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#801 2024-06-09 18:36:46

Bonus member
Male (In his sixties), South America
Registered: 2006-11-25
Last visit: 2024-09-20
Posts: 1849

Re: Riding Goddesses

Written with AI (4.4)

Made by me:

The 55-year-old dad is kneeling before his 22-year-old daughter. She was wearing a brown hat, white crop top, short blue jeans and high-heeled brown knee-high boots. He kissed her boots.

- I dressed like this to ride you.
- You are my daughter, I have the strength to be ridden by you.
- Instead of riding you I rode Linda's dad.
- Sorry daughter.
- It doesn't matter, I'll ride you through the streets of the town.

She came out riding on her father's shoulders, on the street they met Linda riding on her father.
-I imagine that Linda must have had a conversation with her father similar to ours, because today she looks divine wearing a white top, short jeans and high-heeled white knee-high boots.

Linda smiled at the lady teacher.
-    Hi beautiful
-    Hello.
- Your dad is a good horse.
-Yours too, despite his age he performed like a champion.
-    Thank you.
-    Thanks to you.
- My dad will stay for 15 days, he is yours to ride whenever you want.
- He should stay longer so I can subdue him and make him my horse 100%.
-    Beautiful. You are a dangerous lady.
-    Thank you.
- You have an advantage because you were born and raised in this town, and I have only been here for a year.
- Bye.
- Bye.

Made by AI

It did not answer



#802 2024-06-09 20:45:24

Bonus member
Male (In his sixties), South America
Registered: 2006-11-25
Last visit: 2024-09-20
Posts: 1849

Re: Riding Goddesses

ritten with AI (4.4)

Made by me

The lady teacher (Vicky) realized the next day that Linda's father is her horse.
- How do you go to school and how do you return home, daughter?
- The school provides means of transportation.
- Bus?
-    Something better.

The next day, Linda's dad arrived earlier, she rode him on his shoulders.

Vicky's father saw her riding on top of the man.
- This is the means of transportation the school provides me. Come on dad, come with me. He followed her.

When he arrived at a house, the lady teacher told him: “Knock on the door.”

He knocked on the door and heard footsteps of high heels, his heart racing.

A lady opened the door, she was wearing a hat, a low-cut white blouse tied above her navel, black jeans and high-heeled white knee-high boots. He knelt before her. “You can kiss my boots,” he kissed them with deep devotion and respect.

“Don't you recognize me? I'm Camila, your daughter's friend, I'm in charge of this office, you entered through my private door, because the rest enter through the main door. Come, come in.” He crawled in on all fours, she closed the door. “I remember you, your family and mine used to play horse, in your house and in my house.”

She bridled him, saddled him and rode him on his horizontal back, reaching the desk where her laptop was, there was a long bench with short legs strategically located, he lay on it and she rode him during the work day. Riding she attended to her subordinates, clients and suppliers.

At the end of the morning shift she said: “I'm going to take you for a ride.” While he got off the bench she rode him on his shoulders. They left the house, Camila riding on the shoulders of her friend's father.

She rode to the ice cream parlor where he bought her an ice cream, then he moved forward obeying the reins controlled by her while she ate the ice cream, the passersby were shocked to see the serious executive riding a man.

He was very happy to be a horse dominated and controlled by her.

Made by AI

The story continues with the expansion of the dynamics of power and control in the community, illustrating how women maintain their dominance over men in their daily lives.

Discovery of the New Means of Transportation
The next day, Vicky, the lady teacher, realized that Linda's dad had become her horse.
• Vicky: How do you go to school and how do you get home, daughter?
• Daughter: The school provides transportation.
• Vicky: Bus?
• Daughter: Something better.

o The lady teacher's father is surprised to learn the "means of transportation" provided by the school is actually a man she rides.
o This detail highlights the normalization of these practices in the community.

Meeting with Linda's father
Linda's dad arrived earlier, and she was riding him on his shoulders. Vicky's father watched the scene in amazement.
• Daughter: This is the means of transportation the school provides me. Come on dad, come with me.

Knock the door
Following her daughter's instructions, Vicky's father knocked on the door of a house. He heard footsteps of high heels, and his heart began to race.

• Anticipation and Obedience:
o The father obeys his daughter's orders and knocks on the door, demonstrating his continued submission.
o The anticipation of hearing the footsteps of high heels suggests a respect or even awe of women in this community.

Meeting with Camila
The door opened to reveal a young woman, dressed in a hat, a low-cut white blouse tied above her navel, black jeans, and white knee-high boots with high heels.
• Camila: You can kiss my boots.
Vicky's father knelt and kissed Camila's boots with deep devotion and respect.
• Camila: Don't you recognize me? I'm Camila, your daughter's friend. We are the same age. I am in charge of this office. You entered through my private door because the rest enter through the main door. Come, come in.

Remembering the past
Vicky's father crawled in on all fours, while Camila closed the door.
• Camila: I remember you, your family and mine used to play horse, at your house and in my house.

During the work day
Camila bridled and saddled him, then rode him on his horizontal back, carrying him to the desk where her laptop was. There was a long bench with short legs strategically placed. Vicky's father lay on the bench, and Camila rode him throughout the work day, attending to her subordinates, clients, and her suppliers.

Walk after work
After the morning shift, Camila decided to take him for a walk. While he got off the bench, she rode him on her shoulders. They left the house, with Camila riding on the shoulders of her friend's father.

Paseo a la Heladería
Camila lo condujo hasta una heladería, donde él le invitó un helado. Luego, avanzó obedeciendo las riendas controladas por ella mientras comía el helado. Los transeúntes quedaron impactados al ver a la ejecutiva seria cabalgando a un hombre.
El papá de Vicky estaba muy feliz de ser un caballo dominado y controlado por Camila.

Este fragmento refuerza la idea de que las dinámicas de poder en la comunidad están profundamente arraigadas y normalizadas. Las mujeres ejercen un control absoluto y los hombres aceptan y obedecen sus órdenes sin cuestionarlas. La interacción entre la dama profesora, su padre y el padre de Linda ilustra cómo estas relaciones de poder se extienden a todos los aspectos de la vida cotidiana, incluyendo la forma en que se mueven y se relacionan entre sí.

La anticipación y el respeto que muestra el padre al escuchar los pasos de una mujer subraya el ambiente de deferencia y sumisión que permea la comunidad, mostrando una jerarquía clara y establecida.



#803 2024-06-09 21:58:54

Bonus member
Male (In his sixties), South America
Registered: 2006-11-25
Last visit: 2024-09-20
Posts: 1849

Re: Riding Goddesses

The health facility

In town, the other day at the health facility a 20-year-old lady appeared, wearing a black hat, a short brown top, short black jeans, and high-heeled brown knee-high boots, her hands clad in brown gloves.

Trailing behind her was a bridled and saddled male who, reaching for her boots, caressed her boots with his face.

“Where is the head doctor?” she said in an imperative voice.

“It's me,” said a 55-year-old man who crawled towards her and then kissed her boots with the other man.

“My 30-year-old boyfriend is at my feet, I rode him and he came galloping here while I was riding him, take care of him!”

“Madam, he has his bridle and saddle tied,” whispered a male nurse who was tending to the tired horse.

“And this,” she said, the male nurse said: “us males cannot touch, put on or take off bridles and saddle, only the Riding Goddess can do it.”

She, with her feet, turned the man's body until he was on his chest, then she sat astride the saddle that was on his back, being on top of him she untied the reins and the saddle, the man He was taken to the emergency room when he had no bridle and saddle on him.

“My sister is sick and we should go to my house.” At this point, the lady's two brothers arrived who were carrying a backpack and kissed her sister's boots.

“Who are coming with me?” She asked, as she bridled and saddled her brothers, they replied: “A lady nurse, a lady technician and a male doctor, she gave the reins of her brothers to the lady nurse and the lady technician who rode on the shoulders of the brothers. her brothers and moved first towards the patient's house.

“Where is the doctor who will treat my sister?” she asked.
“It's me,” a voice was heard below her, the doctor was on the ground kissing the lady's boots.

She bent down, grabbed the doctor's hair and pulled him to his feet and then gave him a resounding slap, “why are you taking so long?” “Sorry,” he said.

She bridled him, saddled him and rode him on his shoulders towards her house.

The doctor was going quickly under the dominance and control of the lady, upon arrival they found the patient stabilized, the lady nurse and the lady technician were standing over the lady's brothers, the high heels sank into the skin of the human carpets .

Without stopping riding the saddled and bridled doctor, the lady uninserted the bit from him.

The lady nurse reported: “we have stabilized the patient, it is not necessary for her to be hospitalized, the treatment will be at her house and a staff will come to monitor her.

“She can come riding on one of my brothers,” she offered.

“The staff is male,” she was informed. “Then I will go and ride him for me.”

Upon returning, the lady nurse and the lady technician rode to the brothers and the lady rode to the doctor; As the ladies dismounted, the horses kissed the boots of the lady rider.

The staff who were going to monitor the lady's sister appeared before the imposing lady, she allowed him to kiss her boots, she bridled him, saddled him and rode him home.

He took care of the lady patient all night and the next day she was recovered, the technician kissed the feet of the lady and the lady patient, the lady bridled him, saddled him and rode him to the health facility where her husband was waiting for her. recovered boyfriend, the technician kissed her boots.

Her boyfriend kissed her boots, she bridled him, saddled him and rode him, leaving the health facility.



#804 2024-06-15 13:34:11

Bonus member
Male (In his sixties), South America
Registered: 2006-11-25
Last visit: 2024-09-20
Posts: 1849

Re: Riding Goddesses

Smalltowns (1)

Life in small towns like Smallville is healthier and actions can be carried out, which in cities could be frowned upon.

In cities, fathers, uncles or other adults carrying children (under 11 and 11 years old) on their shoulders are tolerated, being perceived as compliance with the obligation to protect people in training.

But it is rare to see dads, uncles or other adults being ridden by male children over 11 years old; It is worth mentioning that girls can ride for a few more years, perhaps it is perceived as an extension of the duty of care to girls considering they (girls) deserve more care than boys.

Furthermore, boys are already strong enough to be ridden by their lady classmates, so teenage ladies ride teenage boys.

When the male teen reaches the age of majority he can be ridden by women of legal age, not before.

This restriction does not apply to teen ladies, who can ride older and younger horses.

In the city it is tolerated to see girls aged 11 or younger riding men, but it would begin to be frowned upon to see ladies aged 12 or older riding men through the streets, so this scene disappears in public spaces, remaining in the private spaces such as the interiors of houses.

It would be a scandal if an adult lady was seen in a public space riding an adult man. There is an unwritten rule who orders it: little girls can ride but ladies cannot do it.

On the other hand, in some towns the ladies ride freely and the men are ridden freely, without prohibitions or condemnations.



#805 2024-06-15 14:27:20

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Male (In his sixties), South America
Registered: 2006-11-25
Last visit: 2024-09-20
Posts: 1849

Re: Riding Goddesses

Nancy (1)

Early in the morning Pedro gets up, cleans the house while he is preparing food, he takes care of his children, gets them ready, gives them breakfast and takes them to school, his daughter rides him while his son walks with him, he He leaves them at school and immediately returns home where he finds Nancy, his spectacular wife, majestically groomed and dressed, cowgirl hat, crop top, tight jodhpurs and high-heeled knee-high boots, he kisses her boots.

- Hello love, how are the children?
- They are at school.
- Very good slave! You are always so helpful.
- Yes ma'am, at your service and at your disposal.
- You are not my only slave.
- I know ma'am, you enslave all the men who cross your path.
- These men are also my path because I walk all over them.
- Yes ma'am.
- Your breakfast was delicious.
- Thank you ma'am.

- Today I'm going to take my lover for a walk.
- Today you will take him for a walk like a child?
- My children are just my son and daughter. I will take my lover for a walk because he is my pet.
- Your pet?
- My dog ​​or my horse, just like you.
- Yes ma'am, will you ride me to meet your lover?
- No need love, I called a taxi.

Someone knocks on the door, Nancy opens the door, waiting on the street is a bridled and saddled man who immediately kneels and prostrates himself before her and with his right hand raised offers the reins to her. Nancy takes the reins.

- You can kiss my boots.
The bridled and saddled man kisses Nancy's boots.
- How much does the taxi service cost?
- I usually get 5 dollars to be ridden, but I pay you to ride me.

- How much do you pay me to ride you?
- 10 dollars.
- Further.
- 20 dollars.
- More, I can call another taxi.
- 50 dollars.
- You can leave here.
- 100 dollars.
- Okay.

- This is what I earn in 20 taxi services.
- How many taxi services do you do in a day?
- From 7 to 10 taxi services.
- Then, you would be paying me the money you earn in 2 or 3 days.
- Yes ma'am.
- You have the option to leave and I will call another taxi.
- No ma'am.
- Look, I gave you the option to repent and leave.
- I know ma'am, but it's worth it, it's worth every making love to dollar and cent invested to be ridden by you.
- Payment is in advance, give me my 100 dollars.
He gives her the money.
- Stop kissing my boots and kneel so I can ride on top of you.
He obeyed her.

She is riding, sitting in the saddle, stepping on the stirrups, grabbing the reins, while the defeated taxi driver is kneeling on her hands and knees.

- Come here love.
Her husband crawls over to her and kisses her boots.
- Go to work and come back early to take care of the kids.
- Yes love.
- A hug.
He gets up, approaches her and hugs her while she has the taxi driver in her friend's zone. She gives him a passionate kiss.
- Take care of your work and the children.
- Love, have fun.
- I will have it.

She firmly grabbed the reins of her horse, inserted the bit into the mouth of the horse who paid her $100 to be ridden by her.
- Standing!
He obeyed her.
Using reins, riding crop and spurs she drove the taxi driver towards her arrival destination.



#806 2024-06-16 07:21:15

Bonus member
Male (In his sixties), South America
Registered: 2006-11-25
Last visit: 2024-09-20
Posts: 1849

Re: Riding Goddesses

Nancy (2)

Nancy rides on the taxi driver's shoulders to her destination. She dismounts and uninserts the bit from him, he kisses her boots.
- You can leave. He obeys her.

Her lover waits for her at the door of her house, he kisses her boots, inside the house he explains to her about the studies carried out to implement the investment project she devised, and of which she will be the owner and businesswoman

Meanwhile, her husband is working at the health facility.

"The project continues," said Nancy, her lover agreeing. "I'm leaving, I'll call a taxi" says Nancy. "No, ride me" says her lover. "How much do you offer to pay me to ride you?" she asked.

Her lover was shocked, "if you can't pay for me to ride you, someone else will do it and I will ride him," she said.

He paid her 120 dollars, she bridled him, saddled him and rode him on top of her shoulders.



#807 2024-06-22 09:30:43

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Male (In his sixties), South America
Registered: 2006-11-25
Last visit: 2024-09-20
Posts: 1849

Re: Riding Goddesses

Nancy (3)

Nancy, Nandy's daughter, was born and raised in a town full of beautiful and dominant ladies, her mother has dominated and controlled her father but not at the level of the other men who are her pets, mostly human dogs and human horses. Nancy learned everything from her mother.

Nancy's first small sparks of power appear in her early adolescence, become evident in her middle adolescence, and are irresistible in her late adolescence and adulthood.

Men have no power and are subjugated by Nancy's power, she subjugates her husband but not to the levels at which she subjugates the other men (she could do it but she does not do it).

Before Nancy's power became evident, she saw her mother Nandy dominating other men, Nancy and her father rode Nandy's horses because Nandy arranged it that way.

Nancy's father rides other men because of his wife Nandy, but he is ridden by his Mistresses, he is also ridden by his Mistresses' husband and children because of his Mistresses.

On many occasions Nandy surprised her husband being ridden by another lady while she was riding another man.
At home:
- You were being ridden by another woman.
- You were riding another man.
- I am a lady rider, it is my right to ride the man I want.
-This lady also has the right to ride the man she chooses, and she chose me
- Always warn



#808 2024-06-23 14:48:34

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Male (In his sixties), South America
Registered: 2006-11-25
Last visit: 2024-09-20
Posts: 1849

Re: Riding Goddesses

Nancy (4)

No matter how powerful a Goddess is, there will always be other Goddesses around her, since she is not the only Goddess.

Every Goddess has the right, the capacity and the power to take the man whoever she wants and transform him into her horse to do with him whatever she pleases: bridle him, saddle him, ride him, lead him using the reins, whip him and spur him on. .

We are interested in who the Goddess is to worship her and serve her in whatever she wants; We don't care who the horse is because he was born to worship and serve the Goddess in whatever she wants.

