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#51 2021-10-09 18:32:21

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Re: Riding Goddesses

* You are not the first horse to ride another horse, nor will you be the last, my dad and my husband ride equine horses.
* Yes ma'am.
* You are a horse like the others, I know it.
A ghastly cold ran through my body and I shuddered.
* Grab my husband's reins and drive him! I obeyed her
Her husband obeyed the reins
* Horse why are you ashamed? Or do you prefer to be ridden than to ride?
I nodded my head
* So, will you be ridden by my husband, Or do you prefer to be ridden by me?
I looked at her pleadingly
* Why are you looking at me with a pleading face? Dismount and stand next to me! I obeyed her
Without dismounting the equine, she put a bridle and saddle on me, then she rode my shoulders on and commanded her husband to ride the equine on.
This and the following days she rode me long distances.



#52 2021-10-09 19:11:53

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Re: Riding Goddesses

In days of enlistment she appeared to the fort riding a boy on, she asked for me and they called me
Introducing myself to her I knelt down and kissed her boots, she said:
* Here you have a new recruit who comes voluntarily, he is legal age, train him well!
She dismounted the recruit and rode me before my subordinates without asking my permission
* Giddy up! I obeyed her
She drove me without reins, pulling my right ear or kicking me with her left boot I turned to the right, pulling my left ear or kicking me with her right boot I turned to the left, kicking me with both boots I increased speed and, pulling my 2 ears I slowed down.
We went inside the fort and she rode through all the facilities, all the military witnesses, just as you rode on me the day we met. To everyone we met she said: he is my horse.



#53 2021-10-09 19:23:36

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Re: Riding Goddesses

Upon hearing of the cavalcade, the colonel in chief of the fort appeared before us.
* Madam, you are riding one of our officers as if you were his horse.
* In truth, he is one of my horses and I ride on my horses.
At this moment the pride of the colonel fell, who fell to his knees before her.
* Yes ma'am, you have the right to ride your horses, how, where, when you want.
* Kiss my boots!
* Yes Goddess.
She bridled and saddled the colonel, rode him in and out of the fort.



#54 2021-10-09 20:00:58

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Re: Riding Goddesses

One day she went to the fort riding her uncle on. I recognized it and trembled when she bridled and saddled me as she said:
* My mom invites you to the house.
She grabbed 2 reins, her uncle's and mine, she rode her uncle's on and I followed her.
When I got to her house, she took the bite from me and I recognized her father.
* A long time passed. He said.
* Yes sir.
* My brother is your age, I am in my seventies, currently I have been ridden but more ridden are my brother, my son-in-law and my son.
A lady appears riding her human horse. They are my daughter-in-law and my son, come because my wife is waiting for you, said the old man.
I walked in and recognized the Ebon Goddess.
* Hello my pet, she said.
I knelt before her, kissed her boots. She put bite in my mouth and rode me.
We went out to ride, Ebony Goddess rode me on, Young Goddess rode her uncle on, daughter-in-law of Ebony Goddess rode her husband on.



#55 2021-10-09 20:42:16

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Re: Riding Goddesses

In the middle of the ride, the Riders removed the bits from their horses so they could talk.
* At my age I am well preserved, I look like my daughter's sister, said the Goddess of Ebony.
* You are Goddess of Perfection, your daughter and daughter-in-law too.
* Thanks. I know you are married and have children, Congratulations!
* Thank you ma-am, your daughter is very beautiful.
* Daughter of Goddess has very high chances of being Goddess too.
* Does your brother-in-law also have a wife and children?
* He has, now they are traveling.
* He is now ridden by his niece, the Young Goddess.
* Since ever. Were you ridden by other people?
* No ma'am.
* You are faithful as a dog, the family dog because you are my dog and my daughter's dog.
* Yes ma'am.



#56 2021-10-09 22:35:42

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Re: Riding Goddesses

The 58-year-old general was interrupted by the 18-year-old Corporal who is riding him.
- Do you like being ridden by me?
- Yes ma'am.
She dismounted, he got off the stool, she put the equine saddle back on the stool, and rode the general again.
- Giddy up!
The general was ridden by the Corporal through the fort.
- She commanded: Continue narrating.
* The riding continued, one day my wife and children visited me surprisingly, I was 45 years old, my wife was 40 years old, my daughter was 22 years old and my son was 20 years old, they surprised me being ridden by the 55-year-old Ebony Goddess accompanied by the 30-year-old Young Goddess riding an 18-year-old recruit and followed by 2 spare horses / exchange horses: Young Goddess husband and uncle, both 45 years old.



#57 2021-10-09 22:36:43

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Re: Riding Goddesses

* Bridled, saddled and ridden. For these reasons are you not coming home on vacation? To be a horse? My wife told me.
* Are you the Goddess of Ebony? My wife asked my Rider.
* That's right, did he tell you about me?
* Yes, he said he missed you so much.
* You could have ridden it.
* True, but his longing for you was great in him, and I couldn't compete against it.
Meanwhile, my daughter rode my son on.
* Your daughter is a Rider.
* Yes, she rides everyone on.
* Where is your luggage?
* We leave it at the hotel.
* Come, let's keep chatting, we have 2 change horses / spare horses, choose one.
She chose the husband of the Young Goddess.
They rode towards the fort.



#58 2021-10-09 22:43:15

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Re: Riding Goddesses

The Ebony Goddess asked to call the colonel, he appeared before her, kissed the boots of the Ebony Goddess, the Young Goddess, my wife and my daughter.
The Goddesses commanded him to make 3 troops available as spare horses, the 60-year-old colonel, the 50-year-old major and the 30-year-old lieutenant appeared to be ridden.
* How old are you? My daughter asked the Young Goddess.
* 30 years old.
* How old is your horse?
* 18 years old
* 12 years apart.
* When my mom rides it they are 37 years apart.
* Wow!
* How old are you?
* 22 years old.
* If you ride my dad on it would be 50 years apart.
* I find it exciting.
* My dad arrived with bridles and saddles, we must dismount to bridle and saddle the new spare horses and your brother.



