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#201 2022-01-03 05:19:24

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Re: Riding Goddesses

Shoulder riding is not only a leisure activity, it is also a useful activity.

At concerts Lady Rider rides comfortably on her human horse, while she enjoys and dances to the music.

In rural areas, local and foreign Lady Teachers, Lady Engineers, Lady Doctors, Lady Nurses, Lady Nurses, Lady Office workers, etc., she rides her human horses, whether local or foreign.

In the rural area the Riding Goddesses are:
- Moms, Lady Students, Lady Ex Students, Lady Teachers.
- Lady Doctors, Lady Nurses, Lady Obstetricians, Lady Dentists, Lady Health Technicians. Also, Lady Patients and Lady Relatives of Patients.
- Lady Engineers, Lady Machine Operators.
- Policewomen.

Horses of the Riding Goddesses are:
- Dads, students, former students, teachers.
- Doctors, nurses, obstetricians, dentists, health technicians.
- Engineers, machine operators, workers.
- Police men.

I told stories about these interactions.



#202 2022-01-03 06:36:47

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Re: Riding Goddesses

She is a Lady of the rural area, used to riding equine horses and human horses since she was young.

She is riding her father, grandparents, uncles, cousins, friends, teachers, classmates, fathers of classmates, former teachers, former classmates, fathers of former classmates, doctors (either as a patient or family member of a patient), police officers and others .

On the anniversary of her town she was declared "Miss Town" and the villagers were her subjects, kissing her feet, she also rode them because they are "Miss Town" horses, including the mayor.

Being a Natural Rider, when she is leaving her town, men kiss her feet and are her horses, either in other towns or in cities.

She studied to be Lady Teacher, she enslaved and tamed teachers and education students, keeping them as her pets, like horses. In her professional practices, she was Lady Teacher and her tutor was her subordinate, she was riding him and the parents because they were her horses.

She later became a teacher and her horses were teachers and parents of her students, as well as others who were around her.

Her admirers and her suitors were her horses, she married one of them.

Years passed and she plays the role of mom, she rides dads, teachers and others.

She is a Wonderful Riding Goddess.



#203 2022-01-03 08:17:34

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Re: Riding Goddesses

She keeps riding her horses since she was young; she knows how to ride because on the family ranch there are equine horses. She has ridden while others have been carried. She has always ridden, she has never been carried.

She has ridden her dads, grandparents, uncles, cousins, friends, suitors, boyfriends, husband, and admirers. The children of her brothers, sister and cousins ​​(her nephews) are of legal age and she has ridden them.

Since her student days, she has ridden teachers, classmates, and parents of her classmates. She saw Lady Teachers, Moms, and Aunts riding teachers, daddies, students, and former students.

Since she is a Teacher, she has ridden teachers, parents of her students, students and former students.

Since she is Mom, she has ridden teachers of her children and other teachers, dads of classmates of her children and other dads, students and former students.

Last edited by caballito (2022-01-03 20:18:08)



#204 2022-01-03 08:33:30

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Re: Riding Goddesses

Being a teacher, from day one she has controlled her students and the parents of her students.

I previously said she has never been carried as she has always ridden her equine and human horses.

She left her house wearing a white blouse and a blue jacket that highlighted her breasts and her narrow waist, and blue tailored pants that highlighted her hips and thighs.
A father approaches her. He was holding her son.
- Good morning ma'am.
- Good morning, have you been waiting for me?
- The truth, yes, I really wanted to talk to you.
The father brings her son down, said he is tired and asks him to go to school, the student leaves.
-Your son is well in his studies, he will be better if you, your wife and your older children support him at home.
Dad kneels before her and kisses her feet. She steps on his head.
- The street floor is dusty / muddy and my black high heels can get dirty.
- It's true, you could walk on me, so your high heels don't touch the ground ...
- It would take a long time to walk.
- You are wearing pants, you could ride on my shoulders if you wish.
- Are you a horse?
- Yes, I am your horse ((the father neighs before her)).
She laughs.
- A few moments ago you were carrying your son, you put him down, arguing you were tired and now you want me to ride on your shoulders. I weigh more than him.
- I am your horse. Please ride me.
She rode to him.
After 50 meters, they find a mother of one of her students riding a teacher
- Hello Miss.
- Hello Sandra, I see you come riding the religion teacher, when I was a student wearing bathing suits I rode my religion teacher on the beach, my female classmates yearned for him and I had him as my pet.
- He is a meek and docile horse.
- It's true, do you go to school?
- Yes, I'm going to talk to the school principal. I see you are riding the dad of one of my daughter's classmates.
- Right, he offered himself to be ridden by me arguing: he is my horse.
Ladies rode to the school gate, the horses kissing their Riders' feet and footwear.



#205 2022-01-03 09:04:34

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Re: Riding Goddesses

Every day, the father of one of her students goes to the Lady Teacher's house to be ridden by her from home to school, likewise a friend, suitor or boyfriend waited for her after school to be ridden by her from the school to home.

That's how her husband met her: riding others. Becoming one of the herd horses.

She married and had children, becoming a mom.


Being a teacher, the parents of her students look for her at her house to be dominated and ridden by her.

Being a mother, the teachers of her children look for her at her house to be subdued and ridden by her.

The first time she sent her courier, I wanted to say: her husband, to summon him to her house, she once at home she seduces him and dominates him, transforming him into her pet, her horse . She orders him to buy bridles and a saddle and he obeys her, in her next appointments she bridles him and saddles him.

The following times she calls him on the phone, at her house he kisses her feet and she rides him.

When she has to go to school, to meetings with the principal, teachers or parents' meetings, she calls teachers to ride them from her home to her children's school, inside the school and from school to home.



#206 2022-01-03 20:03:25

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Re: Riding Goddesses

Lady Teacher doesn't just ride teachers and dads.

Being a Lady Student, she has ridden teachers, classmates and dads of her classmates.

Being a Lady Professor, she has ridden dads, teachers, students, and former students.

Being a Mom, she has ridden teachers, student parents, students, and former students.

Her brother-in-law is a health technician. Through him she meets various health professionals.

With some frequency, health professionals from the health post walk out of town to carry out health campaigns, this work is called extramural work.

Since Lady Rider was a Student she has ridden her brother-in-law before her brother-in-law's wife (her sister) did,

Lady Rider has gone to extramural health campaigns riding her brother-in-law, accompanied by Lady Doctors, Lady Nurses, Lady Dentists and Lady Health Technicians riding doctors, nurses, dentists and health technicians.

In the extramural teams the ratio is 1 to 2 men for each Lady, only some ladies ride human horses.

In these campaigns she rides with other Riding Goddesses: Lady Doctors, Lady Nurses, Lady Obstetricians, Lady Dentists, Lady Health Technicians, Lady Inhabitants (relatives of patients and patients). Her horses are doctors, nurses, obstetricians, dentists, health technicians and inhabitants (relatives of patients, as an exception if circumstances permit, because the rule is not to be ridden by Lady Health Professionals).



#207 2022-01-08 07:17:15

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Re: Riding Goddesses

She has ridden her horses, her equine horses, and her human horses.