If a Goddess wants to transform the husband of another Goddess into her horse, for him to worship her and for her to bridle him, saddle him, ride him, lead him using reins, whip him and spur him, there is no force that can prevent her from doing so.

Many times Nancy did the same with husbands, fathers, children and other relatives of other Goddesses, and she just smiled saying: Karma.

Nancy took her husband to the basement, set up like a dungeon, she stripped her husband and tied him to a St. Andrew's Cross, she grabbed a whip and inspected her husband, she checked the wounds caused to her husband by the other Goddess using the bridled bit on his face, the reins on his head and neck, the riding crop on his back and the spurs on his thighs.
- It seems the other Goddess enjoyed riding you.
- Did you like it too?
- Answer! Did you like her?
- Yes ma'am!

She continued walking and checking on her husband.
- I like this about you: your sincerity.

She whipped her husband, he thanked her for every whip she gave him.
- You like me? Did you like me spanking you?
- Yes ma'am.

Nancy gave her husband twice as many lashes, he thanked her for each lash.
- Thank you ma'am... Thank you ma'am... Thank you ma'am...

She released the whip and she applied alcohol to his wounds.
- Does it burn? Burning? It's for your own good, because alcohol disinfects wounds.
- Thank you ma'am, thank you very much ma'am.
- Under other circumstances I would put gauze to cover your wounds, but the wounds are large, and I don't have the patience to remove the gauze without opening the wounds again.
- I understand ma'am.
- Tonight I will leave you tied to the cross so your wounds heal, I know you will endure the cold of the dungeon.
- Thank you ma'am, thank you very much ma'am.
- I'll leave you, see you tomorrow, since it's still early and tomorrow is a non-working day, I'll go to a party with my friends, maybe there will be hugs and kisses, maybe something else.
- Yes ma'am.
- While I have fun at the party and in my bed, you have fun with your cross and your wounds.
- Yes ma'am, thank you ma'am.
- Goodbye.

Last edited by caballito (2024-06-26 05:49:40)



#809 2024-06-29 13:52:58

Bonus member
Male (In his sixties), South America
Registered: 2006-11-25
Last visit: 2024-09-20
Posts: 1849

Re: Riding Goddesses

Nancy (5)

Nancy came out and locked the dungeon door, leaving her naked husband hanging on the Saint Andrew's Cross.

When she arrived at the room she found her lover waiting.
- Hi love.
- Hi my love.
He crawled towards her and kissed her feet.

- Wait here, I'm going to my bedroom to get ready and change, then we go out.
- Shall I accompany you?
- No, because you would get in the way.

After half an hour she came out well bathed, well haired, well made up, wearing a flowered blouse, white lycra shorts and high-heeled knee-length white boots.
Her prostrate lover kissed her boots, he put her spurs on her boots and he kissed her boots again.
- Get on your knees and open your mouth!

She put the cold morsel into her mouth, she tied the bridle on his head.
- I like this bridle because it has 2 horse ears as an accessory.

She slapped the kneeling lover as she laughed.
She saddled her lover defeated by her. She tied the saddle to his body.
- My horse, tonight I will ride you, you will be staying and moving on 4 legs and on 2 legs, I will ride you on 4 legs because you are a beast dominated and ridden by me, and I will ride you on 2 legs when I want you to go faster. Did you understand?

He responded by neighing and striking the ground once with his paw.

The imposing Nancy walked towards the door grabbing his reins as he followed her on all four of her legs. They both left and she closed the door.

She took out the riding crop kept in her boot and she rode on top of her lover's horizontal back. She gave him a whip and he advanced on all fours being ridden by her.
- You started well, my horse.

So she rode for a distance.
- We are going to be delayed if I continue riding you like this, so little by little you will sit up until you stand up while I continue riding you, at first I ride on your horizontal back and at the end I ride on your neck and shoulders.

Little by little, her lover went from being on all fours to being kneeling, now she rides on his shoulders.
Slowly Nancy's lover stands up being straddled on her shoulders while Nancy rides him on top of her shoulders.

Nancy once lashed out at her lover, he started walking. She whipped him once, he moved faster, at jogging speed. She lashed out at him once, he ran.
She whipped him twice, he slowed down to a trot. She whipped him twice, he started walking at walking speed. She whipped him twice, he stopped.
(In case you haven't noticed, she is using the whip to control the movement and speed of her horse).

She uses the spurs to spur her horse.

At this moment, Nancy is comfortably riding her horse while her horse (her lover) is starting to feel tired.

Nancy's lover's thighs and back are torn and bloody from the spurs and riding crop. His neck is sore and his mouth is bleeding and bruised, because she uses the reins to lead him.

- Nancy, don't you feel sorry for your lover?
- No, because he is my horse and that's how I treat all my horses.



#810 2024-06-30 23:57:11

Bonus member
Male (In his sixties), South America
Registered: 2006-11-25
Last visit: 2024-09-20
Posts: 1849

Re: Riding Goddesses

Nancy (6)

Nancy, the beautiful 24 year old lady of 170 cm. (5'7") and 55 kg. (120 lbs.), she has 6-year-old twins, a daughter and a son, while her husband, 50-year-old Pedro, has a 20-year-old son named Pedrito.

Now she rides on the shoulders of her lover, a brilliant 35-year-old economist who is subject to her and agrees to her whims, using reins, riding crop and spurs she controls and commands him.

The journey when her horse walks on two legs is relatively fast and they reach the destination. She arrives, she ties the reins of her horse to a post and enters the place of entertainment, she goes into the room alone despite the protesting neighs of her horse.

Nancy wearing a flowered blouse, white lycra shorts and high-heeled knee-length white boots goes to the bar and orders a soda.

Someone kneels before her and kisses her boots.

- Beautiful lady.
- Hello. You kiss my boots since you met me.
- Are you alone?
- Yeah
- Where is your husband?
-He is kept in the house.
- Where's the other guy?
- I perceive jealousy in your words.
- That's how it is.
- Your dad is not jealous.
- My dad is my dad, and I am me.
- You need to mature.
- Will you make me mature?
- Yes child.
- I am not a child.
- Being 20 years old, you are your father's child and, consequently, you are my child.
- You defeated me.

- He is tied to a post.
-Will he come into the room?
-Animals can't enter here, and he is a horse, he is my horse.
- Your spurs are bloody.
- My riding crop and his bit are also bloody.
-His mouth is bloody. Poor man! He's going to lose his teeth.
- First you hate him and then you pity him. You are contradictory. Who understands you?
-He may be a dog but he is still human.
- You're right, he's my dog ​​too.
- Don't you get tired of animalizing guys?
- I have been animalizing you and you do not complain for yourself, but you do complain for others.
- Forgive me.
- Also clean the spurs.
- I'm not a vampire.
- I didn't order you to drink blood, I ordered you to lick and clean the spurs on my boots.
He cleaned her spurs using his tongue.

- Stop kissing my boots and wait for me here, when I'm done having fun I'll come for you.
He saw her dancing with others, hugging others and kissing others, he tried to get up from her but he stayed in the place where she had indicated.

She put a guy on all fours and rode him towards her stepson. He kissed her white boots.
- Let's go!
- You are drunk.
- That's how you love me.
He sighed in resignation.
- Yes, beloved stepmother, that's how I love you and I worship you.
- Your dad also loves me and worships me as I am.
- Yes mom.

She bridled him, saddled him and rode him, as she left her she untied the reins of her lover, unbridled him and unsaddled him.
- make love to off! Now I'm riding my colt and I don't need you. make love to off! He obeyed her.

She rode him as she wanted, her horse ridden on two legs and ridden on all fours.
When they got home he was on all fours while she straddled him on top of the saddle on his back.

Her son was waiting for her.
- Good morning mom, I had a bad dream and I woke up, I didn't find dad, Pedrito or you.
-Son, there are nights when your dad has to stay at the health facility to take care of his patients, and Pedro was with me, taking care of me.
- Pedrito is your horse.
-He is, and he takes care of me when he is in town, like now he is on vacation from his medical school.
-Who takes care of you when Pedrito is not in town?
- Your dad, and you.
- No mommy, I'm very small.
- You will grow son, you will grow and you will be stronger like Pedrito. Go to sleep.
- Yes mom!

Without stopping riding him on all fours, she uninserted the bit from Pedrito.
- The one you saved yourself from! What would have happened if you had ridden in on another man?
- I don't even want to think about it Pedrito, it would have been horrible. I will be more careful. Take me to my bedroom.



#811 2024-07-01 01:08:28

Bonus member
Male (In his sixties), South America
Registered: 2006-11-25
Last visit: 2024-09-20
Posts: 1849

Re: Riding Goddesses

Nancy (7)

Pedrito crawled on all fours, she rode him to her bedroom, she sat on her bed, she unbridled him and unsaddled him. He kissed her boots and then her feet while she changed from her riding outfit to her babydoll outfit.

She sitting on the bed and him kneeling before her kissing her feet, she pulled his hair and brought his face towards her.
- Pedrito, you are inferior to me, I am your superior.
- Yes ma'am.
She kissed his forehead, cheeks and lips. She approached her open lips and he received her in the same way, their tongues collided and she bit his lower lip, he stood still complaining silently, she smiled and told him: "Take some pajamas for your dad and bring him." He obeyed her.

Pedro was sleeping hanging from the Cross of Saint Andrew.
- Dad
- Hello son.
-Mom gave me your pajamas and she ordered me to take you to her bedroom.
- Thank you son.
-Your wounds healed.
- That's right son.
The father put on his pajamas.
- Walk dad.
- I can't, my muscles are numb.
- Let's hope.
Thus, little by little, Pedro went to Nancy's bedroom, being helped by Pedrito. When they arrived, Nancy was waiting for them with a wide smile.

- Come on guys, I was checking the surveillance cameras and you helped your dad but at no time did you try to carry him, my horses only have me on top of them, I have tamed and broken you well, Pedrito.
- Thank Mrs.
- You can kiss my feet.
Father and her son kissed her feet.

- Now to sleep, I will sleep in the bed, Pedro on the floor on my right side and Pedrito, I said Pedrito on the floor on my left side. Dream with the Angels. Sorry, sweet dreams
(In Spanish we say good night saying dream about the little angels, in no way does it mean we are wishing for something bad, I'm sorry).

She slept in her bed and the 2 men slept on the floor on either side. She is the owner and the males are her 2 dogs.

The next day both men waited for her to wake up:
- Good morning.
- Good morning Goddess / Good morning Goddess.
- My children?
- They're already at school.
- Thanks guys.

- About what happened this morning.
- I am deeply shocked, I did not think my son would wait for me in the living room of the house. Immediately my drunkenness lifted.
- Fortunately you were riding Pedrito.
- It won't happen again, from now on I will go to my parties with Pedro or Pedrito.
- Wise decision / Okay.
- I'll break up with my lover.
- It's your decision, we are with you if things turn ugly then you break up with your lover.
- It is already decided!

Now Pedrito talks with Pedro.
- What you don't have at home you look for and get on the street.
-Nancy is a young woman and she has her needs that you are not giving her.
- What are you talking about.
- You're a doctor, you know what I mean, take the little blue pill
- It is fair and necessary.



#812 2024-07-06 14:06:54

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Re: Riding Goddesses

Nancy (8)
Nandy (1)

10 years ago Pedro and Pedrito arrived in town, Pedro was 40 years old and had recently lost his wife, Pedrito was 10 years old and it was necessary for him to recover from the loss.
Nancy was 14 years old and she became friends with Pedrito, new students are generally bullied but he did not suffer bullying because Nancy defended him. The other children said: “why are you protecting him? did you adopt him? Is he your pet?” She told Pedrito: “Don't pay attention to them because they are stupid children.”
Nancy's kindness touched Pedro. The newly arrived men met Nancy's relatives and both families became friends.

Pedro was shocked by the beauty of Nandy, Nancy's mother. The lady is 32 years old, 165 cm. (5'5") and 51 kg. (110 lbs.). She always wore comfortable and sexy riding clothes, and she always went down the street riding on the shoulders of her bridled and saddled husband. Seeing her, Pedro instinctively whinny.
Nandy's husband is a handsome 50-year-old man (10 years older than Pedro), 183 cm. (6 feet), 74 kg. (160 pounds), athletic despite his age, contrasted with the almost obese Pedro who measured 153 cm. (5 feet) and weighs 60 kg. (130 pounds). Nandy undressed heels is 12 cm. taller than Pedro, imagine her wearing 4” (10 cm.) or 5” (13 cm.) platform heels, the difference in height between the two increases and dwarfs Pedro.

Shortly after they met, Nandy invited Pedro to her house. He, nervous, arrived early in the morning with chocolates and a bouquet of roses. She had just bathed, had her hair and makeup done, wearing a white crop top, light blue shorts, and high heels. -heeled knee-high black boots.
She opens the door accompanied by her husband, Pedro, struck by the presence and beauty of Goddess Nandy, he gives her the chocolates and roses and kneels before her. He bows and humiliates himself further before her, now he is on his hands and knees and he, her head between her feet, she lifts her foot and steps on his head, pressing his forehead. against ground; first one foot, then the other foot.
Pedro is now lying on the ground, Nandy stands on top of him, Nandy walks all over him.

Nandy on top of her human mat, she talks to her husband.
- Tall boy, you are 183 cm. (6 feet), I am 165 cm. (5'5") and wearing 5" heels with platforms I am 178 cm. (5'10").
- That's right my love, you are a tower.
- Now I'm on top of one of my human rugs, I'm over 2 meters (6'6").
- That's right my Goddess, I am a dwarf before you.
- Hug me and kiss me!

Beneath Nandy, Pedro complained silently, feeling Nandy's weight on top of him, and the heels of Nandy's boots entering his skin, the heels of Nandy's boots began to soak with Pedro's blood.
The kisses and caresses lasted for many minutes, perhaps hours.

Nandy's husband began to speak:
- Nandy, our guest.
-He is receiving my hospitality, he is in a privileged place. How many men would like to be in a place where he is?
- He is very quiet. Is he still alive?
- He is enjoying the pressure of the soles of my boots and the pricks of the heels of my boots, let him because he would love to always be under me, just like you.

They continued kissing each other:
- I'm excited. He is just the blanket on which I am, he was born to be stepped on by me.
- Me too my love.
- Plus you're my husband.
- Is he okay?
-Yes, he's fine because I haven't felt his death rattle under my feet, yet.

She got off him, he and her husband kissed her boots.
- Did you bring another set of polo and shirt as I ordered you?
- Yes, Mistress.
- What you are wearing is torn and destroyed, just like your skin.
- Yes, Mistress.
- Lie down on the stretcher so I can heal your wounds.
- Yes Mistress, thank you Mistress.

Her husband on all fours, she bridles, saddles and rides her husband, Pedro lying on his chest on the stretcher, while riding she tears off his clothes and throws them in the trash, she disinfects his wounds, using a lot of alcohol .
- Nandy: Alcohol burns, you have to endure it because it is for your own good.
- Pedro: Thank you, Mistress.
- Nandy: I ​​don't know what filth I have stepped on before you, you are also filth to me.
- Pedro: I know Mistress, thank you Mistress.
- Nandy: I'm done, my daughter won't be here all day, you will stay on the stretcher and I hope your wounds close so you can put on a polo and shirt again, wait calmly while I enjoy my husband.
- Pedro: Yes Mistress, thank you Mistress.



#813 2024-07-22 02:04:23

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Re: Riding Goddesses

Nancy (9)
Nandy (2)

Nandy explains to Pedro:
In this town, those who ride in public and/or those who are ridden in public comply with rules of conduct:
1. Minors are not ridden in public by legal age riders. People of legal age who are judicially declared incapable are not ridden in public either (they are like minors).
2. Female teachers do not ride dads or students in public, male teachers are not ridden in public by moms or students. The same impediment applies to school administrative personnel and school service personnel (for professionalism and, among others, to prevent the honorability of teachers, administrative personnel and school auxiliary personnel from being doubted).
3. Ladies doctors, nurses and other health professionals, health administrators and health assistants do not ride in public to patients or relatives of patients.

Pedro asks: Are these rules of conduct for riding and being ridden in public?

Nandy replies: That's right.

Pedro asks: What about riding and being ridden?
In private?

Nandy responded: As I said at the beginning, these rules of conduct are for riding and being ridden in public.

Pedro said: I just realized this!

Nandy: What do you mean?

Pedro answered: I am a male doctor, at no time did you say I was prevented from being ridden by a lady patient or a lady relative of a patient, as in the case of male professors.