#59 2021-10-09 23:37:29

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Re: Riding Goddesses

The Riders dismounted, the horses knelt.
* I choose the son of my horse, said the Ebony Goddess.
* Run, go! She commanded, the sister to her brother.
My 20 year old son kissing the boots of Ebony Goddess of 55 years old, Colonel of 60 years old kissing the boots of Young Goddess of 30 years old, major of 50 years old kissing the boots of my wife of 40 years old, lieutenant of 30 year old kissing my 22 year old daughter's boots.
Riders bridled and saddled their spare horses.



#60 2021-10-09 23:39:07

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Re: Riding Goddesses

55-year-old Ebony Goddess chose me 45-year-old and my 20-year-old son as her horses,
* Dad, come, now my mother chose father and son as her horses and she is grabbing their reins, I present to you the wife and daughter or mother and sister of my mother's horses.
The old horse kissed the boots of my wife and daughter, my daughter started a conversation with him.
- Are you a veteran and experienced horse?
- Yes ma'am.
- Bring your bridle with reins and your saddle. My daughter commanded and he meekly obeyed her.
He gave the harness to her, kissed her boots, got up on her knees and opened her mouth.
* You are well trained, you have more than 30 years of training. She said as she bridled and saddled him.
She firmly grasped his reins.
* Can I own him? Can I ride 3 horses on?
* Of course. Ebony Goddess replied.



#61 2021-10-09 23:42:25

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Re: Riding Goddesses

The 30-year-old Young Goddess chose the 60-year-old colonel and the 18-year-old recruit who was riding.
My daughter spoke up.
* Although my mother bridled and saddled the major and I bridled and saddled the lieutenant, we have decided my mother will ride the lieutenant and I will ride the major.
So my 40-year-old wife chose the 30-year-old lieutenant and the 45-year-old Young Goddess uncle, while my 22-year-old daughter chose the 50-year-old Major and the 45-year-old Young Goddess husband, in addition to the 70-year-old old horse.
* Can we lend and borrow horses?
* Of course.
My wife and daughter found out the Young Goddess tamed me and broke me in like her horse just like her mother did before, that's why my 22-year-old daughter started riding the 45-year-old husband of the Young Goddess, Rider was 23 years old. greater than his horse. Young Goddess borrowed my son from her mother and rode him, a 30 year old Goddess riding her 20 year old human horse, my 40 year old wife rode the 45 year old Goddess uncle, and the 55 year old Ebony Goddess old riding on me, 45 years old.
The Young Goddess handed her mother the colonel's reins.



#62 2021-10-10 00:52:35

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Re: Riding Goddesses

Lady Riders rode their horses on and grabbed reins from their spare horses.
Ebony Goddess rode me on and grabbed the colonel's reins.
My wife rode the Young Goddess uncle on and grabbed the lieutenant's reins.
My daughter rode the Young Goddess husband on and grabbed the reins of the Young Goddess and Major's dad.
Young Goddess rode my son (my daughter's brother) on and grabbed the reins of the 18 year old recruit.
* Why did you give the colonel to your mother and stay with the young recruit? My daughter asked the Young Goddess.
* The ride is long and I need the best horses, the young recruit has more strength than the old colonel. My husband and uncle are good horses, you will enjoy riding them on.
* My brother is a good horse, I have always ridden him.



#63 2021-10-10 00:54:16

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Re: Riding Goddesses

Then Lady Riders rode the spare horses, Ebony Goddess rode Colonel on, Young Goddess rode young recruit on, my wife rode Lieutenant on and my daughter rode Major on.
* Let's change spare horses.
* Let's do it.
My wife grabbed the reins of the Young Goddess husband, my daughter grabbed the reins of the Young Goddess uncle and the Young Goddess dad, Ebony Goddess grabbed the reins of my son and Young Goddess grabbed my reins
Then Lady Riders rode their spare horses, my wife to the Young Goddess's uncle on, my daughter to the Young Goddess's father on (Rider was 50 years younger than her horse), Ebony Goddess to my son on (horse was 35 years younger than his Rider) and Young Goddess to me on (Rider was 15 years younger than her horse).
* You ride my daughter's dad on and my daughter rides your dad on.
* They are good horses, my mom is riding your son on.
* He is my daughter's horse, he has always been.
* Let's change spare horses.
* Let's do it.



#64 2021-10-10 00:55:31

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Re: Riding Goddesses

Ebony Goddess grabbed reins from the 18 year old recruit on, Young Goddess grabbed the reins from the colonel on, my daughter grabbed the reins from the lieutenant on and my wife grabbed the reins from the major on.
After a long way the Lady Riders rode their spare horses on.
The recruit being ridden by the Ebony Goddess, 37 years older than him and the old colonel being ridden by the Young Goddess, 30 years younger than him.



#65 2021-10-10 02:04:24

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Re: Riding Goddesses

Just as Young Goddess rode me on while my daughter rode Young Goddess's daddy on, my Ebony Goddess rode me on while my wife rode Ebony Goddess's husband on.
Likewise, Young Goddess rode her daddy on while my daughter rode me on.
Finally, Ebony Goddess rode her husband on, Young Goddess rode her husband on while my wife rode me on.

Weeks later we were invited by the Ebony Goddess family, Lady Riders were sitting in armchairs while their horses were on our knees kissing their feet, Ebony Goddess had her feet kissed by her husband and my son, Young Goddess had her feet kissed by her husband, young recruit and the colonel, my daughter had her feet kissed by the Young Goddess's uncle and by the Major, and my wife had her feet kissed by me and the lieutenant.