She shows her dominance over her ponyboys, riding the backs of her human horses while they are crawling on all fours. For others it might be humiliating to be a horse crawling on all fours, bridled and saddled, being ridden by a beautiful lady wearing riding attire who drives them with reins, whips and spurs. But for her human horses it is an honor.

For practical purposes, she rides the shoulders of her human horses, at concerts, at bus stops, or waiting for someone. She also shoulder rides her human horses from one place to another, her human horses are her beasts of transport, inside a building, on the street, in the park, on the trail, on the highway.

On many occasions she is on the street or in another public place, she finds one of her human horses carrying another person on his shoulders (his wife, his girlfriend, his lover, his children, etc.). The person who is carried by her human horse is lowered as she says to the Riding Goddess: "He is your horse." Finally the Riding Goddess rides her human horse.



#208 2022-01-16 07:12:35

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Re: Riding Goddesses


She has currently studied a Master's degree, she has also been a Female Teacher and is the mother of her children who are studying at the school. She has 3 roles or modes: student, teacher and mom.

In her 3 roles she has always ridden her human horses from her house to the school or university, from the school or university to her house, within the school or university and within the house her.

As a student, she has always been on top of guys, riding the shoulders of her relatives, other students' dads, students, and her teachers. She has always had a main horse: her father, other relatives, students (they are her classmates or not), fathers of other students, teachers, school director and others. Theoretically her main horse should be her husband but he was displaced by her teachers.

As a teacher, she has ridden parents of students, teachers, school director, students and ex-students of legal age. Theoretically her main horse should be her husband, but he was displaced by parents and former students of legal age.

As a mom, she has ridden teachers of her children, parents of students, students and former students of legal age. Theoretically her main horse should be her husband, but he was displaced by teachers of her children.



#209 2022-01-16 08:53:19

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Re: Riding Goddesses

Being a mother, she goes to her children's school to meet her children's teachers, either in private or at parent meetings.

To go to her children's school, she is always accompanied by her husband, accompanied is a saying because she always goes inside the school riding on the shoulders of her husband saddled and bridled to the visiting room.

Once inside the visiting room, she waits for the professor, dismounting her husband's shoulders and then riding her husband's back while he is on all fours, she does not step on the ground because she steps on the stirrups attached to the saddle.

The school director participates in the meeting, he is the first to appear before her, he kisses his footwear and stays on all fours, she bridles and saddles him while she rides her husband, then she rides the school director and removes the bit to her husband.

If the visited teacher is a lady, her husband kisses the lady teacher's feet and she rides her husband while they talk.

If the visiting teacher is male, the teacher kisses her feet and remains on all fours while they talk.

The parents are ecstatic and excited admiring her riding her husband, wishing they were horses.



#210 2022-01-16 08:54:15

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Re: Riding Goddesses

Many daddies approached her confessing to her about dreams and desires of them being ridden by her, she answered them: First you must be a bridled and saddled horse of your wife and other relatives.

Many of them began to carry their wives and adult daughters on their shoulders, others began to carry their sisters-in-law, cousin ladies, nieces of legal age and other relatives, the most daring carried their lovers who are not their wives.

As her husband is old, if she does not ride her husband she rides her nephew of legal age, he is the son of her sister and her brother-in-law who is her horse (her horse, not her sister's horse), for a long time For years she has ridden him, either on all fours or on her shoulders.

Parents and guardians go to parent meetings (they could be uncles, aunts, as well as older brothers, sisters, cousins, and lady cousins). She goes inside riding her husband's shoulders, other mothers and lady tutors are carried on the shoulders of her husbands or other relatives, the riders talk and exchange human horses, she rides the human horse who deserves to be ridden.



#211 2022-01-16 09:43:30

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Re: Riding Goddesses

She tutors her legal age nephew, her brother-in-law who is her horse gave her tutoring, he has given the Goddess beautiful riding outfits for her to ride him and other human horses, and he buys his own bridles. and saddle to be ridden by her.

On family walks she has ridden her brother-in-law who walks together with his wife (sister of the Goddess)

At parent meetings she has ridden her bridled and saddled brother-in-law from home to meeting, to meeting and from meeting to home, her brother-in-law has been envied by teachers and other dads, who bought his bridles and saddles to be ridden for her, as well as buying riding outfits for her to wear.

Thus, the young rider rode teachers and daddies, who approached her in the street to be ridden by her even having her
his wife and his relatives as witnesses.

She makes wives and other family members ride daddies who want to be ridden by her.

She officially (in a formal and public way) started riding her nephew the day her nephew came of age.



#212 2022-01-16 10:39:15

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Re: Riding Goddesses

It was a party the day her nephew came of age, there were guests, many of them are her horses.

Her nephew was very excited and very happy, he danced at the party with friends, she wore a tight mini dress, black stockings and high-heeled boots, all black.

Her husband was lying on the floor as she danced on top of him, soles and high heels hitting her skin, then she straddled her brother-in-law's shoulders starting to dance.

Mimicking them, several older girls were carried by older boys, he approached her, knelt down and kissed her boots in public before witnesses.
- You are of legal age, you can kiss my boots in public and you did.
- Auntie, could you ride me at the party in front of everyone?
- Of course, I can ride an adult in public. I didn't ride you in public before because you were underage.
She changed horses without dismounting, she went from riding on her brother-in-law's shoulders to riding on her nephew's shoulders.
He danced with her friends while she rode him on the shoulders.

One of the girls who was being carried said to her:
- I heard it's your first time riding it in public.
- That's how it is.
- In private?
She smiled.



#213 2022-01-16 11:11:57

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Re: Riding Goddesses

The next day he got up and asked for his aunt.
-She went to ride with her husband, his lady cousin replied.
He knelt before her and kissed her boots.
- Hi cousin, nice ride.
- I didn't count the number of human horses I rode last night on your birthday, you were one of them.
- Yes, cousin, you know how to ride.
- For a long time, and you know it well.
- Let's go to the street, please ride me.
- Open the mouth.
He obeyed her, she put bit in his mouth and tied her bridle to his head, then she saddled him.
- Get on all fours, like a beast (an animal, especially a large four-footed one, for example the horse).
He obeyed her, she rode his flat back as he crawled on all fours under her dominance.
-Hi Aunt.
The ridden's mom answered:
- Hello niece, you are playing again with my son.
- As usual. My uncles and my male cousins ​​have been my docile horses for a long time, since I am of legal age I ride them in public, now also your son.
- Have fun now you can ride him in public areas, now you can ride him in public and private areas.



#214 2022-01-16 11:23:25

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Re: Riding Goddesses

The aunt arrived riding on her husband's shoulders, she dismounted, unbridled and unsaddled him.
The nephew kissed the aunt's boots and the uncle kissed the niece's boots.
- Niece, my husband likes to kiss your boots and be ridden by you.
- Likewise, your sister's husband likes to kiss your boots and be ridden by you.
-I've ridden him since before he was my sister's boyfriend.
- I am particularly hard on your husband, but he has continued to make himself completely submissive to me.
-He is my husband and he is your horse.
-In the same way as my uncle, your brother-in-law, he is the husband of my aunt and your horse. Your son is also my horse.
- It's true.