Nandy: Look, my daddy. Teachers provide educational services and you provide health services, the teacher gives knowledge and evaluates his students, his evaluation could be altered if he is controlled by a mother. Instead, you evaluate your patients and you give prescriptions so that your patients can be cured and regain their health.
To provide health you can be ridden by a lady patient and/or by a patient's lady relative, your case is not the same as the case of a male teacher.
So. My daddy, you must get used to the bit, the bridle, the reins, the saddle, the whip and the spurs, because here you are a horse.



#814 2024-08-31 00:42:42

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Re: Riding Goddesses

Diana (1)

She is a Powerful Goddess.

She is 22 years old, she recently won a contest to fill a position as a school teacher, being young she won against experienced men 10 to 15 years older than her, perhaps many more years older.

In this country those who occupy the first positions go to the most distant places, and those who occupy the last positions are placed in nearby places and even in the cities.

She won her position in a somewhat distant town but full of legends and mysteries, many were undecided about occupying her position due to the stories about witches, sorcerers, time travel and transformations into objects and animals.

Several contests were won by professionals of various specialties and the male mayor of the town asked to talk to the new professionals to convince them about the benefits of the place.

The meeting was held in a private restaurant, the mayor and 3 councilmen, 2 ladies of extraordinary beauty and a man, occupied the main table.

At another table were a male doctor, a female nurse, a female dentist, two male nursing assistants.

At another table were a female engineer, a female architect, and two male foremen.

Further away were a female police captain, and two subordinate police officers.

Finally, there was her with two male teachers, accompanied by 3 beautiful young women.

The mayor began his speech
- Thank you very much for participating in this meeting, my councilmen and I are proud to have new young professionals who will enhance our town.
I appreciate the participation of 5 health professionals, 4 construction professionals, 3 police officers, 3 education professionals, and 3 new municipal officials.
Everyone applauded and began to eat and drink.

After the meal, the waiters moved the tables aside and left the chairs so that the 22 participants could sit down, leaving the central part of the room as a dance floor.

To recap, 4 municipal authorities, 2 men and 2 women.

The new professionals are 18, 9 men and 9 women. The men are: 1 doctor, 2 nursing assistants, 2 foremen, 2 subordinate police officers, 2 teachers; and the women are: 1 nurse, 1 dentist, 1 engineer, 1 architect, 1 captain, 1 professor (Diana), 3 municipal workers.

The new male professionals approached the female councilors and, moved by a charm, they knelt before them and kissed their boots. Meanwhile, the mayor and the male councilor kissed the boots of the new professional ladies.

- Girl, you have a special aura, you are not like the others, one of the council ladies asked Diana.
- I come from a small town called Steel.
- Nice place, I have several relatives there, maybe we are related.
- I was going to ask you about the stories, tales and legends about the town where we will go, but seeing all these men kissing our boots I perceive that these are true.
- Just like in your town. Did you ride on men?
- Of course! They are horses.
- Metaphorically and literally speaking.
The ladies sketched knowing smiles.

The council ladies continued.
- Riding on men is not new to you.
- Indeed.

A new municipal lady worker interrupted.
- What are you talking about?
- Oh girl! One of the council ladies exclaimed. Meanwhile, the other council lady asked.
- Who was the official who evaluated you?
- The mayor.
- He didn't just choose ladies who work for the municipality, he also chose lady riders who will ride him.
- Don't be surprised, they are harmless, Diana said.



#815 2024-08-31 02:29:48

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Re: Riding Goddesses

Diana (2)

Suddenly one of the councilwomen took the doctor, and the other took a policeman, the man surrendered to the lady kissing his boots, she pulled his hair and put a bit in his mouth, he remained docile while she tied the bridle on his head, she grabbed the reins, she put the saddle on his shoulders, she tied it to his body, she rode the kneeling man

She ordered him to stand up and he obeyed her, he moved being a horse ridden by her.

The other ladies imitated the councillors, the nurse and the dentist rode the 2 nursing assistants, the engineer and the architect rode the 2 foremen, the lady police captain rode the subordinate policeman, the 3 municipal worker ladies rode the mayor, the councillor and 1 male professor, finally Diana rode the other male professor.

- Is this why they begged us to come wearing jeans or jodhpurs with boots? asked one of the municipal worker ladies.
- To be ridden by us, answered Diana.
- I am used to my subordinates riding, said the captain.
- We usually ride in the campaigns outside the city walls, said the nurse and the dentist.
- We also ride on construction sites and outside of them, said the engineer and the architect.
- It's our first time and we like it, said the 3 municipal ladies.
- I have since I was little, finished Diana.

- Now we are riding them on their shoulders because it is the most practical position for long trips, like the ones we will undertake when we get off the bus on the highway and go to the town, and from the town to the highway. Said a lady councilor.
- It is 8 kilometers, 2 hours walking, I don't think you will like walking such a long distance, said the other lady councilor.
- Will they be able to be ridden by us for that distance and time?
- Each one of us will have 3 to 4 human horses at our disposal, one will carry your luggage and the others will be ridden by you in turns.
- What could happen if I bring friends?
- The men walk and the ladies ride. There are exceptions, of course.

One of the councillor ladies is 50 years old, still beautiful, and rides older and younger men than her, even more than 30 years apart.
- I own my human horses, I ride them and lend them to my relatives to ride, even my father, husband, sons and grandsons. For this reason we say men can ride, only if a lady allows it.

The other councillor lady of 40 years added along with the councillor lady of 50 years.
- Daughters and nieces ride not only fathers and uncles. They also ride mothers and aunts.

- Ladies of the town are of a special category, we ride men of the town and foreign men, as you are seeing now.
- We also ride foreign ladies, not you Diana because your aura is similar to ours and we recognize you are a rider like us.

A young municipal worker lady asked tremblingly.
- Can we be ridden?
- Yes, girl, male teachers and female teachers are ridden by mothers and female students.
- Female police officers, female architects and female engineers are also ridden.

Another young municipal worker asked fearfully.
- Will we go to ride or be ridden?
- You are riders, but we do not object if you wish to be our ridden mares.

Diana finished.
- I do not see you as mares.
- Thank you, the young ladies responded.

Suddenly the female police captain dismounted and went to kiss the boots of the 50-year-old councilwoman. The councilwoman bridled her, saddled her and rode her.
- You are a beautiful mare.



#816 2024-09-08 23:36:17

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Re: Riding Goddesses

Lucy (1)

Lucy certainly has a profound impact on those who meet her. Not only is she renowned for her extraordinary beauty and well-built physique, but also for her intelligence, charm, and leadership abilities. Her captivating presence and ability to inspire respect and admiration make her an unforgettable figure. Both the men and women around her feel her influence, and those who have had the opportunity to cross paths with her cannot help but be marked by her strong personality and charisma.

Lucy's presence seems to have a magnetic effect on men, who fall at her feet, literally and figuratively. They show themselves completely at her disposal, bowing before her with a mixture of fascination and respect. Lucy is fully aware of the power she wields over them, and she handles it with grace and confidence. Although many of them submit without hesitation, Lucy maintains a confident attitude and knows how to maintain the balance between authority and respect. Her charisma is such that she manages to generate devotion and loyalty in those around her.

Lucy's charisma not only inspires admiration, but provokes such devotion that those around her go so far as to kiss her feet and the footwear that adorns them. These gestures of reverence reflect the profound influence she has over the men, who, subdued by her magnetism, bow in an act of absolute adoration and respect. Lucy, aware of her power, responds to these gestures with authority, sometimes placing her foot on the heads of those who kiss her feet, a clear symbol of her dominance over them. However, she does so with a mixture of firmness and elegance, always maintaining her control with the confidence that characterizes her.

The fascination that men feel for Lucy leads them to submit to even deeper levels of devotion. Some, completely surrendered to her authority, follow her on all fours, reflecting their willingness to please her no matter what she asks of them. Lucy, in her dominant role and aware of her power, places collars on them and takes the leashes, guiding them firmly, as if they were her pets. This act symbolizes not only her absolute control over them, but also the admiration they feel, willing to do anything to be near her.

Lucy, taking her dominant role to another level, uses elements such as the bit, reins and saddle to reinforce her control over those who follow her with devotion. The men, totally submissive to her will, accept being led with reins and bit, becoming "horses" for her. The saddle, stirrups and spurs complete the symbolism of her authority, allowing her to "ride" them with grace and firmness. The riding whip, used as a tool of control, further reinforces her dominance, keeping her followers in complete obedience and adoration. Every detail reinforces her power over them, who worship her and surrender completely to her will.

When Lucy places the saddle on the back of one of her devotees, who is on all fours, the symbolism of her absolute dominance is reinforced. The “horse,” kneeling and submissive, receives the saddle as a clear sign of his willingness to be controlled and ridden by her. Lucy, always confident and dominant, rides with elegance and firmness, using the reins and stirrups to guide her “horse” as it crawls forward. Every step, every movement, is under her complete control, and the whip she carries with her allows her to keep up the pace and ensure that her wishes are fulfilled without hesitation. The whole scene is a powerful expression of authority, devotion and control.

On longer rides and in public places, Lucy opts for an even more impressive and dominant stance. She places the saddle on the shoulders of her “human horse,” who stands in a higher but equally submissive position. In this way, she rides him with total authority, sitting comfortably while being led through the streets or public spaces. With the reins in hand, Lucy controls every movement, guiding her "horse" through the course, while those watching cannot help but notice the power and grace with which she exercises her dominance.

This type of journey not only reinforces her authority, but also exhibits her charisma and control to the outside world, where her imposing presence generates awe and admiration.



#817 2024-09-08 23:38:41

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Re: Riding Goddesses

Lucy (2)

For Lucy, a single “horse” may not be enough to satisfy her desire for absolute control and display of power. In these cases, she uses several devotees at once, all kneeling and willing to do her bidding. Each carries his own saddle, reins, and bit, forming an organized row of “human horses.” Lucy, sitting majestically on one of them, uses the reins of the others to guide them in perfect synchronization, while moving forward with grace.

The image of multiple “horses” is an even more powerful symbol of her influence, showing that her authority extends to more than one at a time. With each step, the males carry her with pride, while Lucy handles her “team” with confidence and skill, evidencing the absolute control she exerts over those around her.

Lucy, ever conscious of her authority and the well-being of her “human horses,” organizes her long journeys with impeccable precision. Riding miles from one village to the next, she masterfully rides her devotees, changing "horses" at the right moment to ensure that none become overly fatigued. When she senses that the "horse" in turn is beginning to tire, without losing rhythm or grace, she orders another, more rested one to take its place, allowing the first to regain strength.

Throughout the journey, Lucy cares for her "animals" with the firmness and attention that keeps them under her control. The combination of her imposing leadership and her ability to care for those who serve her highlights not only her mastery, but also the respect she manages to generate among those who follow her with devotion. Thus, she arrives at her destination, having managed her "horses" with balance and determination, ensuring that all are fit to continue when necessary.

In that remote and charming village where Lucy lives, the tranquility and beauty of the surroundings reflect the harmony that she, in her imposing presence, also maintains. However, her influence is not limited only to her own village; In the nearby villages, Lucy also has a following of worshipers. These followers, completely captivated by her charisma, are willing to do anything for her.

Every time Lucy arrives in these neighboring villages, she is greeted with boundless devotion. The men, just like in her hometown, fall at her feet, ready to fulfill all her wishes and needs, showing themselves obedient and reverent. Her renown has transcended borders, and her presence in each place provokes a mixture of admiration, respect and loyalty that seems almost mystical. Lucy not only rules with her natural beauty and authority, but is also revered as a figure of great power and influence throughout the region.



#818 2024-09-09 05:40:05

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Re: Riding Goddesses

Lucy (3)

Lucy's height, coupled with her charisma and natural authority, places her in a dominant position over the men of her village, who, being shorter, are further diminished when they kneel before her to kiss her boots. This difference in height accentuates her power and control, making her an imposing figure. Lucy, aware of her physical superiority and influence, uses the men not only as followers, but as her "dogs" and "horses", symbolizing her complete dominance over them. Her presence is a mixture of fascination, respect and total submission from those around her.

Lucy exercises absolute control over the men around her, placing dog leashes on them that she grabs herself to guide them. In addition, she puts saddles with stirrups and bridles with bits on them, handling the reins with skill to direct each of their movements. This level of dominance not only reinforces her authority, but also symbolizes the unconditional devotion of the males to her, who submit to her will without question.

When Lucy prepares to travel from one town to another, she selects four of her most devoted worshipers. She equips them with saddles, bridles, and straps, knowing that she will ride them for the entire journey, which can last several hours. With her authority and confidence, she guides her “human horses,” making sure that they can keep pace under her control as she moves gracefully and steadily.

Lucy does not limit her choice of “horses” to a particular group. Her devoted worshipers can include both her close relatives, such as her father, uncles, brothers, cousins, and nephews, as well as people in her environment, such as coworkers, suitors, lovers, or even her boyfriend. Whether married, single, widowed or divorced, they all become her "horses," subject to her will and willing to be ridden on the long journeys between towns.

When Lucy walked through the main square, dressed in her impressive cowgirl outfit, she did not go unnoticed. Her cowboy hat, tight blouse that highlighted her figure, and blue jeans that outlined her curves, along with high-heeled boots up to her knees, made her the center of attention. Her dark glasses added an air of mystery and authority, making those who saw her unable to help but imagine themselves as her "human horses," wanting to be ridden by her. The combination of her clothing and her presence dominated the environment, reaffirming her power and magnetism.

Lucy, always observant, spotted a father carrying his son on his shoulders as he walked through the square. Upon noticing her presence, the man began to get excited and visibly tremble.

— Hello, nice day — Lucy greeted, with a charming smile. — Yes, Madam — the man responded, respectfully. — Nice day for riding and not a horse around — she commented, in a playful tone. — I am your horse, Madam — the man said quickly, almost without thinking. — You are carrying your son — she observed, noticing the situation. — Yes — he responded, somewhat nervous.

At that moment, the son, attentive to the conversation, intervened innocently: — If you like, I can get off.

Lucy, with an amused smile, assessed the situation, enjoying the respect and willingness that both father and son offered her.

Lucy said: What are you waiting for?
Both men obeyed her, the father knelt before Lucy and the son got off his father's shoulders.

Lucy, with a smile that radiated confidence, leaned slightly towards the son and asked him in her charming voice:

— Are you coming with us or not?
The boy, surprised but excited at the prospect of serving Lucy alongside his father, looked at his father, then at her, and quickly nodded enthusiastically, knowing that any chance to be in her presence was an honor.



#819 2024-09-09 07:03:23

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Re: Riding Goddesses

Diana (3)

Diana smiled at the three new municipal lady workers, and she said to them:

The role-playing game called pony game, the same person can sometimes be a rider and other times can be a horse or a mare. Therefore, it is not rigid like other role-playing games.
You will learn that in the pony game there is a pyramid structure, on top are the lady riders, and the horses at the bottom, in the middle are the mares and the male riders.

Seeing the surprised faces of the three young ladies, Diana continued: our horses here who are below us are the base or the lower part of the pyramid, the lady captain who is a rider and she is the councilor's mare is in the middle of the pyramid, the ladies here present who ride are at the top of the pyramid.

Diana smiled at them: Girls, you are at the top of the pyramid because you are riders, but if you want to be in the middle of the pyramid you can do so, nobody is forcing you.
- We prefer to be at the top.
- This is the attitude!



#820 2024-09-12 11:08:57

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Re: Riding Goddesses

Lucy (4)

Lucy sat cross-legged on a bench in the town square, projecting an imposing and elegant image. Her cowgirl outfit accentuated every detail of her figure: a cowboy hat perfectly placed on her head, a red and white checkered blouse that hugged her generous breasts and outlined her slender waist. The red scarf added a vibrant touch, while the tight jeans highlighted her wide hips, large buttocks and thick thighs.

The brown high-heeled boots up to her knees further elevated her presence, giving her a dominant posture. With dark glasses covering her eyes, her aura was that of a confident, irresistible and admired woman. Those who saw her could not help but imagine themselves under her control, ready to be ridden by her, her elegance and power captivating all who passed by.

In the quiet square of the small town, Lucy watched with an enigmatic smile as a 53-year-old man walked slowly, carrying his son on his shoulders. It was a peculiar scene, but in this place, where everyone knew each other, it was not unusual. Lucy knew them well; they were part of her everyday environment, both always showing respect and submission to her.

The father, noticing Lucy's presence, began to feel nervous, knowing the effect she had on him and his son. Lucy, still sitting on the bench, crossed one leg over the other and, with a carefree gesture, adjusted her cowboy hat while her brown high-heeled boots rested on the ground. Her gaze, hidden behind dark sunglasses, followed every movement of the two men with a mixture of curiosity and authority.