#66 2021-10-10 02:06:05

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Re: Riding Goddesses

The 32-year-old son of Goddess Ebony arrived, he is tanned like his mother while Young Goddess is light-skinned, he arrived accompanied by his wife, an impressive 25-year-old brunette, a Goddess. She rode his shoulders on, she dismounted her husband while other men crawled toward her to kiss her worshiped tanned feet. She wore high-heeled sandals.
First who kissed her feet was her father-in-law, he was lying on the ground she walked all over him, then her feet were kissed by her uncle-in-law, she also stepped on him. The same happened with the husband of the Young Goddess, he kissed her brown feet and was trampled on by her.
* Who are they? Tan Goddess asked.
* They are the horses I told you about.
Her feet were kissed by everyone and she walked on each and every one of them. When I kissed her feet, I saw the heels of her sandals stained with blood.
Meanwhile, the Ebony Goddess's son kissed the feet of the other Lady Riders.

Last edited by caballito (2021-10-10 02:44:56)



#67 2021-10-10 03:40:24

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Re: Riding Goddesses

Tanned Goddess sat on an armchair, her feet were kissed by her husband and her husband's uncle, Ebony Goddess had her feet kissed by her husband and me, Young Goddess had her feet kissed by her husband and my son, my wife had her feet kissed by lieutenant and major, and my daughter had her feet kissed by colonel and young recruit.
Tanned Goddess noticed the high heels of her sandals were stained and ordered the kissers of her feet to clean the stains from her, they obeyed by wiping the stains with their tongues.
* Girls, let's go for a ride, choose your horses. Tanned Goddess said.
Tanned Goddess, Young Goddess and my daughter, who is also a Goddess, got up.



#68 2021-10-10 03:41:13

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Re: Riding Goddesses

Tan Goddess chose her husband and the colonel, Young Goddess chose me and my son, my daughter Goddess chose the young recruit and the father of the Young Goddess.
* They left me without foot kissers, Ebony Goddess claimed. Immediately her brother-in-law and her son-in-law went to kiss her feet.
Lady Riders bridled and saddled their horses.
Young Goddess rode me on and my daughter rode Young Goddess's dad on, Tan Goddess rode colonel on
* I perceive each of you chose the father of the other, I am going to give you my husband so each of you rides the brother of the other, ok?
Lady Riders continued riding.
* This colonel is 35 years older than me and he is very docile, congratulations sister-in-law because you broke it in good.
Lady Riders rode their spare horses.
Young Goddess rode my daughter's brother on, my daughter rode Young Goddess's brother on and Tan Goddess rode young recruit on.
* Again my congratulations sister-in-law, this horse 7 years younger than me is well broken in for you.



#69 2021-10-10 04:10:13

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Re: Riding Goddesses

The 58-year-old general was interrupted by the 18-year-old Corporal who is riding him.
- Are you tired?
- No ma'am.
-My daughter is 33 years old, she is happily married to a 43-year-old man, my son is 31 years old and is still single, he could be your husband.
- He could be my horse, you mean. How is the relationship between your daughter and her husband?
- He's her horse.
- Do you have anything else to confess?
-The Tanned Goddess had no mercy on me and rode me until I fell exhausted, she was strict with her light-skinned horses and condescending with her dark-skinned horses.



#70 2021-10-10 06:54:59

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Re: Riding Goddesses

- Next weekend I'll take you for a walk.
The following Friday she was driving her car, a pickup with a bed cover https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVpIDCA_6O (New Window) And he put her luggage inside the bed cover.
She bridled his horse and tied his reins to the bed cover.
- Get yourself inside the bed cover, now! She commanded and he obeyed immediately.
She closed the bed cover, walked to the driver's seat, got into her car, started the engine, and started driving.
Before reaching the final point, she took her horse out of the bed cover, commanded him to urinate, he obeyed and she put him back in the cover bed.
When she got home she parked and left the car.
After a long time he heard footsteps and felt the bed cover open.
He recognized the liberators from him, 38-year-old Tan Goddess riding on 73-year-old colonel, his 35-year-old daughter riding on 45-year-old Young Goddess's brother.
Tanned goddess without dismounting changed her horse, now she rides on the colonel and they are on their way to the room.
Upon entering he recognized the 43-year-old Young Goddess riding the General's son on, 33-year-old, and the 18-year-old Corporal riding the Young Goddess's husband on, 58-year-old.

Last edited by caballito (2021-10-10 08:07:19)



#71 2021-10-10 08:13:39

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Re: Riding Goddesses

-Today is my grandmother's birthday and you are her gift. She said the corporal. Tanned goddess rode back to the colonel, dismounting the general.
The 68-year-old Ebony Goddess walked in with her 85-year-old husband and everyone applauded.
The general knelt before her.
- My horse! She exclaimed.
He kissed her boots and she rode him. Also, the husband of the general's daughter, 43 years old, carried the husband of the Ebony Goddess, 85 years old.
The general's 53-year-old wife entered with the cake riding the 58-year-old Uncle of the Young Goddess.
They sang Happy Birthday and Ebony Goddess blew out the candles.
They all dismounted.
Lady Riders sat in armchairs.
Ebony Goddess, her feet are kissed by her husband.
Young Goddess, her feet are kissed by her husband and her uncle.
Tanned Goddess, her feet are kissed by her husband and the colonel.
Daughter of the general, her feet are kissed by her husband.
Wife of the general, her feet are kissed by her husband.
Corporal, her feet are kissed by the general's son



#72 2021-10-10 08:14:24

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Re: Riding Goddesses

- When I met you, I knew you would become a general, I was not wrong. Ebony Goddess said.
Young Goddess's uncle went to kiss the feet of the general's wife, thus the general kissed the feet of Ebony Goddess along with the Goddess's husband.
-My granddaughter has her feet kissed by your son, kiss them too.
He obeyed her and kissed Corporal's feet along with his son.
The colonel went to kiss the feet of the general's daughter.
Let's ride, the general's daughter suggested to the Corporal.
They came out, the 35-year-old general's daughter riding the 73-year-old colonel (38 years apart), and the 18-year-old Corporal riding the 58-year-old general (40 years apart).
- The future is ours!
- We are going to conquer it!
- Gee up!
- Giddy up!