#215 2022-01-16 16:03:04

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Re: Riding Goddesses

On his first day as an adult, it was his first time being ridden in public with witnesses in the streets, squares and parks of the town with total freedom to go out during the day without hiding from prying eyes.
His aunt rode on his shoulders while his female cousin rode on the shoulders of hers her uncle hers, the young rider's horse is their aunt's husband.
- A few months ago I came of age and the first day of my coming of age I also rode your husband. The niece commented to her aunt.
- It's true, and I rode the father of my current horse.
- While I ride the same horse, you changed the father for the son.
- As of today my current horse meets the requirements to be ridden in public, when you came of age you met the requirements to ride human horses in public.
A neighbor who was passing by heard the conversation and asked:
- What about in private?
Both riders smiled and the aunt replied to the neighbor:
- Better stay quiet and mute because your wife is very jealous, if I told her you are being ridden in private in our stable because you are a horse, our horse, you would have problems with her.
- But.
-You were turned into a horse by my sister-in-law, she is the mother of my niece who now rides with me and she lends us her horse.
- Forgive me.
-My brother knows you are my sister-in-law's horse and he does not make problems because he knows you are just an animal before her and before us.
- My mom can command you to be ridden in public by us, even before your wife, get out of our way. The niece finished.
Frightened, the neighbor went to hide in his house.



#216 2022-01-16 19:00:55

Carrier boy
Male (19), India
Registered: 2020-07-02
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Re: Riding Goddesses

It would be nice if you mention their heights and weight too



#217 2022-01-16 21:04:03

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Re: Riding Goddesses

- Poor scared rat!
- He is not like my mom's horse, he is my mom's horse
-At least he had the courage to approach your mother and declare himself her horse.
-Then my mom approached my dad and told him her neighbor is her horse like him.
- Your mom also has her herd of human horses
- Some of our horses bought riot gear and hood mask, in addition to bridle and saddle, so they are not recognized when we ride them in the streets and public places, even our neighbor met his wife while he was being ridden and she didn't recognize him.
- We made her ride him.
-What would his wife do if she knew the horse we lent her to ride was her husband?
Loud laughter.
- We restricted his vision by putting blinders on him.
-Did he find out his wife rode him? I doubt it because those days his blinders were well adjusted.



#218 2022-01-16 21:04:42

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Re: Riding Goddesses

After riding they reached the stable, the horses knelt down and the lady riders dismounted. Ladies unbridled their horses who kissed their riders' boots.
- The advantage of riot suits and hooded masks is the difficulty of recognizing who is being ridden, you don't know if it is your father, your husband, your son or the village priest. Said the aunt.
- It is difficult to recognize us if we wear carnival masks. The niece replied.
- Wearing carnival masks we are still human because we wear human riding attire and show part of our beautiful faces, instead they hide their face and body, dehumanizing themselves.
At this point the recently coming of age chimed in:
- Riot suits and hood masks are suffocating.
- It is the sacrifice some of our human horses must assume, so as not to be recognized by family and friends.
The neighbor arrived and kissed the riders' boots.
- You thought you were very funny when you asked what about the private riding, you are being ridden by us in private and you are also wearing a riot suit and a hooded mask so you won't be identified.
- Excuse me ladies.



#219 2022-01-16 23:29:13

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Re: Riding Goddesses

In the stable the riders are: Goddess L and Goddess K, aunt and niece, husband of Goddess L (uncle of Goddess K), nephew of Goddess L (cousin of Goddess K) and the neighbor.
Come in Goddess M, sister-in-law of Goddess L and mother of Goddess K), she is riding the husband of Goddess L's sister (Uncle of Goddess K and father of Goddess L's nephew).
- Hello girls, L your horse is very good.
- I've been riding it for years, like 20 years.
- I sent my husband to pick up the wife of my horse, I will prepare it before she arrives.
Goddess M rode her horse to the stall, obeying her orders he dressed in riot gear, hood mask.
- You told me you want to be ridden by your wife.
- Yes.
- Why don't you confess your wishes?
-I'm afraid that she won't understand me and she'll take me as a pervert.
The neighbor's wife arrived riding the husband of Diosa M (brother of Diosa L).
- You told me you want to ride your husband.
- Yes.
- Why do not you talk with him?
- I don't want him not to understand me and be horrified, he's very formal and I can't imagine him kissing feet and being ridden.
- I have a surprise for you, come here.



#220 2022-01-17 02:53:48

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Re: Riding Goddesses

Goddess M took her female guest to the stall where the neighbor was, both were surprised to see each of them his and her spouse. Goddess M started the conversation.
- Before I leave, I tell you two you should communicate better, you both like ponyplay and you didn't know it. Let me know when you finish talking.
- Forgive me, I should have confessed, I have always liked being a horse, I have spied on our neighbors to see the ladies riding the men. I approached our neighbors to be ridden by Ladies.
- Sorry, I like to ride and when I saw neighboring ladies riding men I approached our neighbors to ride.
- I found out you rode the husband of Goddess M.
-Not only do I ride her husband, for a long time I also ride her father-in-law, her brothers-in-law (Goddess L's husband, Goddess L's brother-in-law), Goddess M's nephews and others.
- Did you ride Goddess L's son and nephew?
- They are of legal age and I have been doing it for a long time, yes.
- Goddess K has been riding me for a long time too.
- I also ride the sister, niece and daughter of Goddess L.
- These mares are ridden by Goddesses, they are not mares when they ride me.
- There will always be human horses and mares, the Goddesses ride me. I will allow you to be trained and ridden by the Goddesses and I will keep riding, riding the horses of the Goddesses. Here you are not my husband because you are only an animal, I will be an animal if one of the Goddesses decides this. Perhaps we will be ridden together by the Goddesses.
- Thanks.
- I'll ride you at home, iI don't know if I ride you here .



#221 2022-01-17 05:44:44

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Re: Riding Goddesses

The wife reported they understood each other. Young Goddess K commanded wife to go to stall and wear riot gear and mask hood, wife obeyed her.
- We will go for a ride 4 Riders, Goddess L, Goddess K, Goddess M and older sister of horse just coming of age (niece of Goddess L and cousin of Goddess K), with 8 horses and mares: sister, brother-in-law and nephew of Goddess L , husband of Goddess L, husband of Goddess M, son of Goddess L, male neighbor and female neighbor.
Each rider chose 2 horses, Goddess L chose her brother-in-law and nephew, Goddess K chose Goddess L's husband and son, Goddess M chose Goddess L's sister and female neighbor, and Goddess L's niece chose Goddess M's husband and to the male neighbor.
Father and son are horses of Goddess L and Goddess K while Goddess M chose 2 mares.
The ridden horses and mares wear riot gear and a mask hood, the riders saddle and bridle their ridden horses and mares.



