Ultimate shoulder rides

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#1 2014-11-05 06:06:14

Ltsaurus Rex
Male (29), USA
Registered: 2012-04-28
Last visit: 2023-12-16
Posts: 487

A Ride to to Park

First of all,  I want to apologize for not posting recently,  I've been caught up with work and things like that. Anyways I have a lovely new experience I must share with you. Just a week ago, I met up with my friend Mekayla after work at our city park. For those of you who don't remember,  Mekayla is the girl I carried a couple times. She was 90lbs and 5'4 so really small and easy to give a ride to. Now let me paint a picture of Mekayla and the thingas she was wearing so y'all know what to picture. At the time, she was wearing a black Nirvana belly shirt with a black tanktop,  booty shorts, fishnet leggings,  and black boots. So her outfit was quite lovely,  she now has short orange hair so it kinda works with the black. Anyways, we decided to take a walk up to the skatepark. Only thing was it was on the other side of town, about a mile from the current park we were at. So we started walking up the roads and neighborhoods and a ways up she says to me because she was behind me that "I was about to carry her on my back" so I put my arms out so she could jump on piggyback style.  We continued up the road. A good 5 minutes i jokingly said I was gonna put her on my shoulders because she kept sliding down. She readily agreed and jumped off and I knelt down and awaited. She lifted one leg after the other and I lifted her high on my shoulders and continued walking up the street. She was having a great time on my shoulders,  I could tell by how she was laughing.  She was however nervous about falling off. But that concern faded after I told her how I have never dropped anyone I've carried before. 20 minutes later she asks me if she's too heavy. I tell her "heavy? Ha! I kinda forgot you were there because you're so light" she laughed and I kept walking. We finally got to the park and I let her down where she gave me a great big hug and thanked me for the ride. Later, we met up with some friends where she proceeded to tell them how I carried her a great distance on my shoulders.  I managed to take 2 pictures,  both of which I will post as soon as possible. I hope you like, hopefully I live more experiences that I can share.



#2 2014-11-05 06:13:34

Ltsaurus Rex
Male (29), USA
Registered: 2012-04-28
Last visit: 2023-12-16
Posts: 487



#3 2014-11-05 17:42:47

Male (51), czech
Registered: 2006-11-23
Last visit: 2024-06-20
Posts: 715

Re: A Ride to to Park

You are real hero- REAL STORY- REAL EXPIERENCE- REAL PHOTO- what a wonderfull life!



#4 2014-11-05 21:16:48

Male (28), Poland
Registered: 2009-05-12
Last visit: 2024-04-20
Posts: 215

Re: A Ride to to Park

Absolutely, Man You should be giving courses! big_smile



#5 2014-11-05 23:45:31

Ltsaurus Rex
Male (29), USA
Registered: 2012-04-28
Last visit: 2023-12-16
Posts: 487

Re: A Ride to to Park

Courses? Explain please



#6 2014-11-06 02:11:37

Male (28), Poland
Registered: 2009-05-12
Last visit: 2024-04-20
Posts: 215

Re: A Ride to to Park

You keep finding lots of interesting women to give rides to. You seem to have this skill or ability, whatever it is!



#7 2014-11-06 03:40:05

Male (38), India
Registered: 2009-07-05
Last visit: 2023-12-30
Posts: 819

Re: A Ride to to Park

You are the ONE.....

Ltsaurus Rex wrote:

First of all,  I want to apologize for not posting recently,  I've been caught up with work and things like that. Anyways I have a lovely new experience I must share with you. Just a week ago, I met up with my friend Mekayla after work at our city park. For those of you who don't remember,  Mekayla is the girl I carried a couple times. She was 90lbs and 5'4 so really small and easy to give a ride to. Now let me paint a picture of Mekayla and the thingas she was wearing so y'all know what to picture. At the time, she was wearing a black Nirvana belly shirt with a black tanktop,  booty shorts, fishnet leggings,  and black boots. So her outfit was quite lovely,  she now has short orange hair so it kinda works with the black. Anyways, we decided to take a walk up to the skatepark. Only thing was it was on the other side of town, about a mile from the current park we were at. So we started walking up the roads and neighborhoods and a ways up she says to me because she was behind me that "I was about to carry her on my back" so I put my arms out so she could jump on piggyback style.  We continued up the road. A good 5 minutes i jokingly said I was gonna put her on my shoulders because she kept sliding down. She readily agreed and jumped off and I knelt down and awaited. She lifted one leg after the other and I lifted her high on my shoulders and continued walking up the street. She was having a great time on my shoulders,  I could tell by how she was laughing.  She was however nervous about falling off. But that concern faded after I told her how I have never dropped anyone I've carried before. 20 minutes later she asks me if she's too heavy. I tell her "heavy? Ha! I kinda forgot you were there because you're so light" she laughed and I kept walking. We finally got to the park and I let her down where she gave me a great big hug and thanked me for the ride. Later, we met up with some friends where she proceeded to tell them how I carried her a great distance on my shoulders.  I managed to take 2 pictures,  both of which I will post as soon as possible. I hope you like, hopefully I live more experiences that I can share.

The Horse



#8 2014-11-09 19:10:04

Male (57), England
Registered: 2012-01-01
Last visit: 2017-07-16
Posts: 608

Re: A Ride to to Park

Excellent story; excellent photos. Your success with the ladies is amazing! You deserve to be invited to The White House to be congratulated by the President himself!



#9 2014-11-11 01:22:20

Ltsaurus Rex
Male (29), USA
Registered: 2012-04-28
Last visit: 2023-12-16
Posts: 487

Re: A Ride to to Park

Lol well I most appreciate your words of kindness good sir



#10 2014-11-12 00:05:16

Male (57), England
Registered: 2012-01-01
Last visit: 2017-07-16
Posts: 608

Re: A Ride to to Park

Your photos were quite big so I saved them to my laptop and resized them. They're now easier to view at a smaller size. The female you had up astride your shoulders had a great enigmatic expression on her face. I love the way she was sat there in her fishnet stockings. You looked really happy - no surprise why! I was thinking today that giving a female a shoulder ride is one way for a guy to get between a female's legs!!!



#11 2014-11-12 11:05:28

Registered: 2011-03-19
Last visit: 2024-04-19
Posts: 6

Re: A Ride to to Park

Well done!



#12 2014-11-12 19:53:23

Ltsaurus Rex
Male (29), USA
Registered: 2012-04-28
Last visit: 2023-12-16
Posts: 487

Re: A Ride to to Park

checkmateguy wrote:

Your photos were quite big so I saved them to my laptop and resized them. They're now easier to view at a smaller size. The female you had up astride your shoulders had a great enigmatic expression on her face. I love the way she was sat there in her fishnet stockings. You looked really happy - no surprise why! I was thinking today that giving a female a shoulder ride is one way for a guy to get between a female's legs!!!

Why thanks bud! I was indeed very happy to give my dear friend a ride when needed smile



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