Last edited by caballito (2021-10-10 09:04:37)



#73 2021-10-10 09:15:45

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Re: Riding Goddesses

The 2 Goddesses returned after riding and they all went to sleep, Lady Riders in bedrooms and human horses in stable stalls.
Early in the morning the general's daughter, her 35-year-old, rode Ebony Goddess's husband, his 85-year-old.
Likewise, Ebony Goddess rode the general on
As they said goodbye, Corporal rode to the general and grabbed the reins of the general's son, Ebony Goddess told the general.
- You are faithful to us, to 3 generations of Goddesses, my daughter-in-law is included in the second generation, you are ridden by us. Now you and your son are my granddaughter's horses, you must be docile to her.
The granddaughter rode to her pickup truck, put her horses on the bed cover, locked them up, got into her car and drove it.
Upon reaching the fort, she put father and son in their stable stalls.
The next day she received messages of gratitude from father and son, for work reasons both had to go to other cities.
Upon arriving at the fort, she was informed that she was promoted to sergeant.
Now you will have your dogs to train.



#74 2021-10-10 15:42:30

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Re: Riding Goddesses

On recruitment day many recruits arrived, suddenly the Lady Sergeant received a call: her grandmother, her mother, her aunt-in-law and the general's daughter were waiting outside riding human horses. Likewise, her father, her uncle, the general and the colonel waited outside being ridden by Lady Riders.
She approached the colonel currently in command of the fort:
"I know, I know, we must receive them," said the colonel as he kissed her boots.
She rode the colonel and went to greet the visitors.
Upon arrival, the colonel, ridden by the sergeant, stood before the general and saluted him militarily, the general answered the salute.
- Good Morning.
- Hello daughter, we bring you new recruits.
- Are they of legal age?
- Of course, we comply with the law.



#75 2021-10-10 15:57:46

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Re: Riding Goddesses

She looked at the General's Rider and said to him: "You have a good eye", then to the Colonel's Rider, she said: "You also know how to choose your Riders", then to her uncle's Rider, she said: "You Rider is blonde, white and with green eyes, she's pretty ", after her dad's Rider, she said smiling:" Should I tell her mom? ".
Later she looked down at the horses, her grandmother and her aunt-in-law told them: "You are brown Goddesses riding your white horses https://horseyhooves.com/white-horse-breeds/; (New Window) on the contrary, who Ride my brother is a fair skinned Goddess riding her brown horse https://www.horsebreedspictures.com/horse-colors/brown-horse (New Window) ".
She continued, she said to her mother: "you were always good at choosing your horses", finally to the general's daughter she said: "Good choice".
- Only recruits can enter, said Sgt.
Lady recruits dismounted, male recruits were dismounted.
Her mother rode her father, her aunt-in-law rode the colonel, her grandmother rode the general, and the general's daughter rode her uncle.
- Aunt brunette, my uncle is stronger than the colonel.
- I know daughter, I prefer my white horse.
-Don't you love my uncle because he's dark?
- I love him as a man, I use the other guys as my horses because they are my horses. My colonel is happy being ridden by me because he is my horse, in the same way your colonel is happy because he is your horse and you are riding him on, he is a man before his wife but he is a horse before you.
- The general's daughter is riding your husband.
-She is riding her brown horse, she rides her animal, just as I ride my animal and you ride your animal, your mother and grandmother are also riding their animals.



#76 2021-10-10 16:40:53

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Re: Riding Goddesses

Meanwhile, Lady recruits rode on male recruits.
- Let's go inside.
Lady sergeant distributed the recruits, then dismounted from the colonel.
She trained her recruits and they were excellent.
7 years later
The general became Commander General, the highest position in the military structure and at 65 years old of him was his retirement.
This day Ebony Goddess was 75 years old, her husband 90 years old.
The daughter of Ebony Goddess (the Young Goddess) was 50 years old, her husband and her uncle were the same age as the general, 65 years old.
Ebony Goddess' son was 52 years old and his brunette wife was 45 years old. They have a 21-year-old son and a 19-year-old daughter, their daughter is an awesome Goddess.
The old colonel was 80 years old.
The general's wife was 60 years old, his daughter was 42 years old, and her son was 40 years old. She has a daughter and he has a son, both 18 years old.
The Ebony Goddess' granddaughter was 25 years old, her brother was 20 years old.

Last edited by caballito (2021-10-10 18:08:02)



#77 2021-10-10 18:00:19

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Re: Riding Goddesses

A year ago was the ceremony of assumption of the position of General Commander of the general. This year the granddaughter of Ebony Goddess, daughter of her son, was doing her military service, who as her female cousin rode on the shoulders and back of the general and others in the fort.
The imposing and impressive brunette had her boots kissed and well cleaned from the first day, she called the general: Horse! and she rode him at discretion.
On the imposition of command day he was ridden by the astonishing 18-year-old brunette in front of everyone.
His successor called him, expressed her desire to be ridden, and asked him to get him a Rider.
- My female cousin and I rode, said the wonderful 19-year-old brunette.
- At that time it was easier because 2 horses were ridden, you rode the general on and your mother rode the son of the general on, and 2 riders rode, the wife of the general rode the colonel on and the daughter of the general rode your dad on. Remember that the general must have been at rider level and your brother had to carry him on his shoulders while you continued riding your horse.
- We can call our lovers, they are our horses and we can lend them to others.
- First we must talk with both families.