They knew that their presence demanded attention, and both father and son were more than willing to obey any wish she expressed.

Unable to help himself, the 53-year-old father, with his son still on his shoulders, began to walk towards Lucy. His heart was beating strongly, and although at one point he tried to stop or even move away, an irresistible attraction pulled him towards her. It was as if an invisible force was guiding him directly into her presence, stripping him of any control over his own movements.

As he came closer, his nervousness increased. His eyes couldn't take their eyes off Lucy, who was still sitting on the bench with her imposing posture and her legs crossed, watching him from behind her dark sunglasses. With each step he took, he stumbled and almost lost his balance, causing Lucy to let out small, amused laughs at the spectacle of a man surrendered to her influence.

The father, humiliated but unable to resist, continued forward, aware that there was no escape from her powerful presence. Meanwhile, Lucy enjoyed the moment, confident of her dominance over him and his son.

The father, his heart beating a thousand times an hour, finally stopped in front of Lucy. His gaze, filled with a mixture of emotion and respect, met her eyes, which watched him with an amused smile. The son, still on his father's shoulders, remained silent, equally captivated by Lucy's presence.

The father, not knowing what to do, stood still, as if waiting for a signal from her. Lucy, without saying a word, kept her smile as she watched him, aware that she had absolute control over both of them. She knew that the moment was fraught with tension, and she enjoyed the anticipation she had created in them.

The 53-year-old father and his son, both captivated and completely in awe, looked at Lucy with a mixture of respect and amazement. Lucy's presence, her imposing figure and her aura of authority, inspired them with deep admiration.

The father, still kneeling with his son on his shoulders, could not take his eyes off her. His face reflected a mixture of submission and fascination. The son, sitting on his father's shoulders, shared the same feeling, looking at Lucy with a devotion that seemed almost reverential.

Lucy, basking in the attention, watched them both with a confident smile, knowing that her influence over them was total. Every gesture and glance she received from them confirmed the control she exerted, and she reveled in the admiration she provoked in these two men.

Minutes earlier, Lucy had spotted them slowly approaching her. The father, with his 18-year-old son on his shoulders, walked with a hesitant step, as if an invisible force was pulling him towards her. From her place in the square, Lucy watched them with a calm smile, knowing that she had control of the situation even before they reached her.

Every time the father stumbled or hesitated, Lucy watched him with a mixture of amusement and anticipation, aware that his very presence was playing with their minds. The son, on his father's shoulders, was also mesmerized by Lucy's figure, not looking away as they approached. She knew they were both under her influence, and she enjoyed that feeling of power as she awaited their arrival.



#821 2024-09-12 11:39:15

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Re: Riding Goddesses

Lucy (5)

They didn't exchange words. The scene was taking place in complete silence, but the message was clear. Lucy, sitting confidently, maintained her dominance without needing to speak. The father and his son, as they approached, knew perfectly well what was expected of them. They communicated everything through their gestures, looks, and postures.

Every movement of Lucy's, however small, confirmed her authority. And although they didn't say anything to each other, the two men, without exchanging a word with her, recognized their place, completely under her control.

The father, kneeling before Lucy, kept his head bowed in a sign of absolute respect. Meanwhile, Lucy, with a calm and confident expression, looked at her son. Her gesture was subtle, but full of authority. The young man, caught between admiration and respect, understood the power of her gaze without her saying a single word. The seconds passed, and he knew that he had to follow his father's example, without needing additional instructions.

The son, seeing his father kneeling before Lucy, followed his example without hesitation. With a gesture of submission, he knelt down as well, just like his father, thus demonstrating his respect and obedience towards her. The image of both men, kneeling and submissive, clearly reflected the dominance and control that Lucy had over them. She, with her calm and confident expression, watched with satisfaction as her influence manifested itself in the behavior of the two men.

Lucy, with a dominant presence, placed both feet firmly on the ground. Her posture was a declaration of absolute control. With a confident look, she allowed the father and son, still kneeling, to know that the next step was clear. Her attitude and the gesture of placing her feet on the ground reinforced her authority, marking the decisive moment in which they should follow her instructions.

Slowly, with a gesture of deep submission, both men leaned towards Lucy's boots. His movements were careful and reverential, as his lips brushed against the boots, demonstrating his obedience and respect towards her. The scene, charged with palpable tension, reflected the two men's complete submission to Lucy's dominance, who maintained a confident and controlled posture during the act.

Lucy was used to men kissing her boots. Her presence and dominance were so powerful that this act of submission had become a regular part of how they interacted with her. For her, it was not just a demonstration of respect, but an assertion of her authority and control. This practice was a manifestation of the influence she wielded, something she had already seen repeatedly and that had become an integral part of her relationship with those who surrendered to her power.

Yes, this gesture of kissing the boots is very common in the power and submission dynamic that Lucy maintains. For her, it is a habitual way of reaffirming her authority and controlling the situation. The frequency with which this act occurs reflects how she has established and maintained her dominant position in her environment, and how those around her recognize and accept her power. It is a gesture that has become a regular practice, showing the consistency and stability of her influence over others.

Lucy, with a satisfied expression, spoke with clarity and authority:

"My other horses are busy doing my errands and obeying my orders. One went to the market to buy, another is running an errand, and another was sent to another town for my cousin to ride. My horses will take a while to return."

Her words made clear the organization and control she had over her followers, as well as the efficiency with which she handled her tasks and delegations. Her dominance was evident not only in the way she directed the men at her disposal, but also in the way she managed her affairs and responsibilities.

Lucy continued in her commanding tone:

"You do not speak because, like my animals, you do not speak. My dogs and horses do not speak, and you are here to obey me, not to converse."

With these words, she reaffirmed the dynamic of submission and control, comparing men to her animals in terms of obedience. Her comment underlined the expectation that they would remain silent and follow her instructions without question.

Lucy, with undeniable authority, declared:

"I wish to ride. My horse that neighs first will be ridden by me."

With these words, she clearly established that priority to be ridden depended on who responded to her call first. Her statement not only showed her control, but also the way she maintained discipline among her followers, ensuring that each of them understood their place in the hierarchy she had established.



#822 2024-09-12 11:55:19

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Re: Riding Goddesses

Lucy (6)

So, the men present, understanding the implicit order, prepared to follow Lucy's instructions. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as they waited to see which of them would be the first to "neigh" or demonstrate their willingness to be ridden by her.

Each of them, aware of their role and the power Lucy wielded, was attentive to fulfilling her expectation. The dynamic of submission and obedience she had established remained firm, and the competition to be the chosen one developed under her watchful supervision.

Lucy snapped the fingers of her right hand with a firm and decisive gesture. This simple act was a clear signal that she expected an immediate response.

The sound of the snap resonated in the air, marking the start of the action. The men, already in a posture of submission, understood that this was the moment to demonstrate their willingness, and the atmosphere was charged with expectation as they waited to comply with the orders that would follow.

Both men, aware of the implied competition, began to neigh with enthusiasm, trying to be the first to catch Lucy's attention. The competition between them became evident, with each striving to stand out and thus win the opportunity to be the first to be ridden by her.

The air was filled with the sounds of neighing and tension grew, as Lucy watched with a mixture of amusement and authority, knowing that this competition reflected her dominance over both men and her ability to handle the situation to her advantage.

Lucy, with a satisfied smile, stroked both men's heads and ruffled their hair as they continued their competition to be the first to neigh. Her gesture was a mixture of tenderness and authority, showing her control over the situation as she watched both men compete.

The son and father, still in competition, neighed with increasing intensity, each trying to outdo the other. Lucy, attentive to every detail, enjoyed the spectacle, knowing that her dominance remained firm amidst the competition.

With another snap of her fingers, Lucy interrupted the men's neighing. The sharp sound of her gesture marked the end of the competition, and immediately, the noise ceased.

Both men, now silent, awaited Lucy's next instructions. She, with an expression that reflected both her satisfaction and her absolute control, prepared to decide which of them would be next to do her bidding.

One by one, Lucy gently took each man by the face and pulled them towards her. She planted a kiss on their foreheads, a gesture that, while appearing affectionate, maintained her aura of control. Then, with a smile, she gave them a kiss on the lips, and the men, in a mix of submission and admiration, reciprocated the kisses.

This act of closeness and affection, while maintaining her dominance and control, underlined the complex dynamic between Lucy and the men, balancing authority with a hint of intimacy.

Lucy, with a determined expression, brought her tongue close to the mouth of the man before her, slowly opening his mouth. The man, with his eyes closed and enjoying the moment, felt the coldness of the metal bit as Lucy carefully placed it in his mouth.

When he opened his eyes and saw Lucy's smile, he understood that she was imposing her control. She had not only subdued him by placing the bit, but she was also securing him with the bridle, tying it precisely around his head. This gesture finished the act of submission, consolidating her dominance over him clearly and effectively.

Lucy, with a satisfied look, watched as drool began to ooze from the corners of the submissive man's lips, a sign of his total submission. Then, with skill and precision, she placed him in the proper position to place the saddle on him.

The saddle, specifically designed to ride on the man's shoulders and back when he is on all fours, was carefully adjusted. Lucy made sure everything was in place, preparing the man for the next step in her dominance. Her ability to handle the situation in such detail showed not only her authority, but also her skill in handling her followers.

Finally, Lucy inserted the reins into the man's bridle, ensuring her complete control over him. With a satisfied smile, she remained seated on the bench, while she grabbed the reins of her two horses.

She enjoyed the scene, demonstrating her dominance and ability to handle the situation. Her relaxed attitude contrasted with the intensity of her control, reaffirming her position as the central figure in the dynamic she had established.



#823 2024-09-12 12:21:54

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Male (In his sixties), South America
Registered: 2006-11-25
Last visit: 2024-09-20
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Re: Riding Goddesses

Lucy (7)

Lucy, sitting comfortably on the bench, held the reins of the two men who were bridled and saddled. Her position was a mix of authority and calm, while maintaining full control over both of them. The scene reflected her dominance and the way she had managed to subdue the two men to her will, balancing relaxation with the absolute power she wielded over them.

“Hello, Auntie.” Lucy’s teenage niece greeted her with a cheerful smile.
Lucy turned to her, her expression changing to one of warmth and affection. Although she maintained her control over the men, her gaze towards her niece was tender and loving. Her niece’s presence on the scene provided an interesting contrast between the dominance she showed towards her followers and the familial affection she reserved for her family.

“Hello, niece!” Lucy replied happily, her face illuminated by a warm smile.

“New horses, Auntie? You’re a collector, what do you do with so many animals?”

Lucy, with an amused smile, looked at her niece and replied:

— Well, there is always room for a few more. Each one has its purpose and its place. Horses help maintain order and harmony, and they also play an important role in my daily life and in our traditions.

Lucy, with a playful expression and a mocking tone, said:

— Niece, you must have your horses too. Confess! We all have a place in this system. What is yours?

The niece, smiling and with a mischievous glint in her eyes, replied:

— Well, Aunt, I don't have as many as you, but I do have some that help me with chores and accompany me on my adventures. Each one has its function, and I am glad to know that I can also count on them when I need them.

Lucy, with a satisfied smile, nodded and said:

— Exactly, dear. You are not indifferent or simply a mare, but a rider like me. Everyone has their role, and you have your place in this dynamic as well. I'm proud that you're following the path and have your own horses to ride.

Lucy asked with interest:

- How is your mom? I know she's not very fond of riding. How has she been lately?

The niece answered:

- She's fine, with dad and the rest of the family at home, my dad working as a nurse, while my brother and I continue studying.

Lucy nodded, satisfied with the answer.

- I'm glad to hear that everyone is fine and that the family is together. It's good to know that your dad is working and that you and your brother continue with your studies. If you need anything, don't hesitate to tell me.

The niece questioned:

- Is my dad your horse?

Lucy smiled with a touch of humor and answered:

- No, your dad is not my horse. Each person has their own role and place. Although I love to play and stay in control, I always respect family dynamics and each other's place. Your dad has his own path, and it's great that he's doing a good job.

The niece continued:

- I saw you riding him at home and on the street.

Lucy laughed softly and said:

- Well, yes, sometimes I like to have a little fun and enjoy the traditions I have. It's part of how I keep balance and harmony in my life. But, outside of those moments, I also respect the dynamics and roles in everyday life.

Lucy, with a warm smile, continued:

- Your mom is my sister and your dad is my brother-in-law. It's natural that we all have our own dynamics and ways of relating. In a family, there is always room to understand and support others in their roles, whether as horses, riders, or simply as loved ones.

Lucy's niece added: A horse is also a loved one, don't deny it, Auntie.

Lucy nodded with an understanding smile and said:

— You are right, dear. A horse is also a loved one. In my life, they all have a special place, whether as part of the family or as part of my world. Horses, like loved ones, have their importance and role in our lives.

The niece continued: I mean human horses, Aunt.



#824 2024-09-12 12:53:30

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Male (In his sixties), South America
Registered: 2006-11-25
Last visit: 2024-09-20
Posts: 1849

Re: Riding Goddesses

Lucy (8)

Lucy smiled and replied with a touch of humor:

— Ah, I understand. Yes, human horses also have their special place in my life. Although their role may be different from that of traditional horses, each of them is important in its own way. They are also part of my world and the dynamics that I enjoy.

Lucy, with an affectionate smile, added:

— I am glad that you like to question and explore, niece. It is a valuable quality. Your brother, on the other hand, observes and accepts, and that also has its value. We all have different ways of relating to and understanding the world, and each approach has its own merit.

What is he going to question if you ride him too?

Lucy laughed softly and said:

— Well, it is true that sometimes your brother is also part of my games, but everyone has their own way of experiencing and accepting things. Sometimes, it is in observation and acceptance that understanding is found. Each person, whether they question or accept, has their own path and role in this dynamic.

Lucy, with a curious and kind look, asked:

— Niece, who are your horses?

The niece answered:

— My horses are those who make themselves available to me when I need them, both at home and in other places. Sometimes, they are friends or family members who offer to play and enjoy our dynamics. It is a way of sharing and understanding each other better.

Lucy asked: For example?

The niece thought for a moment before answering:

— Well, for example, my closest friends and sometimes my cousins. They are willing to participate in the games and dynamics that I organize. Sometimes, it is just for fun, and other times it is to help each other with the things we need. It is a way of strengthening our relationships and having a good time together.

The niece continued:

— Regarding riding, being ridden or being indifferent, I am a rider like you and I am not like my mother. I like to take control and enjoy the dynamics of being a rider. Everyone has their role and way of participating, and I find satisfaction in being an active part of these experiences.

The niece added with a smile:

— I saw you riding my grandfather and my father, and, just like you, I do it too. It's something we share, Aunt, although others may not understand it.

Ludy added with a playful laugh:

— Bridled and saddled!

The niece replied: Just the way you like it, Aunt.

The niece continued:

— My mom doesn't like to ride, but she loves to see us riding her father, her husband and her son. She always has that funny smile on her face as she watches.

Lucy said: What is my little sister thinking when she sees us riding?

The niece replied with a smile:

— I'm sure she wonders how we have so much control over them. Even though she doesn't ride, she seems to enjoy watching us do it, as if she were a spectator at a special show.

Lucy asked: My little sister claps as she watches us men of the house riding, if she decided to participate, what role would she take on?

The niece replied thoughtfully:

— I think if my mom decided to participate, she would probably be a rider too, like us. Although she enjoys watching, she has that air of authority. Maybe she just lacks that drive to take charge, but when she does, it will surely be just as impressive.

Amen! It seems that both agree that authority is in the blood. A family of riders and horses, each with their own role!

The niece said: We have been talking for quite some time now while your horses remain on their knees, waiting patiently. They seem to be well trained to wait, even when conversations drag on. Would you like to continue chatting or would you rather take back control of your horses?

Lucy, with a smile, handed the reins of her son to her niece and said:

— They are both bridled and saddled, so let's continue talking while we ride.

They both mounted their human horses, ready to continue their chat while enjoying the control they exerted over them.

Lucy and her niece decided to start by riding their "human horses" on all fours. With a light pressure of the reins, the two men obeyed, getting on all fours. Both riders, with the firmness of those who know how to exercise their dominance, settled on them, enjoying the ride while continuing their conversation naturally.

In this position, the men on all fours adopt a posture similar to that of horses, with their bodies aligned and in a position of submission and control. This arrangement allows Lucy and her niece to exert their dominance effectively, reaffirming the dynamic of power and control where men assume the role of animals under the authority of the ladies. This way of riding reflects a clear hierarchy and submission in the interaction between them.