#222 2022-01-17 05:45:24

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Re: Riding Goddesses

Goddess L started riding her nephew, Goddess K riding Goddess L's husband, Goddess M riding Goddess L's sister, and Goddess L's niece riding her uncle (Goddess M's husband).
We have 2 nieces riding her uncles and 1 aunt riding her nephew. It is natural dads and uncles to be the first and earliest horses to be ridden.
Horse change, Goddess L riding her brother-in-law, Goddess K riding Goddess L's son, Goddess M riding the female neighbor, and Goddess L's niece riding a male neighbor.
We have an aunt riding a nephew and a wife and husband being ridden by gorgeous Riders.
Riders changed horses, Goddess L with Goddess K and Goddess M with her niece.
Changing horses, Goddess L riding her husband, Goddess K riding her cousin, Goddess M riding her husband and Goddess L's niece riding her mother.
We have 2 wives riding her husband, a female cousin riding her cousin and a daughter riding her mom.
Riders traded horses, Goddess L with her niece, Goddess K with her mom.
Changing horses, Goddess L riding the male neighbor, Goddess K riding a female neighbor, Goddess M riding Goddess L's son and Goddess L's niece riding her father.
We have a horse that was ridden by a mother and daughter and a daughter rode her mom and her dad.
Riders change horses, Goddess L with Goddess M and Goddess K with her female cousin.
Changing horses, Goddess L riding her brother, Goddess K riding her aunt, Goddess M riding Goddess L's husband and Goddess L's niece riding her cousin.
We have father and son being ridden by mother and daughter
Riders changed horses, Goddess L with Goddess K and Goddes M with her niece.
Changing horses, Goddess L riding female neighbor, Goddess K riding male neighbor, Goddess M riding Goddess L's brother-in-law and Goddess L's niece riding her cousin and Goddess L's son.
We have 2 lady cousins ​​who ride their 2 male cousins.
Riders changed horses, Goddess L with Goddess K and Goddes M with her niece.
Changing horses, Goddess L riding her sister, Goddess K riding her father, Goddess M riding her nephew and Goddess L's niece riding Goddess L's husband.
We have the nephew who recently came of age, was ridden by his aunts and female cousins.
Riders traded horses, Goddess L with her niece and Goddess K with her mom.
Changing horses, Goddess L riding her son, Goddess K riding her uncle, Goddess L's brother-in-law, Goddess M riding a male neighbor and Goddess L's niece riding a female neighbor.
Just as we have daughters riding their moms and dads, wives riding their husbands, aunts riding their nephews, nieces riding their uncles, we also have moms riding their sons.
All participants are of legal age.

Last edited by caballito (2022-01-22 03:47:12)



#223 2022-01-22 06:28:53

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Re: Riding Goddesses

Just as Goddess L's sister's husband proclaims himself to be Goddess L's horse (to be his wife's sister's horse), here Goddess L owns her horse who is her sister's husband. Goddess L's husband, in addition to being his wife's horse, proclaims himself to be Goddess K's horse (being his wife's niece's horse), here Goddess L and her niece Goddess K are co-owners of their horse who is Goddess's husband L.
In all said cases, the Lady Jockeys are younger than their horses.
Who recently came of age proclaims himself to be the horse of his aunts Goddess L and Goddess M, in these cases the Lady Jockeys are older than their horse, in addition he is the horse of his Lady Cousin Goddess K, in this case the Lady Jockey is the same age than her horse.



#224 2022-01-22 06:29:43

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Re: Riding Goddesses

Goddess L met her brother-in-law years ago, he was Lady L's sister's suitor who went out for a walk with the couple in love, at first the 3 walked but soon Goddess L began to ride shoulders and horizontal back of her sister's suitor .
Goddess L's family has a farm, Goddess L rode her sister's suitor while her sister rode an equine horse, from that time until now.
Goddess L's sister and brother-in-law got married, and Goddess L continued to ride her brother-in-law; What's more, Goddess L's husband met her riding her brother-in-law.
Goddess L was and is the owner of a herd of human horses, at first her husband was one more of her herd, but little by little he occupied the special place, displacing those who occupied it before him, marrying her, recognizing her eldest son and having children with her.
Goddess M also has her herd, Goddess L's brother is a member of the mentioned herd, who is ridden by her wife and watches how her wife rides other guys, for example her brothers-in-law and her nephews .
The coming of Goddess K was like an explosion, everyone fell at her feet and she kissed them, she has her own horses and is a co-owner of horses with her mom and aunt, for example her uncles and her cousins.
Goddess L's sister and her daughter are Demi-Goddesses, as they are below the Goddesses and above mortals. They ride the horses of the Goddesses because the Goddesses lend their horses to them

Last edited by caballito (2022-01-22 11:38:25)



#225 2022-01-22 12:32:11

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Re: Riding Goddesses

For Jockeys, for example Riding Goddesses, there are endless options to wear riding attire: Hat, helmet, cap, blouse, polo shirt, jacket, sweater, gloves, riding breeches, jeans, shorts, skirt, dress, socks, footwear such as boots, etc., from casual to dressy.
Human horses dress whatever their Jockeys want, there are Jockeys who ride naked human horses, naked like their equine brothers (horses), also those who ride human horses wearing any type of clothing, even riding human horses wearing anti-riot gear, hooded mask and horse mask.
The advantage of the last costume: we can recognize and admire the Riding Goddess but not her horse, because the horse's face and body are covered and protected from prying eyes. So Riding Goddess could be riding her husband, dad, brother, cousin, uncle, nephew, friend, lover, partner, supplier, customer and no one would know who her horse is, even jealous wives and daughters (it's true, ladies feel more jealousy for their fathers than for their husbands), and overprotective mothers of their older children. It would also be unknown if the Riding Goddess is riding a horse or a mare.



#226 2022-01-22 23:26:43

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Re: Riding Goddesses

What could Goddess L's father, husband, brother-in-law, brother and nephew do in the face of her immense domination?
What chance do Goddess M's husband, brothers-in-law and nephew have before her power?
What defense would Goddess K's grandfather, father, uncles, and cousins have against her enslaving presence?
What could the other relatives and neighbors of Goddess L, Goddess K and Goddess M do before the charms of the Goddesses?
These men could do nothing.



#227 2022-01-23 00:28:43

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Re: Riding Goddesses

There are 2 ways to hide the human horses who are ridden by the Goddesses.
1. Riding them secretly, in houses and farms away from prying eyes.
2. Riding them in public dressing them with clothes and masks hiding their identity: use of masks and clothes that hide the human figure, such is the case of anti-riot uniforms (https://www.alibaba.com/showroom/anti-riot (New Window) -suit.html).

In this way, no one can suspect who is her horse on duty.

The rural environment is fantastic because there is no competition from motorized vehicles due to the relief of the terrain (rough) and the distances are relatively short.



#228 2022-01-23 02:46:50

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Re: Riding Goddesses

As Goddess K and her male cousins came of age, Goddess L and Goddess M were in their late thirties, Goddess L's brother (Goddess K's father, and Goddess M's husband) and Goddess L's brother-in-law they were in their forties; Finally Goddess L's husband was in his fifties.
About 20 years ago Goddess L and Goddess M started riding their husbands, previously they rode other human horses and later they have been riding other human horses. Those who were ridden by them have been their horses forever.



#229 2022-01-27 20:41:20

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Re: Riding Goddesses

A beautiful and attractive woman with a good shape, generous breasts, astonishing hips, amazing thighs and perfect buttocks; in a word, she is a GODDESS (it is worth mentioning: only few women are Goddesses.

Whatever the height or weight or ethnic group or whatever the Goddess is, she has the Right and the Mightiness to ride on the shoulders and on the backs of men and other women who are not Goddesses.