#78 2021-10-10 18:31:55

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Re: Riding Goddesses

Visitors arrived, being greeted by the 45-year-old Tanned Goddess and her 52-year-old husband, she riding him on, the almost 65-year-old general being ridden by his 60-year-old wife and the 63-year-old general. being ridden by a 30 year old lady.
- May I present my wife, said the replacement general.
-My husband was widowed, I am his second engagement.
- Let's dismount.
Lady Riders dismounted, their horses kissed their feet, then kissed the feet of the other Riders.
When the dark-haired guy kissed his feet, the wife of the new commanding general asked:
-Are you the parents of the Brunette Goddess who rode the general in his assumption of command?
- Yes my Goddess, answered the defeated guy. She put her foot on his head.
When the new commanding general kissed the Tanned Goddess's feet, he stated:
- You and your daughter are majestic Goddesses.
- Your wife is too, she answered. She put her foot on his head.



#79 2021-10-10 18:55:18

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Re: Riding Goddesses

They agreed:
The old commanding general will be ridden by the young brunette's 25-year-old cousin and the new commanding general will be ridden by the 19-year-old brunette.
The wives of the general commanders will ride the father of the Goddess who is riding her husband.
The general commanders have only one male child each, the children of the general commanders will be ridden by the mother of the Goddess who rides her father.
The daughters of the general commanders do not need to be assigned horses because they have their own horses.
General commanders will not be carried by other people, there will be no 3-person towers.



#80 2021-10-10 19:29:32

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Re: Riding Goddesses

The drills.
So that everything goes perfectly, they did drills every day the last fortnight before the ceremony.
Lady Riders wore polo shirts, shorts, stockings and high heels ankle boots, the first 3 days the 25 and 19 year old female cousins had their boots kissed by the general commanders and rode them, young Lady Riders got bored and promised to return 2 days before the ceremony.
Tan Goddess and wife of the new commanding general replaced the cousins, exchanging horses.
Finally, the ceremony was carried out successfully



#81 2021-10-10 20:10:58

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Re: Riding Goddesses

Riding Goddesses in education

In education there are also Goddesses, in school they are the Lady Teachers and the Lady Parents. Meanwhile, the horses are the male teachers and the male parents.
Here the Queens are the Lady parents, because they are the largest number and they dominate male teachers and fathers, the Lady teachers also dominate male teachers and fathers.

In adult education and the university where students are of legal age, the Goddesses are the Lady Teachers, Lady Students and, less frequently, the Lady parents. Meanwhile, the horses are the male teachers, the male students and, less frequently, the male parents.
Here the Queens are the Lady students because they are the largest number and they dominate male teachers and students.

Abiding by the norms of our community, I will not tell stories involving minors, I will only relate interactions between people of legal age.



#82 2021-10-10 22:51:15

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Re: Riding Goddesses

He was a good teacher, capable and educated, a gentleman, but the hormones controlled him, especially the female pheromones.
Impartial and fair to his students, he gained a good reputation, but ...

She is a 25-year-old mother of and was summoned to talk with the male teacher, she showed up at the appointed time, the teacher saw her at the door: hourglass body shape (hip and bust measurements nearly equal in size, with a narrower waist measurement), long legs, rounded bottom (rear) and hips, big thighs, perfect arms and hands, beautiful face and hair.
She wore a white blouse, tight beige riding breeches, knee-length black riding boots, and black wrist-length gloves.
- Can I come inside?
-Of course, the professor replied as he got up and he approached her staring at her.
Because he was focused on her, only her existed, he did not notice a box left on the ground, he tripped over the box and fell heavily on his face before her, she took two steps back so the Professor's face did not fall on her feet.
- Are you okay professor? She asked.
- Fortunately I fell on my elbows and knees, not on my face. The professor replied.
The professor crawled over to her and kissed her boots.
- No professor, ... keep doing it, clean my boots because they are full of dust.
The professor kept kissing and licking her boots.

Last edited by caballito (2021-10-10 23:34:14)



#83 2021-10-10 23:16:26

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Re: Riding Goddesses

- I don't think you called me just to kiss and lick my boots. Why did you summon me?
- ... kiss, kiss, kiss (kisses to the boots) ... I wanted to talk with the 2 parents to talk about the progress and difficulties of their children ... kiss, kiss, kiss ...
- My husband is busy working, I asked my boss for permission to come, kissing my boots he granted me permission to go out. As long as you keep kissing my boots you won't be able to talk to me.
- ... kiss, kiss, kiss ... you're right.
He got up slowly and with a lot of effort walked over to his desk sitting in the chair.
- Please sit down.
She sat in an armchair.
- Madam, these events have been occurring.
- It is natural, I am also a teacher, a teacher of adults and this is solved in this way. I know parental involvement is important in the education of minors.
- Parents don't help.
- Let me have a chat with them, call a classroom parent meeting.
- I will, let me kiss your boots to say goodbye.
She smiled and sitting crossed her legs, he knelt before her.
She showed the sole of her boot to the teacher, he got the message and licked the sole, then the other.
- Professor, you summoned us, 2 parents called at the door.
The teacher got up and sat in his chair, the mother got up and left saying goodbye to the teacher and greeting the parents who waited. When the father saw her, he said: she is a Goddess.



#84 2021-10-10 23:43:04

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Re: Riding Goddesses

The next day she received a phone call.
- Good morning ma'am, I'm the teacher.
- I'm busy right now, call me at 8 at night.
At 8 pm she received a phone call.
- Hello there!
- Good evening ma'am, I'm the teacher.
- How can I help you?
- I need you to advise me to have the meeting with the parents.
- Those are not topics that are discussed by phone, in which area do you live?
- Zone XY.
- In 15 minutes you will be waiting for me in the motorcycle parking lot of the CR shopping center.
Taking a taxi he arrived in 10 minutes, in 15 minutes she appeared riding on a motorcycle, she took off her helmet and dismounted.
She approached him, he got on his knees, she wore a black sweater, black leather gloves, black leather knee-high boots, and tight white riding breeches.
Suddenly he saw a young man crawling up to her to kiss her boots.
- Very good, you are punctual, get in position to ride you comfortably.
He crouched, she rode on neck and shoulders, he sat up as she rode him. Then the horse walks towards the teacher.
The professor kisses her boots.



