Ultimate shoulder rides

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#1 2024-10-08 20:11:47

Male (27)
Registered: 2024-10-08
Last visit: 2024-11-21
Posts: 11

Have you ever given or received a reverse shoulder ride?

Yo, how's it going? This is a fairly straight forward question, just wondering if anyone here has given or received a reverse shoulder ride. If so, I would like to hear about your experience from whichever side you were on. And if not, is it something that you're interested in and would like to attempt some day?

Now, clearly a reverse ride isn't entirely practical, given the carrier is unable to see where they're walking, but it's definitely not impossible. Therefore I see the reverse shoulder ride as somewhat of a final boss for the Lift and Carry community. It's one of the more difficult positions, and one of the most dominant for the rider to be in, given how and where they're sitting.

Looking forward to any and all responses.



#2 2024-10-09 05:59:07

Registered: 2024-09-17
Last visit: 2025-02-12
Posts: 62

Re: Have you ever given or received a reverse shoulder ride?


This subject has been broached  before   and is  interesting in itself.       However I  wonder if  it could properly be call  "shoulder-riding"  and it certainly  has  strong sexual connotations involved.                                 

To start with  , while  the  rider would  have  his/her legs somewhat resting on the  shoulders of  the  carrier, the position of head on the human body offers  no  support for the rider's buttocks  and of course wouldn't be sitting on the carrier's chest .  Most likely the carry would be supporting  the riders, butt with  his hands or arms.                          I doubt the carrier could lean back  far enough to support the  rider.             

With that said, I do find the subject  interesting and would like to hear  how others who might attempt  this  form of riding and carrying and  what solutions they might consider.



#3 2024-10-09 06:41:00

Male (27)
Registered: 2024-10-08
Last visit: 2024-11-21
Posts: 11

Re: Have you ever given or received a reverse shoulder ride?

MissBaron wrote:


This subject has been broached  before   and is  interesting in itself.       However I  wonder if  it could properly be call  "shoulder-riding"  and it certainly  has  strong sexual connotations involved.                                 

To start with  , while  the  rider would  have  his/her legs somewhat resting on the  shoulders of  the  carrier, the position of head on the human body offers  no  support for the rider's buttocks  and of course wouldn't be sitting on the carrier's chest .  Most likely the carry would be supporting  the riders, butt with  his hands or arms.                          I doubt the carrier could lean back  far enough to support the  rider.             

With that said, I do find the subject  interesting and would like to hear  how others who might attempt  this  form of riding and carrying and  what solutions they might consider.

I do believe it can fall under the "shoulder riding" banner for the most part, and you're right in what you say about the connotations as well. I doubt very many people are doing a reverse shoulder ride just for innocent fun, the way you can do with a normal shoulder ride. It definitely serves a very specific purpose, though I've seen many reverse rides done clothed, which looks better than the alternative to me.

So I've mainly seen two different types of reverse riding. There's the way you describe here, where the rider has to have their buttocks supported by the carriers hands. This almost always seems very unsteady, with the riders legs also just swinging freely while the carrier walks around.

Then there's what I can only call the more experienced form, where the rider sits as forward as possible, wraps their legs around the carrier and hooks in their feet by the rib cage, and holds onto the carriers head. In this instance the carrier usually can get away with just holding the rider up by wrapping their arms around the rider's upper thighs. The carrier's face will be pressing right against the rider's crotch, but, that is most likely what everyone involved is there for.

I do think that's mainly where people find issue. They don't want to lean too forward/press their crotch against the rider's face, and so it seems like an impossible position, but in reality if one is gonna do it, they've just gotta go for it. It won't be a long ride either way, but it'll be a memorable one.



#4 2024-10-09 10:23:48

Bulgarian Rider
Registered: 2020-05-07
Last visit: 2025-02-05
Posts: 23

Re: Have you ever given or received a reverse shoulder ride?

I like being the rider in that reverse position very much. But it takes a really big and strong carrier to handle my whole weight without me having to use some sort of a support.



#5 2024-10-09 19:06:34

Male (27)
Registered: 2024-10-08
Last visit: 2024-11-21
Posts: 11

Re: Have you ever given or received a reverse shoulder ride?

Bulgarian Rider wrote:

I like being the rider in that reverse position very much. But it takes a really big and strong carrier to handle my whole weight without me having to use some sort of a support.

Oh yeah? Do you at least attempt it also on the less strong men? Or do you reserve it only for the strong guys who you know will carry you well?

Also, what's your riding style? Do you have your legs dangle free? Or do you wrap around for extra support?



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