Ebony Goddesses, Ivory Goddesses, Latin Goddesses, Asian Goddesses and Goddesses of other Ethnic Groups, riding on a light-skinned man or any other ethnic group man, who bites the bite when she rides his shoulders or his back and controls him with reins , spurs and riding whip, making him walk, trot, gallop, stop, turn right, turn left; at home, in office, in public places, streets, parks, cross country, etc.

Goddesses to whom we fall on our knees; we crawl towards her feet; we kiss and lick her feet, boots, and whatever footwear she wears, including heels and soles.
Goddesses who put their feet on our heads as a sign of ownership and dominion, Goddesses who walk all over us, over our entire bodies.
Few women are Goddesses but all Goddesses are women.

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#230 2022-01-29 18:24:32

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Re: Riding Goddesses

Mother (Goddess M) and daughter (Goddess K), 37 and 18 years old, Goddesses at home and away from home. They live at home together with Goddess M's in-laws. The in-laws live with their son and daughter's families, their son is Goddess M's husband, and their daughter lives with husband and 18-year-old son.
The men of the house are horses of the Goddesses: the Mother Goddess's father-in-law, husband, brother-in-law, and nephew, or the Daughter Goddess's grandfather, father, brother-in-law, and cousin. In total there are 4 horses in the herd.
Being friends with her husband's sister, Goddess L, it was easy for Goddess M before she got married to transform her husband, father-in-law and brother-in-law into her horse.



#231 2022-01-29 18:26:25

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Re: Riding Goddesses

Goddess L has a husband and 18 year old son who are ridden by Goddess M and Goddess K when Goddess L's family visits her home.
Goddess L's first horse is her brother-in-law, her sister's husband. In those times the suitor visited the desired one and asked permission from her parents to invite her to go out, the parents consented to go out, but they were accompanied by her sister (a page or chaperone) who must have been together with her sister and her sister's suitor all the time.
To be nice to strict sister-in-law, the suitor gave her gifts, sweets and sodas, she took advantage of the situation and she rode him on his shoulders. So the bride and groom walked together while he was being ridden by his sister-in-law. It could be he hated being ridden in public by her, but he ended up loving her riding him.
Thus, the suitor increased his visits to her house.
- Hello.
- Hello sister-in-law.
- My sister is not here.
He kneels before her.
- I came for you.
- For me? What do you want?
- I am your horse and I was born to be ridden by you.
- You are not the only one.
- Please.
- Many were born as my horses to be ridden by me.
- I'm begging you.
- Can't you wait for the day you invite my sister to go out to the street to be ridden by me?
He prostrates himself before her and he kisses her feet and her footwear.
- Men! Men! They drool over a beautiful woman like me and they are all my pets. Come in.



#232 2022-01-29 18:27:27

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Re: Riding Goddesses

Sometimes her dad is there.
- What is your sister's boyfriend doing kissing your feet and shoes?
-He begged me to be ridden by me.
- Can't he wait for the day he invites your sister out to the street and you ride him on the ride?
- Apparently not.
- I can't blame him, because you are an excellent rider and you make the men who you ride feel like your horses. We are your herd of horses.
- I am the best.
- You're the best.
Dad smiles and neighs.
- He gives you more gifts than your sister.
- Mostly riding outfits, spurs and whips.
- For you to use when you ride him.
-He is a bit of a masochist because several times I ripped his clothes and skin while I goaded him with spurs and a whip.
- Did he ever give riding outfit, spurs and whip to your sister?
- No.
-He is a bad boyfriend but he is a good brother-in-law.
- I'm going to change my clothes to ride him. Hey boy, kiss my daddy's shoes while I come back.
She retreated to her bedroom while her brother-in-law kissed her dad's feet.
- You are not kissing your father-in-law's shoes, your girlfriend's father, because you are kissing your Rider's father's shoes.
- That's right sir, that's true.
- Do you like to kiss my shoes?
- The truth, no sir, but I am obeying the commands of my Rider, Owner and Ma'am.
-Your Mistress.
- Yes sir.
- I've always been ridden by her, on my shoulders, on my back, on all fours, on piggyback. I carried my other children but she is the only one in my family who rides me, my wife only carries her on my shoulders and on my back, I repeat, I only carry her and I am not ridden by her.
- Our Rider is the only one in your family who rides you, does someone outside your family ride you?
- The truth is many years ago there were several. Now she is the only one.



#233 2022-01-29 19:29:18

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Re: Riding Goddesses

Goddess L then appeared wearing riding attire, cowgirl hat, cowgirl blouse, blue jeans, black knee-high boots, high heels, and black gloves.
- You're making merit kissing your father-in-law's shoes.
- No ma'am, I'm kissing my Tamer and Rider's dad's shoes.
- I give you permission to kiss and lick my boots.
He crawled over to her, kissed and licked her boots.
- He is becoming more and more your pet.
- Like all men dad, like you.
"Won't this harm his relationship with your sister?"
-No dad, because before me he is my pet, he is my horse, but before the rest of the world he is human. I see you look at him with envy.
- You can kiss my mom's boots or one of your friend's boots
- My friends are with their suitors, boyfriends and husbands.
- This is not an impediment for you. I remember seeing you walking with my mom while you were ridden by another woman, you were even saddled and bridled while your Rider was comfortably riding and driving you with reins, whip and spurs while my tired mom walked by your side.
- They were spectacular women.
- My brother, your son, was also a horse of your spectacular women. They had 2 horses at their disposal.
- Beauty gives them the right to ride us.
- Her suitors, boyfriends and husbands were not beautiful.
- Why do you say this?
-Many times, while she was riding my brother, her suitor / her boyfriend / her husband rode you. She and her partner enjoyed riding you while she sent you into the friend zone. You kiss my boots while I saddle and bridle my brother-in-law.
He kissed and licked his daughter's boots as she saddled and bridled her animal, then she rode her beast.



#234 2022-01-29 20:47:19

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Re: Riding Goddesses

When she left her house riding her brother-in-law she met a young woman riding an old man:
- Hi, you're riding your sister's suitor.
- That's how it is.
- I never saw your sister riding him, instead you ride him many times.
- It is true, he is a suitor of my sister and my horse. I see your husband is your horse.
-He is not a horse yet but he is learning to be, talking about real horses, is your dad at home?
- Dad, come out. A spectacular woman is looking for you.
Goddess L's dad came out and was paralyzed, a young woman in her 20s greeted him with a wide smile, beautiful teeth, long straight hair, beautiful face, fair brunette skin, hourglass shape, long legs, thick thighs, wearing a hat riding, white blouse, black jean shorts, white socks and black high-heeled boots, riding a 60-year-old man saddled and bridled, his horse drooling because he had bit in his mouth.
- Professor horse.
- My beautiful student.
He fell onto her knees, crawled towards her, licked the soles and kissed the leather of her ankle boots.
- We haven't seen each other for years.
- It's true, I'm a cousin of one of your daughters' suitor who is also another of your daughters' horse.
-She is an excellent Rider.
- I know, I remember she got jealous when she saw my mom or me riding you because you and your son are our horses. Her mom and/or her walked while my mom and/or I rode on you and your son.
- There were many occasions, in one of them I carried my wife on my shoulders, I was tired, I lowered her from my shoulders and I stopped to breathe and recover stamina, suddenly your mom appeared riding your dad, she wore a cowgirl hat, top black, beige riding breeches, high heels black knee high boots, she drove her horse towards me, stopped before me, she said: "here is my other horse", without saying anything or asking my wife's permission she dismounted, unsaddled her husband and without saying a word to my wife or me, she came up to me, I fell on my knees and kissed her boots while she saddled me, then she unbridled her husband while I kept kissing her boots, smiling she showed me the bridle with reins and bit, she caressed my face, tousled my mane and smiling whispered "open your mouth", I obeyed her, she put bit in my mouth and I bit it, she tied the bridle to my head, she grabbed the reins stepped on a stirrup, jumped and rode my shoulders, she yelled "Giddy up" and we kept moving, she riding me and driving me with reins, spurs and whip, while her husband and my wife followed us.
- Since you taught me you are ridden by my mom and me, my dad and you are our horses while your relatives saw us ride you, my cousin was ridden by me before your daughter rode him.
-She won't like it if she finds out about it.
- That will be our secret.