#85 2021-10-11 00:53:25

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Re: Riding Goddesses

They went for a walk through the mall, she was riding while he was walking, while she was riding, she told the teacher about her horse:
- He is my student from the Faculty of Education, I break-in my students.
- Break-in?
- To accustom (a horse) to the bridle and saddle, to being ridden, etc.
- Your students don't ...
The young man whinnied, she stroked and pampered him like a horse.
- How old are you?
- 35 years old, ma'am.
- I assure you, you were broken-in by one or more of your Lady teachers or Lady classmates. Have you ever done the homework for a classmate Lady and she passed the course because of your effort?
- Often.
- You were broken-in many times and you didn't realize it.
- It's true.
- We must break-in to the parents.
- I do not know how to do it.
- I will do it, call a meeting of parents of the classroom.
- Yes ma'am.
They were back in the motorcycle parking lot.
- I take you home?
- Yes ma'am, answered her student
-My student is of legal age, he is 19 years old.
Her student crouched down, she dismounted, the teacher kissed her boots. Her student threw himself on the seat of the motorcycle, his head on the engine, she tied him to the seat of the motorcycle while the teacher kept kissing her boots.
-Now he is only a device of my motorcycle, he is one with my motorcycle, he is no longer an animal, he disappeared because he is now an object to be used.
- Wonderful ...! Exclaimed the professor.
- Next time I'll take you home. She said and winked.
She put on her helmet, rode on the human seat of her motorcycle, I mean, she rode on the seat of her motorcycle, started the engine and drove away riding her motorcycle.



#86 2021-10-11 01:15:39

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Re: Riding Goddesses

That night he couldn't sleep.
  Was she riding on his back or on his belly?
If she rode him on his belly, he admired her while she was riding her motorcycle.
If she rode him on his back, he felt helpless as she rode her motorcycle with him as a seat, as an object.

The following week he received a call during class hours, he saw who was calling and left class while he answered the call.
- Good morning ma'am.
- Today we have a meeting at the school at 4 in the afternoon.
- At that time the school is closed.
- I'm not interested in this, we have a meeting at your school, and we will meet at your school at that time.
- But.
- You will speak with your school director and request authorization for my motorcycle to enter.
She cut the communication.
Desperate, the professor spoke with the director, and the director arranged for the key to be handed over to him under his responsibility, and they signed a record.



#87 2021-10-11 02:06:12

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Re: Riding Goddesses

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon the Goddess arrived driving her motorcycle at the door of the school, the teacher opened the door, she went inside and he closed the door.
She wore a white sweater, black gloves, black riding breeches, and high-heeled white knee-high boots.
She remained seated on the motorcycle seat, she took off her helmet, adjusted her hair, the teacher crawled over to her and kissed her boots, first on one side of the motorcycle and then on the other side. Then he licked the soles and heels of her boots.
She moved back on the motorcycle seat and she commanded the teacher to sit on the motorcycle in the part she left free. He obeyed her. '
She grabbed the teacher's shoulders, stepped on the motorcycle stirrups, then she stepped on the motorcycle seat and rode on the teacher's shoulders. She commanded: Dismount the motorcycle, let's go for a ride. He obeyed her with great care not to fall.
Once he took a few steps away from the motorcycle, she commanded: Stop! Turn around!
He stared at the motorcycle.
- I present to you my husband.
- I don't see your husband, is your husband the motorcycle?
She laughed.
-I won your bet, he only has eyes for me, when I am in front of him the rest of the world disappears, I absorb all his attention, he is totally focused on me.
- You win. A voice came from the motorcycle.
- I sat on you for 10 minutes while he kissed the leather of my white boots and licked the soles and high heels of my boots, then he sat on you for another 10 minutes while I rode him, and he also did not notice your presence when he dismounted the motorcycle while I rode on his shoulders.
- Wave your hand so he can see you.
The teacher saw the hand and then approached the motorcycle, his Rider's husband was lying on his belly.
-He's lying on his belly.
-He is only the motorcycle seat, he is one with my motorcycle.
- Giddy up! Get off my motorcycle and focus on how and I'll break-in parents.
He backed away from the motorcycle as she rode on his neck and shoulders.



#88 2021-10-11 03:56:44

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Re: Riding Goddesses

While she was riding on the motorcycle seat and the teacher was sitting on the motorcycle seat (there is a lot of difference between riding on someone or something, and sitting on someone or something), she placed a saddle with stirrups on the teacher.
She rode the professor sitting on the saddle and stepping on the stirrups.
- Do you remember what is break-in?
- To accustom a horse to the bridle and saddle, to being ridden.
- I saddled you when we were on the motorcycle seat, on my husband, I was riding him and you were only sitting while I was taming you. Open your mouth! He obeyed her.
He felt her introduce a metallic object into his mouth of hers.
- Bite the bite! She commanded and he obeyed.
She tied the bridle on the professor's head using straps, then grabbed the reins.
- You start to walk or you increase your speed when I spur you with both spurs or I whip you with my whip or, as in this case, when I hit your both sides with my boots, you reduce your speed when I pull your reins from both sides.
By spurring or kicking both sides of her animal and pulling both sides of the reins, her horse learned to obey the commands to start / increase speed, and slow down / stop.



#89 2021-10-11 03:57:42

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Re: Riding Goddesses

- Now, when I pull your reins to the right side, you turn right, and when I pull your reins to the left side, you turn left. Starts!
Thus the teacher learned to obey the reins.
Finally, if I spur or kick you with my left spur or boot you turn right, and if I spur or kick you with my right spur or boot, you turn left.
In this way, the teacher learned to obey the spurs.
- It is already 6 in the afternoon, we will return to the motorcycle.
He obeyed the new commands, once next to the bike she ordered, "Squat down!" He obeyed her, she dismounted him.
She unsaddled and umbridled him.
- Undress yourself! He obeyed her.
- Kiss my boots! He prostrated himself before her and kissed her boots.
She tossed a pair of spurs in front of him.
- Put my spurs in my boots. He obeyed her.
- Get on your knees! he obeyed her.
- Open your mouth! He obeyed her.
She put the bit into her animal's muzzle / mouth, tied the bridles on his head and grabbed the reins, then strapped and strapped the saddle onto her animal.