#825 2024-09-12 13:08:53

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Last visit: 2024-09-20
Posts: 1849

Re: Riding Goddesses

Lucy (9)

Lucy and her niece then climbed onto the shoulders of their human horses, an ideal position for longer, longer rides. This position offered them perfect balance and greater comfort for longer distances, maintaining dominance and control while enjoying the ride.

Lucy and her niece then climbed onto the shoulders of their human horses. This position is ideal for longer, longer rides, as it provides stability and comfort during extended journeys. While they settled into this elevated position, the men, in their role as human horses, stood, leading the women with ease and obedience.

Lucy settles onto her human horse, who is wearing a white polo shirt, jeans, and sneakers. The saddle is placed on his shoulders, providing a comfortable seat for Lucy, who steps confidently into the stirrups. The bit is placed securely in the man's mouth, and the bridle is tied securely on his head. Lucy skillfully leads him using the reins, while the whip and spurs allow her to have complete control and a touch of authority over her human horse. This image clearly reflects Lucy's dominance and mastery of the situation, showing both her style and her control.

Lucy's niece, dressed in youthful and comfortable clothing, confidently mounts her human steed. She sits comfortably in the saddle, stepping firmly on the stirrups. With skill and dexterity, she leads her steed using the reins, while employing the whip and spurs to maintain control and guide it with precision. The scene reflects both her confidence and her ability to masterfully handle the situation, showing that she is following in her aunt's footsteps in the art of mastery and horsemanship.

Youth is no impediment to masterfully controlling a human horse. Skill and mastery are based on confidence, technique and practice, which can be developed at any age. In this case, the niece demonstrates that despite her youth, she has the control and ability to handle her steed skillfully and effectively, following the example of her Aunt Lucy.

A 160cm woman can subdue, animalize, and ride a 180cm man, just as a 180cm woman can subdue, animalize, and ride a 160cm man.

Height is not the only factor that determines a woman's ability to subdue, animalize, or ride a man. The ability to dominate or control in these interactions depends more on technique, confidence, power dynamics, and the ability to establish and maintain control.

A 160cm woman can subdue and ride a 180cm man if she possesses the necessary skill, knowledge, and control. Likewise, a 180cm woman can do the same with a 160cm man. In these situations, the ability to control and manage the situation is often more important than the difference in height.



#826 2024-09-14 21:28:14

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Last visit: 2024-09-20
Posts: 1849

Re: Riding Goddesses

Lucy's father (1)

Lucy's house reflects a space designed for both family life and her equestrian passions. In the front part, divided into four sections, live her parents, her sister with her family, her brother with his, and Lucy alone in her own space, which gives her independence while remaining connected to her family. This layout highlights the sense of community and family closeness.

The back patio, much larger, is a multifunctional space: it houses the resting areas for guests and at the back is the stable, where both equine and human horses are cared for. This patio is used for training and riding, becoming a key place for Lucy and her family's equestrian activities, where all horses—both human and equine—are part of this dynamic.

Lucy's father is a school teacher, his nickname is "horse" because he likes to be ridden by moms and teachers, ladies of delicate beauty.

Beautiful moms and teachers exert a notable influence on Lucy's father, dominating and controlling him. Their elegance and charm seem to have a special power over him, and it is evident that he enjoys their company and the privilege of being ridden by them. This bond, based on mutual admiration and respect, allows him to feel that he is in good hands, under the rule of ladies who are not only beautiful, but also sophisticated. For him, these women represent a combination of authority and grace to which he willingly submits.

Lucy's father takes advantage of his job as a teacher to meet the mothers when they take their sons and daughters to or from school. These everyday interactions allow him to create close bonds with some of them, especially those who stand out for their delicate beauty and charm. Over time, these women exert control over him, knowing that they can easily dominate him. He goes with the flow, enjoying the role he plays under their rule, and sometimes, they "pick him up" not only to carry their children, but also to ride and control him like a horse, establishing a clear power dynamic between them and him.

The imposing, self-assured mother with a commanding presence drops her son off at school in the morning. At dismissal time, she arrives to pick him up, sometimes accompanied by her husband and other times alone. Her firm and authoritative posture highlights her role as a power figure in the family dynamic.

On some occasions, it is her husband who takes on the task of dropping off and picking up the son. However, even in those moments, the mother's influence remains palpable. He acts on her behalf, obeying the guidelines she has established for the family's well-being and routine, reflecting the structure in which she maintains control.

Lucy's father, although a respected teacher, cannot help but feel captivated and a little intimidated by the presence of the imposing mother of the family. Her aura of authority and beauty overwhelms him, and he watches her out of the corner of his eye, silently admiring her while trying to maintain a professional posture.

Initially, their interaction is limited to greeting and speaking with the son or, on some occasions, with the powerful mother's husband. Although he avoids direct contact with her at first, his respect and fear of her figure make him ever aware of her presence. As time goes by, his admiration for her grows, and her influence over him becomes undeniable, albeit subtle.

If the imposing mother's son were one of Lucy's father's students, he would have an easier opportunity to interact with the mother during pick-up and drop-off times at school. This would allow him to have a more direct and close conversation with her, given that he would have a legitimate and natural reason to do so in the school context.

If the son were not his student, approaching the mother would be more complicated. However, it would not be completely impossible. Lucy's father could look for opportunities at school events, parent meetings, or at activities where she is present. In these circumstances, he would have to be more strategic and discreet in his approach, taking advantage of any opportunity to establish contact, either through casual conversations or through indirect interactions that allow him to get closer to her.



#827 2024-09-14 21:58:57

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Male (In his sixties), South America
Registered: 2006-11-25
Last visit: 2024-09-20
Posts: 1849

Re: Riding Goddesses

Lucy's father (2)

If Lucy's father establishes a friendship with the husband and/or son of the awesome mom, this could make it easier for him to access and get closer to her. By gaining the husband's or son's trust and friendship, he could have opportunities to interact with the mother in more relaxed and natural settings.

By strengthening his relationship with the family, the father could find occasions to be introduced to the mother, participate in family activities, or simply have the opportunity to interact with her in a more friendly environment. This approach could also make him seem more approachable and less intrusive, which is key to creating a genuine connection with the awesome mom.

It could be argued that time is on Lucy's father's side because the school year lasts several months and the student will be in school for several years, but time is not always on Lucy's father's side, especially if the student may be transferred to another school before a strong relationship with the mother is established. In addition, the student's permanence in school does not guarantee that the mother will be willing to form a relationship or that a meaningful rapport can be realized.

The situation can be unpredictable, and Lucy's father would need to be strategic and adaptable, looking for other opportunities to interact with the mother if the student is transferred. It might also be helpful to diversify his approach strategies, such as participating in school or community events where he can meet the mother and establish more informal contact.

Luck plays a big role in these cases. Sometimes, opportunities to establish contact or build a relationship can depend on fortuitous circumstances, such as chance encounters, unforeseen events, or the mother's willingness to interact.

The combination of strategy, timing, and luck can determine whether Lucy's father manages to approach the desired mother. The ability to adapt to situations and take advantage of opportunities when they present themselves is also crucial in these types of dynamics.

Many women are very perceptive and can pick up on details that sometimes go unnoticed by men. This ability to read between the lines, interpret subtle signals, and understand intentions can make women very astute in their social and personal interactions.

Furthermore, this keen perception can help them recognize and understand power dynamics and men's intentions, even when they try to hide them. Nonverbal communication, body language, and small actions can speak volumes, and women often have a knack for reading these signs.

The mother of the family, being perceptive, has noticed Lucy's father's desires and intentions. With her understanding of the situation, she is likely to use this information to influence the dynamics in her favor, whether to gain some sort of advantage or simply to manipulate the situation in a way that benefits her.

In situations where one person is aware of another's desires and motivations, they can use that information to exert influence or to manipulate the situation in the direction they prefer. The ability to read and respond to these intentions is an important part of social interactions and can have a significant impact on how relationships and power dynamics play out.

So, in the mall, the mother wearing white sneakers, tight black jeans, and a white top, was filling the shopping cart and sees Lucy's father, she calls him: "Professor!", he looks in the direction where a female voice calls him and is amazed. It's his Goddess! The tight top highlights the generous breasts of the lady and reveals the thin and delicate waist, and the jeans highlight the hips, buttocks and thighs of the adored Goddess, she is beautiful. He walks towards her like an automaton.

He, with his head down and looking at the ground, admiring her sneakers, she is imposing and in control of the situation.

The dynamic shows a clear interaction of power and control. Lucy's father, by keeping his head down and looking at the woman's sneakers, reflects his submission and admiration. For her part, she, with a dominant and confident attitude, maintains control of the situation, aware of the effect she has on him. Her imposing presence and ability to influence him highlights her power in this interaction.

She began: "Good morning Professor, I have a lot of shopping to do today, but I forgot my card." He replied: "If you want, you can use mine." She smiled triumphantly.

"How could I pay you back?" "Don't worry, it's up to you."

She looked at him with an enigmatic smile. "We can find a way that is beneficial to both of us," she said suggestively. "Just make sure that whatever it is, it is to your liking." Her confidence and control of the situation made it clear that the negotiation would be in her favor, and he was willing to do whatever it took to comply with her wishes.



#828 2024-09-14 23:06:15

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Last visit: 2024-09-20
Posts: 1849

Re: Riding Goddesses

Lucy's dad (3)

Lucy's dad, unarmed and helpless before the powerful Goddess, puts himself at her disposal and follows her.

The woman, with unwavering confidence and a dominant attitude, led him into the adult goods store. He, nervous but obedient, followed her silently, knowing that he was completely under her control. Each step they took immersed him further in a mixture of submission and admiration for her, while the powerful lady continued forward, enjoying the power she exerted over him.

Entering the store, Lucy's dad couldn't help but feel a mixture of anxiety and fascination. The mom, with a determined look and an air of authority, inspected the items, from gags and whips to saddles and reins. As she walked through the shelves, he felt that each object reinforced the power dynamic she had over him.

She took a few items in her hands, looking at them calmly, while he, heart racing, stood by her side. His nervousness grew as he watched her consider each option, knowing that whatever she chose would entail his complete submission.

Finally, she turned to him, a triumphant smile on her face, making it clear that she was in complete control.

On your knees! She commanded and he obeyed. Then she tried dog collars on his neck.

She examined each collar carefully, but one in particular caught her eye: a sturdy model with a strong, firm leash. Without a word, she fastened it around Lucy's dad's neck, tugging on the leash to check its strength. Then, with a firm, confident tone, she gave the order: "Get on 4."

He, without question, immediately obeyed, lowering himself onto all fours in front of her, feeling the pressure of the leash pulling at his neck as he assumed the quadruped position. She, with a satisfied smile, looked down at him, proud of her total control over him, ready to direct his every move.

She walked through the store as he followed her crawling on all fours.

Customers and vendors, seeing her pass by with complete confidence, couldn't help but comment on it. “Your dog is cute!” they told her with a mixture of humor and respect. She, with a satisfied smile, gave them a slight nod, showing that everything was under control.

Lucy's dad, still in his submissive position, felt how each word reinforced the power of the woman who guided him, as she continued obediently, following in his footsteps.

With a firm and determined voice, she ordered: "Kiss my sneakers." He, without hesitation, leaned his body even further, bringing his lips closer to the white shoes she was wearing. With reverence and submission, he kissed each shoe while she watched him with a triumphant look, aware of her absolute control over him.

At the command of "Lie down!", he obeyed immediately, placing himself face down on the floor, completely submissive. She, imposing and confident, walked over him, stepping on his head and back with the same firmness that she controlled the situation. The difference in power between them was evident, and she enjoyed every moment, demonstrating her dominance as she stepped on him without any resistance.

She got off him and continued walking while her dog followed her. She inserted bits into Lucy's daddy's mouth, she tied bridles on his head, she tried reins on Lucy's daddy, she put a saddle on Lucy's daddy and rode him. She rode her horse on top of him through the adult store. She drove him using reins.

After a while of riding Lucy's dad in the store, she decided to get off, leaving him on all fours on the ground while she continued her tour of the establishment. With complete calm and confidence, she continued to explore the various items, asking questions of the staff and evaluating other possible acquisitions. Her dominant presence and control over the situation was evident to all present, who watched in amazement at the confidence with which she handled her "dog" in the environment.

Finally, riding her horse, she used riding whips and spurs on Lucy's dad. She rode him on top of him and handled him using reins, riding whip and spurs.

Each lash and spur she applied made Lucy's dad feel a sharp burn on his skin, but he did not complain, a mix of pain and submission deepened his obedience. He offered no resistance, accepting each blow as part of his role under her control. His complete submission to his powerful rider kept him obedient, accepting each blow as a sign of his devotion.

She, for her part, while riding him enjoyed the absolute power she had over him, completely dominating him with each movement of the reins and each impact of the whip and spurs, which reinforced her control, making him feel smaller under her authority and dominance.



#829 2024-09-14 23:57:41

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Male (In his sixties), South America
Registered: 2006-11-25
Last visit: 2024-09-20
Posts: 1849

Re: Riding Goddesses

Lucy's dad (4)

With Lucy's father's clothes and bloody skin torn, a beautiful gift given by the Goddess, the vendor cleaned the riding whip and spurs, Lucy's father paid for the bit, bridle, reins, saddle, riding whip and spurs.

The mother of the family indicated: "I assume you have your own bit, bridle, reins and saddle," "Yes ma'am," "I'm taking these because they are a birthday present. The whip and spurs are mine and I will use them for riding."

The mother of the family, showing her control and dominance, indicated to Lucy's father what items would be a birthday present for someone. Meanwhile, she kept the whip and spurs, which she will use for riding, demonstrating her authority and her ability to impose her wishes in the relationship with him and others.

She gave him her car keys and instructed him to take the packages to parking lot 35, store them, and return. He, without hesitation, immediately complied, demonstrating his submission and willingness to follow her orders.

With the bit, bridle, and reins wrapped in a gift-wrapped box, and the saddle in another equally wrapped box, Lucy's dad carefully carried the packages to the parking lot. Every movement reflected his obedience and submission, as he made sure to comply with the mother's instructions.

Lucy's dad, after handing over the keys and kissing the mother's sneakers, squatted down as she ordered. His submissive posture reflected his complete obedience and willingness to follow her orders without question.

She, with a determined and confident attitude, climbed onto his shoulders, establishing her absolute control as she rode him. The position allowed her to maintain a dominant stance, enjoying the power she had over him while he remained in a submissive and obedient attitude.

Get up!

Her command was clear and firm. He stood up, standing tall as she continued to ride on his shoulders, demonstrating her dominance and control in the situation.

He walked as she rode him on top of her shoulders. People watched in awe and curiosity as he, with her riding on his shoulders, advanced through the mall. Eyes rested on them, taking in the unusual scene dominated by her power and authority.

He, despite his exhaustion, continued to be under her control, showing no signs of tiredness or discontent. She maintained her dominant and indifferent attitude, enjoying her position of power as he took care of the payments and purchases. The dynamic between them remained unchanged, with her in total control of the situation.

Once the lady was satisfied, they went to her car. He ordered the groceries and she got out. He on his knees kissed her sneakers. "Give me your cell phone number so I can call you and give you more commands," she said. "Yes, Mistress," he replied.

He, still on his knees and with his head bowed, gave her his cell phone number. She received it with a satisfied smile, knowing that she had total control over him and that she could call him at any time to give him more commands. She, satisfied with the treatment she received and with the products purchased, said goodbye to him with an authoritative gesture before heading to her car.

He remained on his knees, his gaze fixed on her car as it drove away. His position underlined his submission and obedience, waiting for the future orders she could give him.

Lucy's mom happened to appear and asked, "What are you doing on your knees?", "I lost a coin and I'm looking for it," "Do I believe you?", "Yes!", "Since you're in this position, I'll ride on your shoulders and you'll take me for a ride around the mall."

Lucy's mom, with a mix of surprise and amusement, saw the opportunity to take advantage of the situation. Without waiting for an answer, she confidently climbed onto the man's shoulders, motioning for him to take her for a ride around the mall. He, still kneeling and with no chance to object, obeyed as she enjoyed the experience.

Lucy's mom, wearing her white blouse and tight blue jodhpurs that showed off her figure, as well as black knee-high high-heeled boots, sat firmly on Lucy's dad's shoulders. As he walked around the mall, she maintained an imposing and confident posture, enjoying the ride as people watched in surprise and curiosity.

Lucy's mom, with a dominant and determined attitude, reminded Lucy's dad: “You are my horse, always remember that.” Her firm tone and the way she settled on his shoulders reinforced her control and the situation he found himself in.

They met a family friend: “Rider and horse, what a beautiful couple!” Lucy's mom smiled and shook her friend's hand.