Last edited by caballito (2022-01-30 20:13:02)



#235 2022-01-30 22:00:15

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Re: Riding Goddesses

- You are my mother's horse and you are my horse.
- I am.
- Only 1 of your 2 daughters is a Rider.
- Most of us are horses and mares, few of us are Riders.
- For this reason several Lady Teachers, Moms and Lady Students are your Riders.
- Who is the old man who drools because of you?
- He is one of the managers of the company where I work. I'm a secretary and I'm studying law.
- Is he your husband?
- Not at all. My Sugar Daddy is a happily married man and his adult children are also my horses. My horses give me boots and riding clothes.
Throughout the conversation with her hands she caressed the mane and the face of her animal.
- Are you jealous of my Sugar Daddy?
- Yes ma'am.
- My Sugar Daddies are generous with me, they are submissive to me and they kiss my feet because they are my pets.
- Yes ma'am.
- Did you miss being ridden by my mom and me?
- I miss this a lot.
- Well, you'll still miss this.
She laughed out loud.
- My boyfriend accepts I have my pets.
- Do you have a boyfriend?
- Of course, your daughters are not the only ones who can have their lovers.
She looked down at him and caressed his face.
- You and your relatives are our horses and mares, there was a period in which my mother and I rode you permanently, being ridden by us is an honor we grant you. We are above you and you are below us. You belong to me and you are below me.
- Yes ma'am.



#236 2022-01-31 01:43:40

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Re: Riding Goddesses

- My horse is restless and somewhat tired because we have been talking for many minutes, follow me because if he collapses I will ride you, just as my mother did with you in front of your wife.
They obeyed her. Sugar Daddy crawled being ridden by his Sugar Baby being followed by Goddess L's dad.
- You carried your wife when we met you, but you stopped carrying your wife when we started riding you. We ride together, my mom and I are Riders and my dad and you are our horses, other times you and your son are our horses.
- Yes ma'am.
-I have several Sugar Daddies, this Sugar Daddy tries not to fall because he knows if he falls I will ride you, I am their Sugar Baby.
- What about your mom?
-She is like a Sugar Mom and she has several Sugar Babies.
- Then she...
The Lady laughed out loud.
-On the contrary, she is the one who rides her Sugar Babies, I am a Sugar Baby and I ride my Sugar Daddies and receive gifts from them. My mom gets gifts from her Sugar Babies and she rides them because they are her horses.
- You two are unforgettable.
-My horse that I have been riding has quite a lot of strength despite his age.
- He doesn't want you to stop riding him.
She goads her horse with spurs and whip, he obeys her and begins to trot.
- Even I'm getting tired, your horse is trying to make a difference.
- It won't last long, prepare to be ridden.
-He is panting a lot, he is able to die before disappointing you
- Stop!
She caresses the mane and the face of the horse who is ridden by her.
- Good boy, you are doing your best but you are overexerting yourself, I know you want me to ride you all day but you must rest because if you collapse I will continue riding because I have other horses, no one will help you, you will be down until you catch your breath and get up to look for me because I will not be by your side.
The horse continued to be ridden by her Riding Mistress until he fell on her knees totally tired, she unhorsed him and when he felt that her Owner was standing up, he fell to the ground.
-It is not the first time nor will it be the last time he is ridden to the limit of his strength, he always falls on his knees by the side of the path and waits for me to dismount him for him to faint.
Goddess L's dad kneeling kissed the Victorious Lady's boots.



#237 2022-01-31 03:03:41

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Re: Riding Goddesses

The Young Goddess removed the saddle and bridle from the old, passed out horse who lay by the side of the path.
- Stop kissing my boots and stay on your knees with your mouth open- The Young Goddess commanded Goddess L's dad, he obeyed her.
The Young Goddess smiled at her former teacher.
- Just like now, you were kneeling with your mouth open before my mom waiting for her to put the bit in your mouth so that you bite into this and she will tie the bridle on your head, grab the reins and drive you with them.
She bridled him and tied the reins to a tree, then saddled him.
- Mrs.
- My old animal, I warned you but you continued to be ridden by me.
Her sugar daddy was lying on the floor. She kicked her sugar daddy off her feet, until she had him lying on his back, her face facing the sun, she put her boots on his face and he licked the soles.
- As in the previous times, you look for me when you recover your breath and your strength because I will not be by your side.
The Young Goddess untied the reins of her horse, Goddess L's father, and rode him.
- You shouldn't feel sorry for him because no one felt sorry for you when my mom or I dumped you on the side of the path.
As she continued riding, they came across Goddess L riding the Young Goddess's father.
- I reminded you, your mom and you rode my dad to exhaustion, now your dad is my new horse.
- Congratulations dear little one, you ride my dad and I ride yours. We are equal.
- No, we are not the same, my mom walked next to my dad and brother while you and your mom rode the men.
- They are our horses and we have the right to ride our horses.
- Where is your old horse? Don't tell me you dumped him on the road like you and your mom did with my dad and brother.
- I did it.
- Poor man!
They both said goodbye. Goddess L found the Sugar Daddy of the Young Goddess.
- How you feel?
- I'm recovering, I see you're riding my Young Goddess's dad.
She commanded her brother-in-law to attend to the fainting man.
- You must stay seated until you recover, don't get up!
- I must go where my Goddess is.
She dismounted, slapped the Sugar Daddy several times, he knelt before her and kissed her boots, being accompanied by Goddess L's brother-in-law.
- Men are all the same, they are boot kissers.
She removed the morsel from the mouth of the Young Goddess's father, he also kissed her boots.
- You like what you see?
- Yes ma'am, they kiss your boots. I'm sorry ma'am for the bad times my wife and daughter made you go through.
- My dad and other relatives are horses of your wife and daughter, just as you are my horse.
- Yes ma'am.
- Sugar Daddy, you are recovered, run to your Mistress, Owner and Lady.
Sugar Daddy obeyed her, both Riding Goddesses continued riding.



#238 2022-02-02 20:53:15

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Re: Riding Goddesses

Riding Goddess is the one who decides when, where, how and who to ride.
She is the one who decides for herself and her horses accept and comply with her decision.
For this reason, horses should not be jealous of the horse who is being ridden by her (because they hope they will be ridden by her).

