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#1 2024-09-01 15:35:01

Male (32), ukraine
Registered: 2020-07-07
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 19

The Internship at Horse Ranch

It was the start of Lucas Dawson's (5'2") summer holidays, and he was determined to make the most of it. Unlike his friends, who spent their days playing video games or lounging by the pool, Lucas wanted something more—a chance to learn, to grow, and to immerse himself in a world he had always been fascinated by: horse racing. For as long as he could remember, the thunder of hooves, the thrill of the race, and the majestic beauty of horses had captured his imagination. So, when he heard that a new horse ranch had opened up just a few blocks from his home, he saw it as a sign. An opportunity he couldn't pass up.
The ranch, newly established and already the talk of the neighborhood, was owned by a young woman named Isabella "Bella" Marlowe (5'9"). The moment Lucas saw the job listing for an internship at the ranch, he didn't hesitate to apply. Though nervous and unsure of what to expect, his excitement outweighed his fears.
When Lucas first laid eyes on Bella during his interview, he was struck speechless. She was taller than he expected, with an athletic build that exuded confidence and strength. Her dark, wavy hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and her green eyes seemed to shine with both warmth and authority. In that moment, Lucas felt like he had entered a different world—a world where someone like Bella commanded both respect and admiration.
As he approached Bella for the interview, his heart raced. He was so focused on making a good impression that he didn't notice the pile of horse manure in his path. With a squelching sound that echoed in the otherwise quiet stable yard, Lucas stepped right into it, losing his balance and landing unceremoniously on his rear end.
For a split second, the world stood still. Then, Bella burst out laughing. It was a genuine, hearty laugh that made Lucas’s cheeks burn with embarrassment. But as soon as the laughter escaped her, Bella quickly covered her mouth, realizing how rude it must have seemed.
"Oh, I’m so sorry!" she said, stifling her giggles as she hurried to help him up. "I didn’t mean to laugh. Are you okay?"
Lucas, his face flushed with both embarrassment and awe, nodded quickly. "Y-Yeah, I’m fine."
Bella looked him over, her eyes sparkling with amusement and a hint of regret. Despite the awkward start, she couldn’t bring herself to turn him away. There was something endearing about his clumsiness, something that made her feel a little protective over the shy, short boy standing before her.
"Well," Bella said, still smiling, "I suppose anyone who can handle that kind of introduction deserves a chance. Welcome to the ranch, Lucas. You’re hired."
And just like that, Lucas’s summer began. His initial duties were far from glamorous—cleaning stables, feeding the horses, and performing whatever tasks Bella asked of him. He didn’t mind the hard work, though; he was just grateful to be there, to be part of this world that had always fascinated him.
Before sending him home on his first day, Bella handed him a stack of flyers. "On your way back, could you drop these off around the neighborhood? It’s for the horse riding training school I run here. We’re trying to attract more students."
Lucas nodded, taking the flyers eagerly. As he made his way home, he slipped the flyers into mailboxes and handed them to anyone who crossed his path. By the time he reached his street, the colorful papers had caught the attention of a few of the neighborhood wives. They were well-to-do women with a lot of time on their hands and a growing interest in finding new ways to break the monotony of their daily routines.