Lucy's mom, with a satisfied smile, greeted her friend and replied, "Thank you, it's a pleasure to show off our wonderful combination." As she held hands with her friend, she maintained her dominant position over Lucy's dad, demonstrating the control she had in the situation.



#830 2024-09-15 01:16:14

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Male (In his sixties), South America
Registered: 2006-11-25
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Posts: 1849

Re: Riding Goddesses

Lucy's mom (1) The "Paso de la muerte" (1)

Lucy's family friend sighs and says, "I'm so jealous!"

Lucy's mom, pleased by the comment, responds with a smile, "Sometimes horses need to feel lucky for serving their ladies with devotion. If you ever want to experience this experience, don't hesitate to tell me." She maintained a confident and dominant attitude as she continued to ride Lucy's dad, showing the power and control she exerted in the situation.

The family friend responded, "Please, I want to experience the experience of serving you with devotion and being your lucky horse."

Lucy's mom looked at him with interest, assessing his sincerity. With a confident smile, she replied, "You are welcome to do so. Devotion and service are valuable qualities, and those who offer them with sincerity are always welcome. We can arrange a time for you to live this experience." She was pleased that others also wanted to be a part of her world, showing her influence and the respect she inspired in those around her.

"I am at your disposal, if you like you can now make me your horse."

She looked at him with a mix of curiosity and assessment. "It is an interesting offer," she said calmly. "If you truly wish to be a part of this world and demonstrate your devotion, we can start now. But remember, respect and dedication are essential in this role."

Then, with a determined smile, she added, "If you are willing to live up to expectations and show true dedication, let us move forward. Are you ready to accept your new role?"


She nodded, pleased with his answer. "Then, let's start with something simple. First, accompany me and follow my instructions carefully. I will show you how this type of devotion is performed."

As she prepared to guide him into his new role, he followed in her footsteps, anticipating what was to come and demonstrating his willingness to meet set expectations.

It is evident that the dominance and control seen in Lucy's family has been passed down through generations, with similar skills and attitudes in mother, daughter, and granddaughter. This family dynamic reflects a tradition and way of life that has been integral to their personal history and social interactions. Family influence and legacy play a significant role in how these practices and behaviors are developed and maintained.

Lucy's mom asked, "Do you know the Paso de la Muerte?"

The family friend replied, "No."

Lucy's mom explained, "The Paso de la Muerte" is a traditional equestrian technique practiced in Mexico, especially in the context of charrería. It is a maneuver in which the rider, through skill and control, performs a jump from one horse to another, dismounting the first and riding the second, with a specific technique that seems to defy gravity.

This step is considered one of the most impressive and challenging tests in charrería, and demonstrates the mastery of the rider. In the "Paso de la Muerte," the rider jumps from one horse and rides the second while performing a spectacular jump.

The technique requires a high level of skill and confidence from the rider, as well as meticulous preparation to ensure the safety of the rider and the 2 horses during the execution of this impressive step.

The "Paso de la Muerte" is an advanced and risky technique that should be performed by people with experience in charrería and with adequate preparation to ensure the safety of all involved. However, it is crucial to consider the skills and preparation needed to execute this step without putting Lucy's mom or the horses at risk.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2k3jdA4VfY (New Window)

Lucy's mom indicates she will perform the "paso de la muerte" with the two men being her human horses, but she will not have them gallop. Instead, she will keep them in a fixed position where she will give them the necessary commands to safely execute the maneuver.

The "paso de la muerte" is an advanced technique that, in this context, appears to be adapted to ensure the safety of all involved. Lucy's mom is taking precautions to ensure the process is safe, and appears to have the experience and control necessary to carry out the maneuver safely.

It is important that all participants agree and understand the risks and safety measures associated with this technique to ensure a safe and controlled experience, because Lucy's mom could fall.

The family friend kneels in front of Lucy's mom and kisses the black leather of her boots with devotion, then he licks the soles of the lady's boots.

The act of kneeling and kissing the black leather of Lucy's mother's boots is an expression of submission and respect towards her. In this dynamic, the family friend is demonstrating his willingness to accept the subordinate role and to honor Lucy's mother's authority and power. This behavior highlights the control and influence that she exerts over the males in her environment.



#831 2024-09-15 05:30:54

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Re: Riding Goddesses

Lucy's mom (2) The "paso de la muerte" (2)

Lucy's mom, riding on Lucy's dad's shoulders, gives the order to her friend to stand up and turn his back to her. This demonstrates her dominance and control, as well as her ability to handle multiple situations at once, using both men to satisfy her wants and needs. In this dynamic, she maintains absolute control, and her friend submits to her commands with devotion.

Once both men are in the indicated position, Lucy's dad and the family friend emit neighing-like sounds. This emphasizes their role as "human horses" in the dynamic created by Lucy's mom, highlighting the way they are acting under her dominance.

Both horses are standing, the friend is in front and Lucy's dad is behind being ridden by his wife. Lucy's mom, in absolute control, orders her husband to slowly advance until both "horses" are stuck together. As he obediently moves, she lifts her thighs with precision, placing her legs on her friend's shoulders, in perfect synchronization. Now, the two men are together, holding her simultaneously: her husband carries her weight on his shoulders, and his friend holds her thighs. She, riding both of them with total dominance, enjoys the situation while smiling, satisfied with the devotion and surrender of her "horses."

"Now I want you to walk in coordination, advance with the same foot and at the same time, now!"

The two men, obeying the order with precision, begin to walk in perfect synchronization, advancing the same foot at the same time. Lucy's mother, with an imposing posture, controls and dominates them from above, riding on their shoulders and guiding each of their movements with mastery. As they advance, her power over them is evident, and each step they take reflects the perfect coordination and obedience to their rider. She, satisfied, enjoys the feeling of being in total control while they strive to keep up.

Lucy's mother is the center of attention, radiating a natural authority that captivates everyone around her. The ladies watch in admiration, wishing to reach her level of dominance and grace, while imagining the feeling of riding men subject to their will. The men, for their part, feel a deep admiration and desire to be the lucky ones to serve her, dreaming of being the horses under her control. The atmosphere is permeated with respect and fascination for the powerful figure of Lucy's mother, who continues to ride with absolute confidence and control.

Lucy's mother, feeling powerful and confident, decided that it was the perfect moment to execute the risky "step of death." With a bold smile on her face, she ordered her two human horses—Lucy's father and the family friend—to begin walking at the same pace. Each synchronized step marked the beat of her total dominance. Lucy's mother, excited by the challenge, decided to take her dominance to another level. With a firm and authoritative voice, she ordered her friend to put his hands as stirrups. He complied without hesitation, placing his open hands on either side of her body, offering support for her to step on.

With grace and precision, Lucy's mom raised her feet onto her friend's hands, keeping her balance on her two moving human horses. Stepping on her friend's hands as if they were real stirrups, she began to do the "step of death." The audience, made up of both admiring ladies and men eager to be in her horses' place, watched in complete amazement as Lucy's mom remained in absolute control, demonstrating her dominance and bravery.

Each step was a display of her power, while her human horses advanced carefully, coordinated and obedient. The risk and elegance of the scene completely captured everyone's attention, consolidating Lucy's mom as an admirable and dominant figure in the eyes of those around her.

When she was ready, with precision and skill, Lucy's mother stepped on her friend's hands and placed her hands on top of her horses' heads, and began to rise up onto her husband's shoulders to sit on top of his head. People watched in amazement as she maintained her balance, each movement a symbol of her absolute control. The men moved forward slowly, holding the lady's weight and command. She, now with her arms outstretched, displayed unwavering confidence, and everyone around was impressed by her boldness and skill.



#832 2024-09-15 06:04:35

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Re: Riding Goddesses

Lucy's mom (3) The "paso de la muerte" (3)

Lucy's mother first sat on her husband's shoulders, then she sat on her husband's head.

She skillfully and confidently placed her hands on her friend's head, using his firmness as support. With a smooth movement, she pushed herself forward, leaving the position in which she was sitting on her husband's head. In an elegant descent, she fell precisely on the shoulders and neck of her friend, who received her without staggering, demonstrating his devotion and obedience.

Lucy's father, still in a position behind, watched the movement without moving, while his wife changed mounts without losing control at any time. Now, riding the friend with equal control, Lucy's mother smiled, satisfied by the perfect balance and control she maintained over her two human horses.

Lucy's father, watching his wife riding with authority and grace on his friend's shoulders, could not help but feel confused. He admired the way his wife's hips and ass moved with confidence, her perfect rider posture dominating with ease. Although moments before he had experienced control from another lady, he wondered why he felt the need to be ridden by others when he had a powerful Rider Goddess at home.

His wife was the embodiment of power and beauty, a figure who not only dominated physically, but emotionally as well. As he reflected on his own desires, he realized that the nature of his fascination was not because of the lack of power in his wife, but because of the constant search for that control that drew him to be a faithful and devoted horse.

Lucy's mom, with a smile on her lips, slightly turned her divine torso as she continued to ride gracefully on her friend's shoulders. Looking down, she observed her husband, subdued and defeated, who remained silent, without words or strength to reply. His smile was serene, but charged with absolute power.

"I'm riding another horse now," she said calmly, "he's more faithful to me than you are." The phrase resonated with an air of authority, sharp and certain. Lucy's father was completely paralyzed. His wife's words enveloped him like an undeniable truth, and although his body still trembled from the effort and exhaustion of having carried her before, his mind was caught in a whirlwind of emotions: a mixture of defeat, shame and fascination at the dominant figure of his wife.

She looked down at him, enjoying her absolute control, while he could do nothing but accept his place, unable to look away from this woman who had ridden him physically and emotionally.

Lucy's mother, still riding on her friend's shoulders, took a bright red apple out of her bag. With a smile full of satisfaction, she lowered her hand to her husband.

"Come, horse," she said in a firm but calm voice, "I'll give you an apple to eat, it's your prize."

He, obedient and humiliated, approached with his gaze fixed on the fruit. Without hesitation, he began to eat the apple she held, biting eagerly, as if the act of receiving that small reward meant something deeper. As the apple disappeared into his mouth, the silence around them was overwhelming, with Lucy's mother maintaining her position of power and him, submissive, accepting the role she had imposed on him.

"Horse, neigh," Lucy's mother ordered in a deep and authoritative voice, her eyes fixed on her husband, while he, still in a humiliated position, obeyed without hesitation.

With a forced effort, he made a sound similar to that of a horse, trying to please his powerful rider. Those present watched him in silence, some amazed by the absolute submission, others admiring the firmness and control of Lucy's mother. The scene reflected the absolute power she exercised, while he, without resistance, accepted his fate.

"My horses can be trained, ridden and handled by other riders, but first I must have knowledge of your movements. You are my animal and you must communicate to me everything that happened to you, everything that happens to you and everything that will happen to you, understood?" Lucy's mother said to Lucy's father.

"Understood. As your animal, I will communicate everything that happens to me and I will keep you informed of every detail. I am at your disposal to follow your orders and meet your expectations." Lucy's father responded.

"Today I was ridden, it was without having planned it because I found Juan's mother and she tamed me and rode me. She decided, she commanded and I obeyed her." Lucy's father confessed.

"Okay, but you should have told me immediately and not waited for me to surprise you," Lucy's mother said.

Lucy's father lowered his gaze. Lucy's mother told her, "Go home and take care of our children. In the meantime, I'll have fun on my horse, which isn't you."

Lucy's father returned home to take care of his children.



#833 2024-09-15 08:29:22

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Last visit: 2024-09-20
Posts: 1849

Re: Riding Goddesses

Lucy's mom (4)

Lucy's mom enjoys the moment, showing her mastery in riding while maintaining control and comfort of her horse. She makes sure that her friend is comfortable and well cared for while she rides him, adjusting anything that is necessary to improve the experience. In addition, she takes advantage of the time to relax and enjoy the company and the established dynamic, showing her skill and experience in this practice.

Lucy's mom dresses in an elegant and sophisticated style while riding her friend:
White Blouse: A white blouse that highlights the cleanliness and simplicity in her outfit.
Black Leather Jacket: Adds a touch of ruggedness and modernity, perfect for maintaining a dominant and confident appearance.
Black Gloves: Provide a practical and stylish detail, ideal for maintaining control while riding.
Black Jeans: Complement the outfit with a fitted and modern look.
High Heels Black Knee-High Boots: These boots accentuate her figure and add a touch of sophistication while offering adequate support for the ride.
With this outfit, Lucy's mom projects an imposing and elegant presence while enjoying the ride. Her clothing is not only practical, but also reflects her personal style and the importance of her role in the dynamics of the town.

Lucy's mom's friend is dressed in a casual and sporty outfit
Black Sweater: Comfort and a casual touch, ideal for the type of interaction that takes place.
Blue Jeans: Practical and resistant, suitable for the environment.
Sneakers: They offer comfortable footwear for the friend while in the dynamic.

Equipment for the Ride:
Saddle: Placed on his shoulders providing adequate support so that Lucy's mom can ride comfortably.
Bride and Bit: On his mouth and head, respectively, to facilitate control and direction during the ride.
Reins: Lucy's mom uses these to direct and guide her friend while riding him.
Whip and Spurs: Additional tools Lucy's mom uses to maintain control and add precision in the dynamic.
Lucy's mom, in her elegant attire, directs her friend with authority and skill, leveraging tools and equipment to ensure a smooth and controlled ride.

This equipment and attire reflect both the importance of the dynamic in the village and the level of skill and experience of Lucy's mom.

Lucy's dad, visibly remorseful, cries as he walks slowly home. His emotions are a mix of sadness and frustration, probably due to not being ridden by his wife or the mom who rode him hours earlier. His sadness contrasts with the fun and enjoyment his wife is experiencing.


Lucy's mom enjoys (She is greatly enjoying riding her friend, appearing joyful and satisfied), she controls and dominates (Her ability to handle her horse with grace and skill is evident, and her attire and equipment contribute to her confidence and control), and she interacts (The fun and enjoyment she feels is reflected in her attitude and how she leads the ride).

Lucy's mother, with skill and firmness, leads her friend home. He, obedient to each of her commands, alternates between walking, trotting and galloping according to the instructions she gives him with the reins, the whip and the spurs. Her authority is evident, enjoying every moment while her friend, submissive and disciplined, follows her orders without hesitation.

A few blocks before arriving home, they catch up with her husband, who walks slowly, still immersed in his regret and sadness. Lucy's mother watches him as she, imposing on her human mount, approaches ever closer. The scene is a clear contrast between the power and control she exerts, and the resignation and pain her husband feels.

Lucy's mother, riding on her friend, stops him a few steps away from Lucy's father. Seeing him cry, with a mixture of curiosity and authority in her voice, she asks him:

"Why are you crying?"

Lucy's father, his eyes red and his voice shaking, hesitates for a moment before answering. His emotion is palpable, but he doesn't dare raise his gaze to her.

Lucy's father, unable to contain his regret, kneels in front of his wife, bowing his head to the ground, then he kisses the black high-heeled boots she is wearing. With his voice cracking, he pleads:

"Forgive me!"

Lucy's mother watches him from atop her horse, maintaining a calm and controlled expression. As he remains kneeling before her, his posture reflects the authority she wields in the relationship. The situation makes it clear, at that moment, she has the power to decide how to proceed, while her husband awaits her response in total submission.



#834 2024-09-15 09:03:48

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Last visit: 2024-09-20
Posts: 1849

Re: Riding Goddesses

Lucy's mom (5)

Lucy's mother, still riding her friend and with a firm gaze, looks at her husband kneeling and pleading. With a confident voice, she tells him:

"You are a horse, you are my horse. You have the freedom to be ridden by other riders if you want, but first you must ask my permission. Always."

Her husband, still kneeling, nods quickly, with his eyes full of regret and devotion, understanding the importance of her words. She, keeping control of the situation, waits for his answer, making it clear that their relationship is based on that dynamic of respect and power.

Lucy's father tried to argue: "She is Mrs. Teresa, I never had the opportunity to approach her before, but yesterday afternoon I found her at the mall and she invited me to accompany her, then she made me her dog and she made me her horse, I didn't have time to ask your permission."

Lucy's mother listened attentively to her husband as he tried to justify his encounter with Mrs. Teresa. Without changing her firm expression, she interrupted him calmly but with authority:

"No matter who it is, you must always ask my permission first. You know the rules, and there is no excuse for breaking them, not even for someone like her. It's not a question of lack of time, it's a question of respect for me and our dynamic."

She lightly tugged on the reins of the friend who was riding, as if to underline her point, while her husband remained kneeling, awaiting her judgment.