The couples of the Riding Goddesses (suitors, lovers, boyfriends, grooms, husbands) are ridden by them and witness their beloved couples riding other men. Like other relatives of the Riding Goddesses, grandparents, dads, uncles, brothers, cousins, nephews and sons, and other relatives by marriage (in-laws, brothers-in-law, sons-in-law).



#239 2022-02-03 03:43:06

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Re: Riding Goddesses

- My love, wake up please.
- Let me continue sleeping please.
She was lying on the bed, he was kissing her worshiped feet.
She stretched out her arm and looked at the clock.
- My crazy love, it's 3:30 in the morning.
He continued kissing her feet.
- What do you want my crazy lover?
- Ride me!
- Come on, let's do it.
- No, I mean, ride me like a horse.
- You are not like a horse because you are one of my horses from my herd.
- Your herd, your herd of horses.
- Equine horses and human horses, both are real.
- I can ride you later.
- Of course, but later you will ride your bosses, my bosses, your subordinates, my subordinates, your dad, my dad, your brothers, my brothers, your uncles, my uncles, your nephews, my nephews, .. .
She delicately placed her fingers in her love's mouth.
- Do not keep listing them because you will bore me, you are my main horse.
- The main horse is not ridden as it should be.
- Is everyone sleeping nearby? I hope your alarm clock didn't wake the others.
- I hope everyone is asleep. Who are you calling on the phone?
She smiled and chatted on the speaker phone as she was getting dressed, and her partner crawled before her kissing her feet and boots.
- Hello darling, how are you?... I'm calling you because I'll be riding at dawn and I have to use my spare horse... Your wife, what?... Are you going to wake her up and ask her permission to be a ridden horse?
She laughed.
- She is your wife but I am your Owner, you belong to me my pet... What? Did you say you are very excited because of me and because of my words? ... Are you horny for me? ... Take a shower of ice water to lower your temperature ... Am I causing you what?
She finished dressing her riding attire and stood over her partner.
- My place is on top of you and your place is below me... we meet, I'll ride you in the park.
She hung up the phone.



#240 2022-02-05 20:10:18

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Re: Riding Goddesses

I will do
Thank you

Carrier boy wrote:

It would be nice if you mention their heights and weight too



#241 2022-02-05 20:11:27

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Re: Riding Goddesses

Is true

mathygreen wrote:

A beautiful and attractive woman with a good shape, generous breasts, astonishing hips, amazing thighs and perfect buttocks; in a word, she is a GODDESS (it is worth mentioning: only few women are Goddesses.

Whatever the height or weight or ethnic group or whatever the Goddess is, she has the Right and the Mightiness to ride on the shoulders and on the backs of men and other women who are not Goddesses.

Ebony Goddesses, Ivory Goddesses, Latin Goddesses, Asian Goddesses and Goddesses of other Ethnic Groups, riding on a light-skinned man or any other ethnic group man, who bites the bite when she rides his shoulders or his back and controls him with reins , spurs and riding whip, making him walk, trot, gallop, stop, turn right, turn left; at home, in office, in public places, streets, parks, cross country, etc.

Goddesses to whom we fall on our knees; we crawl towards her feet; we kiss and lick her feet, boots, and whatever footwear she wears, including heels and soles.
Goddesses who put their feet on our heads as a sign of ownership and dominion, Goddesses who walk all over us, over our entire bodies.
Few women are Goddesses but all Goddesses are women.

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#242 2022-02-05 22:20:14

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Re: Riding Goddesses

The latest Riding Goddess is 170 cm. or 5 feet 7 inches, and 70 kilos or 150 pounds; long straight black hair, brunette skin, hourglass shape, large breasts, wide hips, wide thighs, her face is mixed Latin and Asian. Asia is a large continent that contains many countries, for example India: https:// www.youtube.com/user/horsewoman8/videos (New Window)
Chinese Horsewomen you can see at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEhomzJSnOc1AugrqjsZtkA/videos (New Window)

Her horse, whom we have called her partner, I repeat, her partner, at no time did I say her boyfriend or her husband, her partner is a rich heir 10 years younger than her, he is 173 cm. or 5 feet 8 inches, and 64 kilos or 140 pounds.

The other horse, who was humiliated by her on the phone, is 40 years older than her and is 150 cm. or 5 foot, and 46 kilos or 100 pounds.

Wearing high heels she is much taller than her horses.

For your information, I am sharing with you an image showing the various heights of high heels:  http://caphillstyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/ … .36.29-AM.png (New Window)
Note the higher heeled shoes have a platform to protect the health of the lady who wears it.

Wearing 5 inch high heels the Riding Goddess would be 183 cm. or 6 feet, that is 10 cm. or 4 inches taller than her partner, and 33 cm. or a foot taller than the old married man.

Last edited by caballito (2022-02-07 18:49:46)



#243 2022-02-05 23:44:03

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Re: Riding Goddesses

The Riding Goddess wore a black riding helmet, a white blouse, a warm black coat, a black scarf, black skinny jeans, 5" high heels, black leather boots, and black leather gloves.

The clothing of her horses does not matter, they can dress like equine horses but the Center of the Universe is the Riding Goddess.

She saddles him and bridles him, then she rides him from her bedroom to where she wants, they leave the room, cross the rooms and go out the door, go through the passageway and enter the elevator, everything is being filmed by security but they don't worries.

As they exit the elevator they meet the security guard, he kneels before her and kisses her boots.
- Good morning ma'am, have a pleasant ride.
- Thank you boy.
- My co-worker is resting on the couch.
- You do the same at dawn when you have to rest at home with your wife and family, hoping to be ridden by me. Wake my vigilant horse, I command you.

The security guard on duty approaches his work colleague and shakes him:
- Wake up damn, our Rider will allow you to be ridden by her.

The lucky watchman jumps up and crawls towards the Riding Goddess, kneeling in gratitude and kissing her boots. Said watchman is 20 years older than Riding Goddess, he is 170 cm. or 5 feet 7 inches, 78 kilos or 170 pounds.

She commanded him to stand up, he obeyed her, she saddled and bridled him, then she grabbed his reins and continued riding her partner followed by the lucky lookout.

Last edited by caballito (2022-02-07 17:55:19)



#244 2022-02-07 19:01:07

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Re: Riding Goddesses

She was riding to the park where she dated her horse 40 years older than her. She found him on his knees where she summoned him, he kissed her boots, she dismounted and holding him on her knees before her saddled him, bridled him and rode him.

Suddenly a lady appeared. She is 160 cm. or 5 foot 3 inches, 53 kilos or 115 pounds, delightfully petite, fair skin, Asian face (you can choose the country), long straight hair.
-Hello Karina, I thought my dad left the house to meet his lover, but he left to be ridden by you.
- Hi Karen, we know your dad likes to be my horse.
- Right now you are riding your horse.
- Let's go! ride with me
- I will ride your partner until he collapses.
- You can do it, but with your light weight I doubt he'll collapse.
The young lady with Asian facial features easily rode the Riding Goddess's partner.