Lucas had imagined his internship at the horse ranch would be a thrilling adventure, filled with galloping through open fields and riding horses like a true cowboy. However, reality quickly set in. Instead of the heroic image he had conjured up in his mind, Lucas found himself spending his days washing horses, shoveling manure, and performing the most mundane tasks on the ranch. His dreams of adventure were buried under piles of straw and the constant stench of horse manure.
Despite the monotony of his chores, Lucas found himself eagerly anticipating the brief moments when he might catch a glimpse of Bella. His heart would race whenever he saw her step out of the office, where she spent most of her time handling the business side of the ranch. Bella was captivating in a way that Lucas had never experienced before. She moved with a confidence that was both intimidating and awe-inspiring.
On some days, she would emerge wearing a sharp suit, the jacket tailored to fit her athletic frame perfectly. The skirt she wore sometimes stopped just above her knees, revealing strong, toned legs that made Lucas's breath hitch. On other days, she opted for tight pants that accentuated her long, lean legs, paired with a blouse that hinted at the strength beneath her polished exterior. Her dark brown hair, often pulled back into a neat ponytail or braid, framed her face, highlighting her high cheekbones and piercing green eyes. To Lucas, she was the epitome of grace and power, a figure who seemed almost otherworldly in her beauty.
But those moments were fleeting. His interactions with Bella were limited to short commands and polite thanks as she directed him through his daily chores. Each day, Lucas would muster the courage to say more, to engage her in conversation, but his shyness held him back. He feared that any attempt to speak beyond what was necessary would only expose his awkwardness.
As the days turned into a week, Lucas began to feel the weight of the repetitive work settling into his bones. But everything changed one morning when Bella called him into her office. Her usual cool demeanor was replaced with a hint of excitement as she explained that the ranch had finally attracted enough students to start the first batch of her horse riding training school. She wanted Lucas to join her as her assistant.
Lucas’s heart soared. Finally, he thought, this was his chance to ride horses, to be part of something more exciting than mucking out stables. He could hardly contain his excitement as he nodded eagerly, ready to jump into his new role.
But before the training session began, Bella handed him what looked like an odd piece of gear. It was a bit that seemed designed for a human mouth, along with a strange harness with footrests that dangled at his sides.
"Put this on," Bella instructed, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips.
Lucas hesitated, looking at the gear in confusion. "Is this some kind of joke or demonstration?" he asked, half-laughing as he slipped the bit into his mouth and adjusted the straps.
Bella didn’t answer directly. Instead, she led him out to the training field where a group of women were gathered, each standing next to a horse. The women were the neighborhood wives Lucas had handed the flyers to earlier. They were dressed in riding gear, chattering excitedly as they awaited their first lesson.
As they approached the group, Lucas couldn’t help but notice how Bella looked in her riding attire. She was dressed in tight jeans that hugged her legs, paired with a snug tank top that revealed the toned muscles in her arms and shoulders. Her cowboy boots clicked against the ground with each step, and the sun glinted off the buckle of her belt. Standing next to her, Lucas felt even smaller and more insignificant, like a small horse beside a warrior prince, ready to charge into battle.
"Good morning, ladies," Bella called out, her voice ringing with authority. The women fell silent, turning their attention to her. "Welcome to your first day of horse riding training. I’d like to introduce you to my assistant, Lucas. He’ll be helping with demonstrations today."
Lucas tried to stand tall as Bella introduced him, but he couldn’t shake the feeling of being out of place, especially when he noticed how the women’s eyes flicked between him and Bella, the contrast between them striking.
Bella walked over to Lucas and took hold of the reins attached to his harness, her expression focused and serious. "For our first lesson," she began, "I’ll show you how to properly hold the reins and mount a horse."
With a firm grip, she adjusted the reins in her hands, demonstrating to the class how to control a horse with precision. Then, with a practiced motion, she placed one foot in the makeshift stirrup at Lucas’s side and swung herself up onto his shoulders.
Lucas felt the weight of her body press down on him, but he held steady, his heart pounding not just from the strain but from the sheer intensity of the moment. Bella sat on his shoulders with the poise and authority of a warrior prince mounted on a noble steed. Her eyes were sharp, her posture perfect, and she exuded a confidence that made everyone around her stand a little straighter.
"Now, pay close attention," Bella instructed, her voice calm and commanding. She guided the women through the steps again, moving with an ease that made it look almost effortless. Lucas could feel the power in her every movement, the way she balanced perfectly on his small frame, as though she were born to ride.
The women watched in awe, trying to mimic her technique, but it quickly became apparent that mounting a horse was not as easy as Bella made it look. One by one, they struggled to lift themselves into the saddle, some barely getting a foot in the stirrup before tumbling back to the ground.
Bella sighed but remained patient. "Lucas," she called out, her voice steady, "let’s help them out."
She led Lucas over to each woman, one by one, and demonstrated the correct technique again, using Lucas as her practice horse. Each time she mounted him, Lucas felt the weight of her body pressing down on his shoulders, the strain growing with every demonstration. The women were determined trying to master the art of horseback riding. And through it all, Bella remained poised, like a regal knight guiding her troops, her every movement graceful and precise.
By the time the two-hour session ended, Lucas was utterly drained. His legs felt like jelly, his shoulders ached from bearing Bella’s weight, and the bit in his mouth was starting to chafe. As the women dispersed, chatting about their first lesson, Lucas trudged after Bella, desperate for an explanation.
"Bella," he finally asked, pulling the bit from his mouth and catching his breath, "why didn’t you just use a real horse for the demonstration? Why… why did you use me?"
Bella turned to him, her expression softening with understanding. "Real horses are too big to show the finer details of mounting and handling in a way everyone can clearly see. Plus, during training, if I give a command to a horse, it will act on that command, making it harder for the students to follow along. Using you as a stand-in allows me to demonstrate exactly what I want them to see, without any distractions."
Lucas nodded slowly, understanding her reasoning even if he wasn’t entirely thrilled about his new role. It seemed that being Bella’s assistant wasn’t going to involve riding horses like he’d imagined. Instead, his duties now included being the demonstration "horse" for Bella’s training school—a job that was both exhausting and far from the glamorous cowboy life he had envisioned.
As he dragged himself back to the stables, Lucas couldn’t help but wonder what other surprises this internship had in store for him. One thing was certain, though: his summer at the ranch was shaping up to be far more challenging than he had ever anticipated.