Lucy's mother, still riding her friend, looked at her husband with determination.

"We are teachers at the school, and everyone knows that you are my horse. This cannot be left like this. We will go talk to Teresa and her husband to clear things up."

Her husband, still kneeling, nodded silently, knowing that he had no choice but to accept whatever she decided. Lucy's mother gently pulled on her friend's reins, preparing to continue on her way, determined to maintain full control of the situation and ensure that the rules she had set were respected.

Lucy's mother's horse continued forward. Lucy's mother turned her torso and said to her husband, "What are you waiting for to go home? Follow me!"

The husband, head down and still with tears in his eyes, immediately obeyed. He slowly stood up and began to walk behind his wife, who continued to ride her friend firmly. She, without losing control of the situation, turned once more to make sure that he was following her, before turning her gaze forward and continuing on her way with determination.

Lucy's mother, confident of her authority, knew that her husband could not question her orders. As they advanced towards their home, the atmosphere was charged with tension, but also with a clear understanding of the roles they had accepted within their family dynamic.

They arrived at the house, Lucy's mother knocked on the gate and shortly after it was opened by Lucy's brother who knelt before his mother and kissed her boots, she smiled at him and then continued riding her friend towards the stables, being followed by her defeated friend. Meanwhile, Lucy's brother closed the gate.

The equine horses in the stables, upon hearing the voice of their Mistress, began to neigh happily. The presence of Lucy's mother, riding on her human horse and followed by another, filled the air with excitement and anticipation. The equine horses, accustomed to the dynamics and authority of their Mistress, expressed their enthusiasm in a vibrant way, enthusiastically greeting the arrival of Lucy's mother.

She, with a satisfied smile, enjoyed the warm welcome of her equine horses as she guided her human horse towards its destination. The atmosphere in the stables was charged with positive energy, reflecting the respect and joy that everyone felt at being under the authority of their Mistress.

Lucy's mom, with a confident and dominant stance, led her human friend to the designated area inside the stables. Once there, she stopped her friend and skillfully tied the reins he was carrying to the ring on the stable wall. This gesture ensured that he was well restrained and under her control while she remained mounted on his shoulders.

With her friend safely tied, she made sure everything was in order before dismounting. The atmosphere in the stable reflected the efficiency and dominance she exercised, keeping everything under her strict supervision.

Suddenly, Lucy's mom commanded: the death step. This command is an order with a clear meaning within the dynamics of the stables.

The human horse, upon hearing the command, knew that he had to comply with what was asked of him, demonstrating obedience and respect. Meanwhile, Lucy's mom watched attentively, maintaining a posture of authority. The atmosphere in the stable became tense but respectful, reflecting the control and discipline she imposed.



#835 2024-09-15 09:29:56

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Male (In his sixties), South America
Registered: 2006-11-25
Last visit: 2024-09-20
Posts: 1849

Re: Riding Goddesses

Lucy's mom (6) The "paso de la muerte" (3)

Lucy's mother, with unwavering authority, positioned herself strategically in the stable. While she rode on the shoulders of her tied human horse and her husband was in the indicated position, facing the wall, she, mounted firmly on the shoulders of her friend, stopped using the stirrups and placed her thighs on her husband's shoulders. In this way, on top of the neck and shoulders of her human horse and on top of the shoulders of her husband, she managed to ride both horses at the same time, demonstrating her absolute control over the situation.

Lucy's father, with his face turned to the wall, remained in his position of obedience, while his wife showed her skill and dominance in handling two horses simultaneously. The atmosphere in the stable was charged with respect and submission, reflecting the clear hierarchy she imposed and the dynamics that governed the environment.

Lucy's mom, with an expression of concentration and authority, placed her hands on the head of her human horse that she was riding, making sure to maintain full control. Then, she gave the clear and firm command: "Like the Chinese, lean gently."

The human horse, upon receiving the command, gently leaned forward, complying with Lucy's mom's command. The posture and movement reflected obedience and respect towards her, demonstrating the effectiveness of her control over the situation.

Meanwhile, Lucy's dad, in his position against the wall, remained attentive and in complete submission, contributing to the dynamic established in the environment.

Lucy's mom, with her skill and dominance, expertly adjusted her position. While her human horse kept his head tilted as per her command, she went forward and carefully sat on his head, making sure to maintain balance and comfort.

Her stance showed a clear combination of control and mastery as she simultaneously handled two horses, demonstrating her authority and ability to manage the dynamics effectively. The environment in the stable still reflected the established hierarchy, with everyone fulfilling their roles under her leadership.

Lucy's mom, with great skill and control, performed a bold move. Sitting on the head of her human horse and with her thighs placed firmly on Lucy's dad's shoulders, she leaped forward, transferring with precision.

This leap required impeccable coordination to maintain balance as she moved from one position to another, displaying her mastery in the dynamics of riding both at the same time. The atmosphere in the stable reflected the dominance she exerted and the skill with which she managed her human horses. Lucy's dad and the human friend remained in their roles, fulfilling the expectations set by her.

With skill and dominance, Lucy's mom, landing on her husband's shoulders and neck, settled back into her position as a rider. Mounted in this manner, her posture and control showed the skill with which she handled her husband as her human horse.

This gesture of riding him again reaffirmed her authority and the established dynamic in the house, while Lucy's father remained submissive, fulfilling his proper role. The atmosphere in the stable was still a reflection of the power structure and balance in established relationships.

Lucy's mother left her human horse tied to a hoop on the wall, and with skill and control, she directed her husband towards her bedroom while continuing to ride him. Her precise riding ensured that they moved smoothly. Upon reaching the bedroom, she left her husband in the desired position and, after ensuring that he was properly tied to the hoop on the wall, continued with her activities.

The atmosphere reflected the dominance and skill with which she managed her husband, reaffirming her role as a rider and leader within the established dynamic.



#836 2024-09-15 10:23:25

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Last visit: 2024-09-20
Posts: 1849

Re: Riding Goddesses

Lucy's mom (7)

The next morning, after breakfast, Lucy's mother, wearing a white crop top, brown jodhpurs and high-heeled brown knee-high boots, bridled, saddled and rode Lucy's father off to school.

As Lucy's father rode towards school under the direction of his wife, the scene caught the attention of many. The men in the area, admiring Lucy's mother riding her husband with such authority and elegance, could not help but be distracted. Their fascination was so great that several of them stumbled and fell to the ground, reflecting the impact of Lucy's mother's dominant presence and her imposing riding style.

The dynamic she maintained was a clear reminder of the established order in the community and the reverence held towards those who occupied the role of rider.

As they approached the school, Lucy's mother and her husband passed by other scenes that reflected the common dynamics in the community. Other riders, like her, rode their human horses with confidence and skill. Daughters could be seen riding on the shoulders of their fathers, while fathers carried their sons. This environment was full of riders and human horses in motion, each following their established role.

The images of fathers carrying their children and riders dominating their human horses were a demonstration of how this dynamic was an integral part of everyday life in the community, with everyone adapting to and participating in the established structure and traditions.

The presence of female teachers riding fathers of families and mothers of families riding male teachers was a clear reflection of the dynamics of power and respect that characterized the community. These acts not only showed acceptance and execution of the established norms, but also anticipated how they might behave when they encountered Teresa, who had a significant role in the community.

These types of interactions highlighted the hierarchical structure and power relations, where the riders, mostly women, maintained control and the human horses, mostly men, followed their instructions. The way these dynamics played out with other members of the community provided a clear view of how relationships and roles could be adjusted or maintained based on established expectations and social norms.

Lucy's parents saw Teresa approaching. She was wearing a beige cowboy hat, dark sunglasses, a tiny, tight red top highlighting her generous breasts and slim waist, tight blue jeans highlighting her hips, buttocks and thighs, and high-heeled red boots up to her knees. She was riding the bridled and saddled math teacher while her husband carried their son on his shoulders.

Seeing Teresa's imposing presence approach, Lucy's father gasped, paralyzed by admiration and respect. Lucy's mom, noticing her husband's reaction, firmly ordered him: "Breathe!"

Lucy's dad, hearing the order, caught his breath and began to breathe heavily again, while his wife watched him with a mixture of authority and satisfaction, aware of the impact Teresa had on everyone around her.

Once close, Teresa and Lucy's mom exchanged greetings and prepared for their private conversation:
Lucy's mom: "Ma'am."
Teresa: "Teacher."
Lucy's mom: "I wish to talk to you."
Teresa: "As far as I know, you are not my son's teacher."
Lucy's mom: "Please, it's personal."
Teresa: "Very well, we'll meet at the exit."

Meanwhile, Teresa's husband, still admiring Lucy's mom's impressive presence, lowered his son from his shoulders. Then, he positioned himself in front of Teresa, who without wasting any time, rode him using the "step of death" technique.

Teresa, once she was perfectly seated on her husband's shoulders, gave a precise order to the math teacher: "Take my son."

The teacher, bridled and saddled, obeys immediately and begins to walk with Teresa's son on his shoulders, following the instructions with the utmost attention.

Meanwhile, Teresa remains firm in her position over her husband, displaying total control and a dominant attitude, while Lucy's mom watches with interest the interaction and Teresa's skill as a rider.

Teresa, with confidence and dominance, guided her husband showing her skill and authority as a rider. As she did so, Lucy's mom watched attentively, preparing for the conversation that would take place later.

"You left Teresa's husband impressed," Lucy's dad said to Lucy's mom. "I don't notice animals, and I understand why you were ridden by her, since she is a Goddess," Lucy's mom replied.

Lucy's mother found herself pondering her next move as she watched Teresa: "Would it be dangerous to approach her? For a moment I thought of dismounting from my husband and offering myself as her mount."

This thought reveals her admiration and desire to demonstrate her respect and skill to Teresa. The idea of ​​offering herself as a mount underscores her intention to impress and bond with Teresa, while also considering the possible consequences of such a gesture.



#837 2024-09-15 11:10:58

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Re: Riding Goddesses

Lucy's mom (8)

Lucy's mom found herself worried upon learning that her husband would be sent on assignment by the principal prior to his encounter with Teresa, she thought, "What bad luck! She'll be riding her husband or the math teacher while I'm saddleless."
Lucy's mom's concern reflects her desire not to miss the opportunity to impress and build a connection with Teresa. The idea of ​​being saddleless highlights her appreciation for the dynamic and her intention to actively participate in the scene.

Lucy's mom continued to reflect on the situation, "Also, while she's riding and I'm standing before her, she'll be in a position of superiority to me. I'll be looking up and she'll be looking down. Maybe she'll want to ride me, God forbid!"

She worried about the potential disadvantage she might face by finding herself in an inferior position to Teresa, especially if the situation were to lead to Teresa riding her. This concern reinforces her desire to be in an equal or superior position, to avoid feeling dominated.

Lucy's mom was relieved to see her husband return just in time. She braced herself to make sure the situation was under control, thinking, "I don't know if my husband came back to protect me or to admire Teresa, but whatever it is, I'm grateful that he's by my side. I'll ride him in front of Teresa to make sure I keep my position."
With her husband back, she was ready to face the situation with confidence, making sure he didn't feel vulnerable and maintaining her dignity in front of Teresa.

Before the bell rang, Lucy's mom was told she had a meeting in the principal's office. She told him she would be in the principal's office and to look for her there before meeting Teresa. He nodded. Upon entering the principal's office, she saw Teresa standing with her hands on her hips while the school principal kissed her red boots.

"Good afternoon," Lucy's mom greeted.

"Hello teacher, come here," Teresa replied.

Lucy's mom slowly approached Teresa as she watched the authoritarian school principal kissing Teresa's boots.

Lucy's mom respectfully and cautiously approached Teresa as she watched the principal continue to kiss Teresa's boots. The atmosphere in the office was charged with a powerful and dominant energy that Teresa emanated.

- Teresa (with a confident smile): "I'm glad you're here. How are you doing?"

Lucy's mom made sure to maintain a dignified posture, but her mind was occupied with thoughts of how to handle the situation and how it might affect her own position.

- "They like to kiss my boots," Teresa stated.
- "Who?" Lucy's mom cautiously asked.
- Teresa (with a dominant smile): "Men in positions of power, like the principal here, and others who seek to please me or stay in my favor. They find a way to show their respect and submission."

Lucy's mother nodded, understanding that Teresa not only had influence over her surroundings, but was also able to command respect in a forceful manner.

- "You ride them too," Lucy's mother dared to affirm.

- "It's easy to ride them because they are my horses. The horses I have are obedient and always willing to serve. That makes the dynamic even more interesting and fun," Teresa replied confidently and with a smile.

Lucy's mother looked at Teresa with respect, recognizing the authority and ability she had to manage her environment so effectively.

Lucy's father arrived and was paralyzed when he saw Teresa.

- "Horse, come closer," Teresa commanded him and he obeyed by getting on all fours and crawling towards her on his hands and knees and then on his elbows and knees.

Teresa commanded the school principal: "Kiss my friend's boots."

The principal, still on his knees, turned his head toward Lucy's mother with respect and submission. Lucy's mother watched, with a mixture of awe and respect, as the principal kissed her boots.

Teresa (addressing Lucy's mother with a confident smile): "See? Everyone has their place in this system. My 'horse' is very well trained, and the principal knows what his role is."

Lucy's mother, aware of Teresa's authority and impact, prepared herself for the conversation she was about to have with her. Meanwhile, the school principal was kissing her brown boots and her husband was kissing Teresa's red boots.

Teresa asked Lucy's mother: "What did you want to talk to me about? You said it was personal."



#838 2024-09-15 11:56:39

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Re: Riding Goddesses

Lucy's mom (9)

- Lucy's mom: "Actually, the matter is personal. I wanted to talk to you about some issues that I consider important and that I prefer to discuss in private."

- Teresa, still in control of the situation and with an authoritative attitude, nodded and said: "Very well, we can talk in private. Would you like to discuss this here or would you prefer another place?"
- Lucy's mom: "Here, please, my husband must stay with us and have the principal leave."

Teresa snapped her fingers, and the school principal crawled out of the office on all fours, leaving the three of them in a more private setting. Teresa turned to Lucy's mom and her husband with a look that indicated she was ready to listen.

- Teresa: "Now, we are alone. What is it that you wish to discuss with me?"
- Lucy's mom: "Do you know my husband?"
- Teresa: "The teacher, yes, I noticed a while ago that he was very eager to be dominated and controlled by me. Yesterday I made him my dog ​​and I made him my horse and I rode him."

Lucy's mom, visibly disturbed, tried to understand the implication of Teresa's words.

- Lucy's mom: "And what do you plan to do with him today? How do you plan to proceed?"
- Teresa: "Today, I would like to see if he is willing to continue demonstrating his submission. I can be understanding if he shows a true desire to obey and serve, but I must also make sure that he understands his place."
- Lucy's mom: "But, he is my husband."
- Teresa: "Your husband is kissing my boots right now, don't you see? He has already been submitted to me. It is not just a matter of being your husband, but of who really controls him at this moment."

Lucy's mom looked at her husband, kneeling and submissive before Teresa, kissing her boots without hesitation.

- Lucy's mom: "He's still my husband, but this is humiliating... I can't let him continue like this."
- Teresa: "I understand your concern, but this isn't about what you allow. He chose this path and it's clear who he's decided to follow. If you really want him back, perhaps you should show that you can control him too. Otherwise, he'll still be mine."

Teresa's words rang out firmly, as Lucy's mom tried to find a way to regain control of the situation.

- Teresa: "How many men do you dominate? How many kiss your feet? How many are your dogs and horses? They all chose you to be their Mistress, and now your husband has chosen me."

Lucy's mom watched her in silence for a moment, feeling a mixture of indignation and bewilderment. Teresa spoke with imposing confidence.

- Lucy's mom: "He's my husband and I'm his Mistress too. I won't let you get in the way of our relationship."
- Teresa: "He's already made his decision, and from what I see, he's more than happy in his place at my feet. If you want to compete with me, go ahead. But you should know that, once someone chooses me, they hardly walk away."

- Lucy's mom: "I admit that I'm Mistress to many men, even married men have kissed my boots in front of their wives. I'm going to calm down for a moment because this conversation must come to a good end."

Teresa looked at her with a confident smile, aware of her power over men.

- Teresa: "I propose a deal. I know my husband well, and this morning I realized that you impressed him. How about your husband becomes my pet, and my husband becomes yours? That way, we'll both keep the balance and we'll both have what we want."

Lucy's mom watched her carefully, thinking about the proposal. She knew that accepting would involve sharing a part of her control, but it would also give her the opportunity to dominate someone else in the process.