#90 2021-10-11 03:58:36

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Re: Riding Goddesses

She rode her animal.
She nailed the spurs on both sides of the body of her animal, he got up, she nailed the spurs again and her animal began to walk, she drives him with reins and spurs
The animal's sides were scalded.
She pulled on the reins, then led him to the motorcycle.
She unbridled him and unsaddled him, he kissed her boots.
- You are sweating like a horse, because of the saddle your sweat did not dirty my riding breeches or my boots. Despite having been careful not to get my boots dirty, you stained my spurs, clean them with your tongue. He obeyed her.
- I commanded you to undress, so my spurs won't tear your clothes and ruin them. Where are the buckets and the hose?
Crawling on all fours, the teacher went to where the buckets and the hose were, she filled the buckets with water and poured the ice water over her animal. She walked over to her bike and he followed her crawling on all fours. She rode her motorcycle.
- Did you bring your towel and another change of clothes as I commanded you?
- Yes ma'am.
He dried off and dressed while she chatted with her husband.
- I finished breaking-in to him at 7:30 at night, I beat you the other bet.
- You always beat me, you always.
She started her motorcycle's engine and drove out the door. She asked
- Professor, tonight you were break-in for me, I am your breaker-in, what is break-in?
He replied as he opened the door.
- Break-in is to accustom a horse to the bridle and saddle, to being ridden. I am your horse, I bit the bit because of you, you bridled me, you placed a saddle on my body and you rode me, you drove me with reins and spurs when I was ridden by you.
She went out riding her motorcycle and her husband along with the motorcycle.
- I'll be back at 9 at night, wait for me.
She rushed her motorcycle.



#91 2021-10-11 04:27:00

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Re: Riding Goddesses

He waited for her at the school gate, at 9 o'clock at night he heard her motorcycle.
She appeared riding the motorcycle, dressed all black, sweater, gloves, riding breeches and boots.
- Hello there.
- Good night ma'am.
- You live in the XY area, don't you?
- Yes ma'am.
- That area is dangerous at this time, I can take you to my house, I have a special environment for you.
- Thanks ma'am.
-She got off her motorcycle.
- Put yourself on the seat.
- He lay back on the seat.
- I lost again! A voice was heard through the phone.
- I beat my husband again, I bet you lay on your back to watch me drive my motorcycle.
She put a holster on him and strapped him to the motorcycle seat, she rode the teacher and her ...... motorcycle.
She rode comfortably on the professor's heart, smiled, and lit a cigarette.
-You are going to use him as your ashtray, the husband was heard through her cell phone.
"Another bet you lose," she said to her husband.
- Open your mouth, she commanded the teacher. He obeyed her.
She smoked and blew the smoke in the professor's face, then poured the ash into the professor's mouth, ash that he swallowed. Last puff, she blew the smoke in the teacher's face and blew out the butt on the teacher's tongue dropping it into her mouth, he swallowed the butt.



#92 2021-10-11 05:40:15

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Re: Riding Goddesses

Then she smoked another cigarette, using the professor as her ashtray who swallowed the ash and the cigarette butt.
- When I am worried or stressed I smoke, but not at home because I should not set a bad example at home, I always smoke away from home.
She put a candy in her mouth and the wrapper in the teacher's mouth, he swallowed the wrapper from her. She then sucked on another candy and put the wrapper in the teacher's mouth, who swallowed it.
Finally, mouthwash, she moved back sitting on the teacher's pelvis, rinsed her mouth and brought her mouth close to the teacher's, he opened his mouth and she slowly poured the mouthwash into the teacher's mouth as he swallowed it.
She sat back on the professor's heart and started her motorbike's engine.
She drove fast to her house, put the motorcycle in the garage, and went to find her husband.
She came back an hour later, she wore a sexy nightgown and high heels pumps, she untied the teacher who went to the bathroom and crawled back to her to kiss her feet, she commanded "On your knees", he obeyed her.



#93 2021-10-11 05:41:23

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Re: Riding Goddesses

- Today twice I was intimately with my husband because of you, the first for breaking-in to you, and the second for using you as my ashtray. You are also my horse and my dog, I am putting a dog collar around your neck and I grab your leash, follow me.
He crawled behind her on all fours, following her, they left the garage and entered the living room, there was the Goddess's husband with a dog leash around his neck and the leash tied to an ornament which is actually a post.
She grabbed the leash of her other dog and led them into the kitchen. Both dogs kissed her feet while she prepared food for them.
She put 2 bowls of dog food on the ground, both dogs ate her food, then she put 2 bowls of water on the ground, and both dogs quenched their thirst.
She continued taking her dogs, they crossed the courtyard and went into a room through a hidden door, the room was enabled as a barn and as a kennel, she kept each of her dogs in a stall, inside each stall she allowed her dogs kissed her feet, then she went into a third stall where another dog kissed her feet, and then she retired turning off the light.
- Why do you sleep here and not with your wife?
- I always lose the bets, she always defeats me. How do you feel after being treated like a horse and dog?
- Ecstatic and excited, I am in Heaven without having died.
- Who's there?
- Rest, it's me, let's go to sleep.
- Who is it?
-He is one of my wife's students.
- I recognize the voice of the Goddess's husband, who is the other one?
- It's the teacher ...
- The teacher I met at the mall?
- Yes.
- Wait wait! When the Goddess used you as a seat for her motorcycle, did you lie on your chest or on your back?
- Sometimes on my chest, sometimes on my back.