Riding Goddess 1: she is 170 cm. or 5 feet 7 inches, 70 kg. or 150 pounds, Latino and Asian facial features, long straight black hair, brunette skin, hourglass shape, large breasts, wide hips, and thick thighs; she is riding a guy 40 years older than her, 150 cm. or 5 feet, and 46 kilos or 100 pounds.
She is riding a guy 20 cm. or 7 inches shorter than her, and 24 kilos or 50 pounds lighter than her.

Riding Goddess 2: She is 160 cm. o 5 feet 3 inches, 53 kilos or 115 pounds, Asian facial features, long dark (brown to red) straight hair, light skin, hourglass shape, generous breasts, wide hips and shapely thighs; she is riding a guy 10 years older than her, 173 cm. or 5 feet 8 inches, and 64 kilos or 140 pounds.
She is riding a guy 13cm. or 5 inches taller than her, and 11 kilos or 25 pounds heavier than her.

Last edited by caballito (2022-02-07 20:09:39)



#245 2022-02-07 19:42:15

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Re: Riding Goddesses

- Karina, how is your husband?
- He's fine, thanks for asking.
- Glad to hear it.
- Lately he travels on business. He and my partner get along well.
- That is the reason why you are riding your partner this morning.
- Exactly!
- Isn't this cuckolding? Isn't he a cuckold?
- No, because I'm not cheating on him, he knows everything and trusts me. Also, I don't have intercourse with my partner whom you are riding.
- He's just your horse.
- That's how it is.
- Strange relationships, but if everyone is happy and no one suffers, everything is fine with me.
- That's right, dear friend.
- Your husband and my dad have been great friends since school, they were called David and Goliath.
- Your dad is 150 cm. or 5 feet, and 46 kilos or 100 pounds; and my husband is 195 cm. or 6 feet 2 inches, and 92 kilos or 200 pounds.
- He is a huge horse.

-Hello Ladies!



#246 2022-02-07 20:17:54

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Re: Riding Goddesses

Karina talked with Karen:
- I give you the honor.

Karen dismounted Karina's partner, Karina's husband kissed Karen's boots.
She is 160 cm. o 5 feet 3 inches, 53 kilos or 115 pounds, Asian facial features, long, dark straight hair, fair skin, hourglass shape, generous breasts, wide hips and shapely thighs. He is 195 cm. o 6 feet 5 inches, 92 kilos or 200 pounds, white male with blond hair, green eyes, athletic despite her age, he is 40 years older than her.

He on his knees before her, she saddled him, she commanded him to open his mouth and he obeyed her, she put the cold metal bit into his mouth, she commanded "bite it" and he obeyed, she tied the bit with straps on her head from him and grabbed his reins.

She stroked her animal's head and rode it, always grabbing her horse's reins she stepped on the left stirrup with her left foot, she crossed her right leg over the body of her beast, she stepped on the right stirrup with her right foot.
- Giddy Up!
He obeyed her.
She is riding a guy 40 years older than her, 35 cm. or 1 foot 2 inches taller than her, and 39 kilos or 85 pounds heavier than her.



#247 2022-02-07 21:04:19

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Re: Riding Goddesses

- The horses that we have now ridden are in their seventies, despite their age they are still good steeds, being ridden by us, glorious Riding Goddesses who are in our early thirties, said Karina.
- We will be in our thirties, but many say we are in our early twenties, answered Karen.
Riding Goddesses control their horses by using reins, spurs, and whips on them.



#248 2022-02-07 22:06:20

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Re: Riding Goddesses

At the end of the riding, the security guard and the companion went home, Karina and her husband, and Karen and her father went to Karina's apartment.
The Riding Goddesses sit down to talk, their horses kneeling before them kissing the feet and footwear of their Riders.
-Karen, your dad did his best, he didn't collapse even though I weigh 50% more than him, he weighs 46 kilos or 100 pounds and I weigh 70 kilos or 150 pounds.
- You are taller than him, you are 170 cm. or 5 feet 7 inches and he is 150 cm. or 5 feet; and with your 5 inch high heels you are 183 cm. or 6 feet, you are 33 cm. or 1 foot taller than him. This is an abuse.
- An abuse? He likes it, he likes being ridden by me and feeling my full weight on top of him for as long as possible, even crawling because of me. At the beginning and end of the ride he always kisses my feet and footgear: boots, sneakers, pumps, sandals, etc.
- Your husband is one of the biggest horses.
- We have always ridden them, my husband is very grateful to you and your father because thanks to you he met me.

- You are young, in your late twenties and early thirties, and have been married for more than 10 years.
- We were neighbors, we were neighbors next door, we worked since we were young and we obtained our judicial emancipation with the consent of our parents. From that age we obtained all our rights, including contracting, for example employment contracts. Our bosses fell on their knees to kiss our feet and we stepped on them.
- We also ride their backs and shoulders because they are our horses.



#249 2022-02-08 00:14:49

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Re: Riding Goddesses

- All our riding acts have been taking place since we are of legal age, since we have the capacity to enter into contracts.
- The company organizes and celebrates fellowship parties where employees and bosses participate, sports events, cross-country walks, pool parties.
- There are also events where our relatives participate.
- That's right, cross-country walks and pool parties, our relatives are spectators at sporting events.

Goddess Karina and Goddess Karen are office workers, Goddess Karina is a lawyer and Goddess Karen is an administrator and accountant, at approximately 30 years old, Goddess Karina is a Legal Advice Manager and Goddess Karen is a Finance Manager, they joined as Interns, then they were Secretaries, they continued moving up to Managers.
Many men stayed in the positions in which they met them, these guys went from being their bosses to being their subordinates. They kiss the feet and footgear of the Riding Goddesses since the Goddesses entered work until now.
In the company, the Chairman is Goddess Karen's father, and the CEO is Goddess Karina's husband, he has been the horse of both Ridiing Goddesses since she met them.
On their first day of work, the tall Goddess Karina entered riding the small Chairman, and the petite and delicious Goddess Karen entered riding the huge CEO. Riding Goddesses in their late teens and their horses in their late fifties.
The employees were stunned by the event, then the horses took the Riding Goddesses to their desks and they dismounted, the Goddesses sat on their chairs and their horses kissed the Goddesses' footwear.
Soon the Goddesses enslaved their co-workers and bosses, making them their puppies and ponies or horses. Thus, a short time later they went inside and outside the company riding the horses they tamed.

In the Legal Advice Management there is a Deputy Manager in Legal Advice on Financial Affairs, Mr. Carlos, 30 years older than Goddess Karina, who joined as an intern, continued as Secretary and continued to rise to Legal Advice Manager, now Mr. Carlos is her subordinate.
In the Finance Department there is an Accounting Deputy Manager, Mr. Hugo, 20 years older than Goddess Karen, who joined as an intern, then became an accounting assistant, then Secretary and continued to rise to Finance Manager, now Mr. Hugo is her subordinate .

In both cases, the Sub Managers have been kissing the feet and footwear of the Goddesses since day one, they have been crawling on elbows and knees and on all fours because of the Goddesses, who have them like dogs and ride because the Sub Managers are their horses.

Riding Goddesses also ride other co-workers and subordinates

In the company other lady workers ride workers.

Last edited by caballito (2022-02-12 23:15:18)



#250 2022-02-12 23:26:15

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Re: Riding Goddesses




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