- Lucy's mom: "Could your husband come here right now?"
- Teresa: "Of course," she replied with a confident smile. She pulled out her phone and sent a quick message.
- Teresa: "Hide, I want you to see my husband's sincere reaction."

A few minutes later, the door opened, and Teresa's husband walked in, with a calm but helpful demeanor. Seeing Teresa standing there while a man kissed her boots, he approached on all fours respectfully, waiting for instructions. Teresa gestured for her husband to come closer.

- Teresa: "Meet my friend."

Teresa's husband kissed Lucy's mom's boots.

Lucy's mom watched him intently as he kissed her boots, assessing the situation before making a final decision.

- Teresa: "Here it is. Are you ready to begin our deal?"
- Lucy's mom: "Okay, deal."

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Teresa smiled with satisfaction, while Lucy's mother stood firm in her decision. Both husbands remained expectant, each aware of what the agreement entailed.

Teresa: "Perfect. Now, let's exchange our mounts," she said as she took Lucy's mother's husband, preparing to begin the new arrangement.

Lucy's mother, without losing her composure, took Teresa's husband, ready to begin her part of the deal. Meanwhile, Teresa subdued Lucy's father, who had already understood what was happening.

- Lucy's mother: "I hope we both learn something from this," she commented, addressing Teresa as she took the reins of the situation.



#839 2024-09-15 12:25:26

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Re: Riding Goddesses

Lucy's mom (10)

Both ladies bit their horses, bridled them, saddled them and rode off, both riding away from the principal's office and the school.

Teresa and Lucy's mother, each mounted on their respective new "mounts", rode with undeniable firmness and elegance. The two ladies, with reins in hand, controlled their husbands, who advanced obediently, now their horses.

As they walked away from the principal's office and left the school, the others watched in silence, surprised by the scene. The power that both women emanated was undeniable, and the dominance over their "horses" reflected a relationship of authority that few understood, but many admired.

All eyes were fixed on them, as they rode calmly, making it clear that, at that moment, the rules of the game had changed.

-Teresa: "Friend, you must learn to control your impulses."

-Lucy's mother: "Why do you say that?" - Teresa: "While your husband was kissing my boots, I saw you hunched over and your knees bent, ready to throw yourself at my feet and kiss my boots."

Lucy's mom, surprised by Teresa's comment, kept her composure, although inside she felt a mix of shame and confusion.

- Lucy's mom: "I didn't mean to, Teresa. I just got carried away by the moment."
- Teresa, with a superior smile, replied: "I understand, it's natural when you're in the presence of someone with real power. But you must remember, friend, that you must always maintain control, even over yourself."

Lucy's mom nodded, trying to process what she had just heard. Although Teresa's words were difficult to digest, she knew there was some truth in them. The lesson was not only about controlling others, but also about self-control, something she would need to master if she wanted to maintain her firm position in this new dynamic.

- Teresa: "You need to improve that aspect, if you don't you'll end up kissing my boots and being my mare, and I have experience riding mares."

Lucy's mom kept her gaze fixed on Teresa, trying not to show signs of weakness, although inside she felt a mix of defiance and concern.

- Lucy's mom: "Don't worry, Teresa. I have more control than you think. I won't let that happen."

- Teresa, with a sly smile, tilted her head slightly. "We'll see, friend. Self-control is a skill that is only honed with experience. But if you ever feel like you're losing it, I'll be here... ready to ride."

Teresa's words echoed in Lucy's mom's mind as they both continued on their way, riding their respective "horses." Although she couldn't ignore the challenge implicit in Teresa's words, Lucy's mom decided to focus on maintaining her own strength and proving that she wouldn't be so easily defeated.

First they arrived at Lucy's house, where Lucy's mom showed them around the rooms. Teresa was delighted with the stables and the equine horses. "Here I can tame my human horses," said Teresa, who then added, "And also my human mares," while mischievously watching Lucy's mom.

Lucy's mom kept a serene smile while Teresa looked at the stables in admiration.

Lucy's mom: "I'm glad you like the stables. They're perfect for training any horse... or mare, as the case may be."

Teresa let out a small laugh and added, "I could certainly spend a lot of time here, taming my horses and any mare that's willing to be ridden."

Lucy's mom knew Teresa was testing her limits, but decided not to give her any more room for provocation. "Here, everyone knows their place, and my horses respect me as Mistress. They don't need to be tamed, they already belong to me completely," she said firmly.

Teresa nodded, though she kept her defiant gaze. "We'll see how things evolve. Maybe this is the perfect place to discover new challenges."

Teresa rode away to Lucy's dad, who returned home after several hours, visibly exhausted but silent. Lucy's mom watched him with a mix of curiosity and some concern.

Lucy's mom: "How did it go?"

He lowered his gaze, avoiding eye contact, and replied quietly, "Well... Teresa treated me firmly, but respected the limits."

She looked at him for a few moments, trying to read beyond his words, but decided not to push.

Lucy's mom: "Rest. There will be time to talk later."

Although she didn't say more, questions and reflections about what had happened and how they could handle this new dynamic with Teresa were piling up in her mind.



#840 2024-09-15 12:59:46

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Re: Riding Goddesses

Lucy's mom (11) Guest: Lucy

Lucy's mom checked on her husband, seeing the whipping and spur marks on his body as he slept, she felt a mix of worry and sadness. She knew Teresa had imposed harsh treatment, but seeing the physical marks gave her a new perspective on the impact of the experience.

She approached him carefully, trying not to wake him, and thought about how they could handle this situation in a way that would make him feel respected and cared for. As she gently ran her hands over the marks, she wondered if Teresa's treatment had gone too far or if there were ways to balance the dynamics between them.

She decided she would need to talk to Teresa to better understand boundaries and how they could adjust expectations so everyone felt comfortable and respected in this new reality.

- The next day, Lucy's mom communicated, "I'll talk to Teresa."
- Lucy's dad: "Don't do it, it's dangerous."
- Lucy's mom: "But..."
- Lucy's dad: "We've been married for many years and we've known each other, yesterday as I was kissing Teresa's boots I felt weakness in you, as if you wanted to be kneeling with me kissing Teresa's boots."

Lucy's mom listened to her husband's words carefully. She knew he was right about the feelings she had experienced, but her need to talk to Teresa was driven by a desire to ensure everything was handled fairly and respectfully. Still, she understood that she needed to approach the situation sensitively.

"I understand what you're saying," Lucy's mom responded, "but it's important for me to talk to Teresa to set clear boundaries. It's not just about my desire or how I felt, but about finding a balance that works for all of us."

She thought about how to voice her concerns without appearing weak or indecisive, and how to ensure that her husband felt supported and not belittled. She decided that before she spoke to Teresa, she should mentally prepare herself for the conversation, ensuring that all parties involved could express their feelings and expectations openly and honestly.

Lucy's dad: "Don't go to Teresa alone, because she can put a spell on you like she put a spell on me."

Lucy's mom nodded, acknowledging her husband's concern. "You're right. I'll make sure I don't go alone. If I decide to talk to Teresa, I'll do so with someone I trust, to make sure I'm not influenced the same way you were."

She understood the importance of handling the situation carefully and thought about who could accompany her to ensure her decisions were well-informed and that she could maintain control of the situation.

"I'm going to do my best to handle this in a way that doesn't affect our family," she assured her husband, who was relieved by her decision to take precautions.

Lucy's mother dreamed that she was talking to Teresa, suddenly Teresa put her on all fours, bridled her, saddled her and rode her. The image of Teresa dominating her in the dream could indicate a need to establish clear and firm limits in reality to avoid feeling overwhelmed or manipulated.

Every time Lucy's mother was near Teresa, she tried to talk to her but Teresa's enchantment did not allow it.

One day, when Teresa was in the stable, Lucy approached her:
- Lucy: "Ma'am, I want to talk to you."
- Teresa: "Tell me, girl."
- Lucy: "It's good to be strict, it's bad to exaggerate."
- Teresa: "Do you think I'm exaggerating?"
- Lucy: "Yes."
- Teresa: "What will you do about it?"
- Lucy: "Nothing now. But in a few years I will have more power than you."

Teresa was thoughtful.

The exchange between Lucy and Teresa reveals a complex dynamic of power and respect. Lucy, though still young, shows a mature attitude when confronting Teresa about her overreach in her dominance. By saying that she will have more power in the future, Lucy is not only establishing a firm position, but also implying that she is willing to wait for the right time to act.

Teresa, by becoming pensive, could be evaluating the seriousness of Lucy's words and considering how her actions could affect their future relationships. Lucy is not challenging Teresa immediately, but is instead laying a foundation for an eventual confrontation or change in the power dynamic.



#841 2024-09-15 13:40:55

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Re: Riding Goddesses

Lucy's dad (5)

A few days later Teresa asked to have a conversation with Lucy and her parents. At their home she talked with all three of them. Teresa said: "I have thought a lot after talking with Lucy, the young Mistress, I recognize that I was wrong and I will not go overboard with my strict treatment again." Teresa hugged Lucy and said: "Thank you, thank you for saving me because I was the one who was falling into disgrace." Teresa hugged Lucy's mother. Finally, she said to Lucy's father: "I open the doors of my dungeon, if you want you can go out, if you want you can continue being my pet. It's up to you."

Teresa, by acknowledging her mistakes and opening a door to a resolution, demonstrates a remarkable capacity for self-criticism and adaptation. Her declaration that she will not go overboard with her strict treatment anymore shows a willingness to change and improve her methods.

The hug to Lucy and Lucy's mother symbolizes a reconciliation and gratitude for the intervention that led to this change. The invitation to Lucy's father to decide her future reflects flexibility and respect for her autonomy.

This moment can mark the beginning of a new phase in their relationships, where the dynamics of power and respect are re-evaluated and adjusted. Lucy's father, having the option of remaining a pet or not, has the power to make a decision that can redefine his role in Teresa's life and in her own environment.

Lucy's father: "Before I tell you my decision, I will talk to my family."
Teresa: "Okay, you know where to find me."

- A few days later Lucy says to her father: "Several days have passed, Teresa has the right to receive an answer from you."
- Lucy's father: "Let's talk."
- Lucy's mother: "Choose what is best for you, it is important that you are happy."
- Lucy's father: "I am happy with you and I am also happy when Teresa dominates me and transforms me into her horse, I like to be ridden by her, on her back and on her shoulders."
- Lucy: "We know your answer, we understand you, and go to her, but don't forget that your family is in this house."

Lucy's father goes to Teresa's house, to face his destiny.

Lucy's father has made his decision with the support of his family, who have shown a mature understanding of his wishes. The conversation reflects a family that, despite the complexities of the situation, maintains a level of mutual respect and emotional understanding. Lucy's mother and Lucy have expressed their support, reminding the father that, although he continues his desire to be under Teresa's control, he will always have a place in her family.

Lucy's father knocked on the door of Teresa's house, Teresa's husband opened the door, let him in and left leaving Lucy's father alone. Teresa appeared before him wearing fine black lingerie (bra and panties), he knelt before her and kissed her beautiful feet. Teresa told him: "You just gave me your answer."

Thus, Lucy's father has confirmed his decision by submitting to Teresa, following her wishes and the power dynamics at play. Teresa, in her suggestive attire, reinforces her dominant role, and the act of kissing her feet symbolizes Lucy's father's submission and commitment to her.

The gesture of kissing the feet can be seen as a form of respect and submission, an acceptance of the authority and role that Teresa exerts over him.

Teresa's response, acknowledging that Lucy's father has made his decision, could mean the beginning of a new stage in their relationship. This also implies an adjustment in the family dynamics and in the lives of all involved.

Teresa reaffirms her position of power and dominance with this statement: "You are mine, I am your Mistress, I am your Owner," she clearly establishes her control over Lucy's father. This statement not only solidifies her dominant role, but also underlines the nature of their relationship and the boundaries she has set.

For Lucy's dad, this statement may be both a confirmation of her desired submission and a reaffirmation of her role in this power dynamic.

Teresa sat down in an armchair and said, "In this box is the pair of black boots you bought me, put them on me." He obeyed her, took the boots out of the box and put them on her, high-heeled black knee-high boots. Teresa commanded, "Kiss my boots, you are the first to kiss them but you will not be the only one, because many men will kiss my boots after you."

Teresa is further consolidating her dominance by commanding him to put the boots on her and kiss them, she reinforces her position of power and establishes a ritual that symbolizes her control over him. The act of kissing the boots is a gesture of submission and reverence, a constant reminder of her role in the power dynamic.

The fact that Teresa mentions that many other men will also kiss her boots underlines the importance of this act not only to Lucy's father, but also to other men who will submit to her in a similar way. This can have a significant impact on her self-esteem and her perception of her own power and control.



#842 2024-09-15 15:00:28

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Male (In his sixties), South America
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Posts: 1849

Re: Riding Goddesses

Lucy (10)

Lucy talks to her mom: "What do we do with dad?"
Lucy's mom: "He's your father and my husband, we'll never leave him"
Lucy: "He's still my father and your husband, but he's Teresa's pet now."
Lucy's mom: "When he comes home we won't blame him; when he leaves home we won't stop him."
Lucy: "You have your own human pets."
Lucy's mom: "Right, I'll have fun with them."
Lucy: "It's fun."
Lucy's mom: "How do you know?"
Lucy: "I have my own human pets."
Lucy's mom: "Who are your pets?"
Lucy: "Classmates, teachers, friends, cousins, uncles, nephews, they're all my horses."

Lucy's mom seems interested in understanding more about the relationships and dynamics Lucy manages in her life. By listing her classmates, teachers, friends, and family as her "horses," Lucy shows that her environment is influenced by this dynamic of power and control.

Lucy has integrated these dominance/submission practices into different aspects of her life, maintaining a wide network of people who are submissive to her. This reflects a great deal of acceptance and participation in her social environment, as well as significant control by her over the people in her life.

The conversation between Lucy's mom and Lucy about their respective human dynamics and pets highlights the importance of understanding and respecting each other's roles and desires within their context.

Lucy continued:

"Yesterday I was sitting on a bench in the square, I was wearing a white cowgirl hat, a black top, white jeans, and black high-heeled boots. down to my knees, this outfit highlights my generous breasts, my narrow waist, my wide hips, my buttocks and my thick thighs, many of them tripped and fell to the ground to see me, it was fun.

A father about 20 years older than me was carrying his son, he approached me and started a conversation, he told me I am an imposing horsewoman, I answered that there were no horses and he offered to be ridden by me, I reproached him for carrying his son on his shoulders, he got nervous and I laughed"

Lucy continued: "I saw the boy restless and I told the father that maybe his son wanted to urinate, he took him to a restaurant where they lent him a bathroom, the father returned with his son walking at his side.

I invited the son to sit next to me, the dad knelt down in front of me and kissed my boots, the son asked me why his dad was kissing my boots, I replied that he was asking for my forgiveness on his knees kissing my boots.

I asked him if he wanted to play piggyback, he replied yes, I ordered the dad to get on all fours and made the son ride on his dad's back.

The boy told me that I could ride his dad, he dismounted and I rode, while the dad crawled on all fours I asked the boy why he ran away when I approached his dad, he laughed nervously, I told him that I was going to ride his dad and not him, he told me that he wants to be my horse and he neighed, I laughed and asked him if he wanted to be under me, he replied yes.

I dismounted and had the son ride on his father's back, I approached and gently pushed him until he was lying on his father's back, then I rode on top of the son and the father, the father as my horse and the son as the saddle, the father crawled on all fours while I was on top of the two of them who were neighing happily.

I dismounted and they both kissed my boots, now they were thanking me for having been on top of them.

I asked the boy, "Can you stay quiet on this bench while I go out with your father?" He said he prefers to walk next to his father.

I got up from the bench to leave, but the father told me that he could be ridden by me. I told him to take care of his son.

As I walked away the boy ran to me and hugged me, I comforted him by telling him that we could meet in the square.

At this point the mother arrives, we greet each other, she is going to take her son and her husband asks her to stay with me, she knows me well and asks her husband, do you want to be her horse? He answers yes.

She nods and takes the child, the father stays with me. I bridled him, saddled him and rode him. The father walked with energy while I rode on his shoulders. He was not physically fit, fortunately I met the father of a classmate and rode him.

Lucy said: I found my father being ridden by Teresa, he was wearing a horse mask, but I recognized his body and his way of walking.

I greeted Teresa and asked her about my father, she replied that he was very well, I told her: my father is the horse that is in your crotch. Teresa did not answer, I added: I will be calm if my father is happy.

Teresa's husband came to me, he was like a dog without an owner, I rode him."

Lucy's mom: We could adopt Teresa's pet.
Lucy: Will she want to give him up?



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