#2 2024-09-01 16:00:13

Male (32), ukraine
Registered: 2020-07-07
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 19

Re: The Internship at Horse Ranch

The sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a warm, golden light across the ranch as evening settled in. The students of Bella's riding school had already gathered in the training field, each woman seated confidently atop her horse. There was a buzz of anticipation in the air as they waited for Bella to arrive, their earlier nervousness replaced with a newfound eagerness after the first day’s lessons.
Lucas stood off to the side, his body still aching from the previous day's grueling session. His muscles protested with every movement, a constant reminder of the weight he had borne. Yet, despite the physical toll, he found himself filled with a strange mix of excitement and anxiety. He knew today would bring new challenges, but the thought of seeing Bella again—of being close to her, of helping her—kept him rooted in place, ready to face whatever lay ahead.
When Bella finally appeared, she did so in a way that commanded attention and respect. She was mounted on Lucas’s shoulders, her presence as commanding as ever, but there was something more to her today—a fierce elegance that seemed to amplify the already formidable aura she carried. Her dark, wavy hair, usually tied back, was now cascading over one shoulder, catching the fading sunlight and giving her an almost ethereal glow.
Her attire was simple yet striking—a pair of tight jeans that hugged her every curve, paired with a fitted tank top that revealed the strength of her arms and the gentle taper of her waist. Her cowboy boots, worn yet polished, added an extra inch to her already impressive height, making her seem even more imposing as she sat atop Lucas. As she approached the group, the women’s conversations died down, their attention wholly captivated by the sight of Bella perched atop the much smaller Lucas.
Even from his position beneath her, Lucas could feel the weight of her authority, as if she was a queen riding into her court. The way she moved, the way she held herself—it all spoke of confidence, control, and an undeniable power that left everyone in awe.
"Good evening, ladies," Bella called out, her voice smooth and commanding. With a gentle squeeze of her legs, Lucas stepped forward, bringing her closer to the group. "Today, we're going to add something new to your riding toolkit."
In one hand, Bella held a leather whip—thin, flexible, and deceptively simple. In the other, she controlled the reins with a deftness that suggested years of experience. Attached to her boots were spurs, glinting in the light, subtle yet undeniably present.
"As you can see," Bella continued, her tone both instructive and authoritative, "I'm using Lucas here to help demonstrate, just as I did yesterday. This will allow you to observe the techniques closely without the distractions of managing a real horse."
Her eyes gleamed with a quiet confidence as she positioned herself more securely on Lucas’s shoulders, settling into place with the ease of someone born to command. "Let me show you how to properly use the whip alongside the reins."
Bella raised the whip, her movements fluid and graceful, as if conducting an invisible orchestra. She demonstrated how to hold it in tandem with the reins, her hands moving with a precise rhythm that made the task seem effortless. Then, without a moment’s hesitation, she brought the whip down, striking Lucas across the back. The sting was sharp, sending a jolt of pain through his body, but Lucas clenched his jaw, determined not to show his discomfort.
"This is not about punishment," Bella explained, her voice calm yet firm. "The whip is a tool to guide, to communicate with your horse. It's about control, not cruelty."
However, as the lesson continued, the whip struck Lucas repeatedly. Each strike, though measured, felt like fire against his skin. What was a gentle nudge to a horse was far more painful to Lucas, whose body bore the full brunt of the whip’s sting. Bella remained poised, her face a mask of serene concentration as she hit Lucas again and again, demonstrating the correct technique to the captivated students.
Lucas’s legs trembled under the strain, the repeated blows sapping his strength. He could feel his energy draining with each passing minute, his muscles screaming for relief. But he refused to falter, pushing through the pain with sheer determination. This was his chance to prove himself, to show Bella that he could handle whatever she threw at him.
After nearly an hour of enduring the brutal demonstration, Lucas’s knees finally buckled. He collapsed to the ground, his body giving out beneath him. But even as he fell, Bella remained mounted, her posture unshaken. She pulled on the reins, her voice sharp with authority.