#94 2021-10-11 05:54:40

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Re: Riding Goddesses

The next day she went down to the barn and kennel, her feet were kissed as she untied her dogs, and then each of her dogs went to do her activities.
The teacher coordinated with the principal and they agreed to hold the classroom parents' meeting on Friday at 5 in the afternoon, the invitation was:
Parents of ... grade section ... are summoned to the classroom parent meeting.
- Formation of the Board: President, Secretary and Treasurer.
- Coordination with the teacher to achieve the best performance of the students

The Goddess read the summons and agreed.



#95 2021-10-11 07:05:27

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Re: Riding Goddesses

The Goddess commanded the teacher to wait for her 1 hour before the meeting. She came riding her husband and her motorcycle.
She wore a white blouse, a black leather jacket, gloves, and knee-high boots; and, tight blue jeans.
At 5 o'clock there were few parents, they waited 1 hour to start the meeting.
Meanwhile, she talked with the mothers and fathers who were arriving at the classroom, the mothers understood the Goddess but the fathers were stubborn.
One by one she took the parents to talk privately, mom and dad, during the conversation the Goddess grabbed the daddy's shoulders and gently pushed him down, he knelt before her, in that dominant position she convinced him.
- Yes ma'am, it will be done as you say.
- We have an agreement?
- Yes ma'am.
- You can kiss my boots.
Dad kissed the Goddess's boots.
So she managed to get the parents to agree on accepting her proposal.



#96 2021-10-11 07:06:22

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Re: Riding Goddesses

At 6 o'clock the meeting began, she waited at the door for the stragglers and explained her proposal, parents on their knees kissing the Goddess's boots accepted her proposal.
The Goddess's proposal was unanimously accepted and she was elected President.
The parents congratulated her by kissing her boots.
- Please, place the desks and chairs to the sides and leave the central part free.
The dads knelt before her
- Honey, come here on your knees looking at the parents.
Her husband obeyed her.
-I present to you my husband, now I ride him on his neck and shoulders while he is on his knees. Do the same with your husbands.
The wives rode on the shoulders of the husbands.
- Why don't you guys ride?
- We came without our husbands.
- There are parents without Lady Rider, ride them.
- You?
- We arrived late.
- Come inside, we are doing a group dynamic, the men on their knees and the women riding them.
- How many moms don't have a horse?
- 5
- 5 of my students come inside.
5 of the Goddess's students came inside and were ridden by 5 moms.



#97 2021-10-11 07:42:19

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Re: Riding Goddesses

- Let all my students come in.
All her students came in.
- Daddies, stand up without dropping your Lady Rider. Whoever has stood up, help those who cannot.
They all stood up being ridden by his Lady Rider.
- Daddies, everyone go out to the central patio, very carefully.
She rode in front of her parents.
- Mommies, today you will learn how to start, stop, turn right and turn left your horses. To start you must kick your horse with both feet, to stop it you must pull its 2 ears, to turn right you must pull its right ear and to turn left you must pull its left ear. Practice!
After 30 minutes she ended the meeting.
- Get off!
They all dismounted.
The daddies lining up for her kissed her boots and withdrew from her.
- What percentage of parents participated?
- fifty%.
- They will spread the word and in 15 days more will come.



#98 2021-10-11 08:51:40

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Re: Riding Goddesses

15 days later the chairs and desks were out of the classroom, the teacher marked attendance outside the classroom, the Goddess was riding the shoulders and neck of her kneeling husband while daddies lined up to kiss her boots and lick the soles of her boots while she spoke through cell phone, read her messages or watched videos.
She wore a cowgirl hat, plaid blouse, light blue jeans, and black knee-high boots with spurs.
At the time of her summons, the meeting began, the daddies on their knees before her and the mothers riding them on her shoulders.
I am going to read the previous minutes, the one that was approved.
She harangued parents to be more proactive in raising her children.
Then she asked
- Did you see something additional in me or in my husband?
- You are wearing spurs, answered a daddy.
- Your boots step on stirrups, answered another daddy.
- You are sitting on a saddle, said a mother.
- Your husband is bridled and you take the reins, answered a daddy.



#99 2021-10-11 08:52:25

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Re: Riding Goddesses

-Those implements or equipment are to give Lady Rider more comfort, if any of you want to be ridden by me, he will have to acquire them. Let's go to the central courtyard!
- Now I am going to teach you 2 more instructions to turn right and left.
Her horse turned, turning its back on the other horses.
The other horses along with the teacher were ecstatic and excited to admire the Goddess's butt and her hourglass shape.
- Tonight my wife will be made love to, whispered a dad.
- All the wives whispered another.
- What will he do who does not have a wife?
- Jerk off whispered one last.
- Attend! To turn to their right they must kick their horse with their left foot or, in my case, tap the left spur on its left side.
She stung her husband with her left spur, the daddies were excited.
The horse of the Goddess turned its back to the other horses again and they admired the shape of the Goddess.
- Now! To turn to their left they must kick their horse with their right foot or, in my case, tap the right spur on its right side.
She stung her husband with his right spur, the daddies were excited.
- Practice!
She rode her husband to the teacher.
- Percentage of attendance?
- 80% ma'am.
Half an hour later she ended the meeting.
After the meeting, daddies kissed the Goddess's boots.



#100 2021-10-11 09:40:11

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Re: Riding Goddesses

- I'm happy, said the Goddess.
-It's a success, more and more are coming, replied the teacher as he kissed the Goddess's boots.
She dismounted her husband while the teacher kept kissing her boots along with other daddies.
- I will take you to my house because you are my dog, she said to the teacher.
He barked.
- Be careful while you kiss my boots, don't make me fall! The Goddess claimed the daddies kissing her boots.
- Forgive us ma'am.
- My students at the university kiss my boots, I feel they kiss my boots and I walk on them without losing my balance.
The teacher was before her on all fours, with his tongue out and panting, she smiled and put a dog collar around his neck and she grabbed his leash, then she walked to her motorcycle walking on dads, handed the leash to a mom.
Then she tied her husband to her seat, rode on him and on her motorcycle and went to her house.



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