, threatening to give way beneath him. The pain was too much, his body a raw mass of bruises and cuts, his spirit crushed beneath the weight of his new reality. The whip had stopped falling, but the pain it had left behind was a living, breathing entity that consumed him from the inside out. He could feel the chili powder on his back, a burning menace that waited for the slightest misstep.

Frank leaned to the right, guiding the refugee toward the farm's entrance. The man stumbled, his legs giving out, but the pain of the chili was too intense to allow him to stop. He continued to run, his body moving of its own accord, driven by fear and agony. The reins fell slack in his mouth, no longer controlling him as he careened through the farm, a wild animal seeking escape from the fire that consumed him.

The refugee's eyes were wild with pain, his breath coming in harsh gasps, but still he ran, driven by the searing heat that seemed to burn through his very soul.

After some minutes of uncontrolled stumbling in and around the stable the slave finally collapsed to his knees.

Frankstood up behind the slave and removed the saddle. The sudden release of weight was almost a relief, but the pain that followed was like a thousand white-hot knives slicing through his shoulders. The saddle hit the ground with a dull thud, the leather stained with blood and sweat. The refugee's body was a testament to the burly man's sadism, a canvas of agony that would never be displayed in any gallery but the dark corners of their shared nightmares.

With a grunt of satisfaction, Frank grabbed a fistful of the refugee's hair and yanked him to his feet. The man stumbled, his legs threatening to buckle once more, but the grip was unrelenting. The whip, now a constant companion, remained coiled at the ready, a reminder of the fate that awaited any sign of weakness.

They staggered through the dusty stable  to a small, cramped box that had once been used for livestock. The air was thick with the scent of fear and despair, a pungent aroma that hung over the farm like a toxic fog. The box was barely large enough for the man to kneel in, let alone stand or lie down, but it would serve its purpose.

Frank pulled the refugee into the makeshift cell and tossed him a cracked wooden bowl filled with water that smelled faintly of metal. The water was lukewarm, a stark contrast to the cool liquid he had dreamed of during their climb. The slave's eyes locked onto it, desperation shining in their depths. He lunged forward, his mouth closing around the rim with a fervor that spoke volumes of his thirst.

With a sadistic smirk, Frank handed a second bowl, this one filled with a mushy mess of half-chewed grains and wilted vegetables. It was clear from the smell and the sight of it that it was the remains of Frank's own meal. The refugee stared at it, his stomach roiling with a mix of hunger and revulsion. He knew that to refuse would be to invite more pain, so he forced himself to take a tentative bite.

"You're going to be my horse from now on," Frank said, his voice filled with a twisted sense of pride. "And a good horse doesn't stop until it reaches the barn. You're going to learn to run as fast as a horse and without colappsing after every ascent.  You're going to do it because it's what you were born to do."

Without another word, he grabbed the hose that was coiled beside the stall and turned it on the refugee. The cold water hit the man's body like a sledgehammer, the pressure making him gasp for breath. Frank laughed as he watched the water run in rivulets down the man's bruised and bloody back, washing away the grime of the journey and leaving behind a fresh coat of pain. The refugee's eyes squeezed shut, his body writhing under the icy deluge, trying to escape the water that seemed to bite at his skin like a swarm of angry bees.

Once he was satisfied that his new property was clean enough, Frank released the man from his makeshift reins. The refugee collapsed to the floor, his body trembling with cold and fatigue. The burly man stepped back and surveyed his handiwork with a twisted sense of pride. He had broken horses before, but this... this was something else. Something more primal and satisfying.

The next few days were a blur of pain and degradation for the refugee. Frank took him out every morning, saddle secured tightly on his back, and set out on the steep trails that crisscrossed the land around the farm. The whip was ever present, a constant reminder of the price of failure. The burly man pushed him harder and harder, his own lust for power and control growing with every step the refugee took.



#2 2024-12-15 17:53:14

Male (50), FRANCE
Registered: 2013-07-27
Last visit: 2025-02-14
Posts: 45

Re: The thief

Very good! Thank you very much!



#3 2024-12-17 15:27:05

Registered: 2016-05-03
Last visit: 2025-02-05
Posts: 11

Re: The thief

Great story. I'd love to get in touch with you, this is my email jasonmusclej@gmail.com , hope to hear from you



#4 2024-12-23 11:14:17

Male (36), INDIA
Registered: 2011-08-31
Last visit: 2025-02-06
Posts: 223

Re: The thief

superb story.
my email id is studekm@gmail.com
please be in touch

Carriers and ponys mail me at studekm@gmail.com



#5 2024-12-23 11:16:11

Male (36), INDIA
Registered: 2011-08-31
Last visit: 2025-02-06
Posts: 223

Re: The thief

superb story.
my email id is studekm@gmail.com
please be in touch

Carriers and ponys mail me at studekm@gmail.com



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