"Lucas, get up," she commanded, striking him with the whip. "We’re not finished yet."
Lucas groaned, his entire body protesting the demand. But he forced himself to rise, driven by a fear of disappointing Bella. She remained seated on his shoulders, her boots secure in the straps, her presence unwavering.
"You need to be stronger, Lucas," Bella scolded, her voice cold and commanding. She struck him again, urging him to stand tall. "This is a professional establishment. I need you to keep up."
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Bella dismounted, allowing Lucas to collapse in exhaustion. Turning to the students, she addressed them with the same calm authority as before.
"This is all part of the process," she said, dismissing Lucas’s collapse as if it were nothing. "He’s learning, just like you all are. Everyone has to push their limits."
She ordered Lucas to rest inside the stable, her tone leaving no room for argument. His legs shook as he stumbled away, his body worn down by the relentless session. Collapsing onto a bale of hay, he buried his face in his hands, overwhelmed by the pain and exhaustion.
A few minutes later, Bella entered the stable, her expression hard as she approached him. "Lucas," she began, her voice low and serious, "do you have any idea how unprofessional you just made me look out there?"
Lucas looked up at her, his eyes wide with shame. "I’m sorry, Bella," he whispered, his voice strained. "I didn’t mean to—"
"Didn’t mean to what?" she cut him off, her eyes narrowing. "Fall apart after a little work? You need to toughen up, Lucas. This isn’t some easy job where you can slack off. I need you to be strong, to be reliable."
She handed him a bottle of water, her tone softening slightly. "Drink this. Then I want you to go back out there and show them that you’re fine. If you can’t handle this, maybe you’re not cut out for this internship."
The thought of leaving the ranch—of not working with Bella—was too much for Lucas to bear. He shook his head, his voice trembling with determination. "No, Bella. I’ll do better. I promise."
Bella studied him for a moment, her green eyes piercing as she weighed his sincerity. Finally, she nodded. "Alright. But remember, Lucas, this is a serious job. If you can’t do your part, there’s no place for you here."
Lucas nodded, his resolve hardening. "I understand."
"Good," Bella replied, her tone firm. "Now let’s get back out there."
When Bella returned to the training field, she mounted Lucas once again, ensuring that everyone could see he was perfectly fine. This time, her strikes with the whip were harsher, more deliberate, sending a clear message to everyone present: weakness would not be tolerated. Lucas bore the pain with gritted teeth, his mind focused on one thing—proving himself to Bella.
As the session ended, Bella remained seated on Lucas’s shoulders, bidding farewell to her students with the same composed grace she always exuded. She directed Lucas to carry her to the office, guiding him with the reins as though he were merely an extension of her will.
Once inside the office, Bella finally dismounted, and Lucas collapsed onto the floor, his body trembling with exhaustion.
Bella stood over him, her expression stern. "Lucas, this type of laziness will not be tolerated. If you want to work here, you need to be prepared for the demands of the job. This isn’t a place for the weak."
Lucas, panting and sore, nodded weakly. "I understand, Bella. I’m sorry. I’ll do better."
"See that you do," she replied, her voice firm. "I agreed to keep you on because I believe you can improve. But if you’re not ready for this, you need to think long and hard about whether you belong here."
The thought of leaving was unbearable, and Lucas forced himself to his feet, despite the pain. "I want to stay, Bella. I’ll do whatever it takes."
Bella nodded, a small smile of satisfaction tugging at her lips. "Good. Then we’ll work on building your strength. If you’re going to be my demonstration horse, you need to be able to handle it."
Lucas swallowed hard, the weight of her expectations pressing heavily on him. But despite everything, he felt a strange sense of pride. Bella believed in him—enough to push him harder, to expect more from him. And he would do anything to meet those expectations, no matter the cost.
As he left the office, his body aching and his mind reeling, Lucas knew one thing for certain: this internship was far from the adventure he had imagined. It was harder, more grueling, and more demanding than he could have ever anticipated. But he was determined to succeed, to prove himself worthy of Bella’s trust, and to endure whatever challenges lay ahead.



#3 2024-09-03 15:28:08

Male (72), France
Registered: 2008-08-24
Last visit: 2024-10-24
Posts: 587

Re: The Internship at Horse Ranch

Wonderful start ! This story happens in our time, in a place which we all know, so it makes it a lot easier to imagine that we are the one being hired and used by the dominant Bella !!! Lucas has a bad start, but we already know that under Bella's direction, he will be able to cope with the wonderful challenge !

Please tell us more asap !





#4 2024-09-04 11:17:34

Male (50), FRANCE
Registered: 2013-07-27
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 43

Re: The Internship at Horse Ranch

Congratulations for your story with lots of action and psychology. It's really very captivating. It's interesting and exciting to see how far the rider can sacrifice the well-being and health of her pony for her own comfort and pleasure. It's very exciting to discover how far her selfishness can go. It's great to see a rider much heavier than her pony, demanding and totally indifferent to her pony's pain and fatigue. It's also always interesting to see the contrast between the exhausted, suffering ponyslave and the fit and comfortable rider who gives orders and decides on speed, duration, breaks...

It's near of real-life shoulder ride, but much better. Thanks to fiction, the limits are pushed back, it's much more extreme and very interesting. You can see the psychology of certain riders and horses. As a horse, for example, I love to see my rider show a certain selfishness, sometimes unconsciously. I find it exciting and motivating. To feel the weight of my rider sitting comfortably, giving me orders or encouraging me. Asking me to go faster or further when I'm already out of breath. To feel her settle as comfortably as possible on my shoulders while my spine is already in pain. To hear her quietly take a drink from her bottle of cool water, without worrying whether I'm thirsty from the effort...

Sometimes, the attitude of compassion is also exciting. It's exciting to feel the same person who is tormentor, nurse and coach. The pony suffers under the weight of the rider who asks him how he feels.. The pony comforted by the person who is directly responsible for his pain and fatigue, but who is sitting comfortably. It's exciting to receive advice from the person responsible for your suffering, to feel her fit and comfortable while you're out of breath and in pain and exhausted. To listen to her sometimes complaining that she also has some pain in her buttocks or thighs, or that her feet are asleep and aching. The most difficult time is when the pony's excitement dies down, when the rider is completely unaware of it, when you're out of breath and the rider asks you to continue. When the pony's excitement has subsided, the rider's weight seems considerably heavier. Motivation is gone and the pony's situation can become a living hell, while the rider continues to enjoy herself in comfort and has no intention of letting it end so soon...

Thank you so much!



#5 2024-09-04 15:34:58

Male (72), France
Registered: 2008-08-24
Last visit: 2024-10-24
Posts: 587

Re: The Internship at Horse Ranch

Waouhhhhh !!! You seem to know the "pony world" in a way that only experience can bestow ... Je me trompe ?
Anyway, congratulations for your congratulations for Mahesh's great story !




#6 2024-09-04 16:04:42

Male (50), FRANCE
Registered: 2013-07-27
Last visit: 2024-10-25
Posts: 43

Re: The Internship at Horse Ranch

Merci Equidum !
Yes, it's true, but unfortunately I haven't carry riders for a long time! I do miss it.
Thanks to Mahesh for his wonderful stories!



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